eulogy,chvála n: Zdeněk Brož
Eulogy \Eu"lo*gy\, n.; pl. Eulogies. [Gr. ?, from ? well
speaking; e'y^ well + ? to speak. Cf. Eulogium, and see
A speech or writing in commendation of the character or
services of a person; as, a fitting eulogy to worth.
[1913 Webster]

Eulogies turn into elegies. --Spenser.

Syn: Encomium; praise; panegyric; applause.

Usage: Eulogy, Eulogium, Encomium, Panegyric. The
idea of praise is common to all these words. The word
encomium is used of both persons and things which are
the result of human action, and denotes warm praise.
Eulogium and eulogy apply only to persons and are more
studied and of greater length. A panegyric was
originally a set speech in a full assembly of the
people, and hence denotes a more formal eulogy,
couched in terms of warm and continuous praise,
especially as to personal character. We may bestow
encomiums on any work of art, on production of genius,
without reference to the performer; we bestow
eulogies, or pronounce a eulogium, upon some
individual distinguished for his merit public
services; we pronounce a panegyric before an assembly
gathered for the occasion.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a formal expression of praise for someone who has died
recently [syn: eulogy, eulogium]
2: a formal expression of praise [syn: encomium, eulogy,
panegyric, paean, pean]
EULOGY, n. Praise of a person who has either the advantages of wealth
and power, or the consideration to be dead.
podobné slovodefinícia
Eulogy \Eu"lo*gy\, n.; pl. Eulogies. [Gr. ?, from ? well
speaking; e'y^ well + ? to speak. Cf. Eulogium, and see
A speech or writing in commendation of the character or
services of a person; as, a fitting eulogy to worth.
[1913 Webster]

Eulogies turn into elegies. --Spenser.

Syn: Encomium; praise; panegyric; applause.

Usage: Eulogy, Eulogium, Encomium, Panegyric. The
idea of praise is common to all these words. The word
encomium is used of both persons and things which are
the result of human action, and denotes warm praise.
Eulogium and eulogy apply only to persons and are more
studied and of greater length. A panegyric was
originally a set speech in a full assembly of the
people, and hence denotes a more formal eulogy,
couched in terms of warm and continuous praise,
especially as to personal character. We may bestow
encomiums on any work of art, on production of genius,
without reference to the performer; we bestow
eulogies, or pronounce a eulogium, upon some
individual distinguished for his merit public
services; we pronounce a panegyric before an assembly
gathered for the occasion.
[1913 Webster]

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