- kocka
cube,krychle n: [mat.]
cube,třetí mocnina n: [mat.]
Cube \Cube\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cubed (k[=u]bd); p. pr. & vb.
n. Cubing.]
To raise to the third power; to obtain the cube of.
[1913 Webster]
Cube \Cube\ (k[=u]b), n. [F. cube, L. cubus, fr. Gr. ???? a
cube, a cubical die.]
1. (Geom.) A regular solid body, with six equal square sides.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) The product obtained by taking a number or
quantity three times as a factor; as, 4x4=16, and 16x4=64,
the cube of 4.
[1913 Webster]

Cube ore (Min.), pharmacosiderite. It commonly crystallizes
in cubes of a green color.

Cube root. (Math.), the number or quantity which,
multiplied into itself, and then into the product,
produces the given cube; thus, 3 is the cube root of 27,
for 3x3x3 = 27.

Cube spar (Min.), anhydrite; anhydrous calcium sulphate.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a hexahedron with six equal squares as faces [syn: cube,
regular hexahedron]
2: a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular
sides [syn: block, cube]
3: the product of three equal terms [syn: cube, third power]
4: any of several tropical American woody plants of the genus
Lonchocarpus whose roots are used locally as a fish poison
and commercially as a source of rotenone
5: a block in the (approximate) shape of a cube [syn: cube,
square block]
v 1: raise to the third power
2: cut into cubes; "cube the cheese" [syn: cube, dice]

Three-dimensional visual language for higher-order logic.

"The Cube Language", M. Najork et al, 1991 IEEE Workshop on
Visual Langs, Oct 1991, pp.218-224.

[Jargon File]

1. [short for "cubicle"] A module in the open-plan offices
used at many programming shops. "I've got the manuals in my

2. A NeXT machine (which resembles a matte-black cube).

1. [short for ‘cubicle’] A module in the open-plan offices used at many
programming shops. “I've got the manuals in my cube.”

2. A NeXT machine (which resembles a matte-black cube).
podobné slovodefinícia
cube root
cube root,třetí odmocnina [mat.]
cube sugar
cube sugar,kostkový cukr
cube-shaped, adj:
cubeb,kubéba Zdeněk Brož
cubeb cigarette
cubeb cigarette, n:
cubeb vine
cubeb vine, n:
cubelike, adj:
cubes,krychle pl. Zdeněk Brož
hypercube,hyperkostka n: Zdeněk Brož
ice cube
ice cube,kostka ledu n: Martin Ligač
stock cube
stock cube, n:
Cube \Cube\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cubed (k[=u]bd); p. pr. & vb.
n. Cubing.]
To raise to the third power; to obtain the cube of.
[1913 Webster]Cube \Cube\ (k[=u]b), n. [F. cube, L. cubus, fr. Gr. ???? a
cube, a cubical die.]
1. (Geom.) A regular solid body, with six equal square sides.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) The product obtained by taking a number or
quantity three times as a factor; as, 4x4=16, and 16x4=64,
the cube of 4.
[1913 Webster]

Cube ore (Min.), pharmacosiderite. It commonly crystallizes
in cubes of a green color.

Cube root. (Math.), the number or quantity which,
multiplied into itself, and then into the product,
produces the given cube; thus, 3 is the cube root of 27,
for 3x3x3 = 27.

Cube spar (Min.), anhydrite; anhydrous calcium sulphate.
[1913 Webster]
Cube ore
Cube \Cube\ (k[=u]b), n. [F. cube, L. cubus, fr. Gr. ???? a
cube, a cubical die.]
1. (Geom.) A regular solid body, with six equal square sides.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) The product obtained by taking a number or
quantity three times as a factor; as, 4x4=16, and 16x4=64,
the cube of 4.
[1913 Webster]

Cube ore (Min.), pharmacosiderite. It commonly crystallizes
in cubes of a green color.

Cube root. (Math.), the number or quantity which,
multiplied into itself, and then into the product,
produces the given cube; thus, 3 is the cube root of 27,
for 3x3x3 = 27.

Cube spar (Min.), anhydrite; anhydrous calcium sulphate.
[1913 Webster]
Cube root
Cube \Cube\ (k[=u]b), n. [F. cube, L. cubus, fr. Gr. ???? a
cube, a cubical die.]
1. (Geom.) A regular solid body, with six equal square sides.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) The product obtained by taking a number or
quantity three times as a factor; as, 4x4=16, and 16x4=64,
the cube of 4.
[1913 Webster]

Cube ore (Min.), pharmacosiderite. It commonly crystallizes
in cubes of a green color.

Cube root. (Math.), the number or quantity which,
multiplied into itself, and then into the product,
produces the given cube; thus, 3 is the cube root of 27,
for 3x3x3 = 27.

Cube spar (Min.), anhydrite; anhydrous calcium sulphate.
[1913 Webster]
Cube spar
spar \spar\ (sp[aum]r), n. [AS. spaer in spaerst[=a]n
chalkstone; akin to MHG. spar, G. sparkalk plaster.] (Min.)
An old name for a nonmetallic mineral, usually cleavable and
somewhat lustrous; as, calc spar, or calcite, fluor spar,
etc. It was especially used in the case of the gangue
minerals of a metalliferous vein.
[1913 Webster]

Blue spar, Cube spar, etc. See under Blue, Cube, etc.
[1913 Webster]Cube \Cube\ (k[=u]b), n. [F. cube, L. cubus, fr. Gr. ???? a
cube, a cubical die.]
1. (Geom.) A regular solid body, with six equal square sides.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Math.) The product obtained by taking a number or
quantity three times as a factor; as, 4x4=16, and 16x4=64,
the cube of 4.
[1913 Webster]

Cube ore (Min.), pharmacosiderite. It commonly crystallizes
in cubes of a green color.

Cube root. (Math.), the number or quantity which,
multiplied into itself, and then into the product,
produces the given cube; thus, 3 is the cube root of 27,
for 3x3x3 = 27.

Cube spar (Min.), anhydrite; anhydrous calcium sulphate.
[1913 Webster]
Cubeb \Cu"beb\ (k[=u]"b[e^]b), n. [F. cub[`e]be (cf. It. cubebe,
Pr., Sp., Pg., & NL. cubeba), fr. Ar. kab[=a]bat.]
The small, spicy berry of a species of pepper ({Piper
Cubeba}; in (Med.), Cubeba officinalis), native in Java and
Borneo, but now cultivated in various tropical countries. The
dried unripe fruit is much used in medicine as a stimulant
and purgative.
[1913 Webster]
Cubeba officinalis
Cubeb \Cu"beb\ (k[=u]"b[e^]b), n. [F. cub[`e]be (cf. It. cubebe,
Pr., Sp., Pg., & NL. cubeba), fr. Ar. kab[=a]bat.]
The small, spicy berry of a species of pepper ({Piper
Cubeba}; in (Med.), Cubeba officinalis), native in Java and
Borneo, but now cultivated in various tropical countries. The
dried unripe fruit is much used in medicine as a stimulant
and purgative.
[1913 Webster]
cubebic \cu*beb"ic\ (k?-b?b"?k), a.
Pertaining to, or derived from, cubebs; as, cubebic acid (a
soft olive-green resin extracted from cubebs).
[1913 Webster] cube-shaped
Cube \Cube\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cubed (k[=u]bd); p. pr. & vb.
n. Cubing.]
To raise to the third power; to obtain the cube of.
[1913 Webster]
cube-shaped \cube-shaped\ cubical \cubical\adj.
Shaped like or approximately like a cube.

Syn: cubelike, cubiform, cuboid, cuboidal.
[WordNet 1.5]
duplication of the cube
duplication \du`pli*ca"tion\, n. [L. duplicatio: cf. F.
1. The act of duplicating, or the state of being duplicated;
a doubling; a folding over; a fold.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Biol.) The act or process of dividing by natural growth
or spontaneous action; as, the duplication of cartilage
cells. --Carpenter.
[1913 Webster]

duplication of the cube (Math.), the operation of finding a
cube having a volume which is double that of a given cube.
[1913 Webster]
hypercube \hypercube\ n.
A mathematical object existing in more than three dimensions,
analogous to the cube in that each two-dimensional facet of
the surface is a square; a generalization of a cube in more
than three dimensions.
Incube \In*cube"\, v. t.
To fix firmly, as in cube; to secure or place firmly. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
optical cube
Biprism \Bi"prism\, n. [Pref. bi- + prism.]
1. A prism whose refracting angle is very nearly 180 degrees.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. A combination of two short rectangular glass prisms
cemented together at their diagonal faces so as to form a
cube; -- called also optical cube. It is used in one
form of photometer.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Pinus Cubensis
Slash pine \Slash" pine"\ (Bot.)
A kind of pine tree (Pinus Cubensis) found in Southern
Florida and the West Indies; -- so called because it grows in
[1913 Webster]
Piper Cubeba
Cubeb \Cu"beb\ (k[=u]"b[e^]b), n. [F. cub[`e]be (cf. It. cubebe,
Pr., Sp., Pg., & NL. cubeba), fr. Ar. kab[=a]bat.]
The small, spicy berry of a species of pepper ({Piper
Cubeba}; in (Med.), Cubeba officinalis), native in Java and
Borneo, but now cultivated in various tropical countries. The
dried unripe fruit is much used in medicine as a stimulant
and purgative.
[1913 Webster]
bouillon cube
bouillon cube
n 1: a cube of evaporated seasoned meat extract
cube root
cube root
n 1: a number that when multiplied three times equals a given
adj 1: shaped like a cube [syn: cubelike, cube-shaped,
cubical, cubiform, cuboid, cuboidal]
n 1: spicy fruit of the cubeb vine; when dried and crushed is
used medicinally or in perfumery and sometimes smoked in
2: tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine bearing spicy berrylike
fruits [syn: cubeb, cubeb vine, Java pepper, {Piper
3: a cigarette containing cubeb [syn: cubeb, {cubeb
cubeb cigarette
cubeb cigarette
n 1: a cigarette containing cubeb [syn: cubeb, {cubeb
cubeb vine
cubeb vine
n 1: tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine bearing spicy
berrylike fruits [syn: cubeb, cubeb vine, {Java
pepper}, Piper cubeba]
adj 1: shaped like a cube [syn: cubelike, cube-shaped,
cubical, cubiform, cuboid, cuboidal]
ice cube
ice cube
n 1: a small cube of artificial ice; used for cooling drinks
piper cubeba
Piper cubeba
n 1: tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine bearing spicy
berrylike fruits [syn: cubeb, cubeb vine, {Java
pepper}, Piper cubeba]
stock cube
stock cube
n 1: a cube of dehydrated stock

A cube of more than three dimensions. A single (2^0 = 1)
point (or "node") can be considered as a zero dimensional
cube, two (2^1) nodes joined by a line (or "edge") are a one
dimensional cube, four (2^2) nodes arranged in a square are a
two dimensional cube and eight (2^3) nodes are an ordinary
three dimensional cube. Continuing this geometric
progression, the first hypercube has 2^4 = 16 nodes and is a
four dimensional shape (a "four-cube") and an N dimensional
cube has 2^N nodes (an "N-cube"). To make an N+1 dimensional
cube, take two N dimensional cubes and join each node on one
cube to the corresponding node on the other. A four-cube can
be visualised as a three-cube with a smaller three-cube
centred inside it with edges radiating diagonally out (in the
fourth dimension) from each node on the inner cube to the
corresponding node on the outer cube.

Each node in an N dimensional cube is directly connected to N
other nodes. We can identify each node by a set of N
Cartesian coordinates where each coordinate is either zero
or one. Two node will be directly connected if they differ in
only one coordinate.

The simple, regular geometrical structure and the close
relationship between the coordinate system and binary numbers
make the hypercube an appropriate topology for a parallel
computer interconnection network. The fact that the number of
directly connected, "nearest neighbour", nodes increases with
the total size of the network is also highly desirable for a
parallel computer.

tip of the ice-cube
tip of the ice-cube

[IBM] The visible part of something small and insignificant.
Used as an ironic comment in situations where "tip of the
iceberg" might be appropriate if the subject were at all

[Jargon File]
tip of the ice-cube
tip of the ice-cube
n., //

[IBM] The visible part of something small and insignificant. Used as an
ironic comment in situations where ‘tip of the iceberg’ might be
appropriate if the subject were at all important.

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