arteria,arterie n: Zdeněk Brož
arteria,tepna n: Zdeněk Brož
arteria \arteria\ n.
1. a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the

Syn: artery.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the
body [syn: artery, arteria, arterial blood vessel]
podobné slovodefinícia
periarterial plexus
periarterial plexus, n:
plexus periarterialis
plexus periarterialis, n:
Arteriac \Ar*te"ri*ac\, a. [L. arteriacus, Gr. ?. See Artery.]
Of or pertaining to the windpipe.
[1913 Webster]
Arterial \Ar*te"ri*al\, a. [Cf. F. art['e]riel.]
1. Of or pertaining to an artery, or the arteries; as,
arterial action; the arterial system.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a main channel (resembling an artery),
as a river, canal, or railroad.
[1913 Webster]

Arterial blood, blood which has been changed and vitalized
(arterialized) during passage through the lungs.
[1913 Webster]
Arterial blood
Arterial \Ar*te"ri*al\, a. [Cf. F. art['e]riel.]
1. Of or pertaining to an artery, or the arteries; as,
arterial action; the arterial system.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a main channel (resembling an artery),
as a river, canal, or railroad.
[1913 Webster]

Arterial blood, blood which has been changed and vitalized
(arterialized) during passage through the lungs.
[1913 Webster]
arterialise \arterialise\ v.
same as arterialize.

Syn: arterialize
[WordNet 1.5]
Arterialization \Ar*te`ri*al*i*za"tion\, n. (Physiol.)
The process of converting venous blood into arterial blood
during its passage through the lungs, oxygen being absorbed
and carbonic acid evolved; -- called also a["e]ration and
[1913 Webster]
Arterialize \Ar*te"ri*al*ize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Arterialized; p. pr. & vb. n. Arterializing.]
To transform, as the venous blood, into arterial blood by
exposure to oxygen in the lungs; to make arterial.
[1913 Webster]
Arterialize \Ar*te"ri*al*ize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Arterialized; p. pr. & vb. n. Arterializing.]
To transform, as the venous blood, into arterial blood by
exposure to oxygen in the lungs; to make arterial.
[1913 Webster]
Arterialize \Ar*te"ri*al*ize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Arterialized; p. pr. & vb. n. Arterializing.]
To transform, as the venous blood, into arterial blood by
exposure to oxygen in the lungs; to make arterial.
[1913 Webster]
Eparterial \Ep`ar*te"ri*al\, a. [Pref. ep- + arterial.] (Anat.)
Situated upon or above an artery; -- applied esp. to the
branches of the bronchi given off above the point where the
pulmonary artery crosses the bronchus.
[1913 Webster]
Hyparterial \Hy`par*te"ri*al\, a. [Hypo- + arterial.] (Anat.)
Situated below an artery; applied esp. to the branches of the
bronchi given off below the point where the pulmonary artery
crosses the bronchus.
[1913 Webster]
Vertebrarterial \Ver`te*brar*te"ri*al\, a. (Anat.)
Of or pertaining to a vertebra or vertebrae and an artery; --
said of the foramina in the transverse processes of cervical
vertebrae and of the canal which they form for the vertebral
artery and vein.
[1913 Webster]
arteria alveolaris
arteria alveolaris
n 1: a branch of the maxillary artery that supplies the alveolar
process [syn: alveolar artery, arteria alveolaris]
arteria alveolaris inferior
arteria alveolaris inferior
n 1: the alveolar artery that goes through the mandibular canal
to supply the lower teeth [syn: inferior alveolar artery,
arteria alveolaris inferior]
arteria alveolaris superior
arteria alveolaris superior
n 1: the alveolar artery that supplies the upper teeth [syn:
superior alveolar artery, arteria alveolaris superior]
arteria angularis
arteria angularis
n 1: the terminal branch of the facial artery [syn: {angular
artery}, arteria angularis]
arteria appendicularis
arteria appendicularis
n 1: the branch of the ileocolic artery that supplies the
vermiform appendix [syn: appendicular artery, {arteria
arteria arcuata
arteria arcuata
n 1: curved artery in the foot [syn: arcuate artery, {arteria
arteria ascendens
arteria ascendens
n 1: the branch of the ileocolic artery that supplies the
ascending colon [syn: ascending artery, {arteria
arteria auricularis
arteria auricularis
n 1: artery that supplies blood to the ear [syn: {auricular
artery}, arteria auricularis]
arteria axillaris
arteria axillaris
n 1: the part of the main artery of the arm that lies in the
armpit and is continuous with the subclavian artery above
and the brachial artery below [syn: axillary artery,
arteria axillaris]
arteria basilaris
arteria basilaris
n 1: an unpaired artery; supplies the pons and cerebellum and
the back part of the cerebrum and the inner ear [syn:
basilar artery, arteria basilaris]
arteria brachialis
arteria brachialis
n 1: the main artery of the upper arm; a continuation of the
axillary artery; bifurcates into the radial and ulnar
arteries at the elbow [syn: brachial artery, {arteria
arteria buccalis
arteria buccalis
n 1: a branch of the maxillary artery that supplies blood to the
buccinator muscle and the cheek [syn: buccal artery,
arteria buccalis]
arteria bulbi penis
arteria bulbi penis
n 1: a branch of the internal pudendal artery of males that
supplies the bulb of the penis [syn: {artery of the penis
bulb}, arteria bulbi penis]
arteria bulbi vestibuli
arteria bulbi vestibuli
n 1: a branch of the internal pudendal artery in females that
supplies the bulb of the vestibule [syn: {artery of the
vestibule bulb}, arteria bulbi vestibuli]
arteria carotis
arteria carotis
n 1: either of two major arteries of the neck and head; branches
from the aorta [syn: carotid artery, arteria carotis]
arteria celiaca
arteria celiaca
n 1: an artery that originates from the abdominal aorta just
below the diaphragm and branches into the left gastric
artery and the common hepatic artery and the splenic artery
[syn: celiac trunk, celiac artery, truncus celiacus,
arteria celiaca]
arteria centralis retinae
arteria centralis retinae
n 1: a branch of the ophthalmic artery; enters the eyeball with
the optic nerve [syn: central artery of the retina,
arteria centralis retinae]
arteria cerebelli
arteria cerebelli
n 1: an artery that supplies the cerebellum [syn: {cerebellar
artery}, arteria cerebelli]
arteria cerebri
arteria cerebri
n 1: any of the arteries supplying blood to the cerebral cortex
[syn: cerebral artery, arteria cerebri]
arteria choroidea
arteria choroidea
n 1: an artery that supplies the choroid plexus [syn: {choroidal
artery}, arteria choroidea]
arteria ciliaris
arteria ciliaris
n 1: one of several arteries supplying the choroid coat of the
eye [syn: ciliary artery, arteria ciliaris]
arteria circumflexa femoris
arteria circumflexa femoris
n 1: an artery that supplies the hip joint and thigh muscles
[syn: circumflex artery of the thigh, {arteria
circumflexa femoris}]
arteria circumflexa humeri
arteria circumflexa humeri
n 1: an artery that supplies the shoulder joint and shoulder
muscles [syn: circumflex humeral artery, {arteria
circumflexa humeri}]
arteria circumflexa ilium
arteria circumflexa ilium
n 1: an artery that supplies the lower abdominal walls and skin
and the sartorius muscle [syn: circumflex iliac artery,
arteria circumflexa ilium]
arteria circumflexa scapulae
arteria circumflexa scapulae
n 1: an artery that serves the muscles of the shoulder and
scapular area [syn: circumflex scapular artery, {arteria
circumflexa scapulae}]
arteria colica
arteria colica
n 1: arteries that supply blood to the colon [syn: {colic
artery}, arteria colica]
arteria communicans
arteria communicans
n 1: any of three arteries in the brain that make up the circle
of Willis [syn: communicating artery, {arteria
arteria coronaria
arteria coronaria
n 1: the artery that branches from the aorta to supply blood to
the heart [syn: coronary artery, arteria coronaria]
arteria cystica
arteria cystica
n 1: a branch of the hepatic artery; supplies the gall bladder
and the surface of the liver [syn: cystic artery,
arteria cystica]
arteria digitalis
arteria digitalis
n 1: arteries in the hand and foot that supply the fingers and
toes [syn: digital arteries, arteria digitalis]
arteria epigastrica
arteria epigastrica
n 1: one of three arteries supplying the anterior walls of the
abdomen [syn: epigastric artery, arteria epigastrica]
arteria ethmoidalis
arteria ethmoidalis
n 1: a branch of the ophthalmic artery supplying structures in
and around the nasal capsule [syn: ethmoidal artery,
arteria ethmoidalis]
arteria facialis
arteria facialis
n 1: an artery that originates in the external carotid and gives
off branches that supply the neck and face [syn: {facial
artery}, arteria facialis, external maxillary artery]
arteria femoralis
arteria femoralis
n 1: the chief artery of the thigh; a continuation of the
external iliac artery [syn: femoral artery, {arteria
arteria gastrica
arteria gastrica
n 1: the arteries that supply the walls of the stomach [syn:
gastric artery, arteria gastrica]
arteria gastrica breves
arteria gastrica breves
n 1: several small arteries branching off of the splenic artery
and going to the greater curvature of the stomach [syn:
short gastric artery, arteria gastrica breves, {vasa
arteria gastrica sinistra
arteria gastrica sinistra
n 1: a branch of the celiac artery that supplies the lesser
curvature of the stomach and the abdominal part of the
esophagus [syn: left gastric artery, {arteria gastrica
arteria glutes
arteria glutes
n 1: branches of the internal iliac artery that supply the hip
joint and gluteal region [syn: gluteal artery, {arteria
arteria hepatica
arteria hepatica
n 1: arteries that supply the liver [syn: hepatic artery,
arteria hepatica]
arteria ileocolica
arteria ileocolica
n 1: an artery that originates from the superior mesenteric
artery and supplies the terminal part of the ileum and the
cecum and the vermiform appendix and the ascending colon
[syn: ileocolic artery, arteria ileocolica]
arteria ileum
arteria ileum
n 1: branch of the superior mesenteric artery that supplies the
ileum [syn: ileal artery, intestinal artery, {arteria
arteria iliaca
arteria iliaca
n 1: one of the large arteries supplying blood to the pelvis and
legs [syn: iliac artery, arteria iliaca]
arteria iliolumbalis
arteria iliolumbalis
n 1: an artery that originates in the internal iliac artery and
supplies the pelvic muscles and bones [syn: {iliolumbar
artery}, arteria iliolumbalis]
arteria infraorbitalis
arteria infraorbitalis
n 1: an artery that originates from the maxillary artery and
supplies structures below the orbit (from lower eyelid to
upper lip) [syn: infraorbital artery, {arteria
arteria intercostalis
arteria intercostalis
n 1: several arteries and supplying the intercostal spaces of
the rib cage [syn: intercostal artery, {arteria
arteria labialis
arteria labialis
n 1: an artery that is a branch of the facial artery that
supplies the lips of the mouth [syn: labial artery,
arteria labialis]
arteria labialis inferior
arteria labialis inferior
n 1: an artery that is a branch of the facial artery that
supplies the lower lip [syn: inferior labial artery,
arteria labialis inferior]
arteria labialis superior
arteria labialis superior
n 1: an artery that is a branch of the facial artery that
supplies the upper lip [syn: superior labial artery,
arteria labialis superior]
arteria lacrimalis
arteria lacrimalis
n 1: an artery that originates from the ophthalmic artery and
supplies the lacrimal gland and rectal eye muscles and the
upper eyelid and the forehead [syn: lacrimal artery,
arteria lacrimalis]
arteria laryngea
arteria laryngea
n 1: either of two arteries that supply blood to the larynx
[syn: laryngeal artery, arteria laryngea]
arteria lienalis
arteria lienalis
n 1: an artery that originates from the celiac trunk and
supplies blood to the spleen [syn: lienal artery,
splenic artery, arteria lienalis]
arteria lingualis
arteria lingualis
n 1: an artery originating from the external carotid artery and
supplying the under side of the tongue [syn: {lingual
artery}, arteria lingualis]
arteria lumbalis
arteria lumbalis
n 1: one of four or five pairs of arteries that originate in the
abdominal aorta and supply the lumbar vertebrae and the
back muscles and abdominal wall [syn: lumbar artery,
arteria lumbalis]
arteria maxillaris
arteria maxillaris
n 1: either of two arteries branching from the external carotid
artery and supplying structure of the face [syn: {maxillary
artery}, arteria maxillaris]
arteria meningea
arteria meningea
n 1: any of three arteries supplying the meninges of the brain
and neighboring structures [syn: meningeal artery,
arteria meningea]
arteria mesenterica
arteria mesenterica
n 1: one of two branches of the aorta that pass between the two
layers of the mesentery to the intestines [syn: {mesenteric
artery}, arteria mesenterica]
arteria metacarpea
arteria metacarpea
n 1: dorsal and palmar arteries of the hand [syn: {metacarpal
artery}, arteria metacarpea]
arteria metatarsea
arteria metatarsea
n 1: dorsal and plantar arteries to the metatarsal region of the
foot [syn: metatarsal artery, arteria metatarsea]
arteria musculophrenica
arteria musculophrenica
n 1: an artery that supplies the abdomen and intercostal muscles
[syn: musculophrenic artery, arteria musculophrenica]
arteria nutricia
arteria nutricia
n 1: an artery that supplies the medullary cavity of the long
bone [syn: nutrient artery, arteria nutricia]
arteria ophthalmica
arteria ophthalmica
n 1: a branch of the internal carotid artery that supplies the
eye and neighboring structures [syn: ophthalmic artery,
arteria ophthalmica]
arteria ovarica
arteria ovarica
n 1: the artery that branches from the aorta and supplies blood
to the ovaries [syn: ovarian artery, arteria ovarica]
arteria palatina
arteria palatina
n 1: one of several arteries supplying the face [syn: {palatine
artery}, arteria palatina]
arteria pancreatica
arteria pancreatica
n 1: a branch of the splenic artery that supplies the pancreas
[syn: pancreatic artery, arteria pancreatica]
arteria perinealis
arteria perinealis
n 1: a branch of the internal pudendal artery that supplies
superficial structures of the perineum [syn: {perineal
artery}, arteria perinealis]
arteria poplitea
arteria poplitea
n 1: a continuation of the femoral artery that branches to
supply the legs and feet [syn: popliteal artery, {arteria
arteria pudenda
arteria pudenda
n 1: arteries supplying the external genital organs of humans
[syn: pudendal artery, arteria pudenda]

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