- akvamarínový
aquamarine,akvamarín n: drahokam světle zelené barvy sirra
aquamarine,akvamarínový adj: drahokam světle zelené barvy sirra
aquamarine,akvarín Zdeněk Brož
Aquamarine \A`qua*ma*rine"\, n. (Min.)
A transparent, pale green variety of beryl, used as a gem.
See Beryl.
[1913 Webster]
Beryl \Ber"yl\ (b[e^]r"[i^]l), n. [F. b['e]ryl, OF. beril, L.
beryllus, Gr. bh`ryllos, prob. fr. Skr. vai[dsdot][=u]rya.
Cf. Brilliant.] (Min.)
A mineral of great hardness, and, when transparent, of much
beauty. It occurs in hexagonal prisms, commonly of a green or
bluish green color, but also yellow, pink, and white. It is a
silicate of aluminum and beryllium. The aquamarine is a
transparent, sea-green variety used as a gem. The emerald
is another variety highly prized in jewelry, and
distinguished by its deep color, which is probably due to the
presence of a little oxide of chromium.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a transparent variety of beryl that is blue green in color
2: a shade of blue tinged with green [syn: greenish blue,
aqua, aquamarine, turquoise, cobalt blue, {peacock
podobné slovodefinícia
Aquamarine \A`qua*ma*rine"\, n. (Min.)
A transparent, pale green variety of beryl, used as a gem.
See Beryl.
[1913 Webster]Beryl \Ber"yl\ (b[e^]r"[i^]l), n. [F. b['e]ryl, OF. beril, L.
beryllus, Gr. bh`ryllos, prob. fr. Skr. vai[dsdot][=u]rya.
Cf. Brilliant.] (Min.)
A mineral of great hardness, and, when transparent, of much
beauty. It occurs in hexagonal prisms, commonly of a green or
bluish green color, but also yellow, pink, and white. It is a
silicate of aluminum and beryllium. The aquamarine is a
transparent, sea-green variety used as a gem. The emerald
is another variety highly prized in jewelry, and
distinguished by its deep color, which is probably due to the
presence of a little oxide of chromium.
[1913 Webster]

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