cockscomb,chvastoun n: Zdeněk Brož
Cockscomb \Cocks"comb`\ (k[o^]ks"k[=o]m`), n. [1st cock, n. +
comb crest.]
1. See Coxcomb.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A plant (Celosia cristata), of many varieties,
cultivated for its broad, fantastic spikes of brilliant
flowers; -- sometimes called garden cockscomb. Also the
Pedicularis, or lousewort, the {Rhinanthus
Crista-galli}, and the Onobrychis Crista-galli.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: garden annual with featherlike spikes of red or yellow
flowers [syn: cockscomb, common cockscomb, {Celosia
cristata}, Celosia argentea cristata]
2: a conceited dandy who is overly impressed by his own
accomplishments [syn: coxcomb, cockscomb]
3: a cap worn by court jesters; adorned with a strip of red
[syn: cockscomb, coxcomb]
4: the fleshy red crest on the head of the domestic fowl and
other gallinaceous birds [syn: comb, cockscomb,
podobné slovodefinícia
common cockscomb
common cockscomb, n:
Cockscomb \Cocks"comb`\ (k[o^]ks"k[=o]m`), n. [1st cock, n. +
comb crest.]
1. See Coxcomb.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A plant (Celosia cristata), of many varieties,
cultivated for its broad, fantastic spikes of brilliant
flowers; -- sometimes called garden cockscomb. Also the
Pedicularis, or lousewort, the {Rhinanthus
Crista-galli}, and the Onobrychis Crista-galli.
[1913 Webster]
garden cockscomb
Cockscomb \Cocks"comb`\ (k[o^]ks"k[=o]m`), n. [1st cock, n. +
comb crest.]
1. See Coxcomb.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A plant (Celosia cristata), of many varieties,
cultivated for its broad, fantastic spikes of brilliant
flowers; -- sometimes called garden cockscomb. Also the
Pedicularis, or lousewort, the {Rhinanthus
Crista-galli}, and the Onobrychis Crista-galli.
[1913 Webster]
common cockscomb
common cockscomb
n 1: garden annual with featherlike spikes of red or yellow
flowers [syn: cockscomb, common cockscomb, {Celosia
cristata}, Celosia argentea cristata]

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