domain name
domain name, n:
domain name
domain name
n 1: strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that
are used to name organizations and computers and addresses
on the internet; "domain names are organized hierarchically
with the more generic parts to the right"
domain name
fully qualified domain name
domain name

(FQDN) The full name of a system, consisting of
its local hostname and its domain name, including a
top-level domain (tld). For example, "venera" is a hostname
and "" is an FQDN. An FQDN should be sufficient
to determine a unique Internet address for any host on the
Internet. This process, called "name resolution", uses the
Domain Name System (DNS).

With the explosion of interest in the Internet following the
advent of the web, domain names (especially the
most significant two components, e.g. "", and
especially in the ".com" tld) have become a valuable part of
many companies' "brand". The allocation of these, overseen by
ICANN, has therefore become highly political and is
performed by a number of different registrars. There are
different registries for the different tlds.

A final dot on the end of a FQDN can be used to tell the DNS
that the name is fully qualified and so needs no extra
suffixes added, but it is not required.

See also network, the, network address.

podobné slovodefinícia
domain name server
Domain Name Server

Domain Name System.

domain name system
Domain Name System
name service switching

(DNS) A general-purpose distributed, replicated,
data query service chiefly used on Internet for translating
hostnames into Internet addresses. Also, the style of
hostname used on the Internet, though such a name is
properly called a fully qualified domain name. DNS can be
configured to use a sequence of name servers, based on the
domains in the name being looked for, until a match is found.

The name resolution client (e.g. Unix's gethostbyname()
library function) can be configured to search for host
information in the following order: first in the local {hosts
file}, second in NIS and third in DNS. This sequencing of
Naming Services is sometimes called "name service switching".
Under Solaris is configured in the file /etc/nsswitch.conf.

DNS can be queried interactively using the command nslookup.
It is defined in STD 13, RFC 1034, RFC 1035, RFC 1591.

BIND is a common DNS server.

{Info from Virtual Office, Inc.

fully qualified domain name
fully qualified domain name
domain name

(FQDN) The full name of a system, consisting of
its local hostname and its domain name, including a
top-level domain (tld). For example, "venera" is a hostname
and "" is an FQDN. An FQDN should be sufficient
to determine a unique Internet address for any host on the
Internet. This process, called "name resolution", uses the
Domain Name System (DNS).

With the explosion of interest in the Internet following the
advent of the web, domain names (especially the
most significant two components, e.g. "", and
especially in the ".com" tld) have become a valuable part of
many companies' "brand". The allocation of these, overseen by
ICANN, has therefore become highly political and is
performed by a number of different registrars. There are
different registries for the different tlds.

A final dot on the end of a FQDN can be used to tell the DNS
that the name is fully qualified and so needs no extra
suffixes added, but it is not required.

See also network, the, network address.


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