- konferencia
League \League\ (l[=e]g), n. [F. ligue, LL. liga, fr. L. ligare
to bind; cf. Sp. liga. Cf. Ally a confederate, Ligature.]
1. An alliance or combination of two or more nations,
parties, organizations, or persons, for the accomplishment
of a purpose which requires a continued course of action,
as for mutual defense, or for furtherance of commercial,
religious, or political interests, etc.
[1913 Webster]

And let there be
'Twixt us and them no league, nor amity. --Denham.
[1913 Webster]

2. Specifically: (Sports) An association of sports teams that
establishes rules of play, decides questions of membership
in the league, and organizes matches between the member
teams. In some cases a sports league is called a
conference, as in the National Football Conference.

Note: A league may be offensive or defensive, or both;
offensive, when the parties agree to unite in attacking
a common enemy; defensive, when they agree to a mutual
defense of each other against an enemy.
[1913 Webster]

The Holy League, an alliance of Roman Catholics formed in
1576 by influence of the Duke of Guise for the exclusion
of Protestants from the throne of France.

Solemn League and Covenant. See Covenant,2.

The land league, an association, organized in Dublin in
1879, to promote the interests of the Irish tenantry, its
avowed objects being to secure fixity of tenure, fair
rent, and free sale of the tenants' interest. It was
declared illegal by Parliament, but vigorous prosecutions
have failed to suppress it.

Syn: Alliance; confederacy; confederation; coalition;
combination; compact; cooperation.
[1913 Webster]
Conference \Con"fer*ence\, n. [F. conf['e]rence. See Confer.]
1. The act of comparing two or more things together;
comparison. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Helps and furtherances which . . . the mutual
conference of all men's collections and observations
may afford. --Hocker.
[1913 Webster]

2. The act of consulting together formally; serious
conversation or discussion; interchange of views.
[1913 Webster]

Nor with such free and friendly conference
As he hath used of old. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. A meeting for consultation, discussion, or an interchange
of opinions.
[1913 Webster]

4. A meeting of the two branches of a legislature, by their
committees, to adjust between them.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Methodist Church) A stated meeting of preachers and
others, invested with authority to take cognizance of
ecclesiastical matters.
[1913 Webster]

6. A voluntary association of Congregational churches of a
district; the district in which such churches are.
[1913 Webster]

Conference meeting, a meeting for conference. Specifically,
a meeting conducted (usually) by laymen, for conference
and prayer. [U. S.]

Conference room, a room for conference and prayer, and for
the pastor's less formal addresses. [U. S.]
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a prearranged meeting for consultation or exchange of
information or discussion (especially one with a formal
2: an association of sports teams that organizes matches for its
members [syn: league, conference]
3: a discussion among participants who have an agreed (serious)
topic [syn: conference, group discussion]
CONFERENCE, practice, legislation. In practice, it is the meeting of the
parties or their attorneys in a cause, for the purpose of endeavoring to
settle the same.
2. In legislation, when the senate and house of representatives cannot
agree on a bill or resolution which it is desirable should be passed,
committees are appointed by the two bodies respectively, who are called
committees of conference, and whose duty it is, if possible, to -reconcile
the differences between them.
3. In the French law, this term is used to signify the similarity and
comparison between two laws, or two systems of law; as the Roman and the
common law. Encyclopedie, h.t.
4. In diplomacy, conferences are verbal explanations between ministers
of two nations at least, for the purpose of accelerating various
difficulties and delays, necessarily attending written communications.

podobné slovodefinícia
at the conference
at the conference,na konferenci Oldřich Švec
conference call
conference call,
conference center
conference center, n:
conference house
conference house, n:
conference room
conference room, n:
conference table
conference table, n:
conferences,konference pl. Zdeněk Brož
conferences advisor
Conferences Advisor,
news conference
news conference,brífink news conference,tisková konference
press conference
press conference,
pretrial conference
pretrial conference, n:
round-table conference
round-table conference, n:
southern african development coordination conference
Southern African Development Coordination Conference,
stockholm conference
Stockholm Conference,Štokholmská konference [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
summit conference
summit conference,
teleconference,telekonference n: Zdeněk Brož
united nations conference on the human environment
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment,United Nations
Conference on the Human Environment [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
united nations conference on trade and development
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,
united nations monetary and financial conference
United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference,
real life conference
Real Life COnference,RLCO[zkr.]
united nations conference on the human environment
United Nations Conference on the Human Environment,United Nations
Conference on the Human Environment[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
League \League\ (l[=e]g), n. [F. ligue, LL. liga, fr. L. ligare
to bind; cf. Sp. liga. Cf. Ally a confederate, Ligature.]
1. An alliance or combination of two or more nations,
parties, organizations, or persons, for the accomplishment
of a purpose which requires a continued course of action,
as for mutual defense, or for furtherance of commercial,
religious, or political interests, etc.
[1913 Webster]

And let there be
'Twixt us and them no league, nor amity. --Denham.
[1913 Webster]

2. Specifically: (Sports) An association of sports teams that
establishes rules of play, decides questions of membership
in the league, and organizes matches between the member
teams. In some cases a sports league is called a
conference, as in the National Football Conference.

Note: A league may be offensive or defensive, or both;
offensive, when the parties agree to unite in attacking
a common enemy; defensive, when they agree to a mutual
defense of each other against an enemy.
[1913 Webster]

The Holy League, an alliance of Roman Catholics formed in
1576 by influence of the Duke of Guise for the exclusion
of Protestants from the throne of France.

Solemn League and Covenant. See Covenant,2.

The land league, an association, organized in Dublin in
1879, to promote the interests of the Irish tenantry, its
avowed objects being to secure fixity of tenure, fair
rent, and free sale of the tenants' interest. It was
declared illegal by Parliament, but vigorous prosecutions
have failed to suppress it.

Syn: Alliance; confederacy; confederation; coalition;
combination; compact; cooperation.
[1913 Webster]Conference \Con"fer*ence\, n. [F. conf['e]rence. See Confer.]
1. The act of comparing two or more things together;
comparison. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Helps and furtherances which . . . the mutual
conference of all men's collections and observations
may afford. --Hocker.
[1913 Webster]

2. The act of consulting together formally; serious
conversation or discussion; interchange of views.
[1913 Webster]

Nor with such free and friendly conference
As he hath used of old. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. A meeting for consultation, discussion, or an interchange
of opinions.
[1913 Webster]

4. A meeting of the two branches of a legislature, by their
committees, to adjust between them.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Methodist Church) A stated meeting of preachers and
others, invested with authority to take cognizance of
ecclesiastical matters.
[1913 Webster]

6. A voluntary association of Congregational churches of a
district; the district in which such churches are.
[1913 Webster]

Conference meeting, a meeting for conference. Specifically,
a meeting conducted (usually) by laymen, for conference
and prayer. [U. S.]

Conference room, a room for conference and prayer, and for
the pastor's less formal addresses. [U. S.]
[1913 Webster]
Conference meeting
Conference \Con"fer*ence\, n. [F. conf['e]rence. See Confer.]
1. The act of comparing two or more things together;
comparison. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Helps and furtherances which . . . the mutual
conference of all men's collections and observations
may afford. --Hocker.
[1913 Webster]

2. The act of consulting together formally; serious
conversation or discussion; interchange of views.
[1913 Webster]

Nor with such free and friendly conference
As he hath used of old. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. A meeting for consultation, discussion, or an interchange
of opinions.
[1913 Webster]

4. A meeting of the two branches of a legislature, by their
committees, to adjust between them.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Methodist Church) A stated meeting of preachers and
others, invested with authority to take cognizance of
ecclesiastical matters.
[1913 Webster]

6. A voluntary association of Congregational churches of a
district; the district in which such churches are.
[1913 Webster]

Conference meeting, a meeting for conference. Specifically,
a meeting conducted (usually) by laymen, for conference
and prayer. [U. S.]

Conference room, a room for conference and prayer, and for
the pastor's less formal addresses. [U. S.]
[1913 Webster]
Conference room
Conference \Con"fer*ence\, n. [F. conf['e]rence. See Confer.]
1. The act of comparing two or more things together;
comparison. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Helps and furtherances which . . . the mutual
conference of all men's collections and observations
may afford. --Hocker.
[1913 Webster]

2. The act of consulting together formally; serious
conversation or discussion; interchange of views.
[1913 Webster]

Nor with such free and friendly conference
As he hath used of old. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. A meeting for consultation, discussion, or an interchange
of opinions.
[1913 Webster]

4. A meeting of the two branches of a legislature, by their
committees, to adjust between them.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Methodist Church) A stated meeting of preachers and
others, invested with authority to take cognizance of
ecclesiastical matters.
[1913 Webster]

6. A voluntary association of Congregational churches of a
district; the district in which such churches are.
[1913 Webster]

Conference meeting, a meeting for conference. Specifically,
a meeting conducted (usually) by laymen, for conference
and prayer. [U. S.]

Conference room, a room for conference and prayer, and for
the pastor's less formal addresses. [U. S.]
[1913 Webster]
National Football Conference
League \League\ (l[=e]g), n. [F. ligue, LL. liga, fr. L. ligare
to bind; cf. Sp. liga. Cf. Ally a confederate, Ligature.]
1. An alliance or combination of two or more nations,
parties, organizations, or persons, for the accomplishment
of a purpose which requires a continued course of action,
as for mutual defense, or for furtherance of commercial,
religious, or political interests, etc.
[1913 Webster]

And let there be
'Twixt us and them no league, nor amity. --Denham.
[1913 Webster]

2. Specifically: (Sports) An association of sports teams that
establishes rules of play, decides questions of membership
in the league, and organizes matches between the member
teams. In some cases a sports league is called a
conference, as in the National Football Conference.

Note: A league may be offensive or defensive, or both;
offensive, when the parties agree to unite in attacking
a common enemy; defensive, when they agree to a mutual
defense of each other against an enemy.
[1913 Webster]

The Holy League, an alliance of Roman Catholics formed in
1576 by influence of the Duke of Guise for the exclusion
of Protestants from the throne of France.

Solemn League and Covenant. See Covenant,2.

The land league, an association, organized in Dublin in
1879, to promote the interests of the Irish tenantry, its
avowed objects being to secure fixity of tenure, fair
rent, and free sale of the tenants' interest. It was
declared illegal by Parliament, but vigorous prosecutions
have failed to suppress it.

Syn: Alliance; confederacy; confederation; coalition;
combination; compact; cooperation.
[1913 Webster]
conference call
conference call
n 1: a telephone call in which more than two people participate
conference center
conference center
n 1: a center where conferences can be conducted [syn:
conference center, conference house]
conference house
conference house
n 1: a center where conferences can be conducted [syn:
conference center, conference house]
conference room
conference room
n 1: a room in which a conference can be held
conference table
conference table
n 1: the table that conferees sit around as they hold a meeting
[syn: conference table, council table, council board]
news conference
news conference
n 1: a conference at which press and tv reporters ask questions
of a politician or other celebrity [syn: {press
conference}, news conference]
potsdam conference
Potsdam Conference
n 1: a conference held in Potsdam in the summer of 1945 where
Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill drew up plans for the
administration of Germany and Poland after World War II
press conference
press conference
n 1: a conference at which press and tv reporters ask questions
of a politician or other celebrity [syn: {press
conference}, news conference]
pretrial conference
pretrial conference
n 1: (law) a conference held before the trial begins to bring
the parties together to outline discovery proceedings and
to define the issues to be tried; more useful in civil than
in criminal cases [syn: pretrial, pretrial conference]
round-table conference
round-table conference
n 1: a meeting of peers for discussion and exchange of views; "a
roundtable on the future of computing" [syn: round table,
roundtable, round-table conference]
n 1: a conference of people who are in different locations that
is made possible by the use of such telecommunications
equipment as closed-circuit television [syn:
teleconference, teleconferencing]
yalta conference
Yalta Conference
n 1: a conference held in Yalta in February 1945 where
Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill planned the final stages
of World War II and agreed to the territorial division of
conference on data systems languages
Conference On DAta SYstems Languages

(CODASYL) A consortium that developed
database models and standard database extensions for

CODASYL was formed in 1959 to guide the development of a
standard programming language that could be used on many
computers. Members came from industry and government {data
processing} departments. Its goal was to promote more
effective data systems analysis, design and implementation.
It published specifications for various languages over the
years, handing these over to official standards bodies (ISO,
ANSI or their predecessors) for formal standardisation.

The 1965 List Processing Task Force worked on the IDS/I database
extension. It later renamed itself to the Data Base Task Group
(DBTG) and publishing the Codasyl Data Model, the first to allow
one-to-many relations. This work also introduced {data
definition languages} (DDLs) to define the database schema and a
data manipulation language (DML) to be embedded in COBOL
programs to request and update data in the database.

Interest in CODASYL declined with the rise of {relational
databases} beginning in the early 1980s.

video conference
video conference

An instance of video conferencing.
CONFERENCE, practice, legislation. In practice, it is the meeting of the
parties or their attorneys in a cause, for the purpose of endeavoring to
settle the same.
2. In legislation, when the senate and house of representatives cannot
agree on a bill or resolution which it is desirable should be passed,
committees are appointed by the two bodies respectively, who are called
committees of conference, and whose duty it is, if possible, to -reconcile
the differences between them.
3. In the French law, this term is used to signify the similarity and
comparison between two laws, or two systems of law; as the Roman and the
common law. Encyclopedie, h.t.
4. In diplomacy, conferences are verbal explanations between ministers
of two nations at least, for the purpose of accelerating various
difficulties and delays, necessarily attending written communications.

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