- tučko
fatty,mastný adj: Milan Svoboda
fatty,tlouštík n: Zdeněk Brož
fatty,tlusťoch n: Zdeněk Brož
fatty,tučný adj:
Fatty \Fat"ty\, a.
Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy;
gross; as, a fatty substance.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty acid (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of
monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; -- so
called because the higher members, as stearic and palmitic
acids, occur in the natural fats, and are themselves
fatlike substances.

Fatty clays. See under Clay.

Fatty degeneration (Med.), a diseased condition, in which
the oil globules, naturally present in certain organs, are
so multiplied as gradually to destroy and replace the
efficient parts of these organs.

Fatty heart, Fatty liver, etc. (Med.), a heart, liver,
etc., which have been the subjects of fatty degeneration
or infiltration.

Fatty infiltration (Med.), a condition in which there is an
excessive accumulation of fat in an organ, without
destruction of any essential parts of the latter.

Fatty tumor (Med.), a tumor consisting of fatty or adipose
tissue; lipoma.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: containing or composed of fat; "fatty food"; "fat tissue"
[syn: fatty, fat] [ant: fat-free, fatless,
n 1: a rotund individual [syn: fatso, fatty, fat person,
roly-poly, butterball] [ant: scrag, skin and bones,
thin person]
podobné slovodefinícia
fatty acid
fatty acid,mastná kyselina n: [chem.] Milan Svoboda
fatty acids
fatty acids,mastné kyseliny n: pl. [chem.] Milan Svoboda
fatty liver
fatty liver, n:
fatty oil
fatty oil, n:
fatty tissue
fatty tissue, n:
monounsaturated fatty acid
monounsaturated fatty acid, n:
omega-3 fatty acid
omega-3 fatty acid, n:
omega-6 fatty acid
omega-6 fatty acid, n:
polyunsaturated fatty acid
polyunsaturated fatty acid, n:
saturated fatty acid
saturated fatty acid, n:
trans fatty acid
trans fatty acid, n:
unsaturated fatty acid
unsaturated fatty acid, n:
Fatty \Fat"ty\, a.
Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy;
gross; as, a fatty substance.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty acid (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of
monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; -- so
called because the higher members, as stearic and palmitic
acids, occur in the natural fats, and are themselves
fatlike substances.

Fatty clays. See under Clay.

Fatty degeneration (Med.), a diseased condition, in which
the oil globules, naturally present in certain organs, are
so multiplied as gradually to destroy and replace the
efficient parts of these organs.

Fatty heart, Fatty liver, etc. (Med.), a heart, liver,
etc., which have been the subjects of fatty degeneration
or infiltration.

Fatty infiltration (Med.), a condition in which there is an
excessive accumulation of fat in an organ, without
destruction of any essential parts of the latter.

Fatty tumor (Med.), a tumor consisting of fatty or adipose
tissue; lipoma.
[1913 Webster]
Fatty acid
Fatty \Fat"ty\, a.
Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy;
gross; as, a fatty substance.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty acid (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of
monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; -- so
called because the higher members, as stearic and palmitic
acids, occur in the natural fats, and are themselves
fatlike substances.

Fatty clays. See under Clay.

Fatty degeneration (Med.), a diseased condition, in which
the oil globules, naturally present in certain organs, are
so multiplied as gradually to destroy and replace the
efficient parts of these organs.

Fatty heart, Fatty liver, etc. (Med.), a heart, liver,
etc., which have been the subjects of fatty degeneration
or infiltration.

Fatty infiltration (Med.), a condition in which there is an
excessive accumulation of fat in an organ, without
destruction of any essential parts of the latter.

Fatty tumor (Med.), a tumor consisting of fatty or adipose
tissue; lipoma.
[1913 Webster]
fatty acids
lipid \lip"id\ n. [Gr. li`pos fat.] (Chem., Biochem.)
Any of a variety of oily or greasy organic compounds found as
major structural components of living cells; they are
insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents such as
alcohol and ether, and include the common fats,
cholesterol and other steroids, phospholipids,
sphingolipids, waxes, and fatty acids; some of the
lipids, together with proteins and carbohydrates, form an
essential structural component of living cells, as in the
cell walls and membranes. The term lipid refers to its
solubility in nonpolar solvents, and has no significance with
regard to chemical structure.

Syn: lipide, lipoid.
[WordNet 1.5]
Fatty clays
Fatty \Fat"ty\, a.
Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy;
gross; as, a fatty substance.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty acid (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of
monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; -- so
called because the higher members, as stearic and palmitic
acids, occur in the natural fats, and are themselves
fatlike substances.

Fatty clays. See under Clay.

Fatty degeneration (Med.), a diseased condition, in which
the oil globules, naturally present in certain organs, are
so multiplied as gradually to destroy and replace the
efficient parts of these organs.

Fatty heart, Fatty liver, etc. (Med.), a heart, liver,
etc., which have been the subjects of fatty degeneration
or infiltration.

Fatty infiltration (Med.), a condition in which there is an
excessive accumulation of fat in an organ, without
destruction of any essential parts of the latter.

Fatty tumor (Med.), a tumor consisting of fatty or adipose
tissue; lipoma.
[1913 Webster]Clay \Clay\ (kl[=a]), n. [AS. cl[=ae]g; akin to LG. klei, D.
klei, and perh. to AS. cl[=a]m clay, L. glus, gluten glue,
Gr. gloio`s glutinous substance, E. glue. Cf. Clog.]
1. A soft earth, which is plastic, or may be molded with the
hands, consisting of hydrous silicate of aluminium. It is
the result of the wearing down and decomposition, in part,
of rocks containing aluminous minerals, as granite. Lime,
magnesia, oxide of iron, and other ingredients, are often
present as impurities.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Poetry & Script.) Earth in general, as representing the
elementary particles of the human body; hence, the human
body as formed from such particles.
[1913 Webster]

I also am formed out of the clay. --Job xxxiii.
[1913 Webster]

The earth is covered thick with other clay,
Which her own clay shall cover. --Byron.
[1913 Webster]

Bowlder clay. See under Bowlder.

Brick clay, the common clay, containing some iron, and
therefore turning red when burned.

Clay cold, cold as clay or earth; lifeless; inanimate.

Clay ironstone, an ore of iron consisting of the oxide or
carbonate of iron mixed with clay or sand.

Clay marl, a whitish, smooth, chalky clay.

Clay mill, a mill for mixing and tempering clay; a pug

Clay pit, a pit where clay is dug.

Clay slate (Min.), argillaceous schist; argillite.

Fatty clays, clays having a greasy feel; they are chemical
compounds of water, silica, and aluminia, as halloysite,
bole, etc.

Fire clay, a variety of clay, entirely free from lime,
iron, or an alkali, and therefore infusible, and used for
fire brick.

Porcelain clay, a very pure variety, formed directly from
the decomposition of feldspar, and often called kaolin.

Potter's clay, a tolerably pure kind, free from iron.
[1913 Webster]
Fatty degeneration
Fatty \Fat"ty\, a.
Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy;
gross; as, a fatty substance.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty acid (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of
monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; -- so
called because the higher members, as stearic and palmitic
acids, occur in the natural fats, and are themselves
fatlike substances.

Fatty clays. See under Clay.

Fatty degeneration (Med.), a diseased condition, in which
the oil globules, naturally present in certain organs, are
so multiplied as gradually to destroy and replace the
efficient parts of these organs.

Fatty heart, Fatty liver, etc. (Med.), a heart, liver,
etc., which have been the subjects of fatty degeneration
or infiltration.

Fatty infiltration (Med.), a condition in which there is an
excessive accumulation of fat in an organ, without
destruction of any essential parts of the latter.

Fatty tumor (Med.), a tumor consisting of fatty or adipose
tissue; lipoma.
[1913 Webster]
Fatty heart
Fatty \Fat"ty\, a.
Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy;
gross; as, a fatty substance.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty acid (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of
monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; -- so
called because the higher members, as stearic and palmitic
acids, occur in the natural fats, and are themselves
fatlike substances.

Fatty clays. See under Clay.

Fatty degeneration (Med.), a diseased condition, in which
the oil globules, naturally present in certain organs, are
so multiplied as gradually to destroy and replace the
efficient parts of these organs.

Fatty heart, Fatty liver, etc. (Med.), a heart, liver,
etc., which have been the subjects of fatty degeneration
or infiltration.

Fatty infiltration (Med.), a condition in which there is an
excessive accumulation of fat in an organ, without
destruction of any essential parts of the latter.

Fatty tumor (Med.), a tumor consisting of fatty or adipose
tissue; lipoma.
[1913 Webster]
Fatty infiltration
Infiltration \In`fil*tra"tion\, n. [Cf. F. infiltration.]
[1913 Webster]
1. The act or process of infiltrating, as of water into a
porous substance, of a fluid into the cells of an organ or
part of the body, or of persons into a hostile
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. The substance which has entered the pores or cavities of a
body. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

Calcareous infiltrations filling the cavities.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty infiltration. (Med.) See under Fatty.

Infiltration gallery, a filter gallery.
[1913 Webster]Fatty \Fat"ty\, a.
Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy;
gross; as, a fatty substance.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty acid (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of
monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; -- so
called because the higher members, as stearic and palmitic
acids, occur in the natural fats, and are themselves
fatlike substances.

Fatty clays. See under Clay.

Fatty degeneration (Med.), a diseased condition, in which
the oil globules, naturally present in certain organs, are
so multiplied as gradually to destroy and replace the
efficient parts of these organs.

Fatty heart, Fatty liver, etc. (Med.), a heart, liver,
etc., which have been the subjects of fatty degeneration
or infiltration.

Fatty infiltration (Med.), a condition in which there is an
excessive accumulation of fat in an organ, without
destruction of any essential parts of the latter.

Fatty tumor (Med.), a tumor consisting of fatty or adipose
tissue; lipoma.
[1913 Webster]
Fatty liver
Fatty \Fat"ty\, a.
Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy;
gross; as, a fatty substance.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty acid (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of
monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; -- so
called because the higher members, as stearic and palmitic
acids, occur in the natural fats, and are themselves
fatlike substances.

Fatty clays. See under Clay.

Fatty degeneration (Med.), a diseased condition, in which
the oil globules, naturally present in certain organs, are
so multiplied as gradually to destroy and replace the
efficient parts of these organs.

Fatty heart, Fatty liver, etc. (Med.), a heart, liver,
etc., which have been the subjects of fatty degeneration
or infiltration.

Fatty infiltration (Med.), a condition in which there is an
excessive accumulation of fat in an organ, without
destruction of any essential parts of the latter.

Fatty tumor (Med.), a tumor consisting of fatty or adipose
tissue; lipoma.
[1913 Webster]
Fatty series
Fat \Fat\, n.
1. (Physiol. Chem.) An oily liquid or greasy substance making
up the main bulk of the adipose tissue of animals, and
widely distributed in the seeds of plants. See {Adipose
tissue}, under Adipose.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Animal fats are composed mainly of three distinct fats,
tristearin, tripalmitin, and triolein, mixed in varying
proportions. As olein is liquid at ordinary
temperatures, while the other two fats are solid, it
follows that the consistency or hardness of fats
depends upon the relative proportion of the three
individual fats. During the life of an animal, the fat
is mainly in a liquid state in the fat cells, owing to
the solubility of the two solid fats in the more liquid
olein at the body temperature. Chemically, fats are
composed of fatty acid, as stearic, palmitic, oleic,
etc., united with glyceryl. In butter fat, olein and
palmitin predominate, mixed with another fat
characteristic of butter, butyrin. In the vegetable
kingdom many other fats or glycerides are to be found,
as myristin from nutmegs, a glyceride of lauric acid in
the fat of the bay tree, etc.
[1913 Webster]

2. The best or richest productions; the best part; as, to
live on the fat of the land.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Typog.) Work. containing much blank, or its equivalent,
and, therefore, profitable to the compositor.
[1913 Webster]

Fat acid. (Chem.) See Sebacic acid, under Sebacic.

Fat series, Fatty series (Chem.), the series of the
paraffine hydrocarbons and their derivatives; the marsh
gas or methane series.

Natural fats (Chem.), the group of oily substances of
natural occurrence, as butter, lard, tallow, etc., as
distinguished from certain fatlike substance of artificial
production, as paraffin. Most natural fats are essentially
mixtures of triglycerides of fatty acids.
[1913 Webster]
Fatty tumor
Tumor \Tu"mor\ (t[=u]"m[~e]r), n. [L., fr. tumere to swell: cf.
F. tume['u]r. See Tumid.]
1. (Med.) A morbid swelling, prominence, or growth, on any
part of the body; especially, a growth produced by
deposition of new tissue; a neoplasm.
[1913 Webster]

2. Affected pomp; bombast; swelling words or expressions;
false magnificence or sublimity. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Better, however, to be a flippant, than, by a
revolting form of tumor and perplexity, to lead men
into habits of intellect such as result from the
modern vice of English style. --De Quincey.
[1913 Webster]

Encysted tumor, a tumor which is inclosed in a membrane
called a cyst, connected with the surrounding parts by the
neighboring cellular substance.

Fatty tumor. See under Fatty.

Innocent tumor, or Benign tumor, one which does not of
itself threaten life, and does not usually tend to recur
after extirpation; a tumor which has not metastesized.

Malignant tumor, a tumor which tends continually to spread,
to become generalized in different parts of the body, and
to recur after extirpation, and which, if left to itself,
causes death.
[1913 Webster]Fatty \Fat"ty\, a.
Containing fat, or having the qualities of fat; greasy;
gross; as, a fatty substance.
[1913 Webster]

Fatty acid (Chem.), any one of the paraffin series of
monocarbonic acids, as formic acid, acetic, etc.; -- so
called because the higher members, as stearic and palmitic
acids, occur in the natural fats, and are themselves
fatlike substances.

Fatty clays. See under Clay.

Fatty degeneration (Med.), a diseased condition, in which
the oil globules, naturally present in certain organs, are
so multiplied as gradually to destroy and replace the
efficient parts of these organs.

Fatty heart, Fatty liver, etc. (Med.), a heart, liver,
etc., which have been the subjects of fatty degeneration
or infiltration.

Fatty infiltration (Med.), a condition in which there is an
excessive accumulation of fat in an organ, without
destruction of any essential parts of the latter.

Fatty tumor (Med.), a tumor consisting of fatty or adipose
tissue; lipoma.
[1913 Webster]
fatty acid
fatty acid
n 1: any of a class of aliphatic monocarboxylic acids that form
part of a lipid molecule and can be derived from fat by
hydrolysis; fatty acids are simple molecules built around a
series of carbon atoms linked together in a chain of 12 to
22 carbon atoms
fatty liver
fatty liver
n 1: yellow discoloration as a result of the accumulation of
certain fats (triglycerides) in the liver; can be caused by
alcoholic cirrhosis or pregnancy or exposure to certain
fatty oil
fatty oil
n 1: nonvolatile animal or plant oil [syn: fixed oil, {fatty
fatty tissue
fatty tissue
n 1: a kind of body tissue containing stored fat that serves as
a source of energy; it also cushions and insulates vital
organs; "fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold"
[syn: adipose tissue, fat, fatty tissue]
monounsaturated fatty acid
monounsaturated fatty acid
n 1: an unsaturated fatty acid whose carbon chain has one double
or triple valence bond per molecule; found chiefly in olive
oil and chicken and almonds
omega-3 fatty acid
omega-3 fatty acid
n 1: a polyunsaturated fatty acid whose carbon chain has its
first double valence bond three carbons from the beginning
[syn: omega-3 fatty acid, omega-3]
omega-6 fatty acid
omega-6 fatty acid
n 1: a polyunsaturated fatty acid whose carbon chain has its
first double valence bond six carbons from the beginning
[syn: omega-6 fatty acid, omega-6]
polyunsaturated fatty acid
polyunsaturated fatty acid
n 1: an unsaturated fatty acid whose carbon chain has more than
one double or triple valence bond per molecule; found
chiefly in fish and corn and soybean oil and safflower oil
saturated fatty acid
saturated fatty acid
n 1: a fatty acid whose carbon chain cannot absorb any more
hydrogen atoms; found chiefly in animal fats
trans fatty acid
trans fatty acid
n 1: a fatty acid that has been produced by hydrogenating an
unsaturated fatty acid (and so changing its shape); found
in processed foods such as margarine and fried foods and
puddings and commercially baked goods and partially
hydrogenated vegetable oils
unsaturated fatty acid
unsaturated fatty acid
n 1: a fatty acid whose carbon chain can absorb additional
hydrogen atoms

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