deterministic,deterministický adj: Zdeněk Brož
deterministic \de*ter`min*ist"ic\, a.
1. of or pertaining to determinism; as, deterministic

2. causally determined and not subject to random chance.
adj 1: an inevitable consequence of antecedent sufficient causes

1. Describes a system whose time evolution can
be predicted exactly.

Contrast probabilistic.

2. Describes an algorithm in which the correct
next step depends only on the current state. This contrasts
with an algorithm involving backtracking where at each point
there may be several possible actions and no way to chose
between them except by trying each one and backtracking if it

podobné slovodefinícia
deterministic process
deterministic process,deterministický proces [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
deterministic system
deterministic system,deterministický systém [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
deterministically,deterministicky adv: Zdeněk Brož
deterministicky,deterministicallyadv: Zdeněk Brož
deterministický,deterministadj: Zdeněk Broždeterministický,deterministicadj: Zdeněk Brož
deterministický proces
deterministický proces,deterministic process[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
deterministický systém
deterministický systém,deterministic system[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
complementary nondeterministic polynomial
complementary nondeterministic polynomial

(Co-NP) The set (or property) of problems with a
yes/no answer where the complementary no/yes problem takes
nondeterministic polynomial time (NP).

For example, "Is n prime" is Co-NP and "Is n not prime" is NP,
since it is only necessary to find one factor to prove that
n is not prime whereas to prove that it is prime all possible
factors must be eliminated.

deterministic automaton
deterministic automaton

A finite-state automaton in which the overall
course of the computation is completely determined by the
program, the starting state, and the initial inputs. The
class of problems solvable by such automata is the class P
(see polynomial-time algorithm).


Exhibiting nondeterminism.
nondeterministic automaton
nondeterministic automaton
probabilistic automaton

(Or "probabilistic automaton") An automaton in
which there are several possible actions (outputs and next
states) at each state of the computation such that the overall
course of the computation is not completely determined by the
program, the starting state, and the initial inputs.

See also nondeterministic Turing Machine.

nondeterministic polynomial time
nondeterministic polynomial time
NP time

(NP) A set or property of computational {decision
problems} solvable by a nondeterministic Turing Machine in a
number of steps that is a polynomial function of the size of
the input. The word "nondeterministic" suggests a method of
generating potential solutions using some form of
nondeterminism or "trial and error". This may take
exponential time as long as a potential solution can be
verified in polynomial time.

NP is obviously a superset of P (polynomial time problems
solvable by a deterministic Turing Machine in {polynomial
time}) since a deterministic algorithm can be considered as a
degenerate form of nondeterministic algorithm. The question
then arises: is NP equal to P? I.e. can every problem in NP
actually be solved in polynomial time? Everyone's first guess
is "no", but no one has managed to prove this; and some very
clever people think the answer is "yes".

If a problem A is in NP and a polynomial time algorithm for A
could also be used to solve problem B in polynomial time, then
B is also in NP.

See also Co-NP, NP-complete.


nondeterministic turing machine
Nondeterministic Turing Machine

A normal (deterministic) Turing Machine that
has a "guessing head" - a write-only head that writes a guess
at a solution on the tape first, based on some arbitrary
internal algorithm. The regular Turing Machine then runs
and returns "yes" or "no" to indicate whether the solution is

A nondeterministic Turing Machine can solve
nondeterministic polynomial time computational {decision
problems} in a number of steps that is a polynomial function
of the size of the input


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