osmosis \os*mo"sis\ ([o^]z*m[=o]"s[i^]s), n. [NL., fr. Gr.
'wsmo`s, equiv. to 'w^sis impulse, fr. 'wqei^n to push.]
(Chemical Physics)
(a) The tendency in fluids to mix, or become equably
diffused, when in contact. It was first observed between
fluids of differing densities, and as taking place
through a membrane or an intervening porous structure. An
older term for the phenomenon was Osmose.

Note: The more rapid flow from the thinner to the thicker
fluid was then called endosmosis (formerly
endosmose), and the opposite, slower current,
exosmosis (formerly exosmose). Both are, however,
results of the same force. Osmosis may be regarded as a
form of molecular attraction, allied to that of
adhesion. See also osmotic pressure.
(b) The action produced by this tendency.
[1913 Webster]
Exosmose \Ex"os*mose`\, n. [Exo+osmose: cf. F. ezosmose.]
The passage of gases, vapors, or liquids through membranes or
porous media from within outward, in the phenomena of osmose;
-- opposed to endosmose. See Osmose.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
osmosis \os*mo"sis\ ([o^]z*m[=o]"s[i^]s), n. [NL., fr. Gr.
'wsmo`s, equiv. to 'w^sis impulse, fr. 'wqei^n to push.]
(Chemical Physics)
(a) The tendency in fluids to mix, or become equably
diffused, when in contact. It was first observed between
fluids of differing densities, and as taking place
through a membrane or an intervening porous structure. An
older term for the phenomenon was Osmose.

Note: The more rapid flow from the thinner to the thicker
fluid was then called endosmosis (formerly
endosmose), and the opposite, slower current,
exosmosis (formerly exosmose). Both are, however,
results of the same force. Osmosis may be regarded as a
form of molecular attraction, allied to that of
adhesion. See also osmotic pressure.
(b) The action produced by this tendency.
[1913 Webster]Exosmose \Ex"os*mose`\, n. [Exo+osmose: cf. F. ezosmose.]
The passage of gases, vapors, or liquids through membranes or
porous media from within outward, in the phenomena of osmose;
-- opposed to endosmose. See Osmose.
[1913 Webster]

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