- kecať
blab,klábosit v: Zdeněk Brož
blab,tlachat v: Zdeněk Brož
blab,vyžvanit v: Zdeněk Brož
blab,žvanit v: Zdeněk Brož
blab,žvásty Zdeněk Brož
Blab \Blab\, v. i.
To talk thoughtlessly or without discretion; to tattle; to
tell tales.
[1913 Webster]

She must burst or blab. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
Blab \Blab\, n. [OE. blabbe.]
One who blabs; a babbler; a telltale. "Avoided as a blab."
[1913 Webster]

For who will open himself to a blab or a babbler.
[1913 Webster]
Blab \Blab\ (bl[a^]b), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Blabbed (bl[a^]bd);
p. pr. & vb. n. Blabbing.] [Cf. OE. blaberen, or Dan.
blabbre, G. plappern, Gael. blabaran a stammerer; prob. of
imitative origin. Cf. also Blubber, v.]
To utter or tell unnecessarily, or in a thoughtless manner;
to publish (secrets or trifles) without reserve or
discretion; -- sometimes used with out. --Udall.
[1913 Webster]

And yonder a vile physician blabbing
The case of his patient. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
v 1: divulge confidential information or secrets; "Be careful--
his secretary talks" [syn: spill the beans, {let the cat
out of the bag}, talk, tattle, blab, peach,
babble, sing, babble out, blab out] [ant: {keep
one's mouth shut}, keep quiet, shut one's mouth]
2: speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
[syn: chatter, piffle, palaver, prate, {tittle-
tattle}, twaddle, clack, maunder, prattle, blab,
gibber, tattle, blabber, gabble]
podobné slovodefinícia
blab out
blab out,vyzradit v: Zdeněk Brožblab out,vyžvanit v: Zdeněk Brož
Blab \Blab\, v. i.
To talk thoughtlessly or without discretion; to tattle; to
tell tales.
[1913 Webster]

She must burst or blab. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]Blab \Blab\, n. [OE. blabbe.]
One who blabs; a babbler; a telltale. "Avoided as a blab."
[1913 Webster]

For who will open himself to a blab or a babbler.
[1913 Webster]Blab \Blab\ (bl[a^]b), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Blabbed (bl[a^]bd);
p. pr. & vb. n. Blabbing.] [Cf. OE. blaberen, or Dan.
blabbre, G. plappern, Gael. blabaran a stammerer; prob. of
imitative origin. Cf. also Blubber, v.]
To utter or tell unnecessarily, or in a thoughtless manner;
to publish (secrets or trifles) without reserve or
discretion; -- sometimes used with out. --Udall.
[1913 Webster]

And yonder a vile physician blabbing
The case of his patient. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
Blab \Blab\ (bl[a^]b), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Blabbed (bl[a^]bd);
p. pr. & vb. n. Blabbing.] [Cf. OE. blaberen, or Dan.
blabbre, G. plappern, Gael. blabaran a stammerer; prob. of
imitative origin. Cf. also Blubber, v.]
To utter or tell unnecessarily, or in a thoughtless manner;
to publish (secrets or trifles) without reserve or
discretion; -- sometimes used with out. --Udall.
[1913 Webster]

And yonder a vile physician blabbing
The case of his patient. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
Blabber \Blab"ber\, n.
one who blabr; a tattler; a telltale.

Syn: blabbermouth. [1913 Webster]
blabbermouth \blabbermouth\ n.
someone who gossips indiscreetly.

Syn: blabber, tattletale, taleteller, talebearer, telltale.
[WordNet 1.5]
blabbermouthed \blabbermouthed\ adj.
1. tending to talk excessively.

Syn: bigmouthed, blabby, talkative.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. prone to revealing secrets; -- of people.

Syn: leaky, talebearing(prenominal), tattling(prenominal).
[WordNet 1.5]
Blab \Blab\ (bl[a^]b), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Blabbed (bl[a^]bd);
p. pr. & vb. n. Blabbing.] [Cf. OE. blaberen, or Dan.
blabbre, G. plappern, Gael. blabaran a stammerer; prob. of
imitative origin. Cf. also Blubber, v.]
To utter or tell unnecessarily, or in a thoughtless manner;
to publish (secrets or trifles) without reserve or
discretion; -- sometimes used with out. --Udall.
[1913 Webster]

And yonder a vile physician blabbing
The case of his patient. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
blabby \blab"by\ adj.
same as blabbermouthed 1.

Syn: bigmouthed, blabbermouthed, talkative.
[WordNet 1.5]
Blabera gigantea
knocker \knock"er\, n.
1. One who, or that which, knocks; specifically, an
instrument, or kind of hammer, fastened to a door, to be
used in seeking for admittance.
[1913 Webster]

Shut, shut the door, good John ! fatigued, I said;
Tie up the knocker; say I'm sick, I'm dead. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

2. A person strikingly handsome, beautiful, or fine; one who
wins admiration; a "stunner." [Slang.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. A species of large cockroach, especially {Blabera
gigantea}, of semitropical America, which is able to
produce a loud knocking sound.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

4. [usually used in pl.] a woman's breast. [vulgar]
Blaberus \Blaberus\ n.
a genus of insects consisting of giant cockroaches.

Syn: genus Blaberus.
[WordNet 1.5]
Dolichos Lablab
Hyacinth \Hy"a*cinth\, n. [L. hyacinthus a kind of flower, prob.
the iris, gladiolus, or larkspur, also a kind of gem, perh.
the sapphire; as, a proper name, Hyacinthus, a beautiful
Laconian youth, beloved by Apollo, fr. Gr. ?, ?: cf. F.
hyacinthe. Cf. Jacinth. The hyacinth was fabled to have
sprung from the blood of Hyacinthus, who was accidentally
slain by Apollo.]
1. (Bot.)
(a) A bulbous plant of the genus Hyacinthus, bearing
beautiful spikes of fragrant flowers. {Hyacinthus
orientalis} is a common variety.
(b) A plant of the genus Camassia (Camassia Farseri),
called also Eastern camass; wild hyacinth.
(c) The name also given to Scilla Peruviana, a
Mediterranean plant, one variety of which produces
white, and another blue, flowers; -- called also, from
a mistake as to its origin, Hyacinth of Peru.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Min.) A red variety of zircon, sometimes used as a gem.
See Zircon.
[1913 Webster]

Hyacinth bean (Bot.), a climbing leguminous plant
(Dolichos Lablab), related to the true bean. It has dark
purple flowers and fruit.
[1913 Webster]Lablab \Lab"lab\ (l[a^]b"l[a^]b), n. (Bot.)
an East Indian name for several twining leguminous plants
related to the bean, but commonly applied to the hyacinth
bean (Dolichos Lablab).
[1913 Webster]Bean \Bean\ (b[=e]n), n. [OE. bene, AS. be['a]n; akin to D.
boon, G. bohne, OHG. p[=o]na, Icel. baun, Dan. b["o]nne, Sw.
b["o]na, and perh. to Russ. bob, L. faba.]
1. (Bot.) A name given to the seed of certain leguminous
herbs, chiefly of the genera Faba, Phaseolus, and
Dolichos; also, to the herbs.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The origin and classification of many kinds are still
doubtful. Among true beans are: the black-eyed bean and
China bean, included in Dolichos Sinensis; black
Egyptian bean or hyacinth bean, Dolichos Lablab; the
common haricot beans, kidney beans, string beans, and
pole beans, all included in Phaseolus vulgaris; the
lower bush bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, variety nanus;
Lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus; Spanish bean and
scarlet runner, Phaseolus multiflorus; Windsor bean,
the common bean of England, Faba vulgaris.
[1913 Webster] As an article of food beans are classed
with vegetables.
[1913 Webster]

2. The popular name of other vegetable seeds or fruits, more
or less resembling true beans.
[1913 Webster]

Bean aphis (Zool.), a plant louse (Aphis fab[ae]) which
infests the bean plant.

Bean fly (Zool.), a fly found on bean flowers.

Bean goose (Zool.), a species of goose (Anser segetum).

Bean weevil (Zool.), a small weevil that in the larval
state destroys beans. The American species is {Bruchus

Florida bean (Bot.), the seed of Mucuna urens, a West
Indian plant. The seeds are washed up on the Florida
shore, and are often polished and made into ornaments.

Ignatius bean, or St. Ignatius's bean (Bot.), a species
of Strychnos.

Navy bean, the common dried white bean of commerce;
probably so called because an important article of food in
the navy.

Pea bean, a very small and highly esteemed variety of the
edible white bean; -- so called from its size.

Sacred bean. See under Sacred.

Screw bean. See under Screw.

Sea bean.
(a) Same as Florida bean.
(b) A red bean of unknown species used for ornament.

Tonquin bean, or Tonka bean, the fragrant seed of
Dipteryx odorata, a leguminous tree.

Vanilla bean. See under Vanilla.
[1913 Webster]
Lablab \Lab"lab\ (l[a^]b"l[a^]b), n. (Bot.)
an East Indian name for several twining leguminous plants
related to the bean, but commonly applied to the hyacinth
bean (Dolichos Lablab).
[1913 Webster]
Resemblable \Re*sem"bla*ble\ (r?-z?m"bl?-b'l), a. [See
Admitting of being compared; like. [Obs.] --Gower.
[1913 Webster]
Semblable \Sem"bla*ble\, a. [F., from sembler to seem, resemble,
L. similare, simulare. See Simulate.]
Like; similar; resembling. [Obs.] --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]Semblable \Sem"bla*ble\, n.
Likeness; representation. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Semblably \Sem"bla*bly\, adv.
In like manner. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Troublable \Trou"bla*ble\, a.
Causing trouble; troublesome. [Obs.] "troublable ire."
[1913 Webster]
blab out
blab out
v 1: divulge confidential information or secrets; "Be careful--
his secretary talks" [syn: spill the beans, {let the cat
out of the bag}, talk, tattle, blab, peach,
babble, sing, babble out, blab out] [ant: {keep
one's mouth shut}, keep quiet, shut one's mouth]
n 1: one who reveals confidential information in return for
money [syn: informer, betrayer, rat, squealer,
v 1: speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
[syn: chatter, piffle, palaver, prate, {tittle-
tattle}, twaddle, clack, maunder, prattle, blab,
gibber, tattle, blabber, gabble]
n 1: someone who gossips indiscreetly [syn: tattletale,
tattler, taleteller, talebearer, telltale,
adj 1: unwisely talking too much [syn: bigmouthed,
blabbermouthed, blabby, talkative]
2: prone to communicate confidential information [syn:
blabbermouthed, leaky, talebearing(a), tattling(a)]
adj 1: unwisely talking too much [syn: bigmouthed,
blabbermouthed, blabby, talkative]
n 1: giant cockroaches [syn: Blaberus, genus Blaberus]
dolichos lablab
Dolichos lablab
n 1: perennial twining vine of Old World tropics having
trifoliate leaves and racemes of fragrant purple pea-like
flowers followed by maroon pods of edible seeds; grown as
an ornamental and as a vegetable on the Indian
subcontinent; sometimes placed in genus Dolichos [syn:
hyacinth bean, bonavist, Indian bean, {Egyptian
bean}, Lablab purpureus, Dolichos lablab]
genus blaberus
genus Blaberus
n 1: giant cockroaches [syn: Blaberus, genus Blaberus]
genus lablab
genus Lablab
n 1: one species: hyacinth bean [syn: Lablab, genus Lablab]
n 1: one species: hyacinth bean [syn: Lablab, genus Lablab]
lablab purpureus
Lablab purpureus
n 1: perennial twining vine of Old World tropics having
trifoliate leaves and racemes of fragrant purple pea-like
flowers followed by maroon pods of edible seeds; grown as
an ornamental and as a vegetable on the Indian
subcontinent; sometimes placed in genus Dolichos [syn:
hyacinth bean, bonavist, Indian bean, {Egyptian
bean}, Lablab purpureus, Dolichos lablab]

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