n 1: a commercial browser

1. Netscape Navigator.

2. Netscape Communications Corporation.
podobné slovodefinícia
n 1: a commercial browser

1. Netscape Navigator.

2. Netscape Communications Corporation.
netscape communications corporation
Netscape Communications Corporation
Mosaic Communications Corporation

(Formlerly "Mosaic Communications Corporation", MCC)
A company set up in April 1994 by Dr. James H. Clark and
Marc Andreessen (creator of the NCSA
Mosaic program) to market their version of Mosaic, known
as Netscape or Mozilla.

They {changed their name
(} on
1994-11-14 to reflect their other activities rather than just
their browser based on Mosaic.


Address: 501 East Middlefield Road, Mountain View, CA 94043,

Telephone: +1 (415) 254 1900. Fax: +1 (415) 254 2601.

netscape navigator
Netscape Navigator

/Mozilla/ (Often called just
"Netscape") A web browser from {Netscape
Communications Corporation}. The first beta-test version
was released free to the Internet on 13 October 1994.
Netscape evolved from NCSA Mosaic (with which it shares at
least one author) and runs on the X Window System under
various versions of Unix, on Microsoft Windows and on the
Apple Macintosh.

It features integrated support for sending electronic mail
and reading Usenet news, as well as RSA encryption to
allow secure communications for commercial applications such
as exchanging credit card numbers with net retailers. It
provides multiple simultaneous interruptible text and image
loading; native inline JPEG image display; display and
interaction with documents as they load; multiple independent
windows. Netscape was designed with 14.4 kbps modem links in

You can download Netscape Navigator for evaluation, or for
unlimited use in academic or not-for-profit environments. You
can also pay for it.

Version: 1.0N.


E-mail: .

netscape public license
Netscape Public License

open source license

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