data service unit
data service unit
digital service unit

(DSU or "data service unit") A device used in
digital transmission for connecting a CSU (Channel Service
Unit) to Data Terminal Equipment (a terminal or computer),
in the same way that a modem is used for connection to an
analogue medium.

A DSU provides a standard interface to a user's terminal which
is compatible with modems and handles such functions as
signal translation, regeneration, reformatting, and timing.
The transmitting portion of the DSU processeses the customers'
signal into bipolar pulses suitable for transmission over the
digital facility. The receiving portion of the DSU is used
both to extract timing information and to regenerate mark and
space information from the received bipolar signal.

podobné slovodefinícia
channel service unit/data service unit
channel service unit/data service unit

(CSU/DSU, or "") A
device that performs both the channel service unit (CSU) and
data service unit (DSU) functions. The Channel Service Unit
(CSU) is used to terminate a DS1 or DS0 (56/64 kb/s)
digital circuit. It peforms line conditioning, protection,
loop-back and timing functions. The Data Service Unit (DSU)
terminates the data circuit to the Data Terminal Equipment
(DTE) and converts the customer's data stream into a bi-polar
format for transmission.


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