Scoter \Sco"ter\, n. [Cf. Prov. E. scote to plow up.] (Zool.)
Any one of several species of northern sea ducks of the genus
[1913 Webster]

Note: The European scoters are Oidemia nigra, called also
black duck, black diver, surf duck; and the
velvet, or double, scoter (Oidemia fusca). The common
American species are the velvet, or white-winged,
scoter (Oidemia Deglandi), called also velvet duck,
white-wing, bull coot, white-winged coot; the
black scoter (Oidemia Americana), called also {black
coot}, butterbill, coppernose; and the surf scoter,
or surf duck (Oidemia perspicillata), called also
baldpate, skunkhead, horsehead, patchhead,
pishaug, and spectacled coot. These birds are
collectively called also coots. The females and young
are called gray coots, and brown coots.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
brown coots
Scoter \Sco"ter\, n. [Cf. Prov. E. scote to plow up.] (Zool.)
Any one of several species of northern sea ducks of the genus
[1913 Webster]

Note: The European scoters are Oidemia nigra, called also
black duck, black diver, surf duck; and the
velvet, or double, scoter (Oidemia fusca). The common
American species are the velvet, or white-winged,
scoter (Oidemia Deglandi), called also velvet duck,
white-wing, bull coot, white-winged coot; the
black scoter (Oidemia Americana), called also {black
coot}, butterbill, coppernose; and the surf scoter,
or surf duck (Oidemia perspicillata), called also
baldpate, skunkhead, horsehead, patchhead,
pishaug, and spectacled coot. These birds are
collectively called also coots. The females and young
are called gray coots, and brown coots.
[1913 Webster]
gray coots
Scoter \Sco"ter\, n. [Cf. Prov. E. scote to plow up.] (Zool.)
Any one of several species of northern sea ducks of the genus
[1913 Webster]

Note: The European scoters are Oidemia nigra, called also
black duck, black diver, surf duck; and the
velvet, or double, scoter (Oidemia fusca). The common
American species are the velvet, or white-winged,
scoter (Oidemia Deglandi), called also velvet duck,
white-wing, bull coot, white-winged coot; the
black scoter (Oidemia Americana), called also {black
coot}, butterbill, coppernose; and the surf scoter,
or surf duck (Oidemia perspicillata), called also
baldpate, skunkhead, horsehead, patchhead,
pishaug, and spectacled coot. These birds are
collectively called also coots. The females and young
are called gray coots, and brown coots.
[1913 Webster]

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