Tartar \Tar"tar\, n. [F. tartre (cf. Pr. tartari, Sp., Pg., &
It. tartaro, LL. tartarum, LGr. ?); perhaps of Arabic
1. (Chem.) A reddish crust or sediment in wine casks,
consisting essentially of crude cream of tartar, and used
in marking pure cream of tartar, tartaric acid, potassium
carbonate, black flux, etc., and, in dyeing, as a mordant
for woolen goods; -- called also argol, wine stone,
[1913 Webster]

2. A correction which often incrusts the teeth, consisting of
salivary mucus, animal matter, and phosphate of lime.
[1913 Webster]

Cream of tartar. (Chem.) See under Cream.

Tartar emetic (Med. Chem.), a double tartrate of potassium
and basic antimony. It is a poisonous white crystalline
substance having a sweetish metallic taste, and used in
medicine as a sudorific and emetic.
[1913 Webster]
Argol \Ar"gol\, n. [Cf. Argal, Orgal. Of unknown origin.]
Crude tartar; an acidulous salt from which cream of tartar is
prepared. It exists in the juice of grapes, and is deposited
from wines on the sides of the casks. --Ure.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Tartar \Tar"tar\, n. [F. tartre (cf. Pr. tartari, Sp., Pg., &
It. tartaro, LL. tartarum, LGr. ?); perhaps of Arabic
1. (Chem.) A reddish crust or sediment in wine casks,
consisting essentially of crude cream of tartar, and used
in marking pure cream of tartar, tartaric acid, potassium
carbonate, black flux, etc., and, in dyeing, as a mordant
for woolen goods; -- called also argol, wine stone,
[1913 Webster]

2. A correction which often incrusts the teeth, consisting of
salivary mucus, animal matter, and phosphate of lime.
[1913 Webster]

Cream of tartar. (Chem.) See under Cream.

Tartar emetic (Med. Chem.), a double tartrate of potassium
and basic antimony. It is a poisonous white crystalline
substance having a sweetish metallic taste, and used in
medicine as a sudorific and emetic.
[1913 Webster]Argol \Ar"gol\, n. [Cf. Argal, Orgal. Of unknown origin.]
Crude tartar; an acidulous salt from which cream of tartar is
prepared. It exists in the juice of grapes, and is deposited
from wines on the sides of the casks. --Ure.
[1913 Webster]
Argolic \Ar*gol"ic\, a. [L. Argolicus, Gr. ?.]
Pertaining to Argolis, a district in the Peloponnesus.
[1913 Webster]
Gargol \Gar"gol\, n. [Cf. Gargil.]
A distemper in swine; garget. --Mortimer.
[1913 Webster]

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