Alkahest \Al"ka*hest\, n. [LL. alchahest, F. alcahest, a word
that has an Arabic appearance, but was probably arbitrarily
formed by Paracelsus.]
The fabled "universal solvent" of the alchemists; a menstruum
capable of dissolving all bodies. -- Al`ka*hes"tic, a.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: hypothetical universal solvent once sought by alchemists
[syn: alkahest, alcahest, universal solvent]
podobné slovodefinícia
Alkahest \Al"ka*hest\, n. [LL. alchahest, F. alcahest, a word
that has an Arabic appearance, but was probably arbitrarily
formed by Paracelsus.]
The fabled "universal solvent" of the alchemists; a menstruum
capable of dissolving all bodies. -- Al`ka*hes"tic, a.
[1913 Webster]
Alkahest \Al"ka*hest\, n. [LL. alchahest, F. alcahest, a word
that has an Arabic appearance, but was probably arbitrarily
formed by Paracelsus.]
The fabled "universal solvent" of the alchemists; a menstruum
capable of dissolving all bodies. -- Al`ka*hes"tic, a.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or pertaining to the alkahest that alchemists assumed
to exist

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