slovo | definícia |
antagonism (encz) | antagonism,antagonismus |
antagonism (encz) | antagonism,antagonismus (biol.) [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač |
antagonism (encz) | antagonism,nepřátelství |
antagonism (encz) | antagonism,rozpor |
antagonism (gcide) | antagonism \an*tag"o*nism\ ([a^]n*t[a^]g"[-o]*n[i^]z'm), n. [Gr.
'antagw`nisma, fr. 'antagwni`zesqai to struggle against;
'anti` against + 'agwni`zesqai to contend or struggle, 'agw`n
contest: cf. F. antagonisme. See Agony.]
Opposition of action; counteraction or contrariety of things
or principles.
[1913 Webster]
Note: We speak of antagonism between two things, to or
against a thing, and sometimes with a thing.
[1913 Webster] |
antagonism (wn) | antagonism
n 1: a state of deep-seated ill-will [syn: hostility,
enmity, antagonism]
2: the relation between opposing principles or forces or
factors; "the inherent antagonism of capitalism and
3: an actively expressed feeling of dislike and hostility
4: (biochemistry) interference in or inhibition of the
physiological action of a chemical substance by another
having a similar structure |
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