C4,Command, Control, Communication, and Computers [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk
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Command, Control, Communications and Computers (mil., USA)
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BMC4ISR,Battle Mangement C4I Surveillance and Reconnaissance [zkr.]
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battle mangement c4i surveillance and reconnaissance
Battle Mangement C4I Surveillance and Reconnaissance,BMC4ISR[zkr.]
[voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
digitoxin \dig`i*tox"in\ (d[i^]j`[i^]*t[o^]k"s[i^]n), n. (Chem.)
A steroid glycoside, one of the cardiotonic chemical
substances which is extracted from the foxglove. It is a
white, crystalline substance (C41H64O13), and is a
3-substituted triglucoside of a steroid, related structurally
to digitalin and digoxin. It is used as a cardiotonic for
treatment of certain heart conditions, such as congestive
heart failure. Chemically it is

The related compounds digitalin and digoxin are also
extracted from the foxglove (Digitalis lanata and
Digitalis purpurea). The class of steroid glycosides having
cardiotonic properties are refered to as the cardiac
glycoside group. --MI11
digoxin \di*gox"in\, n. (Chem.)
a steroid glycoside, one of the cardiotonic chemical
substances which is extracted from the foxglove. It is a
white, crystalline substance (C41H64O14), and is a
3-substituted triglucoside of a steroid, related structurally
to digitalin and digitoxin. It is used as a cardiotonic for
treatment of certain heart conditions, such as congestive
heart failure. Chemically it is

, 6-dideoxy-[beta]-D-ribo-hexopyranosyl)oxy]-12,14-dihydroxy-card-20(22)-enolide.
The related compounds digitalin and digoxin are also
extracted from the foxglove (Digitalis lanata and
Digitalis purpurea). The class of steroid glycosides having
cardiotonic properties are refered to as the cardiac
glycosides. --MI11
amphotericin \amphotericin\, amphotericin B \amphotericin B\n.
1. an antibiotic and antifungal agent (C47H73NO17),
produced by a strain of Streptomyces nodosus. It is one
of a class of polyene macrolide antibiotics effective
against fungal infections. It has a molecular weight of
924.11; it is soluble in oganic solvents but only slightly
soluble in water.

Syn: Fungizone. [WordNet 1.5]
nystatin \nystatin\ n. [From NY state + -in, due to its
discovery in New York State.]
An antifungal antibiotic, extracted from fermentation broths
of the soil actinomycete Streptomyces noursei and other
actinomycetes; called also fungicidin. It is a polyene
macrolide antibiotic, and consists of several related
components. Component nystatin A1 has formula C47H75NO17.
[WordNet 1.5]
Butane \Bu"tane\ (b[=u]"t[=a]n), n. [L. butyrum butter. See
Butter.] (Chem.)
An inflammable gaseous saturated hydrocarbon, C4H10, of the
marsh gas, or paraffin, series.
[1913 Webster]
Putrescin \Pu*tres"cin\, n. (Physiol. Chem.)
A nontoxic diamine, C4H12N2, formed in the putrefaction of
the flesh of mammals and some other animals.
[1913 Webster]
Furile \Fu"rile\, n. [Furfurol + benzile.] (Chem.)
A yellow, crystalline substance, (C4H3O)2.C2O2, obtained by
the oxidation of furoin. [Written also furil.]
[1913 Webster]
Furfurol \Fur"fu*rol\, n. [L. furfur bran + oleum oil.] (Chem.)
A colorless oily liquid, C4H3O.CHO, of a pleasant odor,
obtained by the distillation of bran, sugar, etc., and
regarded as an aldehyde derivative of furfuran; -- called
also furfural.
[1913 Webster]
Thienyl \Thi"e*nyl\, n. [Thiophene + -yl.] (Chem.)
The hypothetical radical C4H3S., regarded as the essential
residue of thiophene and certain of its derivatives.
[1913 Webster]
Thienone \Thi"e*none\, n. [Thienyl + ketone.] (Chem.)
A ketone derivative of thiophene obtained as a white
crystalline substance, (C4H3S)2.CO, by the action of
aluminum chloride and carbonyl chloride on thiophene.
[1913 Webster]
Thiotolene \Thi`o*to"lene\, n. [Thio- + toluene.] (Chem.)
A colorless oily liquid, C4H3S.CH3, analogous to, and
resembling, toluene; -- called also methyl thiophene.
[1913 Webster]
Tetrol \Tet"rol\, n. [Tetra- + benzol.] (Chem.)
A hypothetical hydrocarbon, C4H4, analogous to benzene; --
so called from the four carbon atoms in the molecule.
[1913 Webster]

Tetrol phenol, furfuran. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Pyrazine \Pyr"a*zine\, n. Also -zin \-zin\ . [Pyridine + Gr. ?
not + ? life.] (Org. Chem.)
A feebly basic solid, C4H4N2, obtained by distilling
piperazine with zinc dust, and in other ways. Also, by
extension, any of various derivatives of the same.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Furfuran \Fur"fu*ran\, n. [L. furfur bran.] (Chem.)
A colorless, oily substance, C4H4O, obtained by distilling
certain organic substances, as pine wood, salts of pyromucic
acid, etc.; -- called also tetraphenol.
[1913 Webster]Glycolide \Gly"co*lide\, n. [Glycol + anhydride.] (Chem.)
A white amorphous powder, C4H4O, obtained by heating and
dehydrating glycolic acid. [Written also glycollide.]
[1913 Webster]
Tartrelic \Tar*trel"ic\, a. [From Tartar the chemical
compound.] (Chem.)
Of, pertaining to, or designating, an anhydride, C4H4O5, of
tartaric acid, obtained as a white crystalline deliquescent
[1913 Webster]
Thiophene \Thi"o*phene\, n. [Thio- + phenyl + -ene.] (Chem.)
A sulphur hydrocarbon, C4H4S, analogous to furfuran and
benzene, and acting as the base of a large number of
substances which closely resemble the corresponding aromatic
[1913 Webster]
pyrrol \pyr"rol\, pyrrole \pyr"role\, n. [Gr. ? flame-colored
(from ? fire) + L. oleum oil.] (Chem.)
A nitrogenous heterocyclic base found in coal tar, bone oil,
and other distillates of organic substances, and also
produced synthetically as a colorless liquid, C4H5N, having
on odor like that of chloroform. It is the nucleus and origin
of a large number of derivatives. So called because it colors
a splinter of wood moistened with hydrochloric acid a deep
[1913 Webster]
cytosine \cy"to*sine\ (s[imac]"t[-o]*s[i^]n or
s[imac]"t[-o]*s[=e]n), n. (Biochemistry)
A pyrimidine (C4H5N3O) which is one of the four major basic
components of DNA and RNA in most organisms, forming
glyosides with ribose and deoxyribose. It is the basic
component of cytidine, deoxycytidine, cytosine, cytidine
monophosphate, and derivatives of those compounds.
Oxonic \Ox*on"ic\, a. [Prob. glyoxalic + carbonic.] (Chem.)
Pertaining to, or designating, a complex nitrogenous acid
(C4H5N3O4) not known in the free state, but obtained, in
combination with its salts, by a slow oxidation of uric acid,
to which it is related.
[1913 Webster]
Crotonylene \Cro*ton"y*lene\ (kr?-t?n"?-l?n), n. [Crotonic +
acet-ylene.] (Chem.)
A colorless, volatile, pungent liquid, C4H6, produced
artificially, and regarded as an unsaturated hydrocarbon of
the acetylene series, and analogous to crotonic acid.
[1913 Webster]butadiene \butadiene\ n.
a gaseous hydrocarbon C4H6; -- it is used as a monomer unit
in making synthetic rubbers.
[WordNet 1.5]
Tetracid \Tet*rac"id\, a. [Tetra + acid.] (Chem.)
Capable of neutralizing four molecules of a monobasic acid;
having four hydrogen atoms capable of replacement ba acids or
acid atoms; -- said of certain bases; thus, erythrine,
C4H6(OH)4, is a tetracid alcohol.
[1913 Webster]Erythrite \E*ryth"rite\, n. [Gr. 'eryqro`s red.]
1. (Chem.) A colorless crystalline substance, C4H6.(OH)4,
of a sweet, cooling taste, extracted from certain lichens,
and obtained by the decomposition of erythrin; -- called
also erythrol, erythroglucin, erythromannite,
pseudorcin, cobalt bloom, and under the name phycite
obtained from the alga Protococcus vulgaris. It is a
tetrabasic alcohol, corresponding to glycol and glycerin.
Tiglic \Tig"lic\, a. (Chem.)
Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid, C4H7CO2H
(called also methyl crotonic acid), homologous with crotonic
acid, and obtained from croton oil (from Croton Tiglium) as
a white crystalline substance.
[1913 Webster]
Pyrroline \Pyr"ro*line\, n. (Chem.)
A nitrogenous base, C4H7N, obtained as a colorless liquid
by the reduction of pyrrole.
[1913 Webster]
Trigenic \Tri*gen"ic\, a. [Pref. tri- + gen- + -ic. So named in
reference to its composition, it being supposed to contain
the radicals of three molecules of cyanic acid.] (Chem.)
Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid, C4H7N3O2,
obtained, by the action of the vapor of cyanic acid on cold
aldehyde, as a white crystalline substance having a slightly
acid taste and faint smell; -- called also ethidene-biuret
or ethylidene-biuret.
[1913 Webster]
Tetramethylene \Tet`ra*meth"yl*ene\, n. [Tetra- + methylene.]
(a) A hypothetical hydrocarbon, C4H8, analogous to
trimethylene, and regarded as the base of well-known
series or derivatives.
(b) Sometimes, an isomeric radical used to designate certain
compounds which are really related to butylene.
[1913 Webster]butene \butene\ n.
any of three isomeric singly unsaturated hydrocarbons C4H8;
all are used in making synthetic rubbers; -- called also
[WordNet 1.5]Butylene \Bu"ty*lene\, n. [From Butyl.]
1. (Chem.) Any one of three metameric hydrocarbons, C4H8,
of the ethylene series. They are gaseous or easily
liquefiable; -- called also butene.
[1913 Webster]

2. the hypothetical divalent radical -(CH2)4-; -- used in
combining forms; as, butylene diamine.
Asparagine \As*par"a*gine\, n. [Cf. F. asparagine.] (Chem.)
A white, nitrogenous, crystallizable substance,
C4H8N2O3+H2O, found in many plants, and first obtained from
asparagus. It is believed to aid in the disposition of
nitrogenous matter throughout the plant; -- called also
[1913 Webster]
Aldol \Al"dol\, n. [Aldehyde + -ol as in alcohol.] (Chem.)
A colorless liquid, C4H8O2, obtained by condensation of two
molecules of acetaldehyde: CH3CHO + CH3CHO = H3CH(OH)CH2CO;
also, any of various derivatives of this. The same reaction
has been applied, under the name of

aldol condensation, to the production of many compounds.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Valeric \Va*ler"ic\, a. (Chem.)
Valerianic; specifically, designating any one of three
metameric acids, of which the typical one (called also
inactive valeric acid), C4H9CO2H, is obtained from
valerian root and other sources, as a corrosive, mobile, oily
liquid, having a strong acid taste, and an odor of old
[1913 Webster]

Active valeric acid, a metameric variety which turns the
plane of polarization to the right, although formed by the
oxidation of a levorotatory amyl alcohol.
[1913 Webster]
Butylamine \Bu`tyl*am"ine\, n. [Butyric + -yl + amine.] (Org.
A colorless liquid base, C4H9.NH2, of which there are four
isomeric varieties.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
butanol \butanol\ (b[=u]t"[a^]n*[add]l), n.
a flammable alcohol (C4H9.OH) derived from butane and used
as a solvent.

Syn: butyl alcohol.
[WordNet 1.5]
butyl mercaptan \bu"tyl mer*cap"tan\, n. (Chem.)
A volatile liquid, C4H9.SH, having a strong odor like that
of a skunk; also called butanethiol. All three isomers,
normal, sec-, and tert-butanethiol possess the skunk odor.
Iodol \I"o*dol\, n. [Iodo- + pyrrol.] (Chem.)
A crystallized substance of the composition C4I4NH,
technically tetra-iodo-pyrrol, used like iodoform.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
butacaine \butacaine\ n.
a white crystalline ester (C18H30N2O2) that is applied to
mucous membranes as a topical anesthetic. Chemically it is
3-(di-n-butylamino)-1-propanol 4-aminobenzoate
(H2N.C6H4.CO.O.(CH2)3N(C4H9)2). It is usually used as the
sulfate salt.

Syn: butacaine sulfate.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

A colour bubble jet printer from Canon. Released in
September 1994. It features 720 x 360 dots per inch in black
and white mode and 360 x 360 in colour. It has two
cartridges: one for black and one for the three primary
colours so it prints true black when printing in colour.

Device Control 4

(DC4) The mnemonic for ASCII character 20, one
of the four Device Control characters.


A cipher designed by {RSA Data Security,
Inc.} which can accept keys of arbitrary length, and is
essentially a pseudo random number generator with the output
of the generator being XORed with the data stream to produce
the encrypted data. For this reason, it is very important
that the same RC4 key never be used to encrypt two different
data streams. The encryption mechanism used to be a trade
secret, until someone posted source code for an algorithm
onto Usenet News, claiming it to be equivalent to RC4. The
algorithm is very fast, its security is unknown, but breaking
it does not seem trivial either. There is very strong
evidence that the posted algorithm is indeed equivalent to

The United States government routinely approves RC4 with
40-bit keys for export. Keys this small can be easily broken
by governments, criminals, and amateurs. The exportable
version of Netscape's Secure Socket Layer, which uses
RC4-40, was broken by at least two independent groups.
Breaking it took about eight days; in many universities or
companies the same computing power is available to any
computer science student.

See also {Damien Doligez's SSL cracking page
(}, {RC4 Source and
Information (}, {SSLeay
(}, {Crypto++
(}, {Ssh
(}, {A
collection of articles

Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence
(mil., USA)
Optical Carrier level 48 [2488,32 Mbps] (SONET, STM-16), "OC-48"
Rivest Cipher / Ron's Code 4 (cryptography)

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