n 1: a monocotyledonous grass of the family Gramineae (has only
one species) [syn: Dactylis, genus Dactylis]
podobné slovodefinícia
syndactylism, n:
Dactylis caespitosa
Tussock \Tus"sock\, n. [From Tuz.] [Written also tussuck.]
1. A tuft, as of grass, twigs, hair, or the like; especially,
a dense tuft or bunch of grass or sedge.
[1913 Webster]

Such laying of the hair in tussocks and tufts.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) Same as Tussock grass, below.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) A caterpillar of any one of numerous species of
bombycid moths. The body of these caterpillars is covered
with hairs which form long tufts or brushes. Some species
are very injurious to shade and fruit trees. Called also
tussock caterpillar. See Orgyia.
[1913 Webster]

Tussock grass. (Bot.)
(a) A tall, strong grass of the genus Dactylis
(Dactylis caespitosa), valuable for fodder,
introduced into Scotland from the Falkland Islands.
(b) A tufted grass (Aira caespitosa).
(c) Any kind of sedge (Carex) which forms dense tufts in
a wet meadow or boggy place.

Tussock moth (Zool.), the imago of any tussock caterpillar.
They belong to Orgyia, Halecidota, and allied genera.
[1913 Webster]
Dactylis glomerata
Barnyard grass, for hay. South. Panicum Grus-galli. Bent,
pasture and hay. Agrostis, several species. Bermuda grass,
pasture. South. Cynodon Dactylon. Black bent. Same as {Switch
grass} (below). Blue bent, hay. North and West. {Andropogon
provincialis}. Blue grass, pasture. Poa compressa. Blue joint,
hay. Northwest. Aqropyrum glaucum. Buffalo grass, grazing.
Rocky Mts., etc.
(a) Buchlo["e] dectyloides.
(b) Same as Grama grass (below). Bunch grass, grazing.
Far West. Eriocoma, Festuca, Stips, etc. Chess,
or Cheat, a weed. Bromus secalinus, etc. Couch
grass. Same as Quick grass (below). Crab grass,
(a) Hay, in South. A weed, in North. Panicum sanguinale.
(b) Pasture and hay. South. Eleusine Indica. Darnel
(a) Bearded, a noxious weed. Lolium temulentum.
(b) Common. Same as Rye grass (below). Drop seed, fair
for forage and hay. Muhlenbergia, several species.
English grass. Same as Redtop (below). Fowl meadow
(a) Pasture and hay. Poa serotina.
(b) Hay, on moist land. Gryceria nervata. Gama grass,
cut fodder. South. Tripsacum dactyloides. Grama
grass, grazing. West and Pacific slope. {Bouteloua
oligostachya}, etc. Great bunch grass, pasture and
hay. Far West. Festuca scabrella. Guinea grass, hay.
South. Panicum jumentorum. Herd's grass, in New
England Timothy, in Pennsylvania and South Redtop.
Indian grass. Same as Wood grass (below). Italian
rye grass, forage and hay. Lolium Italicum. Johnson
grass, grazing and hay. South and Southwest. {Sorghum
Halepense}. Kentucky blue grass, pasture. {Poa
pratensis}. Lyme grass, coarse hay. South. Elymus,
several species. Manna grass, pasture and hay.
Glyceria, several species. Meadow fescue, pasture
and hay. Festuca elatior. Meadow foxtail, pasture,
hay, lawn. North. Alopecurus pratensis. Meadow
grass, pasture, hay, lawn. Poa, several species.
Mesquite grass, or Muskit grass. Same as Grama grass
(above). Nimble Will, a kind of drop seed.
Muhlenbergia diffsa. Orchard grass, pasture and hay.
Dactylis glomerata. Porcupine grass, troublesome to
sheep. Northwest. Stipa spartea. Quaking grass,
ornamental. Briza media and maxima. Quitch, or
Quick, grass, etc., a weed. Agropyrum repens. Ray
grass. Same as Rye grass (below). Redtop, pasture
and hay. Agrostis vulgaris. Red-topped buffalo
grass, forage. Northwest. Poa tenuifolia. Reed
canary grass, of slight value. Phalaris arundinacea.
Reed meadow grass, hay. North. Glyceria aquatica.
Ribbon grass, a striped leaved form of {Reed canary
grass}. Rye grass, pasture, hay. Lolium perenne,
var. Seneca grass, fragrant basket work, etc. North.
Hierochloa borealis. Sesame grass. Same as {Gama
grass} (above). Sheep's fescue, sheep pasture, native
in Northern Europe and Asia. Festuca ovina. Small
reed grass, meadow pasture and hay. North. {Deyeuxia
Canadensis}. Spear grass, Same as Meadow grass
(above). Squirrel-tail grass, troublesome to animals.
Seacoast and Northwest. Hordeum jubatum. Switch
grass, hay, cut young. Panicum virgatum. Timothy,
cut young, the best of hay. North. Phleum pratense.
Velvet grass, hay on poor soil. South. {Holcus
lanatus}. Vernal grass, pasture, hay, lawn.
Anthoxanthum odoratum. Wire grass, valuable in
pastures. Poa compressa. Wood grass, Indian grass,
hay. Chrysopogon nutans.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Many plants are popularly called grasses which are not
true grasses botanically considered, such as black
grass, goose grass, star grass, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Black grass, a kind of small rush (Juncus Gerardi),
growing in salt marshes, used for making salt hay.

Grass of the Andes, an oat grass, the {Arrhenatherum
avenaceum} of Europe.

Grass of Parnassus, a plant of the genus Parnassia
growing in wet ground. The European species is {Parnassia
palustris}; in the United States there are several

Grass bass (Zool.), the calico bass.

Grass bird, the dunlin.

Grass cloth, a cloth woven from the tough fibers of the
grass-cloth plant.

Grass-cloth plant, a perennial herb of the Nettle family
(B[oe]hmeria nivea syn. Urtica nivea), which grows in
Sumatra, China, and Assam, whose inner bark has fine and
strong fibers suited for textile purposes.

Grass finch. (Zool.)
(a) A common American sparrow ({Po["o]c[ae]tes
gramineus}); -- called also vesper sparrow and
bay-winged bunting.
(b) Any Australian finch, of the genus Po["e]phila, of
which several species are known.

Grass lamb, a lamb suckled by a dam running on pasture land
and giving rich milk.

Grass land, land kept in grass and not tilled.

Grass moth (Zool.), one of many small moths of the genus
Crambus, found in grass.

Grass oil, a fragrant essential volatile oil, obtained in
India from grasses of the genus Andropogon, etc.; --
used in perfumery under the name of citronella, {ginger
grass oil}, lemon grass oil, essence of verbena etc.

Grass owl (Zool.), a South African owl (Strix Capensis).

Grass parrakeet (Zool.), any of several species of
Australian parrots, of the genus Euphemia; -- also
applied to the zebra parrakeet.

Grass plover (Zool.), the upland or field plover.

Grass poly (Bot.), a species of willowwort ({Lythrum
Hyssopifolia}). --Johnson.

Crass quit (Zool.), one of several tropical American
finches of the genus Euetheia. The males have most of
the head and chest black and often marked with yellow.

Grass snake. (Zool.)
(a) The common English, or ringed, snake ({Tropidonotus
(b) The common green snake of the Northern United States.
See Green snake, under Green.

Grass snipe (Zool.), the pectoral sandpiper ({Tringa
maculata}); -- called also jacksnipe in America.

Grass spider (Zool.), a common spider (Agelena n[ae]via),
which spins flat webs on grass, conspicuous when covered
with dew.

Grass sponge (Zool.), an inferior kind of commercial sponge
from Florida and the Bahamas.

Grass table. (Arch.) See Earth table, under Earth.

Grass vetch (Bot.), a vetch (Lathyrus Nissolia), with
narrow grasslike leaves.

Grass widow. [Cf. Prov. R. an unmarried mother, G.
strohwittwe a mock widow, Sw. gr[aum]senka a grass widow.]
(a) An unmarried woman who is a mother. [Obs.]
(b) A woman separated from her husband by abandonment or
prolonged absence; a woman living apart from her
husband. [Slang.]

Grass wrack (Bot.) eelgrass.

To bring to grass (Mining.), to raise, as ore, to the
surface of the ground.

To put to grass, To put out to grass, to put out to graze
a season, as cattle.
[1913 Webster]Orchard \Or"chard\, n. [AS. ortgeard, wyrtgeard, lit., wortyard,
i. e., a yard for herbs; wyrt herb + geard yard. See Wort,
Yard inclosure.]
1. A garden. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

2. An inclosure containing fruit trees; also, the fruit
trees, collectively; -- used especially of apples,
peaches, pears, cherries, plums, or the like, less
frequently of nutbearing trees and of sugar maple trees.
[1913 Webster]

Orchard grass (Bot.), a tall coarse grass ({Dactylis
glomerata}), introduced into the United States from
Europe. It grows usually in shady places, and is of value
for forage and hay.

Orchard house (Hort.), a glazed structure in which fruit
trees are reared in pots.

Orchard oriole (Zool.), a bright-colored American oriole
(Icterus spurius), which frequents orchards. It is
smaller and darker thah the Baltimore oriole.
[1913 Webster]
Dactylist \Dac"tyl*ist\, n.
A writer of dactylic verse.
[1913 Webster]
Lepidactylis arenarius
Sand \Sand\, n. [AS. sand; akin to D. zand, G. sand, OHG. sant,
Icel. sandr, Dan. & Sw. sand, Gr. ?.]
1. Fine particles of stone, esp. of siliceous stone, but not
reduced to dust; comminuted stone in the form of loose
grains, which are not coherent when wet.
[1913 Webster]

That finer matter, called sand, is no other than
very small pebbles. --Woodward.
[1913 Webster]

2. A single particle of such stone. [R.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. The sand in the hourglass; hence, a moment or interval of
time; the term or extent of one's life.
[1913 Webster]

The sands are numbered that make up my life. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. pl. Tracts of land consisting of sand, like the deserts of
Arabia and Africa; also, extensive tracts of sand exposed
by the ebb of the tide. "The Libyan sands." --Milton. "The
sands o' Dee." --C. Kingsley.
[1913 Webster]

5. Courage; pluck; grit. [Slang]
[1913 Webster]

Sand badger (Zool.), the Japanese badger (Meles ankuma).

Sand bag.
(a) A bag filled with sand or earth, used for various
purposes, as in fortification, for ballast, etc.
(b) A long bag filled with sand, used as a club by

Sand ball, soap mixed with sand, made into a ball for use
at the toilet.

Sand bath.
(a) (Chem.) A vessel of hot sand in a laboratory, in which
vessels that are to be heated are partially immersed.
(b) A bath in which the body is immersed in hot sand.

Sand bed, a thick layer of sand, whether deposited
naturally or artificially; specifically, a thick layer of
sand into which molten metal is run in casting, or from a
reducing furnace.

Sand birds (Zool.), a collective name for numerous species
of limicoline birds, such as the sandpipers, plovers,
tattlers, and many others; -- called also shore birds.

Sand blast, a process of engraving and cutting glass and
other hard substances by driving sand against them by a
steam jet or otherwise; also, the apparatus used in the

Sand box.
(a) A box with a perforated top or cover, for sprinkling
paper with sand.
(b) A box carried on locomotives, from which sand runs on
the rails in front of the driving wheel, to prevent

Sand-box tree (Bot.), a tropical American tree ({Hura
crepitans}). Its fruit is a depressed many-celled woody
capsule which, when completely dry, bursts with a loud
report and scatters the seeds. See Illust. of Regma.

Sand bug (Zool.), an American anomuran crustacean ({Hippa
talpoidea}) which burrows in sandy seabeaches. It is often
used as bait by fishermen. See Illust. under Anomura.

Sand canal (Zool.), a tubular vessel having a calcareous
coating, and connecting the oral ambulacral ring with the
madreporic tubercle. It appears to be excretory in

Sand cock (Zool.), the redshank. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand collar. (Zool.) Same as Sand saucer, below.

Sand crab. (Zool.)
(a) The lady crab.
(b) A land crab, or ocypodian.

Sand crack (Far.), a crack extending downward from the
coronet, in the wall of a horse's hoof, which often causes

Sand cricket (Zool.), any one of several species of large
terrestrial crickets of the genus Stenophelmatus and
allied genera, native of the sandy plains of the Western
United States.

Sand cusk (Zool.), any ophidioid fish. See Illust. under

Sand dab (Zool.), a small American flounder ({Limanda
ferruginea}); -- called also rusty dab. The name is also
applied locally to other allied species.

Sand darter (Zool.), a small etheostomoid fish of the Ohio
valley (Ammocrypta pellucida).

Sand dollar (Zool.), any one of several species of small
flat circular sea urchins, which live on sandy bottoms,
especially Echinarachnius parma of the American coast.

Sand drift, drifting sand; also, a mound or bank of drifted

Sand eel. (Zool.)
(a) A lant, or launce.
(b) A slender Pacific Ocean fish of the genus
Gonorhynchus, having barbels about the mouth.

Sand flag, sandstone which splits up into flagstones.

Sand flea. (Zool.)
(a) Any species of flea which inhabits, or breeds in,
sandy places, especially the common dog flea.
(b) The chigoe.
(c) Any leaping amphipod crustacean; a beach flea, or
orchestian. See Beach flea, under Beach.

Sand flood, a vast body of sand borne along by the wind.
--James Bruce.

Sand fluke. (Zool.)
(a) The sandnecker.
(b) The European smooth dab ({Pleuronectes
microcephalus}); -- called also kitt, marysole,
smear dab, town dab.

Sand fly (Zool.), any one of several species of small
dipterous flies of the genus Simulium, abounding on
sandy shores, especially Simulium nocivum of the United
States. They are very troublesome on account of their
biting habits. Called also no-see-um, punky, and

Sand gall. (Geol.) See Sand pipe, below.

Sand grass (Bot.), any species of grass which grows in
sand; especially, a tufted grass (Triplasis purpurea)
with numerous bearded joints, and acid awl-shaped leaves,
growing on the Atlantic coast.

Sand grouse (Zool.), any one of many species of Old World
birds belonging to the suborder Pterocletes, and
resembling both grouse and pigeons. Called also {rock
grouse}, rock pigeon, and ganga. They mostly belong to
the genus Pterocles, as the common Indian species
(Pterocles exustus). The large sand grouse ({Pterocles
arenarius}), the painted sand grouse ({Pterocles
fasciatus}), and the pintail sand grouse ({Pterocles
alchata}) are also found in India. See Illust. under

Sand hill, a hill of sand; a dune.

Sand-hill crane (Zool.), the American brown crane ({Grus

Sand hopper (Zool.), a beach flea; an orchestian.

Sand hornet (Zool.), a sand wasp.

Sand lark. (Zool.)
(a) A small lark (Alaudala raytal), native of India.
(b) A small sandpiper, or plover, as the ringneck, the
sanderling, and the common European sandpiper.
(c) The Australian red-capped dotterel ({Aegialophilus
ruficapillus}); -- called also red-necked plover.

Sand launce (Zool.), a lant, or launce.

Sand lizard (Zool.), a common European lizard ({Lacerta

Sand martin (Zool.), the bank swallow.

Sand mole (Zool.), the coast rat.

Sand monitor (Zool.), a large Egyptian lizard ({Monitor
arenarius}) which inhabits dry localities.

Sand mouse (Zool.), the dunlin. [Prov. Eng.]

Sand myrtle. (Bot.) See under Myrtle.

Sand partridge (Zool.), either of two small Asiatic
partridges of the genus Ammoperdix. The wings are long
and the tarsus is spurless. One species ({Ammoperdix
Heeji}) inhabits Palestine and Arabia. The other species
(Ammoperdix Bonhami), inhabiting Central Asia, is called
also seesee partridge, and teehoo.

Sand picture, a picture made by putting sand of different
colors on an adhesive surface.

Sand pike. (Zool.)
(a) The sauger.
(b) The lizard fish.

Sand pillar, a sand storm which takes the form of a
whirling pillar in its progress in desert tracts like
those of the Sahara and Mongolia.

Sand pipe (Geol.), a tubular cavity, from a few inches to
several feet in depth, occurring especially in calcareous
rocks, and often filled with gravel, sand, etc.; -- called
also sand gall.

Sand pride (Zool.), a small British lamprey now considered
to be the young of larger species; -- called also {sand

Sand pump, in artesian well boring, a long, slender bucket
with a valve at the bottom for raising sand from the well.

Sand rat (Zool.), the pocket gopher.

Sand rock, a rock made of cemented sand.

Sand runner (Zool.), the turnstone.

Sand saucer (Zool.), the mass of egg capsules, or oothecae,
of any mollusk of the genus Natica and allied genera. It
has the shape of a bottomless saucer, and is coated with
fine sand; -- called also sand collar.

Sand screw (Zool.), an amphipod crustacean ({Lepidactylis
arenarius}), which burrows in the sandy seabeaches of
Europe and America.

Sand shark (Zool.), an American shark ({Odontaspis
littoralis}) found on the sandy coasts of the Eastern
United States; -- called also gray shark, and {dogfish
shark}. See Illust. under Remora.

Sand skink (Zool.), any one of several species of Old World
lizards belonging to the genus Seps; as, the ocellated
sand skink (Seps ocellatus) of Southern Europe.

Sand skipper (Zool.), a beach flea, or orchestian.

Sand smelt (Zool.), a silverside.

Sand snake. (Zool.)
(a) Any one of several species of harmless burrowing
snakes of the genus Eryx, native of Southern Europe,
Africa, and Asia, especially Eryx jaculus of India
and Eryx Johnii, used by snake charmers.
(b) Any innocuous South African snake of the genus
Psammophis, especially Psammophis sibilans.

Sand snipe (Zool.), the sandpiper.

Sand star (Zool.), an ophiurioid starfish living on sandy
sea bottoms; a brittle star.

Sand storm, a cloud of sand driven violently by the wind.

Sand sucker, the sandnecker.

Sand swallow (Zool.), the bank swallow. See under Bank.

Sand trap, (Golf) a shallow pit on a golf course having a
layer of sand in it, usually located near a green, and
designed to function as a hazard, due to the difficulty of
hitting balls effectively from such a position.

Sand tube, a tube made of sand. Especially:
(a) A tube of vitrified sand, produced by a stroke of
lightning; a fulgurite.
(b) (Zool.) Any tube made of cemented sand.
(c) (Zool.) In starfishes, a tube having calcareous
particles in its wall, which connects the oral water
tube with the madreporic plate.

Sand viper. (Zool.) See Hognose snake.

Sand wasp (Zool.), any one of numerous species of
hymenopterous insects belonging to the families
Pompilidae and Spheridae, which dig burrows in sand.
The female provisions the nest with insects or spiders
which she paralyzes by stinging, and which serve as food
for her young.
[1913 Webster]
Polydactylism \Pol`y*dac"tyl*ism\, n. [Poly- + Gr. ? finger: cf.
F. polydactylisme.] (Anat.)
The possession of more that the normal number of digits.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: congenital absence of fingers and/or toes [syn:
adactylia, adactyly, adactylism]
dactylis glomerata
Dactylis glomerata
n 1: widely grown stout Old World hay and pasture grass [syn:
orchard grass, cocksfoot, cockspur, {Dactylis
genus dactylis
genus Dactylis
n 1: a monocotyledonous grass of the family Gramineae (has only
one species) [syn: Dactylis, genus Dactylis]
n 1: birth defect in which there is partial or total webbing
connecting two or more fingers or toes [syn: syndactyly,

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