slovo | definícia |
equine (mass) | equine
- kôň |
equine (encz) | equine,koňský Martin M. |
equine (encz) | equine,kůň n: VP |
Equine (gcide) | Equine \E"quine\, a. [L. equinus, fr. equus horse; akin to Gr.
?, Skr. a?va, OS. ehu, AS. eh, eoh, Icel. j?r, OIr. ech, cf.
Skr. a? to reach, overtake, perh. akin to E. acute, edge,
eager, a. Cf. Hippopotamus.]
Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a horse.
[1913 Webster]
The shoulders, body, things, and mane are equine; the
head completely bovine. --Sir J.
[1913 Webster] |
equine (wn) | equine
adj 1: resembling a horse
2: of or belonging to the family Equidae
n 1: hoofed mammals having slender legs and a flat coat with a
narrow mane along the back of the neck [syn: equine,
equid] |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
equine distemper (encz) | equine distemper, n: |
equine encephalitis (encz) | equine encephalitis, n: |
equine encephalomyelitis (encz) | equine encephalomyelitis, n: |
sequined (encz) | sequined, adj: |
beaded beady bejeweled bejewelled bespangled gemmed jeweled jewelled sequined spangled spangly (gcide) | decorated \decorated\ adj.
having decorations. [Narrower terms: {beaded, beady,
bejeweled, bejewelled, bespangled, gemmed, jeweled, jewelled,
sequined, spangled, spangly}; bedaubed; {bespectacled,
monocled, spectacled}; braided; {brocaded, embossed,
raised}; buttony; carbuncled; {champleve, cloisonne,
enameled}; crested, plumed having a decorative plume);
crested, top-knotted, topknotted, tufted; crested;
embellished, ornamented, ornate; embroidered; {encircled,
ringed, wreathed}; {fancied up, gussied, gussied up, tricked
out}; feathery, feathered, plumy; {frilled, frilly,
ruffled}; fringed; gilt-edged; inflamed; inlaid;
inwrought; laced; mosaic, tessellated; {paneled,
wainscoted}; studded; tapestried; tasseled, tasselled;
tufted; clinquant, tinseled, tinselly; tricked-out]
Also See: clothed, fancy. Antonym: unadorned.
Syn: adorned.
[WordNet 1.5] |
Equine (gcide) | Equine \E"quine\, a. [L. equinus, fr. equus horse; akin to Gr.
?, Skr. a?va, OS. ehu, AS. eh, eoh, Icel. j?r, OIr. ech, cf.
Skr. a? to reach, overtake, perh. akin to E. acute, edge,
eager, a. Cf. Hippopotamus.]
Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a horse.
[1913 Webster]
The shoulders, body, things, and mane are equine; the
head completely bovine. --Sir J.
[1913 Webster] |
equine antelope (gcide) | Roan \Roan\ (r[=o]n), a. [F. rouan; cf. Sp. roano, ruano, It.
rovano, roano.]
1. Having a bay, chestnut, brown, or black color, with gray
or white thickly interspersed; -- said of a horse.
[1913 Webster]
Give my roan a drench. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
2. Made of the leather called roan; as, roan binding.
[1913 Webster]
Roan antelope (Zool.), a very large South African antelope
(Hippotragus equinus). It has long sharp horns and a
stiff bright brown mane. Called also mahnya, {equine
antelope}, and bastard gemsbok.
[1913 Webster] |
dieffenbachia sequine (wn) | Dieffenbachia sequine
n 1: an evergreen plant with large showy dark green leaves;
contains a poison that swells the tongue and throat hence
the name [syn: dumb cane, mother-in-law plant, {mother-
in-law's tongue}, Dieffenbachia sequine] |
equine distemper (wn) | equine distemper
n 1: an acute bacterial disease of horses characterized by
inflammation of the mucous membranes [syn: {equine
distemper}, strangles] |
equine encephalitis (wn) | equine encephalitis
n 1: encephalitis caused by a virus that is transmitted by a
mosquito from an infected horse [syn: {equine
encephalitis}, equine encephalomyelitis] |
equine encephalomyelitis (wn) | equine encephalomyelitis
n 1: encephalitis caused by a virus that is transmitted by a
mosquito from an infected horse [syn: {equine
encephalitis}, equine encephalomyelitis] |
sequined (wn) | sequined
adj 1: covered with beads or jewels or sequins [syn: beady,
gemmed, jeweled, jewelled, sequined, spangled,
spangly] |