Zilla \Zil"la\, n. (Bot.)
A low, thorny, suffrutescent, crucifeous plant ({Zilla
myagroides}) found in the deserts of Egypt. Its leaves are
boiled in water, and eaten, by the Arabs.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Godzilla,Godzilla n: [jmén.] příšerka z klasických japonských krváků z
50. let Petr Prášek
Godzilla,Godzillan: [jmén.] příšerka z klasických japonských krváků z
50. let Petr Prášek
Zilla myagroides
Zilla \Zil"la\, n. (Bot.)
A low, thorny, suffrutescent, crucifeous plant ({Zilla
myagroides}) found in the deserts of Egypt. Its leaves are
boiled in water, and eaten, by the Arabs.
[1913 Webster]
Zillah \Zil"lah\, n. [Ar. zila.]
A district or local division, as of a province. [India]
[1913 Webster]
n 1: perennial vine of dry parts of central and southwestern
United States and Mexico having small hard mottled green
inedible fruit [syn: prairie gourd, prairie gourd vine,
Missouri gourd, wild pumpkin, buffalo gourd,
calabazilla, Cucurbita foetidissima]

The web-based bug tracking system used by the
Mozilla project.

Bugzilla home (


/god-zil'*-gram/ (From Japan's national hero and
datagram) 1. A network packet that in theory is a
broadcast to every machine in the universe. The typical
case is an IP datagram whose destination IP address is
[]. Fortunately, few gateways are foolish
enough to attempt to implement this case!

2. A network packet of maximum size. An IP Godzillagram has
65,536 octets. Compare super source quench.


The open source {web
browser}, designed for standards-compliance, performance, and
portability, whose development is coordinated by the {Mozilla

The Mozilla project started in March 1998 when {Netscape
Communications Corporation} released the source code of
Netscape Communicator. The now abandoned version based on
that code is referred to as "Mozilla Classic". Since then,
much has been rewritten, including the layout engine, the
networking library, and the front-end.

Mozilla 1.0 was finally released on 2002-06-05. Much of the
code was used to build Firefox.

Although a lot of Mozilla code is under the original Netscape
Public License, some parts of the code are under the Mozilla
Public License or dual MPL/GPL.

"Mozilla" was the original project code name for {Netscape
Navigator} and, according to some of the documentation, the
correct pronunciation of "Netscape".

[Derived from "Mosaic killer/Godzilla"?]

mozilla foundation
Mozilla Foundation

The body set up by
Netscape in January 1998 to coordinate development of the
Mozilla browser and to provide a point of contact.

Mozilla Home (

mozilla public license
Mozilla Public License

open source license
/god·zil'@·gram/, n.

[from Japan's national hero]

1. A network packet that in theory is a broadcast to every machine in the
universe. The typical case is an IP datagram whose destination IP address
is []. Fortunately, few gateways are foolish enough to
attempt to implement this case!

2. A network packet of maximum size. An IP Godzillagram has 65,535 octets.
Compare super source quench, Christmas tree packet, martian.

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