access point
access point

(AP) Any device that acts as a communication hub
to allow users of a wireless network to connect to a {wired
LAN}. APs are important for providing heightened wireless
security and for extending the physical range of service a
wireless user has access to.

podobné slovodefinícia
service access point
Service Access Point

(SAP) The OSI term for the component of a
network address which identifies the individual application on
a host which is sending or receiving a packet.

TCP/IP's equivalent term is "port".

Different SAPs distinguish between different services or
applications on a host, e.g. electronic mail, FTP, HTTP.

transport service access point
Transport Service Access Point

(TSAP) Part of the OSI {IP Presentation
Addressing schema}.

A TSAP identifes the service access point between the
session layer and the transport layer.


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na vytvorenie tejto webstránky bol pužitý dictd server s dátami z a z iných voľne dostupných dictd databáz. Ak máte klienta na dictd protokol (napríklad kdict), použite zdroj a port 2628.

online slovník, sk-spell - slovníkové dáta, IZ Bratislava, Malé Karpaty - turistika, Michal Páleník, správy, údaje o okresoch V4