n 1: a genus of Parulidae [syn: Dendroica, genus Dendroica]
podobné slovodefinícia
Dendroica aestiva
Golden \Gold"en\ (g[=o]ld"'n), a. [OE. golden; cf. OE. gulden,
AS. gylden, from gold. See Gold, and cf. Guilder.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Made of gold; consisting of gold.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having the color of gold; as, the golden grain.
[1913 Webster]

3. Very precious; highly valuable; excellent; eminently
auspicious; as, golden opinions.
[1913 Webster]

Golden age.
(a) The fabulous age of primeval simplicity and purity of
manners in rural employments, followed by the {silver
age}, bronze age, and iron age. --Dryden.
(b) (Roman Literature) The best part (B. C. 81 -- A. D.
14) of the classical period of Latinity; the time when
Cicero, C[ae]sar, Virgil, etc., wrote. Hence:
(c) That period in the history of a literature, etc., when
it flourishes in its greatest purity or attains its
greatest glory; as, the Elizabethan age has been
considered the golden age of English literature.

Golden balls, three gilt balls used as a sign of a
pawnbroker's office or shop; -- originally taken from the
coat of arms of Lombardy, the first money lenders in
London having been Lombards.

Golden bull. See under Bull, an edict.

Golden chain (Bot.), the shrub Cytisus Laburnum, so named
from its long clusters of yellow blossoms.

Golden club (Bot.), an aquatic plant ({Orontium
aquaticum}), bearing a thick spike of minute yellow

Golden cup (Bot.), the buttercup.

Golden eagle (Zool.), a large and powerful eagle ({Aquila
Chrysa["e]tos}) inhabiting Europe, Asia, and North
America. It is so called from the brownish yellow tips of
the feathers on the head and neck. A dark variety is
called the royal eagle; the young in the second year is
the ring-tailed eagle.

Golden fleece.
(a) (Mythol.) The fleece of gold fabled to have been taken
from the ram that bore Phryxus through the air to
Colchis, and in quest of which Jason undertook the
Argonautic expedition.
(b) (Her.) An order of knighthood instituted in 1429 by
Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy; -- called also
Toison d'Or.

Golden grease, a bribe; a fee. [Slang]

Golden hair (Bot.), a South African shrubby composite plant
with golden yellow flowers, the Chrysocoma Coma-aurea.

Golden Horde (Hist.), a tribe of Mongolian Tartars who
overran and settled in Southern Russia early in the 18th

Golden Legend, a hagiology (the "Aurea Legenda") written by
James de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, in the 13th
century, translated and printed by Caxton in 1483, and
partially paraphrased by Longfellow in a poem thus

Golden marcasite tin. [Obs.]

Golden mean, the way of wisdom and safety between extremes;
sufficiency without excess; moderation.
[1913 Webster]

Angels guard him in the golden mean. --Pope.

Golden mole (Zool), one of several South African
Insectivora of the family Chrysochlorid[ae], resembling
moles in form and habits. The fur is tinted with green,
purple, and gold.

Golden number (Chronol.), a number showing the year of the
lunar or Metonic cycle. It is reckoned from 1 to 19, and
is so called from having formerly been written in the
calendar in gold.

Golden oriole. (Zool.) See Oriole.

Golden pheasant. See under Pheasant.

Golden pippin, a kind of apple, of a bright yellow color.

Golden plover (Zool.), one of several species of plovers,
of the genus Charadrius, esp. the European ({Charadrius
apricarius}, syn. Charadrius pluvialis; -- called also
yellow plover, black-breasted plover, hill plover,
and whistling plover. The common American species
(Charadrius dominicus) is also called frostbird, and

Golden robin. (Zool.) See Baltimore oriole, in Vocab.

Golden rose (R. C. Ch.), a gold or gilded rose blessed by
the pope on the fourth Sunday in Lent, and sent to some
church or person in recognition of special services
rendered to the Holy See.

Golden rule.
(a) The rule of doing as we would have others do to us.
Cf. --Luke vi. 31.
(b) The rule of proportion, or rule of three.

Golden samphire (Bot.), a composite plant ({Inula
crithmoides}), found on the seashore of Europe.

Golden saxifrage (Bot.), a low herb with yellow flowers
(Chrysosplenium oppositifolium), blossoming in wet
places in early spring.

Golden seal (Bot.), a perennial ranunculaceous herb
(Hydrastis Canadensis), with a thick knotted rootstock
and large rounded leaves.

Golden sulphide of antimony, or {Golden sulphuret of
antimony} (Chem.), the pentasulphide of antimony, a golden or
orange yellow powder.

Golden warbler (Zool.), a common American wood warbler
(Dendroica [ae]stiva); -- called also {blue-eyed yellow
warbler}, garden warbler, and summer yellow bird.

Golden wasp (Zool.), a bright-colored hymenopterous insect,
of the family Chrysidid[ae]. The colors are golden,
blue, and green.

Golden wedding. See under Wedding.
[1913 Webster]Yellow \Yel"low\ (y[e^]l"l[-o]), a. [Compar. Yellower
(y[e^]l"l[-o]*[~e]r); superl. Yellowest.] [OE. yelow,
yelwe, [yogh]elow, [yogh]eoluw, from AS. geolu; akin to D.
geel, OS. & OHG. gelo, G. gelb, Icel. gulr, Sw. gul, Dan.
guul, L. helvus light bay, Gr. chlo`n young verdure, chlwro`s
greenish yellow, Skr. hari tawny, yellowish. [root]49. Cf.
Chlorine, Gall a bitter liquid, Gold, Yolk.]
1. Being of a bright saffronlike color; of the color of gold
or brass; having the hue of that part of the rainbow, or
of the solar spectrum, which is between the orange and the
[1913 Webster]

Her yellow hair was browded [braided] in a tress.
[1913 Webster]

A sweaty reaper from his tillage brought
First fruits, the green ear and the yellow sheaf.
[1913 Webster]

The line of yellow light dies fast away. --Keble.
[1913 Webster]

2. Cowardly; hence, dishonorable; mean; contemptible; as, he
has a yellow streak. [Slang]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

3. Sensational; -- said of some newspapers, their makers,
etc.; as, yellow journal, journalism, etc. [Colloq.]
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Yellow atrophy (Med.), a fatal affection of the liver, in
which it undergoes fatty degeneration, and becomes rapidly
smaller and of a deep yellow tinge. The marked symptoms
are black vomit, delirium, convulsions, coma, and

Yellow bark, calisaya bark.

Yellow bass (Zool.), a North American fresh-water bass
(Morone interrupta) native of the lower parts of the
Mississippi and its tributaries. It is yellow, with
several more or less broken black stripes or bars. Called
also barfish.

Yellow berry. (Bot.) Same as Persian berry, under

Yellow boy, a gold coin, as a guinea. [Slang] --Arbuthnot.

Yellow brier. (Bot.) See under Brier.

Yellow bugle (Bot.), a European labiate plant ({Ajuga

Yellow bunting (Zool.), the European yellow-hammer.

Yellow cat (Zool.), a yellow catfish; especially, the

Yellow copperas (Min.), a hydrous sulphate of iron; --
called also copiapite.

Yellow copper ore, a sulphide of copper and iron; copper
pyrites. See Chalcopyrite.

Yellow cress (Bot.), a yellow-flowered, cruciferous plant
(Barbarea praecox), sometimes grown as a salad plant.

Yellow dock. (Bot.) See the Note under Dock.

Yellow earth, a yellowish clay, colored by iron, sometimes
used as a yellow pigment.

Yellow fever (Med.), a malignant, contagious, febrile
disease of warm climates, attended with jaundice,
producing a yellow color of the skin, and with the black
vomit. See Black vomit, in the Vocabulary.

Yellow flag, the quarantine flag. See under Quarantine,
and 3d Flag.

Yellow jack.
(a) The yellow fever. See under 2d Jack.
(b) The quarantine flag. See under Quarantine.

Yellow jacket (Zool.), any one of several species of
American social wasps of the genus Vespa, in which the
color of the body is partly bright yellow. These wasps are
noted for their irritability, and for their painful

Yellow lead ore (Min.), wulfenite.

Yellow lemur (Zool.), the kinkajou.

Yellow macauco (Zool.), the kinkajou.

Yellow mackerel (Zool.), the jurel.

Yellow metal. Same as Muntz metal, under Metal.

Yellow ocher (Min.), an impure, earthy variety of brown
iron ore, which is used as a pigment.

Yellow oxeye (Bot.), a yellow-flowered plant
(Chrysanthemum segetum) closely related to the oxeye

Yellow perch (Zool.), the common American perch. See

Yellow pike (Zool.), the wall-eye.

Yellow pine (Bot.), any of several kinds of pine; also,
their yellowish and generally durable timber. Among the
most common are valuable species are Pinus mitis and
Pinus palustris of the Eastern and Southern States, and
Pinus ponderosa and Pinus Arizonica of the Rocky
Mountains and Pacific States.

Yellow plover (Zool.), the golden plover.

Yellow precipitate (Med. Chem.), an oxide of mercury which
is thrown down as an amorphous yellow powder on adding
corrosive sublimate to limewater.

Yellow puccoon. (Bot.) Same as Orangeroot.

Yellow rail (Zool.), a small American rail ({Porzana
Noveboracensis}) in which the lower parts are dull yellow,
darkest on the breast. The back is streaked with brownish
yellow and with black, and spotted with white. Called also
yellow crake.

Yellow rattle, Yellow rocket. (Bot.) See under Rattle,
and Rocket.

Yellow Sally (Zool.), a greenish or yellowish European
stone fly of the genus Chloroperla; -- so called by

Yellow sculpin (Zool.), the dragonet.

Yellow snake (Zool.), a West Indian boa ({Chilobothrus
inornatus}) common in Jamaica. It becomes from eight to
ten long. The body is yellowish or yellowish green, mixed
with black, and anteriorly with black lines.

Yellow spot.
(a) (Anat.) A small yellowish spot with a central pit, the
fovea centralis, in the center of the retina where
vision is most accurate. See Eye.
(b) (Zool.) A small American butterfly (Polites Peckius)
of the Skipper family. Its wings are brownish, with a
large, irregular, bright yellow spot on each of the
hind wings, most conspicuous beneath. Called also
Peck's skipper. See Illust. under Skipper, n., 5.

Yellow tit (Zool.), any one of several species of crested
titmice of the genus Machlolophus, native of India. The
predominating colors of the plumage are yellow and green.

Yellow viper (Zool.), the fer-de-lance.

Yellow warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
American warblers of the genus Dendroica in which the
predominant color is yellow, especially {Dendroica
aestiva}, which is a very abundant and familiar species;
-- called also garden warbler, golden warbler, {summer
yellowbird}, summer warbler, and yellow-poll warbler.

Yellow wash (Pharm.), yellow oxide of mercury suspended in
water, -- a mixture prepared by adding corrosive sublimate
to limewater.

Yellow wren (Zool.)
(a) The European willow warbler.
(b) The European wood warbler.
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica Blackburniae
Blackburnian warbler \Black*bur"ni*an war"bler\ [Named from Mrs.
Blackburn, an English lady.] (Zool.)
A beautiful warbler of the United States ({Dendroica
Blackburni[ae]}). The male is strongly marked with orange,
yellow, and black on the head and neck, and has an
orange-yellow breast.
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica castanea
Warbler \War"bler\, n.
1. One who, or that which, warbles; a singer; a songster; --
applied chiefly to birds.
[1913 Webster]

In lulling strains the feathered warblers woo.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small Old World
singing birds belonging to the family Sylviidae, many of
which are noted songsters. The bluethroat, blackcap, reed
warbler (see under Reed), and sedge warbler (see under
Sedge) are well-known species.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small, often bright
colored, American singing birds of the family or subfamily
Mniotiltidae, or Sylvicolinae. They are allied to the
Old World warblers, but most of them are not particularly
[1913 Webster]

Note: The American warblers are often divided, according to
their habits, into bush warblers, creeping warblers,
fly-catching warblers, ground warblers, wood warblers,
wormeating warblers, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Bush warbler (Zool.) any American warbler of the genus
Opornis, as the Connecticut warbler (Opornis agilis).

Creeping warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
very small American warblers belonging to Parula,
Mniotilta, and allied genera, as the blue yellow-backed
warbler (Parula Americana), and the black-and-white
creeper (Mniotilta varia).

Fly-catching warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
warblers belonging to Setophaga, Sylvania, and allied
genera having the bill hooked and notched at the tip, with
strong rictal bristles at the base, as the hooded warbler
(Sylvania mitrata), the black-capped warbler ({Sylvania
pusilla}), the Canadian warbler (Sylvania Canadensis),
and the American redstart (see Redstart).

Ground warbler (Zool.), any American warbler of the genus
Geothlypis, as the mourning ground warbler ({Geothlypis
Philadelphia}), and the Maryland yellowthroat (see

Wood warbler (Zool.), any one of numerous American warblers
of the genus Dendroica. Among the most common wood
warblers in the Eastern States are the yellowbird, or
yellow warbler (see under Yellow), the black-throated
green warbler (Dendroica virens), the yellow-rumped
warbler (Dendroica coronata), the blackpoll ({Dendroica
striata}), the bay-breasted warbler ({Dendroica
castanea}), the chestnut-sided warbler ({Dendroica
Pennsylvanica}), the Cape May warbler ({Dendroica
tigrina}), the prairie warbler (see under Prairie), and
the pine warbler (Dendroica pinus). See also {Magnolia
warbler}, under Magnolia, and Blackburnian warbler.
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica coronata
Myrtle \Myr"tle\ (m[~e]r"t'l), n. [F. myrtil bilberry, prop., a
little myrtle, from myrte myrtle, L. myrtus, murtus, Gr.
my`rtos; cf. Per. m[=u]rd.] (Bot.)
A species of the genus Myrtus, especially {Myrtus
communis}. The common myrtle has a shrubby, upright stem,
eight or ten feet high. Its branches form a close, full head,
thickly covered with ovate or lanceolate evergreen leaves. It
has solitary axillary white or rosy flowers, followed by
black several-seeded berries. The ancients considered it
sacred to Venus. The flowers, leaves, and berries are used
variously in perfumery and as a condiment, and the
beautifully mottled wood is used in turning.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The name is also popularly but wrongly applied in
America to two creeping plants, the blue-flowered
periwinkle and the yellow-flowered moneywort. In the
West Indies several myrtaceous shrubs are called
[1913 Webster]

Bog myrtle, the sweet gale.

Crape myrtle. See under Crape.

Myrtle warbler (Zool.), a North American wood warbler
(Dendroica coronata); -- called also myrtle bird,
yellow-rumped warbler, and yellow-crowned warbler.

Myrtle wax. (Bot.) See Bayberry tallow, under Bayberry.

Sand myrtle, a low, branching evergreen shrub ({Leiophyllum
buxifolium}), growing in New Jersey and southward.

Wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera). See Bayberry.
[1913 Webster]Warbler \War"bler\, n.
1. One who, or that which, warbles; a singer; a songster; --
applied chiefly to birds.
[1913 Webster]

In lulling strains the feathered warblers woo.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small Old World
singing birds belonging to the family Sylviidae, many of
which are noted songsters. The bluethroat, blackcap, reed
warbler (see under Reed), and sedge warbler (see under
Sedge) are well-known species.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small, often bright
colored, American singing birds of the family or subfamily
Mniotiltidae, or Sylvicolinae. They are allied to the
Old World warblers, but most of them are not particularly
[1913 Webster]

Note: The American warblers are often divided, according to
their habits, into bush warblers, creeping warblers,
fly-catching warblers, ground warblers, wood warblers,
wormeating warblers, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Bush warbler (Zool.) any American warbler of the genus
Opornis, as the Connecticut warbler (Opornis agilis).

Creeping warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
very small American warblers belonging to Parula,
Mniotilta, and allied genera, as the blue yellow-backed
warbler (Parula Americana), and the black-and-white
creeper (Mniotilta varia).

Fly-catching warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
warblers belonging to Setophaga, Sylvania, and allied
genera having the bill hooked and notched at the tip, with
strong rictal bristles at the base, as the hooded warbler
(Sylvania mitrata), the black-capped warbler ({Sylvania
pusilla}), the Canadian warbler (Sylvania Canadensis),
and the American redstart (see Redstart).

Ground warbler (Zool.), any American warbler of the genus
Geothlypis, as the mourning ground warbler ({Geothlypis
Philadelphia}), and the Maryland yellowthroat (see

Wood warbler (Zool.), any one of numerous American warblers
of the genus Dendroica. Among the most common wood
warblers in the Eastern States are the yellowbird, or
yellow warbler (see under Yellow), the black-throated
green warbler (Dendroica virens), the yellow-rumped
warbler (Dendroica coronata), the blackpoll ({Dendroica
striata}), the bay-breasted warbler ({Dendroica
castanea}), the chestnut-sided warbler ({Dendroica
Pennsylvanica}), the Cape May warbler ({Dendroica
tigrina}), the prairie warbler (see under Prairie), and
the pine warbler (Dendroica pinus). See also {Magnolia
warbler}, under Magnolia, and Blackburnian warbler.
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica discolor
Prairie \Prai"rie\, n. [F., an extensive meadow, OF. praerie,
LL. prataria, fr. L. pratum a meadow.]
1. An extensive tract of level or rolling land, destitute of
trees, covered with coarse grass, and usually
characterized by a deep, fertile soil. They abound
throughout the Mississippi valley, between the Alleghanies
and the Rocky mountains.
[1913 Webster]

From the forests and the prairies,
From the great lakes of the northland. --Longfellow.
[1913 Webster]

2. A meadow or tract of grass; especially, a so called
natural meadow.
[1913 Webster]

Prairie chicken (Zool.), any American grouse of the genus
Tympanuchus, especially Tympanuchus Americanus
(formerly Tympanuchus cupido), which inhabits the
prairies of the central United States. Applied also to the
sharp-tailed grouse.

Prairie clover (Bot.), any plant of the leguminous genus
Petalostemon, having small rosy or white flowers in
dense terminal heads or spikes. Several species occur in
the prairies of the United States.

Prairie dock (Bot.), a coarse composite plant ({Silphium
terebinthaceum}) with large rough leaves and yellow
flowers, found in the Western prairies.

Prairie dog (Zool.), a small American rodent ({Cynomys
Ludovicianus}) allied to the marmots. It inhabits the
plains west of the Mississippi. The prairie dogs burrow in
the ground in large warrens, and have a sharp bark like
that of a dog. Called also prairie marmot.

Prairie grouse. Same as Prairie chicken, above.

Prairie hare (Zool.), a large long-eared Western hare
(Lepus campestris). See Jack rabbit, under 2d Jack.

Prairie hawk, Prairie falcon (Zool.), a falcon of Western
North America (Falco Mexicanus). The upper parts are
brown. The tail has transverse bands of white; the under
parts, longitudinal streaks and spots of brown.

Prairie hen. (Zool.) Same as Prairie chicken, above.

Prairie itch (Med.), an affection of the skin attended with
intense itching, which is observed in the Northern and
Western United States; -- also called swamp itch,
winter itch.

Prairie marmot. (Zool.) Same as Prairie dog, above.

Prairie mole (Zool.), a large American mole ({Scalops
argentatus}), native of the Western prairies.

Prairie pigeon, Prairie plover, or Prairie snipe
(Zool.), the upland plover. See Plover, n., 2.

Prairie rattlesnake (Zool.), the massasauga.

Prairie snake (Zool.), a large harmless American snake
(Masticophis flavigularis). It is pale yellow, tinged
with brown above.

Prairie squirrel (Zool.), any American ground squirrel of
the genus Spermophilus, inhabiting prairies; -- called
also gopher.

Prairie turnip (Bot.), the edible turnip-shaped farinaceous
root of a leguminous plant (Psoralea esculenta) of the
Upper Missouri region; also, the plant itself. Called also
pomme blanche, and pomme de prairie.

Prairie warbler (Zool.), a bright-colored American warbler
(Dendroica discolor). The back is olive yellow, with a
group of reddish spots in the middle; the under parts and
the parts around the eyes are bright yellow; the sides of
the throat and spots along the sides, black; three outer
tail feathers partly white.

Prairie wolf. (Zool.) See Coyote.
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica maculosa
Magnolia \Mag*no"li*a\, n. [NL. Named after Pierre Magnol,
professor of botany at Montpellier, France, in the 17th
century.] (Bot.)
A genus of American and Asiatic trees, with aromatic bark and
large sweet-scented whitish or reddish flowers.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Magnolia grandiflora has coriaceous shining leaves
and very fragrant blossoms. It is common from North
Carolina to Florida and Texas, and is one of the most
magnificent trees of the American forest. The sweet bay
(Magnolia glauca)is a small tree found sparingly as
far north as Cape Ann. Other American species are
Magnolia Umbrella, Magnolia macrophylla, {Magnolia
Fraseri}, Magnolia acuminata, and Magnolia cordata.
Magnolia conspicua and Magnolia purpurea are
cultivated shrubs or trees from Eastern Asia. {Magnolia
Campbellii}, of India, has rose-colored or crimson
[1913 Webster]

Magnolia warbler (Zool.), a beautiful North American wood
warbler (Dendroica maculosa). The rump and under parts
are bright yellow; the breast and belly are spotted with
black; the under tail coverts are white; the crown is ash.
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica occidentalis
Hermit \Her"mit\, n. [OE. ermite, eremite, heremit, heremite, F.
hermite, ermite, L. eremita, Gr. ?, fr. ? lonely, solitary.
Cf. Eremite.]
1. A person who retires from society and lives in solitude; a
recluse; an anchoret; especially, one who so lives from
religious motives.
[1913 Webster]

He had been Duke of Savoy, and after a very glorious
reign, took on him the habit of a hermit, and
retired into this solitary spot. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

2. A beadsman; one bound to pray for another. [Obs.] "We rest
your hermits." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Cookery) A spiced molasses cookie, often containing
chopped raisins and nuts.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Hermit crab (Zool.), a marine decapod crustacean of the
family Pagurid[ae]. The species are numerous, and belong
to many genera. Called also soldier crab. The hermit
crabs usually occupy the dead shells of various univalve
mollusks. See Illust. of Commensal.

Hermit thrush (Zool.), an American thrush ({Turdus
Pallasii}), with retiring habits, but having a sweet song.

Hermit warbler (Zool.), a California wood warbler
(Dendroica occidentalis), having the head yellow, the
throat black, and the back gray, with black streaks.
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica palmarum
Redpoll \Red"poll`\ (-p?l`), n. (Zool.)
(a) Any one of several species of small northern finches of
the genus Acanthis (formerly Aegiothus), native of
Europe and America. The adults have the crown red or
rosy. The male of the most common species ({Acanthis
linarius}) has also the breast and rump rosy. Called also
redpoll linnet. See Illust. under Linnet.
(b) The common European linnet.
(c) The American redpoll warbler (Dendroica palmarum).
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica Pennsylvanica
Warbler \War"bler\, n.
1. One who, or that which, warbles; a singer; a songster; --
applied chiefly to birds.
[1913 Webster]

In lulling strains the feathered warblers woo.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small Old World
singing birds belonging to the family Sylviidae, many of
which are noted songsters. The bluethroat, blackcap, reed
warbler (see under Reed), and sedge warbler (see under
Sedge) are well-known species.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small, often bright
colored, American singing birds of the family or subfamily
Mniotiltidae, or Sylvicolinae. They are allied to the
Old World warblers, but most of them are not particularly
[1913 Webster]

Note: The American warblers are often divided, according to
their habits, into bush warblers, creeping warblers,
fly-catching warblers, ground warblers, wood warblers,
wormeating warblers, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Bush warbler (Zool.) any American warbler of the genus
Opornis, as the Connecticut warbler (Opornis agilis).

Creeping warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
very small American warblers belonging to Parula,
Mniotilta, and allied genera, as the blue yellow-backed
warbler (Parula Americana), and the black-and-white
creeper (Mniotilta varia).

Fly-catching warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
warblers belonging to Setophaga, Sylvania, and allied
genera having the bill hooked and notched at the tip, with
strong rictal bristles at the base, as the hooded warbler
(Sylvania mitrata), the black-capped warbler ({Sylvania
pusilla}), the Canadian warbler (Sylvania Canadensis),
and the American redstart (see Redstart).

Ground warbler (Zool.), any American warbler of the genus
Geothlypis, as the mourning ground warbler ({Geothlypis
Philadelphia}), and the Maryland yellowthroat (see

Wood warbler (Zool.), any one of numerous American warblers
of the genus Dendroica. Among the most common wood
warblers in the Eastern States are the yellowbird, or
yellow warbler (see under Yellow), the black-throated
green warbler (Dendroica virens), the yellow-rumped
warbler (Dendroica coronata), the blackpoll ({Dendroica
striata}), the bay-breasted warbler ({Dendroica
castanea}), the chestnut-sided warbler ({Dendroica
Pennsylvanica}), the Cape May warbler ({Dendroica
tigrina}), the prairie warbler (see under Prairie), and
the pine warbler (Dendroica pinus). See also {Magnolia
warbler}, under Magnolia, and Blackburnian warbler.
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica pinus
Warbler \War"bler\, n.
1. One who, or that which, warbles; a singer; a songster; --
applied chiefly to birds.
[1913 Webster]

In lulling strains the feathered warblers woo.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small Old World
singing birds belonging to the family Sylviidae, many of
which are noted songsters. The bluethroat, blackcap, reed
warbler (see under Reed), and sedge warbler (see under
Sedge) are well-known species.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small, often bright
colored, American singing birds of the family or subfamily
Mniotiltidae, or Sylvicolinae. They are allied to the
Old World warblers, but most of them are not particularly
[1913 Webster]

Note: The American warblers are often divided, according to
their habits, into bush warblers, creeping warblers,
fly-catching warblers, ground warblers, wood warblers,
wormeating warblers, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Bush warbler (Zool.) any American warbler of the genus
Opornis, as the Connecticut warbler (Opornis agilis).

Creeping warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
very small American warblers belonging to Parula,
Mniotilta, and allied genera, as the blue yellow-backed
warbler (Parula Americana), and the black-and-white
creeper (Mniotilta varia).

Fly-catching warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
warblers belonging to Setophaga, Sylvania, and allied
genera having the bill hooked and notched at the tip, with
strong rictal bristles at the base, as the hooded warbler
(Sylvania mitrata), the black-capped warbler ({Sylvania
pusilla}), the Canadian warbler (Sylvania Canadensis),
and the American redstart (see Redstart).

Ground warbler (Zool.), any American warbler of the genus
Geothlypis, as the mourning ground warbler ({Geothlypis
Philadelphia}), and the Maryland yellowthroat (see

Wood warbler (Zool.), any one of numerous American warblers
of the genus Dendroica. Among the most common wood
warblers in the Eastern States are the yellowbird, or
yellow warbler (see under Yellow), the black-throated
green warbler (Dendroica virens), the yellow-rumped
warbler (Dendroica coronata), the blackpoll ({Dendroica
striata}), the bay-breasted warbler ({Dendroica
castanea}), the chestnut-sided warbler ({Dendroica
Pennsylvanica}), the Cape May warbler ({Dendroica
tigrina}), the prairie warbler (see under Prairie), and
the pine warbler (Dendroica pinus). See also {Magnolia
warbler}, under Magnolia, and Blackburnian warbler.
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica striata
Warbler \War"bler\, n.
1. One who, or that which, warbles; a singer; a songster; --
applied chiefly to birds.
[1913 Webster]

In lulling strains the feathered warblers woo.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small Old World
singing birds belonging to the family Sylviidae, many of
which are noted songsters. The bluethroat, blackcap, reed
warbler (see under Reed), and sedge warbler (see under
Sedge) are well-known species.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small, often bright
colored, American singing birds of the family or subfamily
Mniotiltidae, or Sylvicolinae. They are allied to the
Old World warblers, but most of them are not particularly
[1913 Webster]

Note: The American warblers are often divided, according to
their habits, into bush warblers, creeping warblers,
fly-catching warblers, ground warblers, wood warblers,
wormeating warblers, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Bush warbler (Zool.) any American warbler of the genus
Opornis, as the Connecticut warbler (Opornis agilis).

Creeping warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
very small American warblers belonging to Parula,
Mniotilta, and allied genera, as the blue yellow-backed
warbler (Parula Americana), and the black-and-white
creeper (Mniotilta varia).

Fly-catching warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
warblers belonging to Setophaga, Sylvania, and allied
genera having the bill hooked and notched at the tip, with
strong rictal bristles at the base, as the hooded warbler
(Sylvania mitrata), the black-capped warbler ({Sylvania
pusilla}), the Canadian warbler (Sylvania Canadensis),
and the American redstart (see Redstart).

Ground warbler (Zool.), any American warbler of the genus
Geothlypis, as the mourning ground warbler ({Geothlypis
Philadelphia}), and the Maryland yellowthroat (see

Wood warbler (Zool.), any one of numerous American warblers
of the genus Dendroica. Among the most common wood
warblers in the Eastern States are the yellowbird, or
yellow warbler (see under Yellow), the black-throated
green warbler (Dendroica virens), the yellow-rumped
warbler (Dendroica coronata), the blackpoll ({Dendroica
striata}), the bay-breasted warbler ({Dendroica
castanea}), the chestnut-sided warbler ({Dendroica
Pennsylvanica}), the Cape May warbler ({Dendroica
tigrina}), the prairie warbler (see under Prairie), and
the pine warbler (Dendroica pinus). See also {Magnolia
warbler}, under Magnolia, and Blackburnian warbler.
[1913 Webster]Blackpoll \Black"poll`\, n. [Black + poll head.] (Zool.)
A warbler of the United States (Dendroica striata).
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica tigrina
Warbler \War"bler\, n.
1. One who, or that which, warbles; a singer; a songster; --
applied chiefly to birds.
[1913 Webster]

In lulling strains the feathered warblers woo.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small Old World
singing birds belonging to the family Sylviidae, many of
which are noted songsters. The bluethroat, blackcap, reed
warbler (see under Reed), and sedge warbler (see under
Sedge) are well-known species.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small, often bright
colored, American singing birds of the family or subfamily
Mniotiltidae, or Sylvicolinae. They are allied to the
Old World warblers, but most of them are not particularly
[1913 Webster]

Note: The American warblers are often divided, according to
their habits, into bush warblers, creeping warblers,
fly-catching warblers, ground warblers, wood warblers,
wormeating warblers, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Bush warbler (Zool.) any American warbler of the genus
Opornis, as the Connecticut warbler (Opornis agilis).

Creeping warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
very small American warblers belonging to Parula,
Mniotilta, and allied genera, as the blue yellow-backed
warbler (Parula Americana), and the black-and-white
creeper (Mniotilta varia).

Fly-catching warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
warblers belonging to Setophaga, Sylvania, and allied
genera having the bill hooked and notched at the tip, with
strong rictal bristles at the base, as the hooded warbler
(Sylvania mitrata), the black-capped warbler ({Sylvania
pusilla}), the Canadian warbler (Sylvania Canadensis),
and the American redstart (see Redstart).

Ground warbler (Zool.), any American warbler of the genus
Geothlypis, as the mourning ground warbler ({Geothlypis
Philadelphia}), and the Maryland yellowthroat (see

Wood warbler (Zool.), any one of numerous American warblers
of the genus Dendroica. Among the most common wood
warblers in the Eastern States are the yellowbird, or
yellow warbler (see under Yellow), the black-throated
green warbler (Dendroica virens), the yellow-rumped
warbler (Dendroica coronata), the blackpoll ({Dendroica
striata}), the bay-breasted warbler ({Dendroica
castanea}), the chestnut-sided warbler ({Dendroica
Pennsylvanica}), the Cape May warbler ({Dendroica
tigrina}), the prairie warbler (see under Prairie), and
the pine warbler (Dendroica pinus). See also {Magnolia
warbler}, under Magnolia, and Blackburnian warbler.
[1913 Webster]
Dendroica virens
Warbler \War"bler\, n.
1. One who, or that which, warbles; a singer; a songster; --
applied chiefly to birds.
[1913 Webster]

In lulling strains the feathered warblers woo.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small Old World
singing birds belonging to the family Sylviidae, many of
which are noted songsters. The bluethroat, blackcap, reed
warbler (see under Reed), and sedge warbler (see under
Sedge) are well-known species.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small, often bright
colored, American singing birds of the family or subfamily
Mniotiltidae, or Sylvicolinae. They are allied to the
Old World warblers, but most of them are not particularly
[1913 Webster]

Note: The American warblers are often divided, according to
their habits, into bush warblers, creeping warblers,
fly-catching warblers, ground warblers, wood warblers,
wormeating warblers, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Bush warbler (Zool.) any American warbler of the genus
Opornis, as the Connecticut warbler (Opornis agilis).

Creeping warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
very small American warblers belonging to Parula,
Mniotilta, and allied genera, as the blue yellow-backed
warbler (Parula Americana), and the black-and-white
creeper (Mniotilta varia).

Fly-catching warbler (Zool.), any one of several species of
warblers belonging to Setophaga, Sylvania, and allied
genera having the bill hooked and notched at the tip, with
strong rictal bristles at the base, as the hooded warbler
(Sylvania mitrata), the black-capped warbler ({Sylvania
pusilla}), the Canadian warbler (Sylvania Canadensis),
and the American redstart (see Redstart).

Ground warbler (Zool.), any American warbler of the genus
Geothlypis, as the mourning ground warbler ({Geothlypis
Philadelphia}), and the Maryland yellowthroat (see

Wood warbler (Zool.), any one of numerous American warblers
of the genus Dendroica. Among the most common wood
warblers in the Eastern States are the yellowbird, or
yellow warbler (see under Yellow), the black-throated
green warbler (Dendroica virens), the yellow-rumped
warbler (Dendroica coronata), the blackpoll ({Dendroica
striata}), the bay-breasted warbler ({Dendroica
castanea}), the chestnut-sided warbler ({Dendroica
Pennsylvanica}), the Cape May warbler ({Dendroica
tigrina}), the prairie warbler (see under Prairie), and
the pine warbler (Dendroica pinus). See also {Magnolia
warbler}, under Magnolia, and Blackburnian warbler.
[1913 Webster]
dendroica auduboni
Dendroica auduboni
n 1: common warbler of western North America [syn: {Audubon's
warbler}, Audubon warbler, Dendroica auduboni]
dendroica coronata
Dendroica coronata
n 1: similar to Audubon's warbler [syn: myrtle warbler,
myrtle bird, Dendroica coronata]
dendroica fusca
Dendroica fusca
n 1: black-and-white North American wood warbler having an
orange-and-black head and throat [syn: Blackburn,
Blackburnian warbler, Dendroica fusca]
dendroica petechia
Dendroica petechia
n 1: yellow-throated American wood warbler [syn: {yellow
warbler}, golden warbler, yellowbird, {Dendroica
dendroica striate
Dendroica striate
n 1: North American warbler having a black-and-white head [syn:
blackpoll, Dendroica striate]
dendroica tigrina
Dendroica tigrina
n 1: North American wood warbler; olive green and yellow striped
with black [syn: Cape May warbler, Dendroica tigrina]
genus dendroica
genus Dendroica
n 1: a genus of Parulidae [syn: Dendroica, genus Dendroica]

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