- súradnica, súradnica
- koordinovať
coordinate,souřadnice n: [mat.]
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, n.
1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or
more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or
[1913 Webster]

It has neither coordinate nor analogon; it is
absolutely one. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by
means of which the position of any point, as of a curve,
is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes,
called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See

Note: Coordinates are of several kinds, consisting in some of
the different cases, of the following elements, namely:
(a) (Geom. of Two Dimensions) The abscissa and ordinate of
any point, taken together; as the abscissa PY and
ordinate PX of the point P (Fig. 2, referred to the
coordinate axes AY and AX.
(b) Any radius vector PA (Fig. 1), together with its angle
of inclination to a fixed line, APX, by which any
point A in the same plane is referred to that fixed
line, and a fixed point in it, called the pole, P.
(c) (Geom. of Three Dimensions) Any three lines, or
distances, PB, PC, PD (Fig. 3), taken parallel to
three coordinate axes, AX, AY, AZ, and measured from
the corresponding coordinate fixed planes, YAZ, XAZ,
XAY, to any point in space, P, whose position is
thereby determined with respect to these planes and
(d) A radius vector, the angle which it makes with a fixed
plane, and the angle which its projection on the plane
makes with a fixed line line in the plane, by which
means any point in space at the free extremity of the
radius vector is referred to that fixed plane and
fixed line, and a fixed point in that line, the pole
of the radius vector.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates. See under Cartesian.

Geographical coordinates, the latitude and longitude of a
place, by which its relative situation on the globe is
known. The height of the above the sea level constitutes a
third coordinate.

Polar coordinates, coordinates made up of a radius vector
and its angle of inclination to another line, or a line
and plane; as those defined in
(b) and
(d) above.

Rectangular coordinates, coordinates the axes of which
intersect at right angles.

Rectilinear coordinates, coordinates made up of right
lines. Those defined in
(a) and
(c) above are called also Cartesian coordinates.

Trigonometrical coordinates or Spherical coordinates,
elements of reference, by means of which the position of a
point on the surface of a sphere may be determined with
respect to two great circles of the sphere.

Trilinear coordinates, coordinates of a point in a plane,
consisting of the three ratios which the three distances
of the point from three fixed lines have one to another.
[1913 Webster]
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, a. [Pref. co- + L. ordinatus, p.
p. of ordinare to regulate. See Ordain.]
Equal in rank or order; not subordinate.
[1913 Webster]

Whether there was one Supreme Governor of the world, or
many coordinate powers presiding over each country.
[1913 Webster]

Conjunctions joint sentences and coordinate terms.
--Rev. R.
[1913 Webster]

Coordinate adjectives, adjectives disconnected as regards
one another, but referring equally to the same subject.

Coordinate conjunctions, conjunctions joining independent
propositions. --Rev. R. Morris.
[1913 Webster] co-ordinate
co-ordinate \co-ordinate\, coordinate
\co*["o]r"di*nate\(-n[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Coordinated;
p. pr. & vb. n. Coordinating.]
1. To make coordinate; to put in the same order or rank; as,
to coordinate ideas in classification.
[1913 Webster]

2. To give a common action, movement, or condition to; to
regulate and combine so as to produce harmonious action;
to adjust; to harmonize; as, to coordinate muscular
[1913 Webster]

3. to be co-ordinated; as, These activities co-ordinate well.

Syn: coordinate.
[WordNet 1.5]
adj 1: of equal importance, rank, or degree
n 1: a number that identifies a position relative to an axis
[syn: coordinate, co-ordinate]
v 1: bring order and organization to; "Can you help me organize
my files?" [syn: organize, organise, coordinate]
2: bring into common action, movement, or condition; "coordinate
the painters, masons, and plumbers"; "coordinate his actions
with that of his colleagues"; "coordinate our efforts"
3: be co-ordinated; "These activities coordinate well"
4: bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable
coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car";
"ordinate similar parts" [syn: align, ordinate,

One member of a tuple of numbers which defines
the position of a point in some space. Commonly used
coordinate systems have as many coordinates as their are
dimensions in the space, e.g. a pair for two dimensions. The
most common coordinate system is Cartesian coordinates,
probably followed by polar coordinates.

podobné slovodefinícia
- koordinovaný
cartesian coordinate
cartesian coordinate, n:
cartesian coordinate system
cartesian coordinate system, n:
coordinate axis
coordinate axis, n:
coordinate bond
coordinate bond, n:
coordinate clause
coordinate clause, n:
coordinate geometry
coordinate geometry, n:
coordinate system
coordinate system, n:
coordinated,koordinovaný adj: Zdeněk Brož
coordinated universal time
coordinated universal time, n:
coordinates,koordinuje v: Zdeněk Brožcoordinates,souřadnice n: Zdeněk Brož
imf task force on coordinated portfolio investment survey
IMF Task Force on Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey,
polar coordinate
polar coordinate, n:
uncoordinated,nekoordinovaný adj: Zdeněk Brož
x coordinate
x coordinate,souřadnice x n: [mat.] odvozeně i osa x mamm
Axes of coordinates in a plane
Axis \Ax"is\, n.; pl. Axes. [L. axis axis, axle. See Axle.]
A straight line, real or imaginary, passing through a body,
on which it revolves, or may be supposed to revolve; a line
passing through a body or system around which the parts are
symmetrically arranged.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) A straight line with respect to which the
different parts of a magnitude are symmetrically arranged;
as, the axis of a cylinder, i. e., the axis of a cone,
that is, the straight line joining the vertex and the
center of the base; the axis of a circle, any straight
line passing through the center.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) The stem; the central part, or longitudinal
support, on which organs or parts are arranged; the
central line of any body. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Anat.)
(a) The second vertebra of the neck, or {vertebra
(b) Also used of the body only of the vertebra, which is
prolonged anteriorly within the foramen of the first
vertebra or atlas, so as to form the odontoid process
or peg which serves as a pivot for the atlas and head
to turn upon.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Crystallog.) One of several imaginary lines, assumed in
describing the position of the planes by which a crystal
is bounded.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Fine Arts) The primary or secondary central line of any
[1913 Webster]

Anticlinal axis (Geol.), a line or ridge from which the
strata slope downward on the two opposite sides.

Synclinal axis, a line from which the strata slope upward
in opposite directions, so as to form a valley.

Axis cylinder (Anat.), the neuraxis or essential, central
substance of a nerve fiber; -- called also axis band,
axial fiber, and cylinder axis.

Axis in peritrochio, the wheel and axle, one of the
mechanical powers.

Axis of a curve (Geom.), a straight line which bisects a
system of parallel chords of a curve; called a {principal
axis}, when cutting them at right angles, in which case it
divides the curve into two symmetrical portions, as in the
parabola, which has one such axis, the ellipse, which has
two, or the circle, which has an infinite number. The two
axes of the ellipse are the major axis and the {minor
axis}, and the two axes of the hyperbola are the
transverse axis and the conjugate axis.

Axis of a lens, the straight line passing through its
center and perpendicular to its surfaces.

Axis of a microscope or Axis of a telescope, the straight
line with which coincide the axes of the several lenses
which compose it.

Axes of co["o]rdinates in a plane, two straight lines
intersecting each other, to which points are referred for
the purpose of determining their relative position: they
are either rectangular or oblique.

Axes of co["o]rdinates in space, the three straight lines
in which the co["o]rdinate planes intersect each other.

Axis of a balance, that line about which it turns.

Axis of oscillation, of a pendulum, a right line passing
through the center about which it vibrates, and
perpendicular to the plane of vibration.

Axis of polarization, the central line around which the
prismatic rings or curves are arranged. --Brewster.

Axis of revolution (Descriptive Geom.), a straight line
about which some line or plane is revolved, so that the
several points of the line or plane shall describe circles
with their centers in the fixed line, and their planes
perpendicular to it, the line describing a surface of
revolution, and the plane a solid of revolution.

Axis of symmetry (Geom.), any line in a plane figure which
divides the figure into two such parts that one part, when
folded over along the axis, shall coincide with the other

Axis of the equator, ecliptic, horizon (or other circle
considered with reference to the sphere on which it lies),
the diameter of the sphere which is perpendicular to the
plane of the circle. --Hutton.

Axis of the Ionic capital (Arch.), a line passing
perpendicularly through the middle of the eye of the

Neutral axis (Mech.), the line of demarcation between the
horizontal elastic forces of tension and compression,
exerted by the fibers in any cross section of a girder.

Optic axis of a crystal, the direction in which a ray of
transmitted light suffers no double refraction. All
crystals, not of the isometric system, are either uniaxial
or biaxial.

Optic axis, Visual axis (Opt.), the straight line passing
through the center of the pupil, and perpendicular to the
surface of the eye.

Radical axis of two circles (Geom.), the straight line
perpendicular to the line joining their centers and such
that the tangents from any point of it to the two circles
shall be equal to each other.

Spiral axis (Arch.), the axis of a twisted column drawn
spirally in order to trace the circumvolutions without.

Axis of abscissas and Axis of ordinates. See Abscissa.
[1913 Webster]
Axes of coordinates in space
Axis \Ax"is\, n.; pl. Axes. [L. axis axis, axle. See Axle.]
A straight line, real or imaginary, passing through a body,
on which it revolves, or may be supposed to revolve; a line
passing through a body or system around which the parts are
symmetrically arranged.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) A straight line with respect to which the
different parts of a magnitude are symmetrically arranged;
as, the axis of a cylinder, i. e., the axis of a cone,
that is, the straight line joining the vertex and the
center of the base; the axis of a circle, any straight
line passing through the center.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Bot.) The stem; the central part, or longitudinal
support, on which organs or parts are arranged; the
central line of any body. --Gray.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Anat.)
(a) The second vertebra of the neck, or {vertebra
(b) Also used of the body only of the vertebra, which is
prolonged anteriorly within the foramen of the first
vertebra or atlas, so as to form the odontoid process
or peg which serves as a pivot for the atlas and head
to turn upon.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Crystallog.) One of several imaginary lines, assumed in
describing the position of the planes by which a crystal
is bounded.
[1913 Webster]

6. (Fine Arts) The primary or secondary central line of any
[1913 Webster]

Anticlinal axis (Geol.), a line or ridge from which the
strata slope downward on the two opposite sides.

Synclinal axis, a line from which the strata slope upward
in opposite directions, so as to form a valley.

Axis cylinder (Anat.), the neuraxis or essential, central
substance of a nerve fiber; -- called also axis band,
axial fiber, and cylinder axis.

Axis in peritrochio, the wheel and axle, one of the
mechanical powers.

Axis of a curve (Geom.), a straight line which bisects a
system of parallel chords of a curve; called a {principal
axis}, when cutting them at right angles, in which case it
divides the curve into two symmetrical portions, as in the
parabola, which has one such axis, the ellipse, which has
two, or the circle, which has an infinite number. The two
axes of the ellipse are the major axis and the {minor
axis}, and the two axes of the hyperbola are the
transverse axis and the conjugate axis.

Axis of a lens, the straight line passing through its
center and perpendicular to its surfaces.

Axis of a microscope or Axis of a telescope, the straight
line with which coincide the axes of the several lenses
which compose it.

Axes of co["o]rdinates in a plane, two straight lines
intersecting each other, to which points are referred for
the purpose of determining their relative position: they
are either rectangular or oblique.

Axes of co["o]rdinates in space, the three straight lines
in which the co["o]rdinate planes intersect each other.

Axis of a balance, that line about which it turns.

Axis of oscillation, of a pendulum, a right line passing
through the center about which it vibrates, and
perpendicular to the plane of vibration.

Axis of polarization, the central line around which the
prismatic rings or curves are arranged. --Brewster.

Axis of revolution (Descriptive Geom.), a straight line
about which some line or plane is revolved, so that the
several points of the line or plane shall describe circles
with their centers in the fixed line, and their planes
perpendicular to it, the line describing a surface of
revolution, and the plane a solid of revolution.

Axis of symmetry (Geom.), any line in a plane figure which
divides the figure into two such parts that one part, when
folded over along the axis, shall coincide with the other

Axis of the equator, ecliptic, horizon (or other circle
considered with reference to the sphere on which it lies),
the diameter of the sphere which is perpendicular to the
plane of the circle. --Hutton.

Axis of the Ionic capital (Arch.), a line passing
perpendicularly through the middle of the eye of the

Neutral axis (Mech.), the line of demarcation between the
horizontal elastic forces of tension and compression,
exerted by the fibers in any cross section of a girder.

Optic axis of a crystal, the direction in which a ray of
transmitted light suffers no double refraction. All
crystals, not of the isometric system, are either uniaxial
or biaxial.

Optic axis, Visual axis (Opt.), the straight line passing
through the center of the pupil, and perpendicular to the
surface of the eye.

Radical axis of two circles (Geom.), the straight line
perpendicular to the line joining their centers and such
that the tangents from any point of it to the two circles
shall be equal to each other.

Spiral axis (Arch.), the axis of a twisted column drawn
spirally in order to trace the circumvolutions without.

Axis of abscissas and Axis of ordinates. See Abscissa.
[1913 Webster]
Cartesian coordinates
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, n.
1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or
more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or
[1913 Webster]

It has neither coordinate nor analogon; it is
absolutely one. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by
means of which the position of any point, as of a curve,
is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes,
called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See

Note: Coordinates are of several kinds, consisting in some of
the different cases, of the following elements, namely:
(a) (Geom. of Two Dimensions) The abscissa and ordinate of
any point, taken together; as the abscissa PY and
ordinate PX of the point P (Fig. 2, referred to the
coordinate axes AY and AX.
(b) Any radius vector PA (Fig. 1), together with its angle
of inclination to a fixed line, APX, by which any
point A in the same plane is referred to that fixed
line, and a fixed point in it, called the pole, P.
(c) (Geom. of Three Dimensions) Any three lines, or
distances, PB, PC, PD (Fig. 3), taken parallel to
three coordinate axes, AX, AY, AZ, and measured from
the corresponding coordinate fixed planes, YAZ, XAZ,
XAY, to any point in space, P, whose position is
thereby determined with respect to these planes and
(d) A radius vector, the angle which it makes with a fixed
plane, and the angle which its projection on the plane
makes with a fixed line line in the plane, by which
means any point in space at the free extremity of the
radius vector is referred to that fixed plane and
fixed line, and a fixed point in that line, the pole
of the radius vector.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates. See under Cartesian.

Geographical coordinates, the latitude and longitude of a
place, by which its relative situation on the globe is
known. The height of the above the sea level constitutes a
third coordinate.

Polar coordinates, coordinates made up of a radius vector
and its angle of inclination to another line, or a line
and plane; as those defined in
(b) and
(d) above.

Rectangular coordinates, coordinates the axes of which
intersect at right angles.

Rectilinear coordinates, coordinates made up of right
lines. Those defined in
(a) and
(c) above are called also Cartesian coordinates.

Trigonometrical coordinates or Spherical coordinates,
elements of reference, by means of which the position of a
point on the surface of a sphere may be determined with
respect to two great circles of the sphere.

Trilinear coordinates, coordinates of a point in a plane,
consisting of the three ratios which the three distances
of the point from three fixed lines have one to another.
[1913 Webster]Cartesian \Car*te"sian\, a. [From Renatus Cartesius, Latinized
from of Ren['e] Descartes: cf. F. cart['e]sien.]
Of or pertaining to the French philosopher Ren['e] Descartes,
or his philosophy.
[1913 Webster]

The Cartesion argument for reality of matter. --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates (Geom), distance of a point from
lines or planes; -- used in a system of representing
geometric quantities, invented by Descartes.

Cartesian devil, a small hollow glass figure, used in
connection with a jar of water having an elastic top, to
illustrate the effect of the compression or expansion of
air in changing the specific gravity of bodies.

Cartesion oval (Geom.), a curve such that, for any point of
the curve mr + m'r' = c, where r and r' are the distances
of the point from the two foci and m, m' and c are
constant; -- used by Descartes.
[1913 Webster]
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, n.
1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or
more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or
[1913 Webster]

It has neither coordinate nor analogon; it is
absolutely one. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by
means of which the position of any point, as of a curve,
is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes,
called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See

Note: Coordinates are of several kinds, consisting in some of
the different cases, of the following elements, namely:
(a) (Geom. of Two Dimensions) The abscissa and ordinate of
any point, taken together; as the abscissa PY and
ordinate PX of the point P (Fig. 2, referred to the
coordinate axes AY and AX.
(b) Any radius vector PA (Fig. 1), together with its angle
of inclination to a fixed line, APX, by which any
point A in the same plane is referred to that fixed
line, and a fixed point in it, called the pole, P.
(c) (Geom. of Three Dimensions) Any three lines, or
distances, PB, PC, PD (Fig. 3), taken parallel to
three coordinate axes, AX, AY, AZ, and measured from
the corresponding coordinate fixed planes, YAZ, XAZ,
XAY, to any point in space, P, whose position is
thereby determined with respect to these planes and
(d) A radius vector, the angle which it makes with a fixed
plane, and the angle which its projection on the plane
makes with a fixed line line in the plane, by which
means any point in space at the free extremity of the
radius vector is referred to that fixed plane and
fixed line, and a fixed point in that line, the pole
of the radius vector.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates. See under Cartesian.

Geographical coordinates, the latitude and longitude of a
place, by which its relative situation on the globe is
known. The height of the above the sea level constitutes a
third coordinate.

Polar coordinates, coordinates made up of a radius vector
and its angle of inclination to another line, or a line
and plane; as those defined in
(b) and
(d) above.

Rectangular coordinates, coordinates the axes of which
intersect at right angles.

Rectilinear coordinates, coordinates made up of right
lines. Those defined in
(a) and
(c) above are called also Cartesian coordinates.

Trigonometrical coordinates or Spherical coordinates,
elements of reference, by means of which the position of a
point on the surface of a sphere may be determined with
respect to two great circles of the sphere.

Trilinear coordinates, coordinates of a point in a plane,
consisting of the three ratios which the three distances
of the point from three fixed lines have one to another.
[1913 Webster]Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, a. [Pref. co- + L. ordinatus, p.
p. of ordinare to regulate. See Ordain.]
Equal in rank or order; not subordinate.
[1913 Webster]

Whether there was one Supreme Governor of the world, or
many coordinate powers presiding over each country.
[1913 Webster]

Conjunctions joint sentences and coordinate terms.
--Rev. R.
[1913 Webster]

Coordinate adjectives, adjectives disconnected as regards
one another, but referring equally to the same subject.

Coordinate conjunctions, conjunctions joining independent
propositions. --Rev. R. Morris.
[1913 Webster] co-ordinateco-ordinate \co-ordinate\, coordinate
\co*["o]r"di*nate\(-n[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Coordinated;
p. pr. & vb. n. Coordinating.]
1. To make coordinate; to put in the same order or rank; as,
to coordinate ideas in classification.
[1913 Webster]

2. To give a common action, movement, or condition to; to
regulate and combine so as to produce harmonious action;
to adjust; to harmonize; as, to coordinate muscular
[1913 Webster]

3. to be co-ordinated; as, These activities co-ordinate well.

Syn: coordinate.
[WordNet 1.5]
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, n.
1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or
more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or
[1913 Webster]

It has neither coordinate nor analogon; it is
absolutely one. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by
means of which the position of any point, as of a curve,
is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes,
called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See

Note: Coordinates are of several kinds, consisting in some of
the different cases, of the following elements, namely:
(a) (Geom. of Two Dimensions) The abscissa and ordinate of
any point, taken together; as the abscissa PY and
ordinate PX of the point P (Fig. 2, referred to the
coordinate axes AY and AX.
(b) Any radius vector PA (Fig. 1), together with its angle
of inclination to a fixed line, APX, by which any
point A in the same plane is referred to that fixed
line, and a fixed point in it, called the pole, P.
(c) (Geom. of Three Dimensions) Any three lines, or
distances, PB, PC, PD (Fig. 3), taken parallel to
three coordinate axes, AX, AY, AZ, and measured from
the corresponding coordinate fixed planes, YAZ, XAZ,
XAY, to any point in space, P, whose position is
thereby determined with respect to these planes and
(d) A radius vector, the angle which it makes with a fixed
plane, and the angle which its projection on the plane
makes with a fixed line line in the plane, by which
means any point in space at the free extremity of the
radius vector is referred to that fixed plane and
fixed line, and a fixed point in that line, the pole
of the radius vector.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates. See under Cartesian.

Geographical coordinates, the latitude and longitude of a
place, by which its relative situation on the globe is
known. The height of the above the sea level constitutes a
third coordinate.

Polar coordinates, coordinates made up of a radius vector
and its angle of inclination to another line, or a line
and plane; as those defined in
(b) and
(d) above.

Rectangular coordinates, coordinates the axes of which
intersect at right angles.

Rectilinear coordinates, coordinates made up of right
lines. Those defined in
(a) and
(c) above are called also Cartesian coordinates.

Trigonometrical coordinates or Spherical coordinates,
elements of reference, by means of which the position of a
point on the surface of a sphere may be determined with
respect to two great circles of the sphere.

Trilinear coordinates, coordinates of a point in a plane,
consisting of the three ratios which the three distances
of the point from three fixed lines have one to another.
[1913 Webster]Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, a. [Pref. co- + L. ordinatus, p.
p. of ordinare to regulate. See Ordain.]
Equal in rank or order; not subordinate.
[1913 Webster]

Whether there was one Supreme Governor of the world, or
many coordinate powers presiding over each country.
[1913 Webster]

Conjunctions joint sentences and coordinate terms.
--Rev. R.
[1913 Webster]

Coordinate adjectives, adjectives disconnected as regards
one another, but referring equally to the same subject.

Coordinate conjunctions, conjunctions joining independent
propositions. --Rev. R. Morris.
[1913 Webster] co-ordinateco-ordinate \co-ordinate\, coordinate
\co*["o]r"di*nate\(-n[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Coordinated;
p. pr. & vb. n. Coordinating.]
1. To make coordinate; to put in the same order or rank; as,
to coordinate ideas in classification.
[1913 Webster]

2. To give a common action, movement, or condition to; to
regulate and combine so as to produce harmonious action;
to adjust; to harmonize; as, to coordinate muscular
[1913 Webster]

3. to be co-ordinated; as, These activities co-ordinate well.

Syn: coordinate.
[WordNet 1.5]
Coordinate adjectives
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, a. [Pref. co- + L. ordinatus, p.
p. of ordinare to regulate. See Ordain.]
Equal in rank or order; not subordinate.
[1913 Webster]

Whether there was one Supreme Governor of the world, or
many coordinate powers presiding over each country.
[1913 Webster]

Conjunctions joint sentences and coordinate terms.
--Rev. R.
[1913 Webster]

Coordinate adjectives, adjectives disconnected as regards
one another, but referring equally to the same subject.

Coordinate conjunctions, conjunctions joining independent
propositions. --Rev. R. Morris.
[1913 Webster] co-ordinate
Coordinate conjunctions
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, a. [Pref. co- + L. ordinatus, p.
p. of ordinare to regulate. See Ordain.]
Equal in rank or order; not subordinate.
[1913 Webster]

Whether there was one Supreme Governor of the world, or
many coordinate powers presiding over each country.
[1913 Webster]

Conjunctions joint sentences and coordinate terms.
--Rev. R.
[1913 Webster]

Coordinate adjectives, adjectives disconnected as regards
one another, but referring equally to the same subject.

Coordinate conjunctions, conjunctions joining independent
propositions. --Rev. R. Morris.
[1913 Webster] co-ordinate
Coordinate geometry
Geometry \Ge*om"e*try\, n.; pl. Geometries[F. g['e]om['e]trie,
L. geometria, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to measure land; ge`a, gh^,
the earth + ? to measure. So called because one of its
earliest and most important applications was to the
measurement of the earth's surface. See Geometer.]
1. That branch of mathematics which investigates the
relations, properties, and measurement of solids,
surfaces, lines, and angles; the science which treats of
the properties and relations of magnitudes; the science of
the relations of space.
[1913 Webster]

2. A treatise on this science.
[1913 Webster]

Analytical geometry, or Co["o]rdinate geometry, that
branch of mathematical analysis which has for its object
the analytical investigation of the relations and
properties of geometrical magnitudes.

Descriptive geometry, that part of geometry which treats of
the graphic solution of all problems involving three

Elementary geometry, that part of geometry which treats of
the simple properties of straight lines, circles, plane
surface, solids bounded by plane surfaces, the sphere, the
cylinder, and the right cone.

Higher geometry, that pert of geometry which treats of
those properties of straight lines, circles, etc., which
are less simple in their relations, and of curves and
surfaces of the second and higher degrees.
[1913 Webster]analytical \analytical\ adj.
1. of or pertaining to analysis (definition 2).
[WordNet 1.5]

2. (Logic) of a proposition; necessarily true independent of
fact or experience, such as "all spinsters are unmarried".
Opposite of synthetic. Also See: a priori,
deductive, {logical.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. 1 exercising or involving careful analytical evaluations;
as, analytic reasoning; an analytical discussion.

Syn: appraising(prenominal), evaluative.
[WordNet 1.5]

4. capable of or given to analyzing; -- of people. an
analytical mind
[WordNet 1.5]

Analytical geometry or co["o]rdinate geometry. See under

Analytic language, a noninflectional language or one not
characterized by grammatical endings.

Analytical table (Nat. Hist.), a table in which the
characteristics of the species or other groups are
arranged so as to facilitate the determination of their
[1913 Webster]
coordinate geometry
Geometry \Ge*om"e*try\, n.; pl. Geometries[F. g['e]om['e]trie,
L. geometria, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to measure land; ge`a, gh^,
the earth + ? to measure. So called because one of its
earliest and most important applications was to the
measurement of the earth's surface. See Geometer.]
1. That branch of mathematics which investigates the
relations, properties, and measurement of solids,
surfaces, lines, and angles; the science which treats of
the properties and relations of magnitudes; the science of
the relations of space.
[1913 Webster]

2. A treatise on this science.
[1913 Webster]

Analytical geometry, or Co["o]rdinate geometry, that
branch of mathematical analysis which has for its object
the analytical investigation of the relations and
properties of geometrical magnitudes.

Descriptive geometry, that part of geometry which treats of
the graphic solution of all problems involving three

Elementary geometry, that part of geometry which treats of
the simple properties of straight lines, circles, plane
surface, solids bounded by plane surfaces, the sphere, the
cylinder, and the right cone.

Higher geometry, that pert of geometry which treats of
those properties of straight lines, circles, etc., which
are less simple in their relations, and of curves and
surfaces of the second and higher degrees.
[1913 Webster]analytical \analytical\ adj.
1. of or pertaining to analysis (definition 2).
[WordNet 1.5]

2. (Logic) of a proposition; necessarily true independent of
fact or experience, such as "all spinsters are unmarried".
Opposite of synthetic. Also See: a priori,
deductive, {logical.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. 1 exercising or involving careful analytical evaluations;
as, analytic reasoning; an analytical discussion.

Syn: appraising(prenominal), evaluative.
[WordNet 1.5]

4. capable of or given to analyzing; -- of people. an
analytical mind
[WordNet 1.5]

Analytical geometry or co["o]rdinate geometry. See under

Analytic language, a noninflectional language or one not
characterized by grammatical endings.

Analytical table (Nat. Hist.), a table in which the
characteristics of the species or other groups are
arranged so as to facilitate the determination of their
[1913 Webster]
integrated \integrated\ adj.
1. Formed or united into a whole.

Syn: incorporate, incorporated, merged, unified.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. Formed into a whole or introduced into another entity; as,
an integrated Europe. Opposite of nonintegrated.
[Narrower terms: coordinated, interconnected,
unified; embedded; incorporated; tight-knit,
tightly knit]

a more closely integrated economic and political
system --Dwight D.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. Having different groups treated together as equals in one
group; as, racially integrated schools. [Narrower terms:
co-ed, coeducational; {desegrated, nonsegregated,
unsegregated}; interracial; mainstreamed] Also See:
integrative, joint, united. Antonym: segregated.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

4. Resembling a living organism in organization or
development. [Narrower terms: organic (vs. inorganic)]

Syn: structured.
[WordNet 1.5]

5. combined. Opposite of uncombined.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

6. having constituent parts mixed to form a single unit.
Opposite of unmixed. [Narrower terms: blended[2]]

Syn: amalgamated, intermingled, mixed.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]co-ordinate \co-ordinate\, coordinate
\co*["o]r"di*nate\(-n[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Coordinated;
p. pr. & vb. n. Coordinating.]
1. To make coordinate; to put in the same order or rank; as,
to coordinate ideas in classification.
[1913 Webster]

2. To give a common action, movement, or condition to; to
regulate and combine so as to produce harmonious action;
to adjust; to harmonize; as, to coordinate muscular
[1913 Webster]

3. to be co-ordinated; as, These activities co-ordinate well.

Syn: coordinate.
[WordNet 1.5]coordinated \coordinated\ adj.
1. dexterous in the use of more than one set of muscle
[WordNet 1.5]

She was usually good with her hands and well
coordinated. --Mary

2. matched in color and pattern so as to be pleasing to the
esthetic sense; as, The curtains and walls were color

Syn: matching.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. operating as a unit; as, a coordinated development plan.

Syn: coordinated, concerted, interconnected, unified.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC] coordinating
integrated \integrated\ adj.
1. Formed or united into a whole.

Syn: incorporate, incorporated, merged, unified.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. Formed into a whole or introduced into another entity; as,
an integrated Europe. Opposite of nonintegrated.
[Narrower terms: coordinated, interconnected,
unified; embedded; incorporated; tight-knit,
tightly knit]

a more closely integrated economic and political
system --Dwight D.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. Having different groups treated together as equals in one
group; as, racially integrated schools. [Narrower terms:
co-ed, coeducational; {desegrated, nonsegregated,
unsegregated}; interracial; mainstreamed] Also See:
integrative, joint, united. Antonym: segregated.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

4. Resembling a living organism in organization or
development. [Narrower terms: organic (vs. inorganic)]

Syn: structured.
[WordNet 1.5]

5. combined. Opposite of uncombined.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

6. having constituent parts mixed to form a single unit.
Opposite of unmixed. [Narrower terms: blended[2]]

Syn: amalgamated, intermingled, mixed.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]co-ordinate \co-ordinate\, coordinate
\co*["o]r"di*nate\(-n[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Coordinated;
p. pr. & vb. n. Coordinating.]
1. To make coordinate; to put in the same order or rank; as,
to coordinate ideas in classification.
[1913 Webster]

2. To give a common action, movement, or condition to; to
regulate and combine so as to produce harmonious action;
to adjust; to harmonize; as, to coordinate muscular
[1913 Webster]

3. to be co-ordinated; as, These activities co-ordinate well.

Syn: coordinate.
[WordNet 1.5]coordinated \coordinated\ adj.
1. dexterous in the use of more than one set of muscle
[WordNet 1.5]

She was usually good with her hands and well
coordinated. --Mary

2. matched in color and pattern so as to be pleasing to the
esthetic sense; as, The curtains and walls were color

Syn: matching.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. operating as a unit; as, a coordinated development plan.

Syn: coordinated, concerted, interconnected, unified.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC] coordinating
integrated \integrated\ adj.
1. Formed or united into a whole.

Syn: incorporate, incorporated, merged, unified.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. Formed into a whole or introduced into another entity; as,
an integrated Europe. Opposite of nonintegrated.
[Narrower terms: coordinated, interconnected,
unified; embedded; incorporated; tight-knit,
tightly knit]

a more closely integrated economic and political
system --Dwight D.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. Having different groups treated together as equals in one
group; as, racially integrated schools. [Narrower terms:
co-ed, coeducational; {desegrated, nonsegregated,
unsegregated}; interracial; mainstreamed] Also See:
integrative, joint, united. Antonym: segregated.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

4. Resembling a living organism in organization or
development. [Narrower terms: organic (vs. inorganic)]

Syn: structured.
[WordNet 1.5]

5. combined. Opposite of uncombined.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

6. having constituent parts mixed to form a single unit.
Opposite of unmixed. [Narrower terms: blended[2]]

Syn: amalgamated, intermingled, mixed.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]co-ordinate \co-ordinate\, coordinate
\co*["o]r"di*nate\(-n[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Coordinated;
p. pr. & vb. n. Coordinating.]
1. To make coordinate; to put in the same order or rank; as,
to coordinate ideas in classification.
[1913 Webster]

2. To give a common action, movement, or condition to; to
regulate and combine so as to produce harmonious action;
to adjust; to harmonize; as, to coordinate muscular
[1913 Webster]

3. to be co-ordinated; as, These activities co-ordinate well.

Syn: coordinate.
[WordNet 1.5]coordinated \coordinated\ adj.
1. dexterous in the use of more than one set of muscle
[WordNet 1.5]

She was usually good with her hands and well
coordinated. --Mary

2. matched in color and pattern so as to be pleasing to the
esthetic sense; as, The curtains and walls were color

Syn: matching.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. operating as a unit; as, a coordinated development plan.

Syn: coordinated, concerted, interconnected, unified.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC] coordinating
Coordinately \Co*["o]r"di*nate*ly\, adv.
In a coordinate manner.
[1913 Webster]
Coordinateness \Co*["o]r"di*nate*ness\, n.
The state of being coordinate; equality of rank or authority.
[1913 Webster]
Geographical coordinates
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, n.
1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or
more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or
[1913 Webster]

It has neither coordinate nor analogon; it is
absolutely one. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by
means of which the position of any point, as of a curve,
is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes,
called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See

Note: Coordinates are of several kinds, consisting in some of
the different cases, of the following elements, namely:
(a) (Geom. of Two Dimensions) The abscissa and ordinate of
any point, taken together; as the abscissa PY and
ordinate PX of the point P (Fig. 2, referred to the
coordinate axes AY and AX.
(b) Any radius vector PA (Fig. 1), together with its angle
of inclination to a fixed line, APX, by which any
point A in the same plane is referred to that fixed
line, and a fixed point in it, called the pole, P.
(c) (Geom. of Three Dimensions) Any three lines, or
distances, PB, PC, PD (Fig. 3), taken parallel to
three coordinate axes, AX, AY, AZ, and measured from
the corresponding coordinate fixed planes, YAZ, XAZ,
XAY, to any point in space, P, whose position is
thereby determined with respect to these planes and
(d) A radius vector, the angle which it makes with a fixed
plane, and the angle which its projection on the plane
makes with a fixed line line in the plane, by which
means any point in space at the free extremity of the
radius vector is referred to that fixed plane and
fixed line, and a fixed point in that line, the pole
of the radius vector.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates. See under Cartesian.

Geographical coordinates, the latitude and longitude of a
place, by which its relative situation on the globe is
known. The height of the above the sea level constitutes a
third coordinate.

Polar coordinates, coordinates made up of a radius vector
and its angle of inclination to another line, or a line
and plane; as those defined in
(b) and
(d) above.

Rectangular coordinates, coordinates the axes of which
intersect at right angles.

Rectilinear coordinates, coordinates made up of right
lines. Those defined in
(a) and
(c) above are called also Cartesian coordinates.

Trigonometrical coordinates or Spherical coordinates,
elements of reference, by means of which the position of a
point on the surface of a sphere may be determined with
respect to two great circles of the sphere.

Trilinear coordinates, coordinates of a point in a plane,
consisting of the three ratios which the three distances
of the point from three fixed lines have one to another.
[1913 Webster]
Incoordinate \In`co*["o]r"di*nate\, a.
Not co["o]rdinate.
[1913 Webster]
Oblique system of coordinates
Oblique \Ob*lique"\, a. [F., fr. L. obliquus; ob (see Ob-) +
liquis oblique; cf. licinus bent upward, Gr. le`chrios
slanting.] [Written also oblike.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Not erect or perpendicular; neither parallel to, nor at
right angles from, the base; slanting; inclined.
[1913 Webster]

It has a direction oblique to that of the former
motion. --Cheyne.
[1913 Webster]

2. Not straightforward; indirect; obscure; hence,
disingenuous; underhand; perverse; sinister.
[1913 Webster]

The love we bear our friends . . .
Hath in it certain oblique ends. --Drayton.
[1913 Webster]

This mode of oblique research, when a more direct
one is denied, we find to be the only one in our
power. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]

Then would be closed the restless, oblique eye.
That looks for evil, like a treacherous spy.
[1913 Webster]

3. Not direct in descent; not following the line of father
and son; collateral.
[1913 Webster]

His natural affection in a direct line was strong,
in an oblique but weak. --Baker.
[1913 Webster]

Oblique angle, Oblique ascension, etc. See under Angle,
Ascension, etc.

Oblique arch (Arch.), an arch whose jambs are not at right
angles with the face, and whose intrados is in consequence

Oblique bridge, a skew bridge. See under Bridge, n.

Oblique case (Gram.), any case except the nominative. See
Case, n.

Oblique circle (Projection), a circle whose plane is
oblique to the axis of the primitive plane.

Oblique fire (Mil.), a fire the direction of which is not
perpendicular to the line fired at.

Oblique flank (Fort.), that part of the curtain whence the
fire of the opposite bastion may be discovered. --Wilhelm.

Oblique leaf. (Bot.)
(a) A leaf twisted or inclined from the normal position.
(b) A leaf having one half different from the other.

Oblique line (Geom.), a line that, meeting or tending to
meet another, makes oblique angles with it.

Oblique motion (Mus.), a kind of motion or progression in
which one part ascends or descends, while the other
prolongs or repeats the same tone, as in the accompanying

Oblique muscle (Anat.), a muscle acting in a direction
oblique to the mesial plane of the body, or to the
associated muscles; -- applied especially to two muscles
of the eyeball.

Oblique narration. See Oblique speech.

Oblique planes (Dialing), planes which decline from the
zenith, or incline toward the horizon.

Oblique sailing (Naut.), the movement of a ship when she
sails upon some rhumb between the four cardinal points,
making an oblique angle with the meridian.

Oblique speech (Rhet.), speech which is quoted indirectly,
or in a different person from that employed by the
original speaker.

Oblique sphere (Astron. & Geog.), the celestial or
terrestrial sphere when its axis is oblique to the horizon
of the place; or as it appears to an observer at any point
on the earth except the poles and the equator.

Oblique step (Mil.), a step in marching, by which the
soldier, while advancing, gradually takes ground to the
right or left at an angle of about 25[deg]. It is not now
practiced. --Wilhelm.

Oblique system of coordinates (Anal. Geom.), a system in
which the coordinate axes are oblique to each other.
[1913 Webster]
Origin of coordinate axes
Origin \Or"i*gin\, n. [F. origine, L. origo, -iginis, fr. oriri
to rise, become visible; akin to Gr. 'orny`nai to stir up,
rouse, Skr. [.r], and perh. to E. run.]
[1913 Webster]
1. The first existence or beginning of anything; the birth.
[1913 Webster]

This mixed system of opinion and sentiment had its
origin in the ancient chivalry. --Burke.
[1913 Webster]

2. That from which anything primarily proceeds; the fountain;
the spring; the cause; the occasion.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Anat.) The point of attachment or end of a muscle which
is fixed during contraction; -- in contradistinction to
[1913 Webster]

Origin of coordinate axes (Math.), the point where the axes
intersect. See Note under Ordinate.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Commencement; rise; source; spring; fountain;
derivation; cause; root; foundation.

Usage: Origin, Source. Origin denotes the rise or
commencement of a thing; source presents itself under
the image of a fountain flowing forth in a continuous
stream of influences. The origin of moral evil has
been much disputed, but no one can doubt that it is
the source of most of the calamities of our race.
[1913 Webster]

I think he would have set out just as he did,
with the origin of ideas -- the proper starting
point of a grammarian, who is to treat of their
signs. --Tooke.
[1913 Webster]

Famous Greece,
That source of art and cultivated thought
Which they to Rome, and Romans hither, brought.
[1913 Webster]
Polar coordinates
Polar \Po"lar\, a. [Cf. F. polaire. See Pole of the earth.]
1. Of or pertaining to one of the poles of the earth, or of a
sphere; situated near, or proceeding from, one of the
poles; as, polar regions; polar seas; polar winds.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to the magnetic pole, or to the point to
which the magnetic needle is directed.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Geom.) Pertaining to, reckoned from, or having a common
radiating point; as, polar coordinates.
[1913 Webster]

Polar axis, that axis of an astronomical instrument, as an
equatorial, which is parallel to the earths axis.

Polar bear (Zool.), a large bear (Ursus maritimus syn.
Thalarctos maritimus) inhabiting the arctic regions. It
sometimes measures nearly nine feet in length and weighs
1,600 pounds. It is partially amphibious, very powerful,
and the most carnivorous of all the bears. The fur is
white, tinged with yellow. Called also White bear. See

Polar body, Polar cell, or Polar globule (Biol.), a
minute cell which separates by karyokinesis from the ovum
during its maturation. In the maturation of ordinary ova
two polar bodies are formed, but in parthogenetic ova only
one. The first polar body formed is usually larger than
the second one, and often divides into two after its
separation from the ovum. Each of the polar bodies removes
maternal chromatin from the ovum to make room for the
chromatin of the fertilizing spermatozoon; but their
functions are not fully understood.

Polar circles (Astron. & Geog.), two circles, each at a
distance from a pole of the earth equal to the obliquity
of the ecliptic, or about 23[deg] 28', the northern called
the arctic circle, and the southern the antarctic circle.

Polar clock, a tube, containing a polarizing apparatus,
turning on an axis parallel to that of the earth, and
indicating the hour of the day on an hour circle, by being
turned toward the plane of maximum polarization of the
light of the sky, which is always 90[deg] from the sun.

Polar coordinates. See under 3d Coordinate.

Polar dial, a dial whose plane is parallel to a great
circle passing through the poles of the earth. --Math.

Polar distance, the angular distance of any point on a
sphere from one of its poles, particularly of a heavenly
body from the north pole of the heavens.

Polar equation of a line or Polar equation of a surface,
an equation which expresses the relation between the polar
coordinates of every point of the line or surface.

Polar forces (Physics), forces that are developed and act
in pairs, with opposite tendencies or properties in the
two elements, as magnetism, electricity, etc.

Polar hare (Zool.), a large hare of Arctic America ({Lepus
arcticus}), which turns pure white in winter. It is
probably a variety of the common European hare ({Lepus

Polar lights, the aurora borealis or australis.

Polar opposition, or Polaric opposition or {Polar
contrast} or Polaric contrast (Logic), an opposition or
contrast made by the existence of two opposite conceptions
which are the extremes in a species, as white and black in
colors; hence, as great an opposition or contrast as

Polar projection. See under Projection.

Polar spherical triangle (Spherics), a spherical triangle
whose three angular points are poles of the sides of a
given triangle. See 4th Pole, 2.

Polar whale (Zool.), the right whale, or bowhead. See
[1913 Webster]Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, n.
1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or
more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or
[1913 Webster]

It has neither coordinate nor analogon; it is
absolutely one. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by
means of which the position of any point, as of a curve,
is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes,
called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See

Note: Coordinates are of several kinds, consisting in some of
the different cases, of the following elements, namely:
(a) (Geom. of Two Dimensions) The abscissa and ordinate of
any point, taken together; as the abscissa PY and
ordinate PX of the point P (Fig. 2, referred to the
coordinate axes AY and AX.
(b) Any radius vector PA (Fig. 1), together with its angle
of inclination to a fixed line, APX, by which any
point A in the same plane is referred to that fixed
line, and a fixed point in it, called the pole, P.
(c) (Geom. of Three Dimensions) Any three lines, or
distances, PB, PC, PD (Fig. 3), taken parallel to
three coordinate axes, AX, AY, AZ, and measured from
the corresponding coordinate fixed planes, YAZ, XAZ,
XAY, to any point in space, P, whose position is
thereby determined with respect to these planes and
(d) A radius vector, the angle which it makes with a fixed
plane, and the angle which its projection on the plane
makes with a fixed line line in the plane, by which
means any point in space at the free extremity of the
radius vector is referred to that fixed plane and
fixed line, and a fixed point in that line, the pole
of the radius vector.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates. See under Cartesian.

Geographical coordinates, the latitude and longitude of a
place, by which its relative situation on the globe is
known. The height of the above the sea level constitutes a
third coordinate.

Polar coordinates, coordinates made up of a radius vector
and its angle of inclination to another line, or a line
and plane; as those defined in
(b) and
(d) above.

Rectangular coordinates, coordinates the axes of which
intersect at right angles.

Rectilinear coordinates, coordinates made up of right
lines. Those defined in
(a) and
(c) above are called also Cartesian coordinates.

Trigonometrical coordinates or Spherical coordinates,
elements of reference, by means of which the position of a
point on the surface of a sphere may be determined with
respect to two great circles of the sphere.

Trilinear coordinates, coordinates of a point in a plane,
consisting of the three ratios which the three distances
of the point from three fixed lines have one to another.
[1913 Webster]
Primitive axes of coordinate
Primitive \Prim"i*tive\, a. [L. primitivus, fr. primus the
first: cf. F. primitif. See Prime, a.]
1. Of or pertaining to the beginning or origin, or to early
times; original; primordial; primeval; first; as,
primitive innocence; the primitive church. "Our primitive
great sire." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a former time; old-fashioned;
characterized by simplicity; as, a primitive style of
[1913 Webster]

3. Original; primary; radical; not derived; as, primitive
verb in grammar.
[1913 Webster]

Primitive axes of coordinate (Geom.), that system of axes
to which the points of a magnitude are first referred,
with reference to a second set or system, to which they
are afterward referred.

Primitive chord (Mus.), that chord, the lowest note of
which is of the same literal denomination as the
fundamental base of the harmony; -- opposed to derivative.
--Moore (Encyc. of Music).

Primitive circle (Spherical Projection), the circle cut
from the sphere to be projected, by the primitive plane.

Primitive colors (Paint.), primary colors. See under

Primitive Fathers (Eccl.), the acknowledged Christian
writers who flourished before the Council of Nice, A. D.
325. --Shipley.

Primitive groove (Anat.), a depression or groove in the
epiblast of the primitive streak. It is not connected with
the medullary groove, which appears later and in front of

Primitive plane (Spherical Projection), the plane upon
which the projections are made, generally coinciding with
some principal circle of the sphere, as the equator or a

Primitive rocks (Geol.), primary rocks. See under

Primitive sheath. (Anat.) See Neurilemma.

Primitive streak or Primitive trace (Anat.), an opaque
and thickened band where the mesoblast first appears in
the vertebrate blastoderm.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: First; original; radical; pristine; ancient; primeval;
antiquated; old-fashioned.
[1913 Webster]
Rectangular coordinates
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, n.
1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or
more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or
[1913 Webster]

It has neither coordinate nor analogon; it is
absolutely one. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by
means of which the position of any point, as of a curve,
is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes,
called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See

Note: Coordinates are of several kinds, consisting in some of
the different cases, of the following elements, namely:
(a) (Geom. of Two Dimensions) The abscissa and ordinate of
any point, taken together; as the abscissa PY and
ordinate PX of the point P (Fig. 2, referred to the
coordinate axes AY and AX.
(b) Any radius vector PA (Fig. 1), together with its angle
of inclination to a fixed line, APX, by which any
point A in the same plane is referred to that fixed
line, and a fixed point in it, called the pole, P.
(c) (Geom. of Three Dimensions) Any three lines, or
distances, PB, PC, PD (Fig. 3), taken parallel to
three coordinate axes, AX, AY, AZ, and measured from
the corresponding coordinate fixed planes, YAZ, XAZ,
XAY, to any point in space, P, whose position is
thereby determined with respect to these planes and
(d) A radius vector, the angle which it makes with a fixed
plane, and the angle which its projection on the plane
makes with a fixed line line in the plane, by which
means any point in space at the free extremity of the
radius vector is referred to that fixed plane and
fixed line, and a fixed point in that line, the pole
of the radius vector.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates. See under Cartesian.

Geographical coordinates, the latitude and longitude of a
place, by which its relative situation on the globe is
known. The height of the above the sea level constitutes a
third coordinate.

Polar coordinates, coordinates made up of a radius vector
and its angle of inclination to another line, or a line
and plane; as those defined in
(b) and
(d) above.

Rectangular coordinates, coordinates the axes of which
intersect at right angles.

Rectilinear coordinates, coordinates made up of right
lines. Those defined in
(a) and
(c) above are called also Cartesian coordinates.

Trigonometrical coordinates or Spherical coordinates,
elements of reference, by means of which the position of a
point on the surface of a sphere may be determined with
respect to two great circles of the sphere.

Trilinear coordinates, coordinates of a point in a plane,
consisting of the three ratios which the three distances
of the point from three fixed lines have one to another.
[1913 Webster]
Rectilinear coordinates
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, n.
1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or
more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or
[1913 Webster]

It has neither coordinate nor analogon; it is
absolutely one. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by
means of which the position of any point, as of a curve,
is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes,
called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See

Note: Coordinates are of several kinds, consisting in some of
the different cases, of the following elements, namely:
(a) (Geom. of Two Dimensions) The abscissa and ordinate of
any point, taken together; as the abscissa PY and
ordinate PX of the point P (Fig. 2, referred to the
coordinate axes AY and AX.
(b) Any radius vector PA (Fig. 1), together with its angle
of inclination to a fixed line, APX, by which any
point A in the same plane is referred to that fixed
line, and a fixed point in it, called the pole, P.
(c) (Geom. of Three Dimensions) Any three lines, or
distances, PB, PC, PD (Fig. 3), taken parallel to
three coordinate axes, AX, AY, AZ, and measured from
the corresponding coordinate fixed planes, YAZ, XAZ,
XAY, to any point in space, P, whose position is
thereby determined with respect to these planes and
(d) A radius vector, the angle which it makes with a fixed
plane, and the angle which its projection on the plane
makes with a fixed line line in the plane, by which
means any point in space at the free extremity of the
radius vector is referred to that fixed plane and
fixed line, and a fixed point in that line, the pole
of the radius vector.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates. See under Cartesian.

Geographical coordinates, the latitude and longitude of a
place, by which its relative situation on the globe is
known. The height of the above the sea level constitutes a
third coordinate.

Polar coordinates, coordinates made up of a radius vector
and its angle of inclination to another line, or a line
and plane; as those defined in
(b) and
(d) above.

Rectangular coordinates, coordinates the axes of which
intersect at right angles.

Rectilinear coordinates, coordinates made up of right
lines. Those defined in
(a) and
(c) above are called also Cartesian coordinates.

Trigonometrical coordinates or Spherical coordinates,
elements of reference, by means of which the position of a
point on the surface of a sphere may be determined with
respect to two great circles of the sphere.

Trilinear coordinates, coordinates of a point in a plane,
consisting of the three ratios which the three distances
of the point from three fixed lines have one to another.
[1913 Webster]
Spherical coordinate
Spherical \Spher"ic*al\, Spheric \Spher"ic\, a. [L. sphaericus,
Gr. ???: cf. F. sph['e]rique.]
1. Having the form of a sphere; like a sphere; globular;
orbicular; as, a spherical body.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a sphere.
[1913 Webster]

3. Of or pertaining to the heavenly orbs, or to the sphere or
spheres in which, according to ancient astronomy and
astrology, they were set.
[1913 Webster]

Knaves, thieves, and treachers by spherical
predominance. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Though the stars were suns, and overburned
Their spheric limitations. --Mrs.
[1913 Webster]

Spherical angle, Spherical coordinate, {Spherical
excess}, etc. See under Angle, Coordinate, etc.

Spherical geometry, that branch of geometry which treats of
spherical magnitudes; the doctrine of the sphere,
especially of the circles described on its surface.

Spherical harmonic analysis. See under Harmonic, a.

Spherical lune,portion of the surface of a sphere included
between two great semicircles having a common diameter.

Spherical opening, the magnitude of a solid angle. It is
measured by the portion within the solid angle of the
surface of any sphere whose center is the angular point.

Spherical polygon,portion of the surface of a sphere
bounded by the arcs of three or more great circles.

Spherical projection, the projection of the circles of the
sphere upon a plane. See Projection.

Spherical sector. See under Sector.

Spherical segment, the segment of a sphere. See under

Spherical triangle,re on the surface of a sphere, bounded
by the arcs of three great circles which intersect each

Spherical trigonometry. See Trigonometry.
[1913 Webster] -- Spher"ic*al*ly, adv. --
Spher"ic*al*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Spherical coordinates
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, n.
1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or
more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or
[1913 Webster]

It has neither coordinate nor analogon; it is
absolutely one. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by
means of which the position of any point, as of a curve,
is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes,
called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See

Note: Coordinates are of several kinds, consisting in some of
the different cases, of the following elements, namely:
(a) (Geom. of Two Dimensions) The abscissa and ordinate of
any point, taken together; as the abscissa PY and
ordinate PX of the point P (Fig. 2, referred to the
coordinate axes AY and AX.
(b) Any radius vector PA (Fig. 1), together with its angle
of inclination to a fixed line, APX, by which any
point A in the same plane is referred to that fixed
line, and a fixed point in it, called the pole, P.
(c) (Geom. of Three Dimensions) Any three lines, or
distances, PB, PC, PD (Fig. 3), taken parallel to
three coordinate axes, AX, AY, AZ, and measured from
the corresponding coordinate fixed planes, YAZ, XAZ,
XAY, to any point in space, P, whose position is
thereby determined with respect to these planes and
(d) A radius vector, the angle which it makes with a fixed
plane, and the angle which its projection on the plane
makes with a fixed line line in the plane, by which
means any point in space at the free extremity of the
radius vector is referred to that fixed plane and
fixed line, and a fixed point in that line, the pole
of the radius vector.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates. See under Cartesian.

Geographical coordinates, the latitude and longitude of a
place, by which its relative situation on the globe is
known. The height of the above the sea level constitutes a
third coordinate.

Polar coordinates, coordinates made up of a radius vector
and its angle of inclination to another line, or a line
and plane; as those defined in
(b) and
(d) above.

Rectangular coordinates, coordinates the axes of which
intersect at right angles.

Rectilinear coordinates, coordinates made up of right
lines. Those defined in
(a) and
(c) above are called also Cartesian coordinates.

Trigonometrical coordinates or Spherical coordinates,
elements of reference, by means of which the position of a
point on the surface of a sphere may be determined with
respect to two great circles of the sphere.

Trilinear coordinates, coordinates of a point in a plane,
consisting of the three ratios which the three distances
of the point from three fixed lines have one to another.
[1913 Webster]
Trigonometrical coordinates
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, n.
1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or
more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or
[1913 Webster]

It has neither coordinate nor analogon; it is
absolutely one. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by
means of which the position of any point, as of a curve,
is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes,
called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See

Note: Coordinates are of several kinds, consisting in some of
the different cases, of the following elements, namely:
(a) (Geom. of Two Dimensions) The abscissa and ordinate of
any point, taken together; as the abscissa PY and
ordinate PX of the point P (Fig. 2, referred to the
coordinate axes AY and AX.
(b) Any radius vector PA (Fig. 1), together with its angle
of inclination to a fixed line, APX, by which any
point A in the same plane is referred to that fixed
line, and a fixed point in it, called the pole, P.
(c) (Geom. of Three Dimensions) Any three lines, or
distances, PB, PC, PD (Fig. 3), taken parallel to
three coordinate axes, AX, AY, AZ, and measured from
the corresponding coordinate fixed planes, YAZ, XAZ,
XAY, to any point in space, P, whose position is
thereby determined with respect to these planes and
(d) A radius vector, the angle which it makes with a fixed
plane, and the angle which its projection on the plane
makes with a fixed line line in the plane, by which
means any point in space at the free extremity of the
radius vector is referred to that fixed plane and
fixed line, and a fixed point in that line, the pole
of the radius vector.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates. See under Cartesian.

Geographical coordinates, the latitude and longitude of a
place, by which its relative situation on the globe is
known. The height of the above the sea level constitutes a
third coordinate.

Polar coordinates, coordinates made up of a radius vector
and its angle of inclination to another line, or a line
and plane; as those defined in
(b) and
(d) above.

Rectangular coordinates, coordinates the axes of which
intersect at right angles.

Rectilinear coordinates, coordinates made up of right
lines. Those defined in
(a) and
(c) above are called also Cartesian coordinates.

Trigonometrical coordinates or Spherical coordinates,
elements of reference, by means of which the position of a
point on the surface of a sphere may be determined with
respect to two great circles of the sphere.

Trilinear coordinates, coordinates of a point in a plane,
consisting of the three ratios which the three distances
of the point from three fixed lines have one to another.
[1913 Webster]
Trilinear coordinates
Coordinate \Co*["o]r"di*nate\, n.
1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or
more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or
[1913 Webster]

It has neither coordinate nor analogon; it is
absolutely one. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. (Math.) Lines, or other elements of reference, by
means of which the position of any point, as of a curve,
is defined with respect to certain fixed lines, or planes,
called coordinate axes and coordinate planes. See

Note: Coordinates are of several kinds, consisting in some of
the different cases, of the following elements, namely:
(a) (Geom. of Two Dimensions) The abscissa and ordinate of
any point, taken together; as the abscissa PY and
ordinate PX of the point P (Fig. 2, referred to the
coordinate axes AY and AX.
(b) Any radius vector PA (Fig. 1), together with its angle
of inclination to a fixed line, APX, by which any
point A in the same plane is referred to that fixed
line, and a fixed point in it, called the pole, P.
(c) (Geom. of Three Dimensions) Any three lines, or
distances, PB, PC, PD (Fig. 3), taken parallel to
three coordinate axes, AX, AY, AZ, and measured from
the corresponding coordinate fixed planes, YAZ, XAZ,
XAY, to any point in space, P, whose position is
thereby determined with respect to these planes and
(d) A radius vector, the angle which it makes with a fixed
plane, and the angle which its projection on the plane
makes with a fixed line line in the plane, by which
means any point in space at the free extremity of the
radius vector is referred to that fixed plane and
fixed line, and a fixed point in that line, the pole
of the radius vector.
[1913 Webster]

Cartesian coordinates. See under Cartesian.

Geographical coordinates, the latitude and longitude of a
place, by which its relative situation on the globe is
known. The height of the above the sea level constitutes a
third coordinate.

Polar coordinates, coordinates made up of a radius vector
and its angle of inclination to another line, or a line
and plane; as those defined in
(b) and
(d) above.

Rectangular coordinates, coordinates the axes of which
intersect at right angles.

Rectilinear coordinates, coordinates made up of right
lines. Those defined in
(a) and
(c) above are called also Cartesian coordinates.

Trigonometrical coordinates or Spherical coordinates,
elements of reference, by means of which the position of a
point on the surface of a sphere may be determined with
respect to two great circles of the sphere.

Trilinear coordinates, coordinates of a point in a plane,
consisting of the three ratios which the three distances
of the point from three fixed lines have one to another.
[1913 Webster]
cartesian coordinate
Cartesian coordinate
n 1: one of the coordinates in a system of coordinates that
locates a point on a plane or in space by its distance from
two lines or three planes respectively; the two lines or
the intersections of the three planes are the coordinate
cartesian coordinate system
Cartesian coordinate system
n 1: a coordinate system for which the coordinates of a point
are its distances from a set perpendicular lines that
intersect at the origin of the system
coordinate axis
coordinate axis
n 1: one of the fixed reference lines of a coordinate system
coordinate bond
coordinate bond
n 1: a covalent bond in which both electrons are provided by one
of the atoms [syn: coordinate bond, dative bond]
coordinate clause
coordinate clause
n 1: a clause in a complex sentence that is grammatically
equivalent to the main clause and that performs the same
grammatical function
coordinate geometry
coordinate geometry
n 1: the use of algebra to study geometric properties; operates
on symbols defined in a coordinate system [syn: {analytic
geometry}, analytical geometry, coordinate geometry]
coordinate system
coordinate system
n 1: a system that uses coordinates to establish position [syn:
coordinate system, frame of reference, {reference
system}, reference frame]
adj 1: operating as a unit; "a unified utility system"; "a
coordinated program" [syn: coordinated, co-ordinated,
interconnected, unified]
2: being dexterous in the use of more than one set of muscle
movements; "she was usually good with her hands and well
coordinated"- Mary McCarthy [syn: coordinated, {co-
3: intentionally matched; "curtains and walls were color
coordinated" [syn: coordinated, co-ordinated, matching]
coordinated universal time
coordinated universal time
n 1: Greenwich Mean Time updated with leap seconds [syn:
coordinated universal time, UTC]
adv 1: in a coordinated manner
polar coordinate
polar coordinate
n 1: either of two values that locate a point on a plane by its
distance from a fixed pole and its angle from a fixed line
passing through the pole
adj 1: lacking in cooperative planning and organization ;
"uncoordinated scheduling often resulted in conflicting
2: lacking the skillful and effective interaction of muscle
movements; "his movements are uncoordinated"; "an
uncoordinated toddler"
cartesian coordinates
Cartesian coordinates

(After Renee Descartes, French
philosopher and mathematician) A pair of numbers, (x, y),
defining the position of a point in a two-dimensional space by
its perpendicular projection onto two axes which are at right
angles to each other. x and y are also known as the
abscissa and ordinate.

The idea can be generalised to any number of independent axes.

Compare polar coordinates.

coordinated universal time
Coordinated Universal Time
ITU-T X.680
leap second
World Time
Zulu time

(UTC, World Time) The standard time common to
every place in the world. UTC is derived from {International
Atomic Time} (TAI) by the addition of a whole number of "leap
seconds" to synchronise it with Universal Time 1 (UT1), thus
allowing for the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the
rotational axis tilt (23.5 degrees), but still showing the
Earth's irregular rotation, on which UT1 is based.

Coordinated Universal Time is expressed using a 24-hour clock
and uses the Gregorian calendar. It is used in aeroplane
and ship navigation, where it also sometimes known by the
military name, "Zulu time". "Zulu" in the phonetic alphabet
stands for "Z" which stands for longitude zero.

UTC was defined by the International Radio Consultative
Committee (CCIR), a predecessor of the ITU-T. CCIR
Recommendation 460-4, or ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (7/94),
contains the full definition.

The language-independent international abbreviation, UTC, is
neither English nor French. It means both "Coordinated
Universal Time" and "Temps Universel Coordonné".


{The Royal Observatory Greenwich

{History of UTC and GMT

{U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology

{UK National Physical Laboratory

{US Naval Observatory

{International Telecommunications Union

Earth's irregular rotation (/pub/misc/earth_rotation).

universal time coordinated
Universal Time Coordinated

An incorrect term for {Coordinated Universal


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