Perigee \Per"i*gee\, Perigeum \Per`i*ge"um\, n. [NL. perigeum,
fr. Gr. peri` about, near + gh^ the earth: cf. F.
p['e]rig['e]e.] (Astron.)
That point, in the orbit of the moon or other body orbiting
the earth, which is nearest to the earth; -- opposed to
apogee. It is sometimes, but rarely, used of the nearest
points of bodies not orbiting the earth, such as of a comet,
a planet, etc. Called also epigee, epigeum.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Epigee \Ep"i*gee\, n. [NL. epigeum, fr. Gr. ? upon the earth.
See Epig[ae]a.]
See Perigee. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Perigee \Per"i*gee\, Perigeum \Per`i*ge"um\, n. [NL. perigeum,
fr. Gr. peri` about, near + gh^ the earth: cf. F.
p['e]rig['e]e.] (Astron.)
That point, in the orbit of the moon or other body orbiting
the earth, which is nearest to the earth; -- opposed to
apogee. It is sometimes, but rarely, used of the nearest
points of bodies not orbiting the earth, such as of a comet,
a planet, etc. Called also epigee, epigeum.
[1913 Webster +PJC]Epigee \Ep"i*gee\, n. [NL. epigeum, fr. Gr. ? upon the earth.
See Epig[ae]a.]
See Perigee. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

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