- depresie, nižšie
depression,depresní Zdeněk Brož
depression,hospodářská deprese Mgr. Dita Gálová
depression,krize n: Zdeněk Brož
depression,pokles n: Zdeněk Brož
depression,prohloubenina Zdeněk Brož
depression,prohlubeň Zdeněk Brož
depression,proláklina Zdeněk Brož
depression,propadlina Zdeněk Brož
depression,skleslost n: Zdeněk Brož
depression,sklíčenost Zdeněk Brož
depression,stagnace Zdeněk Brož
depression,stlačení Zdeněk Brož
Depression \De*pres"sion\, n. [L. depressio: cf. F.
1. The act of depressing.
[1913 Webster]

2. The state of being depressed; a sinking.
[1913 Webster]

3. A falling in of the surface; a sinking below its true
place; a cavity or hollow; as, roughness consists in
little protuberances and depressions.
[1913 Webster]

4. Humiliation; abasement, as of pride.
[1913 Webster]

5. Dejection; despondency; lowness.
[1913 Webster]

In a great depression of spirit. --Baker.
[1913 Webster]

6. Diminution, as of trade, etc.; inactivity; dullness.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Astron.) The angular distance of a celestial object below
the horizon.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Math.) The operation of reducing to a lower degree; --
said of equations.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Surg.) A method of operating for cataract; couching. See
Couch, v. t., 8.
[1913 Webster]

Angle of depression (Geod.), one which a descending line
makes with a horizontal plane.

Depression of the dewpoint (Meteor.), the number of degrees
that the dew-point is lower than the actual temperature of
the atmosphere.

Depression of the pole, its apparent sinking, as the
spectator goes toward the equator.

Depression of the visible horizon. (Astron.) Same as {Dip
of the horizon}, under Dip.

Syn: Abasement; reduction; sinking; fall; humiliation;
dejection; melancholy.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of
inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity [ant:
2: a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and
low prices and low levels of trade and investment [syn:
depression, slump, economic crisis]
3: a sunken or depressed geological formation [syn: {natural
depression}, depression] [ant: elevation, {natural
4: sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy
5: a period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic
depression and mass unemployment [syn: Depression, {Great
6: an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation; "a
low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow" [syn: low,
7: a state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require
clinical intervention [syn: depressive disorder, {clinical
depression}, depression]
8: a concavity in a surface produced by pressing; "he left the
impression of his fingers in the soft mud" [syn:
depression, impression, imprint]
9: angular distance below the horizon (especially of a celestial
10: pushing down; "depression of the space bar on the
podobné slovodefinícia
baric depression
baric depression,barická deprese [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
clinical depression
clinical depression, n:
depression area
depression area,depresní plocha [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
depression content
depression content,depresní prostor [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
depression curve
depression curve,depresní křivka [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
depression groundwater level
depression groundwater level,depresní hladina podzemní
vody [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
dysthymic depression
dysthymic depression, n:
economic crisis (depression)
economic crisis (depression),ekonomický krize (pokles) [eko.] RNDr.
Pavel Piskač
endogenous depression
endogenous depression, n:
exogenous depression
exogenous depression, n:
grassed depression strip
grassed depression strip,úlehový zatravněný pás [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
involutional depression
involutional depression, n:
manic depression
manic depression, n:
natural depression
natural depression, n:
neurotic depression
neurotic depression, n:
pest population depression
pest population depression,deprese populace škůdce [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
plant disease depression
plant disease depression,deprese choroby rostlin [eko.] RNDr. Pavel
psychotic depression
psychotic depression, n:
reactive depression
reactive depression, n:
required time of groundwater level depression
required time of groundwater level depression,požadovaná doba snížení
hladiny podzemní vody [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
retarded depression
retarded depression, n:
the depression
the Depression, n:
the great depression
the Great Depression, n:
unipolar depression
unipolar depression, n:
Angle of depression
Depression \De*pres"sion\, n. [L. depressio: cf. F.
1. The act of depressing.
[1913 Webster]

2. The state of being depressed; a sinking.
[1913 Webster]

3. A falling in of the surface; a sinking below its true
place; a cavity or hollow; as, roughness consists in
little protuberances and depressions.
[1913 Webster]

4. Humiliation; abasement, as of pride.
[1913 Webster]

5. Dejection; despondency; lowness.
[1913 Webster]

In a great depression of spirit. --Baker.
[1913 Webster]

6. Diminution, as of trade, etc.; inactivity; dullness.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Astron.) The angular distance of a celestial object below
the horizon.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Math.) The operation of reducing to a lower degree; --
said of equations.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Surg.) A method of operating for cataract; couching. See
Couch, v. t., 8.
[1913 Webster]

Angle of depression (Geod.), one which a descending line
makes with a horizontal plane.

Depression of the dewpoint (Meteor.), the number of degrees
that the dew-point is lower than the actual temperature of
the atmosphere.

Depression of the pole, its apparent sinking, as the
spectator goes toward the equator.

Depression of the visible horizon. (Astron.) Same as {Dip
of the horizon}, under Dip.

Syn: Abasement; reduction; sinking; fall; humiliation;
dejection; melancholy.
[1913 Webster]
Depression \De*pres"sion\, n. [L. depressio: cf. F.
1. The act of depressing.
[1913 Webster]

2. The state of being depressed; a sinking.
[1913 Webster]

3. A falling in of the surface; a sinking below its true
place; a cavity or hollow; as, roughness consists in
little protuberances and depressions.
[1913 Webster]

4. Humiliation; abasement, as of pride.
[1913 Webster]

5. Dejection; despondency; lowness.
[1913 Webster]

In a great depression of spirit. --Baker.
[1913 Webster]

6. Diminution, as of trade, etc.; inactivity; dullness.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Astron.) The angular distance of a celestial object below
the horizon.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Math.) The operation of reducing to a lower degree; --
said of equations.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Surg.) A method of operating for cataract; couching. See
Couch, v. t., 8.
[1913 Webster]

Angle of depression (Geod.), one which a descending line
makes with a horizontal plane.

Depression of the dewpoint (Meteor.), the number of degrees
that the dew-point is lower than the actual temperature of
the atmosphere.

Depression of the pole, its apparent sinking, as the
spectator goes toward the equator.

Depression of the visible horizon. (Astron.) Same as {Dip
of the horizon}, under Dip.

Syn: Abasement; reduction; sinking; fall; humiliation;
dejection; melancholy.
[1913 Webster]
Depression of the dewpoint
Depression \De*pres"sion\, n. [L. depressio: cf. F.
1. The act of depressing.
[1913 Webster]

2. The state of being depressed; a sinking.
[1913 Webster]

3. A falling in of the surface; a sinking below its true
place; a cavity or hollow; as, roughness consists in
little protuberances and depressions.
[1913 Webster]

4. Humiliation; abasement, as of pride.
[1913 Webster]

5. Dejection; despondency; lowness.
[1913 Webster]

In a great depression of spirit. --Baker.
[1913 Webster]

6. Diminution, as of trade, etc.; inactivity; dullness.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Astron.) The angular distance of a celestial object below
the horizon.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Math.) The operation of reducing to a lower degree; --
said of equations.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Surg.) A method of operating for cataract; couching. See
Couch, v. t., 8.
[1913 Webster]

Angle of depression (Geod.), one which a descending line
makes with a horizontal plane.

Depression of the dewpoint (Meteor.), the number of degrees
that the dew-point is lower than the actual temperature of
the atmosphere.

Depression of the pole, its apparent sinking, as the
spectator goes toward the equator.

Depression of the visible horizon. (Astron.) Same as {Dip
of the horizon}, under Dip.

Syn: Abasement; reduction; sinking; fall; humiliation;
dejection; melancholy.
[1913 Webster]
Depression of the pole
Depression \De*pres"sion\, n. [L. depressio: cf. F.
1. The act of depressing.
[1913 Webster]

2. The state of being depressed; a sinking.
[1913 Webster]

3. A falling in of the surface; a sinking below its true
place; a cavity or hollow; as, roughness consists in
little protuberances and depressions.
[1913 Webster]

4. Humiliation; abasement, as of pride.
[1913 Webster]

5. Dejection; despondency; lowness.
[1913 Webster]

In a great depression of spirit. --Baker.
[1913 Webster]

6. Diminution, as of trade, etc.; inactivity; dullness.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Astron.) The angular distance of a celestial object below
the horizon.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Math.) The operation of reducing to a lower degree; --
said of equations.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Surg.) A method of operating for cataract; couching. See
Couch, v. t., 8.
[1913 Webster]

Angle of depression (Geod.), one which a descending line
makes with a horizontal plane.

Depression of the dewpoint (Meteor.), the number of degrees
that the dew-point is lower than the actual temperature of
the atmosphere.

Depression of the pole, its apparent sinking, as the
spectator goes toward the equator.

Depression of the visible horizon. (Astron.) Same as {Dip
of the horizon}, under Dip.

Syn: Abasement; reduction; sinking; fall; humiliation;
dejection; melancholy.
[1913 Webster]
Depression of the visible horizon
Depression \De*pres"sion\, n. [L. depressio: cf. F.
1. The act of depressing.
[1913 Webster]

2. The state of being depressed; a sinking.
[1913 Webster]

3. A falling in of the surface; a sinking below its true
place; a cavity or hollow; as, roughness consists in
little protuberances and depressions.
[1913 Webster]

4. Humiliation; abasement, as of pride.
[1913 Webster]

5. Dejection; despondency; lowness.
[1913 Webster]

In a great depression of spirit. --Baker.
[1913 Webster]

6. Diminution, as of trade, etc.; inactivity; dullness.
[1913 Webster]

7. (Astron.) The angular distance of a celestial object below
the horizon.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Math.) The operation of reducing to a lower degree; --
said of equations.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Surg.) A method of operating for cataract; couching. See
Couch, v. t., 8.
[1913 Webster]

Angle of depression (Geod.), one which a descending line
makes with a horizontal plane.

Depression of the dewpoint (Meteor.), the number of degrees
that the dew-point is lower than the actual temperature of
the atmosphere.

Depression of the pole, its apparent sinking, as the
spectator goes toward the equator.

Depression of the visible horizon. (Astron.) Same as {Dip
of the horizon}, under Dip.

Syn: Abasement; reduction; sinking; fall; humiliation;
dejection; melancholy.
[1913 Webster]
agitated depression
agitated depression
n 1: a state of clinical depression in which the person exhibits
irritability and restlessness
anaclitic depression
anaclitic depression
n 1: severe and progressive depression in infants who lose their
mother and do not get a suitable substitute
clinical depression
clinical depression
n 1: a state of depression and anhedonia so severe as to require
clinical intervention [syn: depressive disorder,
clinical depression, depression]
dysthymic depression
dysthymic depression
n 1: mild chronic depression; "I thought she had just been in a
bad mood for thirty years, but the doctor called it
dysthymia" [syn: dysthymia, dysthymic depression]
endogenous depression
endogenous depression
n 1: a state of depression for which there is no apparent
precipitating cause
exogenous depression
exogenous depression
n 1: an inappropriate state of depression that is precipitated
by events in the person's life (to be distinguished from
normal grief) [syn: exogenous depression, {reactive
great depression
Great Depression
n 1: the economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash
in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s
2: a period during the 1930s when there was a worldwide economic
depression and mass unemployment [syn: Depression, {Great
involutional depression
involutional depression
n 1: a major depressive episode associated with the climacteric
manic depression
manic depression
n 1: a mental disorder characterized by episodes of mania and
depression [syn: bipolar disorder, manic depression,
manic depressive illness, manic-depressive psychosis]
natural depression
natural depression
n 1: a sunken or depressed geological formation [syn: {natural
depression}, depression] [ant: elevation, {natural
neurotic depression
neurotic depression
n 1: a term used for any state of depression that is not
psychotic [ant: psychotic depression]
psychotic depression
psychotic depression
n 1: a state of depression so severe that the person loses
contact with reality and suffers a variety of functional
impairments [ant: neurotic depression]
reactive depression
reactive depression
n 1: an inappropriate state of depression that is precipitated
by events in the person's life (to be distinguished from
normal grief) [syn: exogenous depression, {reactive
retarded depression
retarded depression
n 1: a state of clinical depression in which the individual is
lethargic and slow to initiate action
unipolar depression
unipolar depression
n 1: a major depressive episode that occurs without the manic
phase that occurs in the classic form of bipolar disorder

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