- lietadlo
aeroplane,aeroplán n: Zdeněk Brož
aeroplane \aer"*o*plane`\ aeroplane \a"["e]r*o*plane`\, n.
[a["e]ro- + plane.] (A["e]ronautics)
1. A light rigid plane used in a["e]rial navigation to oppose
sudden upward or downward movement in the air, as in
gliding machines; specif., such a plane slightly inclined
and driven forward as a lifting device in some flying
machines. Also called airfoil.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. Hence: A heavier-than-air flying machine using such a
device to provide lift; an airplane. In a modern
aeroplane, the airfoils are called the wings, and most
of the lift is derived from these surfaces. In contrast to
helicopters, the wings are fixed to the passenger
compartment (airframe) and do not move relative to the
frame; thus such a machine is called a {fixed-wing
aircraft}. These machines are called monoplanes, biplanes,
triplanes, or quadruplanes, according to the number of
main supporting planes (wings) used in their construction.
After 1940 few planes with more than one airfoil were
constructed, and these are used by hobbyists or for
special purposes. Being heavier than air they depend for
their levitation on motion imparted by the thrust from
either propellers driven by an engine, or, in a jet plane,
by the reaction from a high-velocity stream of gases
expelled rearward from a jet engine. They start from the
ground by a run on small wheels or runners, and are guided
by a steering apparatus consisting of horizontal and
vertical movable planes, which usually form part of the
wings or tail. There are many varieties of form and
construction, which in some cases are known by the names
of their inventors. In U.S., an aeroplane is usually
called an airplane or plane.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
n 1: an aircraft that has a fixed wing and is powered by
propellers or jets; "the flight was delayed due to trouble
with the airplane" [syn: airplane, aeroplane, plane]
podobné slovodefinícia
- lietadlá
aeroplanes,letadla n: Zdeněk Brožaeroplanes,letouny n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
airplane \air"plane\ n.
a heavier-than-air aircraft. Same as {aeroplane[2]}.
Hydro-aeroplane \Hy"dro-a"["e]r*o*plane`\ (A["e]ronautics)
An a["e]roplane with a boatlike or other understructure that
enables it to travel on, or to rise from the surface of, a
body of water by its own motive power; -- now usually
referred to as a seaplane. [obsolescent]
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
Passive aeroplane
Passive balloon \Pas"sive bal*loon"\ or Passive aeroplane
\Pas"sive a"["e]r*o*plane\
One unprovided with motive power.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
aeroplane rule
aeroplane rule
airplane rule

"Complexity increases the possibility of failure;
a twin-engine aeroplane has twice as many engine problems as a
single-engine aeroplane."

By analogy, in both software and electronics, the implication
is that simplicity increases robustness and that the right way
to build reliable systems is to put all your eggs in one
basket, after making sure that you've built a really *good*

While simplicity is a useful design goal, and twin-engine
aeroplanes do have twice as many engine problems, the analogy
is almost entirely bogus. Commercial passenger aircraft are
required to have at least two engines (on different wings or
nacelles) so that the aeroplane can land safely if one engine
fails. As Albert Einstein said, "Everything should be made as
simple as possible, but not simpler".

See also KISS Principle.


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