slovo | definícia |
cdr (mass) | CD-R
- Compact Disc Recordable |
CD-R (gcide) | CD-R \CD-R\ n. [from Compact Disk-Recordable.]
a recordable compact disk; a compact disc on which you can
write only once and thereafter is read-only.
Syn: compact disc recordable, CD-WO, compact disc write-once.
[WordNet 1.5] |
cdr (foldoc) | CDR
1. Committed Data Rate.
2. Compact Disc Recordable (CD-R).
3. Call Data Record.
cdr (foldoc) | Contents of Decrement part of Register
(cdr) /ku'dr/ or /kuh'dr/ The right-hand element of
a Lisp cons cell.
cdr (jargon) | cdr
/ku'dr/, /kuh´dr/, vt.
[from LISP] To skip past the first item from a list of things (generalized
from the LISP operation on binary tree structures, which returns a list
consisting of all but the first element of its argument). In the form cdr
down, to trace down a list of elements: “Shall we cdr down the agenda?”
Usage: silly. See also loop through.
Historical note: The instruction format of the IBM 704 that hosted the
original LISP implementation featured two 15-bit fields called the address
and decrement parts. The term cdr was originally Contents of Decrement part
of Register. Similarly, car stood for Contents of Address part of Register.
The cdr and car operations have since become bases for formation of
compound metaphors in non-LISP contexts. GLS recalls, for example, a
programming project in which strings were represented as linked lists; the
get-character and skip-character operations were of course called CHAR and
cdr (vera) | CDR
Compact Disk - Recordable (CD), "CD-R"
cdr (vera) | CDR
Contents of the Decrement Register (IBM, ELISP, CAR)
| podobné slovo | definícia |
cdrom (mass) | CD-ROM
- Compact Disc Read-Only Memory |
gwatcdr (encz) | GWATCDR,God Willing And The Creek Don't Rise [zkr.] |
CD-R (gcide) | CD-R \CD-R\ n. [from Compact Disk-Recordable.]
a recordable compact disk; a compact disc on which you can
write only once and thereafter is read-only.
Syn: compact disc recordable, CD-WO, compact disc write-once.
[WordNet 1.5] |
CD-ROM (gcide) | CD-ROM \CD-ROM\ n.
a compact disk that is used with a computer (rather than with
an audio system); a large amount of digital information can
be stored and accessed but it cannot be altered by the user.
Syn: compact disc read-only memory.
[WordNet 1.5] |
cdra (vera) | CDRA
Character Data Representation Architecture
cdram (vera) | CDRAM
Cached Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC)
cdrm (vera) | CDRM
Cross Domain Resource Manager (VTAM, SSCP, IBM)
cdrom (vera) | CDROM
Compact Disk - Read Only Memory (CD, ROM), "CD-ROM"
cdromxa (vera) | CDROMXA
Compact Disk - ROM / eXtended Architecture (CD, MPC, ROM),
cdrw (vera) | CDRW
Compact Disk - ReWritable (CD), "CD-RW"
ddcdr (vera) | DDCDR
Double Density Compact Disk - Read (Sony, CD), "DDCD-R"
ddcdrw (vera) | DDCDRW
Double Density Compact Disk - Read Write (Sony, CD), "DDCD-RW"