EOF,End Of File [zkr.]

End Of File

1. The out-of-band value returned by C's sequential
character-input functions (and their equivalents in other
environments) when end of file has been reached. This value
is -1 under C libraries postdating V6 Unix, but was
originally 0.

2. The keyboard character (usually control-D, the ASCII EOT
(End Of Transmission) character) that is mapped by the Unix
terminal driver into an end-of-file condition.

[Jargon File]

/E·O·F/, n.

[abbreviation, ‘End Of File’]

1. [techspeak] The out-of-band value returned by C's sequential
character-input functions (and their equivalents in other environments)
when end of file has been reached. This value is usually -1 under C
libraries postdating V6 Unix, but was originally 0. DOS hackers think EOF
is ^Z, and a few Amiga hackers think it's ^\.

2. [Unix] The keyboard character (usually control-D, the ASCII EOT (End Of
Transmission) character) that is mapped by the terminal driver into an
end-of-file condition.

3. Used by extension in non-computer contexts when a human is doing
something that can be modeled as a sequential read and can't go further. “
Yeah, I looked for a list of 360 mnemonics to post as a joke, but I hit EOF
pretty fast; all the library had was a JCL manual.” See also EOL.
End Of File
End Of Frame (S-ATA)
Enterprise Objects Framework (NeXT)
podobné slovodefinícia
- konfrontácia, stretnutie
- Aralia racemosa
- provízia
- najmodernejší
- vzostup, odložiť, odviesť, zložiťtake-off
- vzlietnutie, vzostup
- kompromis
- zníženie účtovnej hodnoty aktív, odpísanie nedobytných
pohľadávok alebo aktív bez hodnoty
a takeoff on
a takeoff on,založený na stejném nápadu Zdeněk Brož
enfeoff, v:
enfeoffment, n:
feoff,léno n: Zdeněk Brož
geofactor,geofaktor [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
Geoffrey,Geoffrey n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož
a automatický překlad
griseofulvin, n:
hereof,tohoto Zdeněk Brož
power takeoff
power takeoff, n:
takeoff,odložit v: luketakeoff,odnést v: luketakeoff,odpojit v: luketakeoff,odvézt v: luketakeoff,rozmach n: Zdeněk Brožtakeoff,sundat v: luketakeoff,vzestup n: Zdeněk Brožtakeoff,vzlétnutí n: Zdeněk Brož
takeoff booster
takeoff booster, n:
takeoff rocket
takeoff rocket, n:
teeoff, n:
thereof,toho Zdeněk Brož
whereof,čehož Zdeněk Brožwhereof,o němž Zdeněk Brož
chameofyt,chamaeophyte[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
geofagie,geophagian: Zdeněk Brož
geofaktor,geofactor[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
Geoffrey,Geoffreyn: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
geofyt,geophyte[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
geofyzik,geophysicistn: Zdeněk Brož
geofyzika,geophysicsn: Zdeněk Brož
geofyzikální,geophysicaladj: Zdeněk Brož
geofág,geophage[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
geofágie,geophagy[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
heliogeofyzika,solar-terrestrial relations[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
heliogeofyzikální faktor
heliogeofyzikální faktor,heliogeophysical factor[eko.] RNDr. Pavel
neoficiální,anecdotaladj: Oldřich Švecneoficiální,nonofficial neoficiální,off-the-recordadj: Zdeněk Brožneoficiální,unofficialadj:
neoficiální stávkují
neoficiální stávkují,wildcattern: Zdeněk Brož
neoficiálně,off the record Zdeněk Brožneoficiálně,unofficiallyadv:
rheofyt,rheophyte[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
short takeoff and vertical landing (fighter/attack aircraft)
Short TakeOff and Vertical Landing (fighter/attack aircraft),STOVL[zkr.]
[voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
stereofonní,binauraladj: Zdeněk Brožstereofonní,stereophonicadj: Zdeněk Brož
thereofyt,thereophyte[eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač
change-of-pace \change-of-pace\ n. (Baseball)
a baseball pitch thrown with little velocity when the batter
is expecting a fastball; -- called also change-up.

Syn: change-up, change-of-pace ball, off-speed pitch.
[WordNet 1.5]
Enfeoff \En*feoff"\ (?; see Feoff, 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Enfeoffed; p. pr. & vb. n. Enfeoffing.] [Pref. en- +
feoff, fief: cf. LL. infeofare, OF. enfeffer, enfeofer.]
1. (Law) To give a feud, or right in land, to; to invest with
a fief or fee; to invest (any one) with a freehold estate
by the process of feoffment. --Mozley & W.
[1913 Webster]

2. To give in vassalage; to make subservient. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

[The king] enfeoffed himself to popularity. --Shak.
Enfeoff \En*feoff"\ (?; see Feoff, 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Enfeoffed; p. pr. & vb. n. Enfeoffing.] [Pref. en- +
feoff, fief: cf. LL. infeofare, OF. enfeffer, enfeofer.]
1. (Law) To give a feud, or right in land, to; to invest with
a fief or fee; to invest (any one) with a freehold estate
by the process of feoffment. --Mozley & W.
[1913 Webster]

2. To give in vassalage; to make subservient. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

[The king] enfeoffed himself to popularity. --Shak.
Enfeoff \En*feoff"\ (?; see Feoff, 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
Enfeoffed; p. pr. & vb. n. Enfeoffing.] [Pref. en- +
feoff, fief: cf. LL. infeofare, OF. enfeffer, enfeofer.]
1. (Law) To give a feud, or right in land, to; to invest with
a fief or fee; to invest (any one) with a freehold estate
by the process of feoffment. --Mozley & W.
[1913 Webster]

2. To give in vassalage; to make subservient. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

[The king] enfeoffed himself to popularity. --Shak.
Enfeoffment \En*feoff"ment\, n. (Law)
(a) The act of enfeoffing.
(b) The instrument or deed by which one is invested with
the fee of an estate.
[1913 Webster]
Feoff \Feoff\ (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Feoffed; p. pr. &
vb. n.. Feoffing.] [OE. feffen, OF. feffer, fieffer, F.
fieffer, fr. fief fief; cf. LL. feoffare, fefare. See
Fief.] (Law)
To invest with a fee or feud; to give or grant a corporeal
hereditament to; to enfeoff.
[1913 Webster]Feoff \Feoff\, n. (Law)
A fief. See Fief.
[1913 Webster]
Feoff \Feoff\ (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Feoffed; p. pr. &
vb. n.. Feoffing.] [OE. feffen, OF. feffer, fieffer, F.
fieffer, fr. fief fief; cf. LL. feoffare, fefare. See
Fief.] (Law)
To invest with a fee or feud; to give or grant a corporeal
hereditament to; to enfeoff.
[1913 Webster]
Feoffee \Feof*fee"\ (?; 277), n. [OF. feoff['e].] (Law)
The person to whom a feoffment is made; the person enfeoffed.
[1913 Webster]
Feofor \Feo"for\, Feoffer \Feof"fer\, n. [OF. feoour.] (Law)
One who enfeoffs or grants a fee.
[1913 Webster]
Feoff \Feoff\ (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Feoffed; p. pr. &
vb. n.. Feoffing.] [OE. feffen, OF. feffer, fieffer, F.
fieffer, fr. fief fief; cf. LL. feoffare, fefare. See
Fief.] (Law)
To invest with a fee or feud; to give or grant a corporeal
hereditament to; to enfeoff.
[1913 Webster]
Feoffment \Feoff"ment\, n. [OF. feoffement, fieffement; cf. LL.
feoffamentum.] (Law)
(a) The grant of a feud or fee.
(b) (Eng. Law) A gift or conveyance in fee of land or other
corporeal hereditaments, accompanied by actual delivery
of possession. --Burrill.
(c) The instrument or deed by which corporeal hereditaments
are conveyed. [Obs. in the U.S., Rare in Eng.] Feofor
Feofor \Feo"for\, Feoffer \Feof"fer\, n. [OF. feoour.] (Law)
One who enfeoffs or grants a fee.
[1913 Webster]
Figure-of-eight knot
Figure \Fig"ure\ (f[i^]g"[-u]r; 135), n. [F., figure, L. figura;
akin to fingere to form, shape, feign. See Feign.]
1. The form of anything; shape; outline; appearance.
[1913 Webster]

Flowers have all exquisite figures. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

2. The representation of any form, as by drawing, painting,
modeling, carving, embroidering, etc.; especially, a
representation of the human body; as, a figure in bronze;
a figure cut in marble.
[1913 Webster]

A coin that bears the figure of an angel. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. A pattern in cloth, paper, or other manufactured article;
a design wrought out in a fabric; as, the muslin was of a
pretty figure.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Geom.) A diagram or drawing, made to represent a
magnitude or the relation of two or more magnitudes; a
surface or space inclosed on all sides; -- called
superficial when inclosed by lines, and solid when
inclosed by surfaces; any arrangement made up of points,
lines, angles, surfaces, etc.
[1913 Webster]

5. The appearance or impression made by the conduct or career
of a person; as, a sorry figure.
[1913 Webster]

I made some figure there. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Gentlemen of the best figure in the county.
[1913 Webster]

6. Distinguished appearance; magnificence; conspicuous
representation; splendor; show.
[1913 Webster]

That he may live in figure and indulgence. --Law.
[1913 Webster]

7. A character or symbol representing a number; a numeral; a
digit; as, 1, 2,3, etc.
[1913 Webster]

8. Value, as expressed in numbers; price; as, the goods are
estimated or sold at a low figure. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]

With nineteen thousand a year at the very lowest
figure. --Thackeray.
[1913 Webster]

9. A person, thing, or action, conceived of as analogous to
another person, thing, or action, of which it thus becomes
a type or representative.
[1913 Webster]

Who is the figure of Him that was to come. --Rom. v.
[1913 Webster]

10. (Rhet.) A mode of expressing abstract or immaterial ideas
by words which suggest pictures or images from the
physical world; pictorial language; a trope; hence, any
deviation from the plainest form of statement. Also
called a figure of speech.
[1913 Webster]

To represent the imagination under the figure of a
wing. --Macaulay.
[1913 Webster]

11. (Logic) The form of a syllogism with respect to the
relative position of the middle term.
[1913 Webster]

12. (Dancing) Any one of the several regular steps or
movements made by a dancer.
[1913 Webster]

13. (Astrol.) A horoscope; the diagram of the aspects of the
astrological houses. --Johnson.
[1913 Webster]

14. (Music)
(a) Any short succession of notes, either as melody or as
a group of chords, which produce a single complete
and distinct impression. --Grove.
(b) A form of melody or accompaniment kept up through a
strain or passage; a musical phrase or motive; a
florid embellishment.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Figures are often written upon the staff in music to
denote the kind of measure. They are usually in the
form of a fraction, the upper figure showing how many
notes of the kind indicated by the lower are contained
in one measure or bar. Thus, 2/4 signifies that the
measure contains two quarter notes. The following are
the principal figures used for this purpose: --
2/22/42/8 4/22/44/8 3/23/43/8 6/46/46/8
[1913 Webster]

Academy figure, Canceled figures, Lay figure, etc. See
under Academy, Cancel, Lay, etc.

Figure caster, or Figure flinger, an astrologer. "This
figure caster." --Milton.

Figure flinging, the practice of astrology.

Figure-of-eight knot, a knot shaped like the figure 8. See
Illust. under Knot.

Figure painting, a picture of the human figure, or the act
or art of depicting the human figure.

Figure stone (Min.), agalmatolite.

Figure weaving, the art or process of weaving figured

To cut a figure, to make a display. [Colloq.] --Sir W.
[1913 Webster]
Geoffroea decorticans
chanar \chanar\ n.
a thorny shrub or small tree (Geoffroea decorticans) common
in central Argentina having small orange or yellow flowers
followed by edible berries.

Syn: chanal, Geoffroea decorticans.
[WordNet 1.5]
Geoffroya inermis
Jamaicine \Ja*ma"i*cine\, n. [From Jamaica.] (Chem.)
An alkaloid said to be contained in the bark of {Geoffroya
inermis}, a leguminous tree growing in Jamaica and Surinam;
-- called also jamacina. --Watts.
[1913 Webster]
Hereof \Here*of"\, adv.
Of this; concerning this; from this; hence.
[1913 Webster]

Hereof comes it that Prince Harry is valiant. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Infeoff \In*feoff"\, v. t. (Law)
See Enfeoff.
[1913 Webster]
Infeoffment \In*feoff"ment\, n. (Law)
See Enfeoffment.
[1913 Webster]
Jane-of-apes \Jane"-of-apes"\, n.
A silly, pert girl; -- corresponding to jackanapes.
[1913 Webster]
Jeofail \Jeof"ail\ (j[e^]f"[asl]l), n. [F. j'ai failli I have
failed.] (Law)
An oversight in pleading, or the acknowledgment of a mistake
or oversight. --Blackstone.
[1913 Webster]
life-of-man \life-of-man\ n.
An unarmed woody rhizomatous perennial plant ({Aralia
racemosa}) distinguished from wild sarsaparilla by more
aromatic roots and panicled umbels; it grows from
Southeastern North America to Mexico.

Syn: American spikenard, petty morel, Aralia racemosa.
[WordNet 1.5]
middle-of-the-road \middle-of-the-road\ adj.
1. supporting or pursuing a course of action that is neither
liberal nor conservative.

Syn: centrist, moderate.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. not extreme, especially in political views.
[WordNet 1.5] -- middle-of-the-roader, n. --
middle-of-the-roadism, n.
middle-of-the-road \middle-of-the-road\ adj.
1. supporting or pursuing a course of action that is neither
liberal nor conservative.

Syn: centrist, moderate.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. not extreme, especially in political views.
[WordNet 1.5] -- middle-of-the-roader, n. --
middle-of-the-roadism, n.

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