podobné slovo | definícia |
financial accounts (mass) | financial accounts
- finančné účty |
advance payments for long-term financial assets (encz) | advance payments for long-term financial assets,poskytnuté zálohy na
dlouhodobý finanční majetek [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan Masár |
balance of cash on hand and financial equivalents as at the beginning of reporting period (encz) | balance of cash on hand and financial equivalents as at the beginning of
reporting period,stav peněžních prostředků a peněžních ekvivalentů na
začátku účetního období [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow
statement Ivan Masár |
balance of cash on hand and financial equivalents as at the end of reporting period (encz) | balance of cash on hand and financial equivalents as at the end of
reporting period,stav peněžních prostředků a pen. ekvivalentů na konci
účetního období [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow
statement Ivan Masár |
bank loans and financial accomodations (encz) | bank loans and financial accomodations,bankovní úvěry a
výpomoci [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan Masár |
change in financial reserves and adjustments (encz) | change in financial reserves and adjustments,změna stavu rezerv a
opravných položek ve finanční oblasti [ekon.] výkaz zisku a
ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
chief financial officer (encz) | Chief Financial Officer,finanční ředitel IvČa |
closing financial statement (encz) | closing financial statement,účetní závěrka n: Ivan Masárclosing financial statement,závěrka n: (účetní) Ivan Masár |
code of good practices on transparency in monetary and financial policies (encz) | Code of Good Practices on Transparency in Monetary and Financial
Policies, |
deep financial market (encz) | deep financial market, |
deepening of the financial market (encz) | deepening of the financial market, |
depository financial institution (encz) | depository financial institution, n: |
expenses associated with financial assets (encz) | expenses associated with financial assets,náklady z finančního
majetku [ekon.] výkaz zisku a ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
financial account (encz) | financial account, |
financial aid (encz) | financial aid,finanční podpora Pavel Cvrček |
financial analyst (encz) | financial analyst,finanční analytik n: [ekon.] Ivan Masár |
financial and capital transactions (encz) | financial and capital transactions, |
financial arbitrator (encz) | financial arbitrator,finanční arbitr n: [práv.] Ivan Masár |
financial assets (encz) | financial assets,finanční aktiva Mgr. Dita Gálová |
financial assurances (encz) | financial assurances, |
financial audit (encz) | financial audit, n: |
financial backing (encz) | financial backing, n: |
financial bind (encz) | financial bind,finanční tíseň [fráz.] Ivan Masár |
financial broadening (encz) | financial broadening, |
financial center (encz) | financial center, n: |
financial channels (encz) | financial channels, |
financial collateral (encz) | financial collateral,finanční zajištění n: [práv.] Ivan Masár |
financial condition (encz) | financial condition, n: |
financial credit (encz) | financial credit, |
financial crowding out (encz) | financial crowding out, |
financial deepening (encz) | financial deepening, |
financial forecast (encz) | financial forecast, n: |
financial future (encz) | financial future, |
financial futures exchange (encz) | financial futures exchange, |
financial futures market (encz) | financial futures market, |
financial gain (encz) | financial gain, n: |
financial institution (encz) | financial institution,finanční ústav /instituce/ n: [ekon.] RNDr. Pavel
Piskač |
financial institutions and markets division (encz) | Financial Institutions and Markets Division, |
financial institutions sector (encz) | financial institutions sector, |
financial investments acquired (encz) | financial investments acquired,pořizovaný dlouhodobý finanční
majetek [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan Masár |
financial leasing (encz) | financial leasing,finanční leasing Zdeněk Brož |
financial liabilities (encz) | financial liabilities, |
financial loan (encz) | financial loan, |
financial loss (encz) | financial loss,finanční ztráta web |
financial market (encz) | financial market,finanční trh Pavel Cvrček |
financial markets (encz) | financial markets,finanční trhy Pavel Cvrček |
financial means (encz) | financial means,finanční prostředky Mgr. Dita Gálová |
financial obligation (encz) | financial obligation, n: |
financial officer (encz) | financial officer, n: |
financial organisation (encz) | financial organisation, n: |
financial organization (encz) | financial organization, n: |
financial package (encz) | financial package, |
financial planning and operations division (encz) | Financial Planning and Operations Division, |
financial pooling (encz) | financial pooling, |
financial position (encz) | financial position,finanční situace Zdeněk Brožfinancial position,peněžní situace Zdeněk Brož |
financial receivables (encz) | financial receivables,finanční pohledávky n: [práv.] Ivan Masár |
financial relations division (encz) | Financial Relations Division, |
financial report (encz) | financial report,finanční zpráva [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač |
financial reporting (encz) | financial reporting, |
financial repression (encz) | financial repression, |
financial resources (encz) | financial resources,finanční zdroje [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač |
financial risk (encz) | financial risk,finanční riziko [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač |
financial sector assessment program (encz) | Financial Sector Assessment Program, |
financial statement (encz) | financial statement,finanční prohlášení n: Zdeněk Brožfinancial statement,finanční výkaz Zdeněk Brož |
financial support (encz) | financial support, n: |
financial survey (encz) | financial survey, |
financial system surveillance division (encz) | Financial System Surveillance Division, |
financial year (encz) | financial year,finanční rok Pavel Cvrčekfinancial year,fiskální rok Zdeněk Brožfinancial year,účetní rok Zdeněk Brož |
financial year of the fund (encz) | financial year of the Fund, |
financially (encz) | financially,finančně adv: Zdeněk Brož |
foreign exchange and financial markets (encz) | Foreign Exchange and Financial Markets, |
french international financial futures market (encz) | French international financial futures market, |
impact of changes in equity on cash on hand and financial equivalents (encz) | impact of changes in equity on cash on hand and financial
equivalents,dopady změn vlastního kapitálu na peněžní prostředky a
ekvivalenty [ekon.] přehled o peněžních tocích/cash flow statement Ivan
Masár |
informal financial sector (encz) | informal financial sector, |
international monetary and financial committee (encz) | International Monetary and Financial Committee, |
long-term financial assets (encz) | long-term financial assets,dlouhodobý finanční
majetek [ekon.] rozvaha/balance sheet Ivan Masár |