Angiocarpous \An`gi*o*car"pous\
([a^]n`j[i^]*[-o]*k[aum]r"p[u^]s), a. [Angio- + Gr. karpo`s
fruit.] (Bot.)
(a) Having fruit inclosed within a covering that does not
form a part of itself; as, the filbert covered by its
husk, or the acorn seated in its cupule. --Brande & C.
(b) Having the seeds or spores covered, as in certain
lichens. --Gray.

Syn: angiocarpic
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: having or being fruit enclosed in a shell or husk [syn:
angiocarpic, angiocarpous]
podobné slovodefinícia
Angiocarpous \An`gi*o*car"pous\
([a^]n`j[i^]*[-o]*k[aum]r"p[u^]s), a. [Angio- + Gr. karpo`s
fruit.] (Bot.)
(a) Having fruit inclosed within a covering that does not
form a part of itself; as, the filbert covered by its
husk, or the acorn seated in its cupule. --Brande & C.
(b) Having the seeds or spores covered, as in certain
lichens. --Gray.

Syn: angiocarpic
[1913 Webster]

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