slovo | definícia |
aesthetically (encz) | aesthetically,esteticky |
AEsthetically (gcide) | AEsthetic \[AE]s*thet"ic\, AEsthetical \[AE]s*thet"ic*al\, a.
Of or Pertaining to [ae]sthetics; versed in [ae]sthetics; as,
[ae]sthetic studies, emotions, ideas, persons, etc.
[1913 Webster] -- [AE]s*thet"ic*al*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster] |
aesthetically (wn) | aesthetically
adv 1: in a tasteful way; "this building is aesthetically very
pleasing" [syn: aesthetically, esthetically] |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
kinaesthetically (encz) | kinaesthetically, adv: |
unaesthetically (encz) | unaesthetically, |
AEsthetically (gcide) | AEsthetic \[AE]s*thet"ic\, AEsthetical \[AE]s*thet"ic*al\, a.
Of or Pertaining to [ae]sthetics; versed in [ae]sthetics; as,
[ae]sthetic studies, emotions, ideas, persons, etc.
[1913 Webster] -- [AE]s*thet"ic*al*ly, adv.
[1913 Webster] |
kinaesthetically (wn) | kinaesthetically
adv 1: in a kinesthetic manner; by means of kinesthesia; "he can
perceive shapes kinesthetically" [syn: kinesthetically,
kinaesthetically] |