cyst,cysta n: Zdeněk Brož
Cyst \Cyst\ (s[i^]st), n. [Gr. ky`stis bladder, bag, pouch, fr.
ky`ein to be pregnant. Cf. Cyme.]
1. (Med.)
(a) A pouch or sac without opening, usually membranous and
containing morbid matter, which is accidentally
developed in one of the natural cavities or in the
substance of an organ.
(b) In old authors, the urinary bladder, or the gall
bladder. [Written also cystis.]
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) One of the bladders or air vessels of certain
alg[ae], as of the great kelp of the Pacific, and common
rockweeds (Fuci) of our shores. --D. C. Eaton.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.)
(a) A small capsule or sac of the kind in which many
immature entozoans exist in the tissues of living
animals; also, a similar form in Rotifera, etc.
(b) A form assumed by Protozoa in which they become
saclike and quiescent. It generally precedes the
production of germs. See Encystment.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a closed sac that develops abnormally in some body
2: a small anatomically normal sac or bladderlike structure
(especially one containing fluid) [syn: vesicle, cyst]
podobné slovodefinícia
cholecystectomy,odnětí žlučníku Zdeněk Brož
cholecystitis, n:
colpocystitis,zánět poševní stěny Zdeněk Brož
colpocystocele, n:
cysteine,cystein Jaroslav Šedivý
cystic,cystický adj: Zdeněk Brož
cystic artery
cystic artery, n:
cystic breast disease
cystic breast disease, n:
cystic fibrosis
cystic fibrosis,cystická fibróza n: Zdeněk Brož
cystic mastitis
cystic mastitis, n:
cystic vein
cystic vein, n:
cystine,cystin n: Zdeněk Brož
cystitis,cystitida n: Zdeněk Brož
cystocele, n:
cystolith, n:
cystoparalysis,cystoparalýza Zdeněk Brož
cystoplegia,cystoplegie n: Zdeněk Brož
dacryocyst, n:
dacryocystitis, n:
dermoid cyst
dermoid cyst, n:
encyst,obalit cystou Zdeněk Brož
encysted, adj:
encystment,tvoření cysty Zdeněk Brož
fibrocystic breast disease
fibrocystic breast disease, n:
fibrocystic disease of the breast
fibrocystic disease of the breast, n:
fibrocystic disease of the pancreas
fibrocystic disease of the pancreas, n:
hematocyst, n:
hemorrhagic cyst
hemorrhagic cyst, n:
laparoscopic cholecystectomy
laparoscopic cholecystectomy, n:
nabothian cyst
nabothian cyst, n:
ovarian cyst
ovarian cyst, n:
pilar cyst
pilar cyst, n:
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, n:
pneumocystis pneumonia
pneumocystis pneumonia, n:
polycystic kidney disease
polycystic kidney disease, n:
sarcocystidean, n:
sarcocystieian, n:
sebaceous cyst
sebaceous cyst, n:
steatocystoma, n:
vena cystica
vena cystica, n:
cysta,cystn: Zdeněk Brožcysta,wenn: Zdeněk Brož
cystein,cysteine Jaroslav Šedivý
cystická fibróza
cystická fibróza,cystic fibrosisn: Zdeněk Brož
cystické zduření šlachové pochvy
cystické zduření šlachové pochvy,ganglionn: [med.] Josef Kosek
cystický,cysticadj: Zdeněk Brož
cystin,cystinen: Zdeněk Brož
cystitida,cystitisn: Zdeněk Brož
cystoparalýza,cystoparalysis Zdeněk Brož
cystoplegie,cystoplegian: Zdeněk Brož
obalit cystou
obalit cystou,encyst Zdeněk Brož
tvoření cysty
tvoření cysty,encystment Zdeněk Brož
Acephalocyst \A*ceph"a*lo*cyst\, n. [Gr. 'ake`falos without a
head + ky`stis bladder.] (Zool.)
A larval entozo["o]n in the form of a subglobular or oval
vesicle, or hydatid, filled with fluid, sometimes found in
the tissues of man and the lower animals; -- so called from
the absence of a head or visible organs on the vesicle. These
cysts are the immature stages of certain tapeworms. Also
applied to similar cysts of different origin.
[1913 Webster]
Acephalocystic \A*ceph`a*lo*cys"tic\, a.
Pertaining to, or resembling, the acephalocysts.
[1913 Webster]
Aerocyst \A"["e]r*o*cyst\, n. [A["e]ro- + cyst.] (Bot.)
One of the air cells of algals.
[1913 Webster]
Blastocyst \Blas"to*cyst\, n. [Gr. blasto`s sprout + E. cyst.]
The germinal vesicle.
[1913 Webster]
Cholecystis \Chol`e*cys"tis\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. cholh` bile + ?
bladder.] (Anat.)
The gall bladder.
[1913 Webster]
Cholecystotomy \Chol`e*cys*tot"o*my\, n. [Cholecystis + Gr.
te`mnein to cut.] (Surg.)
The operation of making an opening in the gall bladder, as
for the removal of a gallstone.
[1913 Webster]
Ctenocyst \Cte"no*cyst\ (t[=e]"n[-o]*s[i^]st), n. [Gr. ktei`s,
kteno`s, comb + ky`stis bladder.] (Zool.)
An organ of the Ctenophora, supposed to be sensory.
[1913 Webster]
Cyst \Cyst\ (s[i^]st), n. [Gr. ky`stis bladder, bag, pouch, fr.
ky`ein to be pregnant. Cf. Cyme.]
1. (Med.)
(a) A pouch or sac without opening, usually membranous and
containing morbid matter, which is accidentally
developed in one of the natural cavities or in the
substance of an organ.
(b) In old authors, the urinary bladder, or the gall
bladder. [Written also cystis.]
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) One of the bladders or air vessels of certain
alg[ae], as of the great kelp of the Pacific, and common
rockweeds (Fuci) of our shores. --D. C. Eaton.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.)
(a) A small capsule or sac of the kind in which many
immature entozoans exist in the tissues of living
animals; also, a similar form in Rotifera, etc.
(b) A form assumed by Protozoa in which they become
saclike and quiescent. It generally precedes the
production of germs. See Encystment.
[1913 Webster]
Cysted \Cyst"ed\ (s?s"t?d), a.
Inclosed in a cyst.
[1913 Webster]
Cystic \Cyst"ic\ (s?s"t?k), a. [Cf. F. cystique.]
1. Having the form of, or living in, a cyst; as, the cystic
[1913 Webster]

2. Containing cysts; cystose; as, cystic sarcoma.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Anat.) Pertaining to, or contained in, a cyst; esp.,
pertaining to, or contained in, either the urinary bladder
or the gall bladder.
[1913 Webster]

Cystic duct, the duct from the gall bladder which unites
with the hepatic to form the common bile duct.

Cystic worm (Zool.), a larval tape worm, as the cysticercus
and echinococcus.
[1913 Webster] Cysticerce
Cystic duct
Cystic \Cyst"ic\ (s?s"t?k), a. [Cf. F. cystique.]
1. Having the form of, or living in, a cyst; as, the cystic
[1913 Webster]

2. Containing cysts; cystose; as, cystic sarcoma.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Anat.) Pertaining to, or contained in, a cyst; esp.,
pertaining to, or contained in, either the urinary bladder
or the gall bladder.
[1913 Webster]

Cystic duct, the duct from the gall bladder which unites
with the hepatic to form the common bile duct.

Cystic worm (Zool.), a larval tape worm, as the cysticercus
and echinococcus.
[1913 Webster] Cysticerce
Cystic worm
Cystic \Cyst"ic\ (s?s"t?k), a. [Cf. F. cystique.]
1. Having the form of, or living in, a cyst; as, the cystic
[1913 Webster]

2. Containing cysts; cystose; as, cystic sarcoma.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Anat.) Pertaining to, or contained in, a cyst; esp.,
pertaining to, or contained in, either the urinary bladder
or the gall bladder.
[1913 Webster]

Cystic duct, the duct from the gall bladder which unites
with the hepatic to form the common bile duct.

Cystic worm (Zool.), a larval tape worm, as the cysticercus
and echinococcus.
[1913 Webster] Cysticerce
Cysticerce \Cys"ti*cerce\ (s?s"t?-s?rs), Cysticercus
\Cys`ti*cer"cus\ (-s?r"k?s), n. [NL. cysticercus, fr. Gr. ????
bladder + ke`rkos tail: cf. F. cysticerque.] (Zool.)
The larval form of a tapeworm, having the head and neck of a
tapeworm attached to a saclike body filled with fluid; --
called also bladder worm, hydatid, and measle (as, pork
[1913 Webster]

Note: These larvae live in the tissues of various living
animals, and, when swallowed by a suitable carnivorous
animal, develop into adult tapeworms in the intestine.
See Measles, 4, Tapeworm.
[1913 Webster]
Cysticerce \Cys"ti*cerce\ (s?s"t?-s?rs), Cysticercus
\Cys`ti*cer"cus\ (-s?r"k?s), n. [NL. cysticercus, fr. Gr. ????
bladder + ke`rkos tail: cf. F. cysticerque.] (Zool.)
The larval form of a tapeworm, having the head and neck of a
tapeworm attached to a saclike body filled with fluid; --
called also bladder worm, hydatid, and measle (as, pork
[1913 Webster]

Note: These larvae live in the tissues of various living
animals, and, when swallowed by a suitable carnivorous
animal, develop into adult tapeworms in the intestine.
See Measles, 4, Tapeworm.
[1913 Webster]
Cysticule \Cys"ti*cule\ (s?s"t?-k?l), n. [Dim. of cyst.] (Anat.)
An appendage of the vestibular ear sac of fishes. --Owen.
[1913 Webster]
Cystid \Cys"tid\ (s?s"t?d), n. (Zool.)
One of the Cystidea.
[1913 Webster]
Cystidea \Cys*tid"e*a\ (s?s-t?d"?-?), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. ????
a bladder, pouch.] (Zool.)
An order of Crinoidea, mostly fossils of the Paleozoic rocks.
They were usually roundish or egg-shaped, and often
unsymmetrical; some were sessile, others had short stems.
[1913 Webster]
Cystidean \Cys*tid"e*an\ (-t?d"?-an), n. (Zool.)
One of the Cystidea.
[1913 Webster]
Cystine \Cyst"ine\ (s?s"t?n; 104), n. [See Cyst.] (Physiol.
A white crystalline substance, C3H7NSO2, containing
sulphur, occuring as a constituent of certain rare urinary
calculi, and occasionally found as a sediment in urine.
[1913 Webster]
Cystis \Cys"tis\ (s?s"t?s), n. [NL.]
A cyst. See Cyst.
[1913 Webster]Cyst \Cyst\ (s[i^]st), n. [Gr. ky`stis bladder, bag, pouch, fr.
ky`ein to be pregnant. Cf. Cyme.]
1. (Med.)
(a) A pouch or sac without opening, usually membranous and
containing morbid matter, which is accidentally
developed in one of the natural cavities or in the
substance of an organ.
(b) In old authors, the urinary bladder, or the gall
bladder. [Written also cystis.]
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) One of the bladders or air vessels of certain
alg[ae], as of the great kelp of the Pacific, and common
rockweeds (Fuci) of our shores. --D. C. Eaton.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.)
(a) A small capsule or sac of the kind in which many
immature entozoans exist in the tissues of living
animals; also, a similar form in Rotifera, etc.
(b) A form assumed by Protozoa in which they become
saclike and quiescent. It generally precedes the
production of germs. See Encystment.
[1913 Webster]
Cystis \Cys"tis\ (s?s"t?s), n. [NL.]
A cyst. See Cyst.
[1913 Webster]Cyst \Cyst\ (s[i^]st), n. [Gr. ky`stis bladder, bag, pouch, fr.
ky`ein to be pregnant. Cf. Cyme.]
1. (Med.)
(a) A pouch or sac without opening, usually membranous and
containing morbid matter, which is accidentally
developed in one of the natural cavities or in the
substance of an organ.
(b) In old authors, the urinary bladder, or the gall
bladder. [Written also cystis.]
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) One of the bladders or air vessels of certain
alg[ae], as of the great kelp of the Pacific, and common
rockweeds (Fuci) of our shores. --D. C. Eaton.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.)
(a) A small capsule or sac of the kind in which many
immature entozoans exist in the tissues of living
animals; also, a similar form in Rotifera, etc.
(b) A form assumed by Protozoa in which they become
saclike and quiescent. It generally precedes the
production of germs. See Encystment.
[1913 Webster]
Cystitis \Cys*ti"tis\ (s?s-t?"t?s), n. [Cyst + -itis: cf. F.
cystite.] (Med.)
Inflammation of the bladder.
[1913 Webster]
Cystocarp \Cys"to*carp\ (s?s"t?-k?rp), n. [Gr. ???? bladder +
karpo`s fruit.] (Bot.)
A minute vesicle in a red seaweed, which contains the
reproductive spores.
[1913 Webster]
Cystocele \Cys"to*cele\ (-s?l), n. [Gr. ???? bladder + ???
tumor: cf. F. cystocele.] (Med.)
Hernia in which the urinary bladder protrudes; vesical
[1913 Webster] Cystoid
Cystoid \Cys"toid\, Cystoidean \Cys*toid"e*an\, n.
Same as Cystidean.
[1913 Webster]
Cystoidea \Cys*toi"de*a\ (s?s-toi"d?-?), n.
Same as Cystidea.
[1913 Webster]
Cystoid \Cys"toid\, Cystoidean \Cys*toid"e*an\, n.
Same as Cystidean.
[1913 Webster]

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