slovo | definícia |
conversational monitor system (foldoc) | Virtual Machine/Conversational Monitor System
Conversational Monitor System
(VM/CMS) An IBM time-sharing and
personal computing environment executing under {Virtual
Machine} (VM) in a virtual machine environment. VM/CMS is
designed to support large numbers of interactive users. It
relies on numerous APIs into the Control Program (CP) to
provide very efficient single-user processing
VM/CMS was only adopted some time after the original design of
Virtual Machine as a more efficient personal computing
environment than MVS/TSO.
| podobné slovo | definícia |
virtual machine/conversational monitor system (foldoc) | Virtual Machine/Conversational Monitor System
Conversational Monitor System
(VM/CMS) An IBM time-sharing and
personal computing environment executing under {Virtual
Machine} (VM) in a virtual machine environment. VM/CMS is
designed to support large numbers of interactive users. It
relies on numerous APIs into the Control Program (CP) to
provide very efficient single-user processing
VM/CMS was only adopted some time after the original design of
Virtual Machine as a more efficient personal computing
environment than MVS/TSO.
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