alkaline,alkalický adj:
alkaline,zásaditý adj: [chem.]
Alkaline \Al"ka*line\ (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. alcalin.]
Of or pertaining to an alkali or to alkalies; having the
properties of an alkali.
[1913 Webster]

Alkaline earths, certain substances, as lime, baryta,
strontia, and magnesia, possessing some of the qualities
of alkalies.

Alkaline metals, potassium, sodium, c[ae]sium, lithium,

Alkaline reaction, a reaction indicating alkalinity, as by
the action on limits, turmeric, etc.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: relating to or containing an alkali; having a pH greater
than 7; "alkaline soils derived from chalk or limestone"
[syn: alkaline, alkalic] [ant: acidic,
amphiprotic, amphoteric]
podobné slovodefinícia
alkaline metal
alkaline metal,alkalický kov [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
alkaline reaction
alkaline reaction,reakce alkalická
Alkaline \Al"ka*line\ (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. alcalin.]
Of or pertaining to an alkali or to alkalies; having the
properties of an alkali.
[1913 Webster]

Alkaline earths, certain substances, as lime, baryta,
strontia, and magnesia, possessing some of the qualities
of alkalies.

Alkaline metals, potassium, sodium, c[ae]sium, lithium,

Alkaline reaction, a reaction indicating alkalinity, as by
the action on limits, turmeric, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Alkaline earths
Alkaline \Al"ka*line\ (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. alcalin.]
Of or pertaining to an alkali or to alkalies; having the
properties of an alkali.
[1913 Webster]

Alkaline earths, certain substances, as lime, baryta,
strontia, and magnesia, possessing some of the qualities
of alkalies.

Alkaline metals, potassium, sodium, c[ae]sium, lithium,

Alkaline reaction, a reaction indicating alkalinity, as by
the action on limits, turmeric, etc.
[1913 Webster]Earth \Earth\ ([~e]rth), n. [AS. eor[eth]e; akin to OS. ertha,
OFries. irthe, D. aarde, OHG. erda, G. erde, Icel.
j["o]r[eth], Sw. & Dan. jord, Goth. a[imac]r[thorn]a, OHG.
ero, Gr. ?, adv., to earth, and perh. to E. ear to plow.]
1. The globe or planet which we inhabit; the world, in
distinction from the sun, moon, or stars. Also, this world
as the dwelling place of mortals, in distinction from the
dwelling place of spirits.
[1913 Webster]

That law preserves the earth a sphere
And guides the planets in their course. --S. Rogers.
[1913 Webster]

In heaven, or earth, or under earth, in hell.
[1913 Webster]

2. The solid materials which make up the globe, in
distinction from the air or water; the dry land.
[1913 Webster]

God called the dry land earth. --Gen. i. 10.
[1913 Webster]

He is pure air and fire, and the dull elements of
earth and water never appear in him. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. The softer inorganic matter composing part of the surface
of the globe, in distinction from the firm rock; soil of
all kinds, including gravel, clay, loam, and the like;
sometimes, soil favorable to the growth of plants; the
visible surface of the globe; the ground; as, loose earth;
rich earth.
[1913 Webster]

Give him a little earth for charity. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. A part of this globe; a region; a country; land.
[1913 Webster]

Would I had never trod this English earth. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

5. Worldly things, as opposed to spiritual things; the
pursuits, interests, and allurements of this life.
[1913 Webster]

Our weary souls by earth beguiled. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]

6. The people on the globe.
[1913 Webster]

The whole earth was of one language. --Gen. xi. 1.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Chem.)
(a) Any earthy-looking metallic oxide, as alumina,
glucina, zirconia, yttria, and thoria.
(b) A similar oxide, having a slight alkaline reaction, as
lime, magnesia, strontia, baryta.
[1913 Webster]

8. A hole in the ground, where an animal hides himself; as,
the earth of a fox. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

They [ferrets] course the poor conies out of their
earths. --Holland.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Elec.) The connection of any part an electric conductor
with the ground; specif., the connection of a telegraph
line with the ground through a fault or otherwise.

Note: When the resistance of the earth connection is low it
is termed a good earth.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Note: Earth is used either adjectively or in combination to
form compound words; as, earth apple or earth-apple;
earth metal or earth-metal; earth closet or
[1913 Webster]

Adamic earth, Bitter earth, Bog earth, Chian earth,
etc. See under Adamic, Bitter, etc.

Alkaline earths. See under Alkaline.

Earth apple. (Bot.)
(a) A potato.
(b) A cucumber.

Earth auger, a form of auger for boring into the ground; --
called also earth borer.

Earth bath, a bath taken by immersing the naked body in
earth for healing purposes.

Earth battery (Physics), a voltaic battery the elements of
which are buried in the earth to be acted on by its

Earth chestnut, the pignut.

Earth closet, a privy or commode provided with dry earth or
a similar substance for covering and deodorizing the
f[ae]cal discharges.

Earth dog (Zo["o]l.), a dog that will dig in the earth, or
enter holes of foxes, etc.

Earth hog, Earth pig (Zo["o]l.), the aard-vark.

Earth hunger, an intense desire to own land, or, in the
case of nations, to extend their domain.

Earth light (Astron.), the light reflected by the earth, as
upon the moon, and corresponding to moonlight; -- called
also earth shine. --Sir J. Herschel.

Earth metal. See 1st Earth, 7. (Chem.)

Earth oil, petroleum.

Earth pillars or Earth pyramids (Geol.), high pillars or
pyramids of earth, sometimes capped with a single stone,
found in Switzerland. --Lyell.

Earth pitch (Min.), mineral tar, a kind of asphaltum.

Earth quadrant, a fourth of the earth's circumference.

Earth table (Arch.), the lowest course of stones visible in
a building; the ground table.

On earth, an intensive expression, oftenest used in
questions and exclamations; as, What on earth shall I do?
Nothing on earth will satisfy him. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]
Alkaline metals
Alkaline \Al"ka*line\ (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. alcalin.]
Of or pertaining to an alkali or to alkalies; having the
properties of an alkali.
[1913 Webster]

Alkaline earths, certain substances, as lime, baryta,
strontia, and magnesia, possessing some of the qualities
of alkalies.

Alkaline metals, potassium, sodium, c[ae]sium, lithium,

Alkaline reaction, a reaction indicating alkalinity, as by
the action on limits, turmeric, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Alkaline reaction
Alkaline \Al"ka*line\ (?; 277), a. [Cf. F. alcalin.]
Of or pertaining to an alkali or to alkalies; having the
properties of an alkali.
[1913 Webster]

Alkaline earths, certain substances, as lime, baryta,
strontia, and magnesia, possessing some of the qualities
of alkalies.

Alkaline metals, potassium, sodium, c[ae]sium, lithium,

Alkaline reaction, a reaction indicating alkalinity, as by
the action on limits, turmeric, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Alkaline salt
Salt \Salt\, n. [AS. sealt; akin to OS. & OFries. salt, D. zout,
G. salz, Icel., Sw., & Dan. salt, L. sal, Gr. ?, Russ. sole,
Ir. & Gael. salann, W. halen, of unknown origin. Cf. Sal,
Salad, Salary, Saline, Sauce, Sausage.]
1. The chloride of sodium, a substance used for seasoning
food, for the preservation of meat, etc. It is found
native in the earth, and is also produced, by evaporation
and crystallization, from sea water and other water
impregnated with saline particles.
[1913 Webster]

2. Hence, flavor; taste; savor; smack; seasoning.
[1913 Webster]

Though we are justices and doctors and churchmen . .
. we have some salt of our youth in us. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence, also, piquancy; wit; sense; as, Attic salt.
[1913 Webster]

4. A dish for salt at table; a saltcellar.
[1913 Webster]

I out and bought some things; among others, a dozen
of silver salts. --Pepys.
[1913 Webster]

5. A sailor; -- usually qualified by old. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

Around the door are generally to be seen, laughing
and gossiping, clusters of old salts. --Hawthorne.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Chem.) The neutral compound formed by the union of an
acid and a base; thus, sulphuric acid and iron form the
salt sulphate of iron or green vitriol.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Except in case of ammonium salts, accurately speaking,
it is the acid radical which unites with the base or
basic radical, with the elimination of hydrogen, of
water, or of analogous compounds as side products. In
the case of diacid and triacid bases, and of dibasic
and tribasic acids, the mutual neutralization may vary
in degree, producing respectively basic, neutral, or
acid salts. See Phrases below.
[1913 Webster]

7. Fig.: That which preserves from corruption or error; that
which purifies; a corrective; an antiseptic; also, an
allowance or deduction; as, his statements must be taken
with a grain of salt.
[1913 Webster]

Ye are the salt of the earth. --Matt. v. 13.
[1913 Webster]

8. pl. Any mineral salt used as an aperient or cathartic,
especially Epsom salts, Rochelle salt, or Glauber's salt.
[1913 Webster]

9. pl. Marshes flooded by the tide. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Above the salt, Below the salt, phrases which have
survived the old custom, in the houses of people of rank,
of placing a large saltcellar near the middle of a long
table, the places above which were assigned to the guests
of distinction, and those below to dependents, inferiors,
and poor relations. See Saltfoot.
[1913 Webster]

His fashion is not to take knowledge of him that is
beneath him in clothes. He never drinks below the
salt. --B. Jonson.
[1913 Webster]

Acid salt (Chem.)
(a) A salt derived from an acid which has several
replaceable hydrogen atoms which are only partially
exchanged for metallic atoms or basic radicals; as,
acid potassium sulphate is an acid salt.
(b) A salt, whatever its constitution, which merely gives
an acid reaction; thus, copper sulphate, which is
composed of a strong acid united with a weak base, is
an acid salt in this sense, though theoretically it is
a neutral salt.

Alkaline salt (Chem.), a salt which gives an alkaline
reaction, as sodium carbonate.

Amphid salt (Old Chem.), a salt of the oxy type, formerly
regarded as composed of two oxides, an acid and a basic
oxide. [Obsolescent]

Basic salt (Chem.)
(a) A salt which contains more of the basic constituent
than is required to neutralize the acid.
(b) An alkaline salt.

Binary salt (Chem.), a salt of the oxy type conveniently
regarded as composed of two ingredients (analogously to a
haloid salt), viz., a metal and an acid radical.

Double salt (Chem.), a salt regarded as formed by the union
of two distinct salts, as common alum, potassium aluminium
sulphate. See under Double.

Epsom salts. See in the Vocabulary.

Essential salt (Old Chem.), a salt obtained by
crystallizing plant juices.

Ethereal salt. (Chem.) See under Ethereal.

Glauber's salt or Glauber's salts. See in Vocabulary.

Haloid salt (Chem.), a simple salt of a halogen acid, as
sodium chloride.

Microcosmic salt. (Chem.). See under Microcosmic.

Neutral salt. (Chem.)
(a) A salt in which the acid and base (in theory)
neutralize each other.
(b) A salt which gives a neutral reaction.

Oxy salt (Chem.), a salt derived from an oxygen acid.

Per salt (Old Chem.), a salt supposed to be derived from a
peroxide base or analogous compound. [Obs.]

Permanent salt, a salt which undergoes no change on
exposure to the air.

Proto salt (Chem.), a salt derived from a protoxide base or
analogous compound.

Rochelle salt. See under Rochelle.

Salt of amber (Old Chem.), succinic acid.

Salt of colcothar (Old Chem.), green vitriol, or sulphate
of iron.

Salt of hartshorn. (Old Chem.)
(a) Sal ammoniac, or ammonium chloride.
(b) Ammonium carbonate. Cf. Spirit of hartshorn, under

Salt of lemons. (Chem.) See Salt of sorrel, below.

Salt of Saturn (Old Chem.), sugar of lead; lead acetate; --
the alchemical name of lead being Saturn.

Salt of Seignette. Same as Rochelle salt.

Salt of soda (Old Chem.), sodium carbonate.

Salt of sorrel (Old Chem.), acid potassium oxalate, or
potassium quadroxalate, used as a solvent for ink stains;
-- so called because found in the sorrel, or Oxalis. Also
sometimes inaccurately called salt of lemon.

Salt of tartar (Old Chem.), potassium carbonate; -- so
called because formerly made by heating cream of tartar,
or potassium tartrate. [Obs.]

Salt of Venus (Old Chem.), blue vitriol; copper sulphate;
-- the alchemical name of copper being Venus.

Salt of wisdom. See Alembroth.

Sedative salt (Old Med. Chem.), boric acid.

Sesqui salt (Chem.), a salt derived from a sesquioxide base
or analogous compound.

Spirit of salt. (Chem.) See under Spirit.

Sulpho salt (Chem.), a salt analogous to an oxy salt, but
containing sulphur in place of oxygen.
[1913 Webster]
alkaline-loving \alkaline-loving\ adj.
1. thriving in a relatively alkaline environment; (especially
of plants requiring a pH above 7) acid-loving

Syn: alkali-loving
[WordNet 1.5]
Antalkali \Ant*al"ka*li\ (?; 277), Antalkaline \Ant*al"ka*line\,
n. [Pref. anti- + alkali.]
Anything that neutralizes, or that counteracts an alkaline
tendency in the system. --Hooper.
[1913 Webster]Antalkaline \Ant*al"ka*line\, a.
Of power to counteract alkalies.
[1913 Webster]
alkaline earth
alkaline earth
n 1: any of the bivalent metals of group II of the periodic
table (calcium or strontium or barium or magnesium or
beryllium) [syn: alkaline earth, alkaline-earth metal]
alkaline metal
alkaline metal
n 1: any of the monovalent metals of group I of the periodic
table (lithium or sodium or potassium or rubidium or cesium
or francium); "the hydroxides of the alkali metals are
strongly alkaline" [syn: alkali metal, alkaline metal]
alkaline-earth metal
alkaline-earth metal
n 1: any of the bivalent metals of group II of the periodic
table (calcium or strontium or barium or magnesium or
beryllium) [syn: alkaline earth, alkaline-earth metal]
adj 1: thriving in a relatively alkaline environment;
(especially of plants requiring a pH above 7) [ant:

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