femoris, n:
femoris \femoris\ n.
The thigh bone; same as femur.

Syn: femur, thighbone.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: the longest and thickest bone of the human skeleton;
extends from the pelvis to the knee [syn: femur,
thighbone, femoris]
podobné slovodefinícia
musculus biceps femoris
musculus biceps femoris, n:
musculus quadriceps femoris
musculus quadriceps femoris, n:
quadriceps femoris
quadriceps femoris, n:
vena circumflexus femoris
vena circumflexus femoris, n:
arteria circumflexa femoris
arteria circumflexa femoris
n 1: an artery that supplies the hip joint and thigh muscles
[syn: circumflex artery of the thigh, {arteria
circumflexa femoris}]
musculus biceps femoris
musculus biceps femoris
n 1: the biceps muscle of the thigh; it flexes the knee and
rotates the leg laterally [syn: musculus biceps femoris,
femoral biceps]
musculus quadriceps femoris
musculus quadriceps femoris
n 1: a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg [syn:
quadriceps, quadriceps femoris, {musculus quadriceps
femoris}, quad]
quadriceps femoris
quadriceps femoris
n 1: a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg [syn:
quadriceps, quadriceps femoris, {musculus quadriceps
femoris}, quad]
vena circumflexus femoris
vena circumflexus femoris
n 1: either of two veins that accompany arteries of the same
name serving the hip and thigh [syn: {circumflex femoral
vein}, vena circumflexus femoris]

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