buttonwood,platan n: Zdeněk Brož
Plane \Plane\, n. [F., fr. L. platanus, Gr. ?, fr. ? broad; --
so called on account of its broad leaves and spreading form.
See Place, and cf. Platane, Plantain the tree.] (Bot.)
Any tree of the genus Platanus.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The Oriental plane (Platanus orientalis) is a native
of Asia. It rises with a straight, smooth, branching
stem to a great height, with palmated leaves, and long
pendulous peduncles, sustaining several heads of small
close-sitting flowers. The seeds are downy, and
collected into round, rough, hard balls. The Occidental
plane (Platanus occidentalis), which grows to a great
height, is a native of North America, where it is
popularly called sycamore, buttonwood, and
buttonball, names also applied to the California
species (Platanus racemosa).
[1913 Webster]
Buttonwood \But"ton*wood`\, n. (Bot.)
The Platanus occidentalis, or American plane tree, a large
tree, producing rough balls, from which it is named; --
called also buttonball tree, and, in some parts of the
United States, sycamore. The California buttonwood is
Platanus racemosa.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: very large spreading plane tree of eastern and central
North America to Mexico [syn: American sycamore,
American plane, buttonwood, Platanus occidentalis]
podobné slovodefinícia
Plane \Plane\, n. [F., fr. L. platanus, Gr. ?, fr. ? broad; --
so called on account of its broad leaves and spreading form.
See Place, and cf. Platane, Plantain the tree.] (Bot.)
Any tree of the genus Platanus.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The Oriental plane (Platanus orientalis) is a native
of Asia. It rises with a straight, smooth, branching
stem to a great height, with palmated leaves, and long
pendulous peduncles, sustaining several heads of small
close-sitting flowers. The seeds are downy, and
collected into round, rough, hard balls. The Occidental
plane (Platanus occidentalis), which grows to a great
height, is a native of North America, where it is
popularly called sycamore, buttonwood, and
buttonball, names also applied to the California
species (Platanus racemosa).
[1913 Webster]Buttonwood \But"ton*wood`\, n. (Bot.)
The Platanus occidentalis, or American plane tree, a large
tree, producing rough balls, from which it is named; --
called also buttonball tree, and, in some parts of the
United States, sycamore. The California buttonwood is
Platanus racemosa.
[1913 Webster]

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