acetic,octový adj: Zdeněk Brož
Acetic \A*ce"tic\ (#; 277), a. [L. acetum vinegar, fr. acere to
be sour.] (Chem.)
(a) Of a pertaining to vinegar; producing vinegar; producing
vinegar; as, acetic fermentation.
(b) Pertaining to, containing, or derived from, acetyl, as
acetic ether, acetic acid. The latter is the acid to
which the sour taste of vinegar is due.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: relating to or containing acetic acid
podobné slovodefinícia
- senzačný
acetic acid
acetic acid,kyselina octová Josef Kosek
copacetic,senza Zdeněk Brožcopacetic,senzační adj: Zdeněk Brožcopacetic,úžasný adj: Zdeněk Brož
glutamic oxalacetic transaminase
glutamic oxalacetic transaminase, n:
glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, n:
hydroxyacetic acid
hydroxyacetic acid, n:
indoleacetic acid
indoleacetic acid, n:
oxalacetic acid
oxalacetic acid, n:
oxaloacetic acid
oxaloacetic acid, n:
trichloracetic acid
trichloracetic acid, n:
trichloroacetic acid
trichloroacetic acid, n:
Acetic \A*ce"tic\ (#; 277), a. [L. acetum vinegar, fr. acere to
be sour.] (Chem.)
(a) Of a pertaining to vinegar; producing vinegar; producing
vinegar; as, acetic fermentation.
(b) Pertaining to, containing, or derived from, acetyl, as
acetic ether, acetic acid. The latter is the acid to
which the sour taste of vinegar is due.
[1913 Webster]
acetic aldehyde
Aldehyde \Al"de*hyde\ ([a^]l"d[-e]*h[imac]d), n. [Abbrev. fr.
alcohol dehydrogenatum, alcohol deprived of its hydrogen.]
1. (Chem.) A colorless, mobile, and very volatile liquid
obtained from alcohol by certain processes of oxidation.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.) Any compound having the group -CHO. Methyl
aldehyde, the simplest aldehyde, is more commonly called
formaldehyde, H-CHO, and acetic aldehyde is now more
commonly called acetaldehyde. The higher aldehydes may
be solids. A reducing sugar typically contains the
aldehyde group.

Note: The aldehydes are intermediate between the alcohols and
acids, and differ from the alcohols in having two less
hydrogen atoms in the molecule, as common aldehyde
(called also acetaldehyde, acetic aldehyde or
ethyl aldehyde), C2H4O; methyl aldehyde (called
also formaldehyde), CH2O.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Aldehyde ammonia (Chem.), a compound formed by the union of
aldehyde with ammonia.
[1913 Webster]
acetic ferment
Ferment \Fer"ment\, n. [L. fermentum ferment (in senses 1 & 2),
perh. for fervimentum, fr. fervere to be boiling hot, boil,
ferment: cf. F. ferment. Cf. 1st Barm, Fervent.]
1. That which causes fermentation, as yeast, barm, or
fermenting beer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Ferments are of two kinds: (a) Formed or organized
ferments. (b) Unorganized or structureless ferments.
The latter are now called enzymes and were formerly
called soluble ferments or chemical ferments.
Ferments of the first class are as a rule simple
microscopic vegetable organisms, and the fermentations
which they engender are due to their growth and
development; as, the acetic ferment, the {butyric
ferment}, etc. See Fermentation. Ferments of the
second class, on the other hand, are chemical
substances; as a rule they are proteins soluble in
glycerin and precipitated by alcohol. In action they
are catalytic and, mainly, hydrolytic. Good examples
are pepsin of the dastric juice, ptyalin of the salvia,
and disease of malt. Before 1960 the term "ferment" to
mean "enzyme" fell out of use. Enzymes are now known to
be globular proteins, capable of catalyzing a wide
variety of chemical reactions, not merely hydrolytic.
The full set of enzymes causing production of ethyl
alcohol from sugar has been identified and individually
purified and studied. See enzyme.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. Intestine motion; heat; tumult; agitation.
[1913 Webster]

Subdue and cool the ferment of desire. --Rogers.
[1913 Webster]

the nation is in a ferment. --Walpole.
[1913 Webster]

3. A gentle internal motion of the constituent parts of a
fluid; fermentation. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Down to the lowest lees the ferment ran. --Thomson.
[1913 Webster]

ferment oils, volatile oils produced by the fermentation of
plants, and not originally contained in them. These were
the quintessences of the alchemists. --Ure.
[1913 Webster]
Acetic fermentation
Fermentation \Fer`men*ta"tion\ (f[~e]r`m[e^]n*t[=a]"sh[u^]n), n.
[Cf. F. fermentation.]
1. The process of undergoing an effervescent change, as by
the action of yeast; in a wider sense (Physiol. Chem.),
the transformation of an organic substance into new
compounds by the action of a ferment[1], whether in the
form of living organisms or enzymes. It differs in kind
according to the nature of the ferment which causes it.

Note: In industrial microbiology fermentation usually refers
to the production of chemical substances by use of
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or
the feelings.
[1913 Webster]

It puts the soul to fermentation and activity.
--Jer. Taylor.
[1913 Webster]

A univesal fermentation of human thought and faith.
--C. Kingsley.
[1913 Webster]

Acetous fermentation or Acetic fermentation, a form of
oxidation in which alcohol is converted into vinegar or
acetic acid by the agency of a specific fungus ({Mycoderma
aceti}) or series of enzymes. The process involves two
distinct reactions, in which the oxygen of the air is
essential. An intermediate product, acetaldehyde, is
formed in the first process. 1. C2H6O + O [rarr] H2O +

Note: Alcohol. Water. Acetaldehyde. 2. C2H4O + O [rarr]

Note: Acetaldehyde. Acetic acid.

Alcoholic fermentation, the fermentation which saccharine
bodies undergo when brought in contact with the yeast
plant or Torula. The sugar is converted, either directly
or indirectly, into alcohol and carbonic acid, the rate of
action being dependent on the rapidity with which the
Torul[ae] develop.

Ammoniacal fermentation, the conversion of the urea of the
urine into ammonium carbonate, through the growth of the
special urea ferment. CON2H4 + 2H2O = (NH4)2CO3

Note: Urea. Water. Ammonium carbonate.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Whenever urine is exposed to the air in open vessels
for several days it undergoes this alkaline

Butyric fermentation, the decomposition of various forms of
organic matter, through the agency of a peculiar
worm-shaped vibrio, with formation of more or less butyric
acid. It is one of the many forms of fermentation that
collectively constitute putrefaction. See {Lactic

enzymatic fermentation or {Fermentation by an unorganized
ferment}. Fermentations of this class are purely chemical
reactions, in which the enzyme acts as a simple catalytic
agent. Of this nature are the decomposition or inversion
of cane sugar into levulose and dextrose by boiling with
dilute acids, the conversion of starch into dextrin and
sugar by similar treatment, the conversion of starch into
like products by the action of diastase of malt or ptyalin
of saliva, the conversion of albuminous food into peptones
and other like products by the action of
pepsin-hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice or by the
ferment of the pancreatic juice.

Fermentation theory of disease (Biol. & Med.), the theory
that most if not all, infectious or zymotic disease are
caused by the introduction into the organism of the living
germs of ferments, or ferments already developed
(organized ferments), by which processes of fermentation
are set up injurious to health. See Germ theory.

Glycerin fermentation, the fermentation which occurs on
mixing a dilute solution of glycerin with a peculiar
species of schizomycetes and some carbonate of lime, and
other matter favorable to the growth of the plant, the
glycerin being changed into butyric acid, caproic acid,
butyl, and ethyl alcohol. With another form of bacterium
(Bacillus subtilis) ethyl alcohol and butyric acid are
mainly formed.

Lactic fermentation, the transformation of milk sugar or
other saccharine body into lactic acid, as in the souring
of milk, through the agency of a special bacterium
(Bacterium lactis of Lister). In this change the milk
sugar, before assuming the form of lactic acid, presumably
passes through the stage of glucose. C12H22O11.H2O -->

Note: Hydrated milk sugar. Lactic acid.
[1913 Webster]

Note: In the lactic fermentation of dextrose or glucose, the
lactic acid which is formed is very prone to undergo
butyric fermentation after the manner indicated in the
following equation: 2C3H6O3 (lactic acid) --> C4H8O2
(butyric acid) + 2CO2 (carbonic acid) + 2H2 (hydrogen

Putrefactive fermentation. See Putrefaction.
[1913 Webster]
acetic nitrile
Nitrile \Ni"trile\ (? or ?), n. [See Nitro-.] (Chem.)
Any one of a series of compounds bearing the cyanide radical
(-CN); particularly, one of those cyanides of alcohol
radicals which, by boiling with acids or alkalies, produce a
carboxyl acid, with the elimination of the nitrogen as
[1913 Webster]

Note: The nitriles are named with reference to the acids
produced by their decomposition, thus, hydrocyanic acid
is formic nitrile, methyl cyanide is acetonitrile
(also acetic nitrile), and ethyl cyanide is
propionitrile (from propionic acid).
[1913 Webster +PJC]
alpha-Hydroxybenzeneacetic acid
amygdalic \am`yg*dal"ic\ ([.a]m`[i^]g*d[.a]l"[i^]k [a^]s"[i^]d),
n. (Chem.)
An organic acid (C6H5.CH(OH).COOH) extracted from bitter
almonds; called also mandelic acid and
[alpha]-Hydroxybenzeneacetic acid.
copacetic \copacetic\ copasetic \copasetic\adj.
1. completely satisfactory.

Syn: copesetic, copesettic.
[WordNet 1.5]

You had to be a good judge of what a man was like,
and the English was copacetic. --John O'Hara
hydroxyacetic acid
Glycolic \Gly*col"ic\, a. (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or derived from, glycol; as, glycolic ether;
glycolic acid.
[1913 Webster]

Glycolic acid (Chem.), an organic acid, found naturally in
unripe grapes and in the leaves of the wild grape
(Ampelopsis quinquefolia), and produced artificially in
many ways, as by the oxidation of glycol, -- whence its
name. It is a sirupy, or white crystalline, substance,
HO.CH2.CO2H, has the properties both of an alcohol and
an acid, and is a type of the hydroxy acids; -- called
also hydroxyacetic acid.
[1913 Webster]
indoleacetic acid
indoleacetic acid \in"dole*a*cet"ic ac"id\ ([i^]n"d[=o]l), n.
(Chem., Bot.)
A plant hormone (C10H9NO2) recognized as the principle
growth regulator in higher plants; called also heteroauxin.
Abbreviated IAA. Chemically it is 1H-indole-3-acetic acid.
oxalacetic acid
oxalacetic acid \oxalacetic acid\ n. (Chem.)
A dicarboxylic acid (HO.CO.CO.CH2.CO.OH).
[WordNet 1.5]
oxyacetic \ox`y*a*ce"tic\, a. [Oxy- (b) + acetic.]
Hydroxyacetic; designating an acid called also glycolic acid.
[1913 Webster]
Pyroacetic \Pyr`o*a*ce"tic\, a. [Pyro- + acetic: cf. F.
pyroac['e]tique.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, and designating, a substance (acetone)
obtained by the distillation of the acetates. It is now
called also pyroacetic ether, and formerly was called
pyroacetic spirit.
[1913 Webster]
pyroacetic ether
Pyroacetic \Pyr`o*a*ce"tic\, a. [Pyro- + acetic: cf. F.
pyroac['e]tique.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, and designating, a substance (acetone)
obtained by the distillation of the acetates. It is now
called also pyroacetic ether, and formerly was called
pyroacetic spirit.
[1913 Webster]
pyroacetic spirit
Pyroacetic \Pyr`o*a*ce"tic\, a. [Pyro- + acetic: cf. F.
pyroac['e]tique.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, and designating, a substance (acetone)
obtained by the distillation of the acetates. It is now
called also pyroacetic ether, and formerly was called
pyroacetic spirit.
[1913 Webster]
acetic acid
acetic acid
n 1: a colorless pungent liquid widely used in manufacturing
plastics and pharmaceuticals [syn: acetic acid, {ethanoic
acetic anhydride
acetic anhydride
n 1: a compound that is needed in order to refine opium into
acetoacetic acid
acetoacetic acid
n 1: unstable acid found in abnormal amounts in the blood and
urine in some cases of impaired metabolism (as diabetes
mellitus or starvation)
adj 1: completely satisfactory; "his smile said that everything
was copacetic"; "You had to be a good judge of what a man
was like, and the English was copacetic"- John O'Hara
[syn: copacetic, copasetic, copesetic,
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
n 1: a complex molecule used medically to chelate metal ions in
cases of lead or heavy metal poisoning [syn:
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, EDTA]
glutamic oxalacetic transaminase
glutamic oxalacetic transaminase
n 1: an enzyme involved in transamination [syn: {glutamic
oxalacetic transaminase}, {glutamic oxaloacetic
glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
n 1: an enzyme involved in transamination [syn: {glutamic
oxalacetic transaminase}, {glutamic oxaloacetic
hydroxyacetic acid
hydroxyacetic acid
n 1: a translucent crystalline compound found in sugar cane and
sugar beets and unripe grapes [syn: glycolic acid,
glycollic acid, hydroxyacetic acid]
indoleacetic acid
indoleacetic acid
n 1: a plant hormone promoting elongation of stems and roots
[syn: indoleacetic acid, IAA]
oxalacetic acid
oxalacetic acid
n 1: an acid formed by oxidation of maleic acid (as in
metabolism of fats and carbohydrates) [syn: {oxalacetic
acid}, oxaloacetic acid]
oxaloacetic acid
oxaloacetic acid
n 1: an acid formed by oxidation of maleic acid (as in
metabolism of fats and carbohydrates) [syn: {oxalacetic
acid}, oxaloacetic acid]
trichloracetic acid
trichloracetic acid
n 1: a strong acid made by chlorinating acetic acid [syn:
trichloroacetic acid, trichloracetic acid]
trichloroacetic acid
trichloroacetic acid
n 1: a strong acid made by chlorinating acetic acid [syn:
trichloroacetic acid, trichloracetic acid]

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