fistula,fistula n: Zdeněk Brož
fistula,kanálek n: Zdeněk Brož
fistula,píštěl n: [med.] xkomczax
fistula,fistulan: Zdeněk Brož
Fistula \Fis"tu*la\ (?; 135), n.; pl. Fistul[ae]. [L.]
1. A reed; a pipe.
[1913 Webster]

2. A pipe for convejing water. [Obs.] --Knight.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Med.) A permanent abnormal opening into the soft parts
with a constant discharge; a deep, narrow, chronic
abscess; an abnormal opening between an internal cavity
and another cavity or the surface; as, a salivary fistula;
an anal fistula; a recto-vaginal fistula.
[1913 Webster]

Incomplete fistula (Med.), a fistula open at one end only.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a chronic inflammation of the withers of a horse [syn:
fistulous withers, fistula]
2: an abnormal passage leading from a suppurating cavity to the
body surface [syn: fistula, sinus]
podobné slovodefinícia
fistular, adj:
fistulate, adj:
canafistola \canafistola\, canafistula \canafistula\n.
a deciduous or semi-evergreen tree (Cassia fistula) having
scented sepia to yellow flowers in drooping racemes and pods
whose pulp is used medicinally; it grows in tropical Asia,
Central and South America, and Australia.

Syn: golden shower tree, drumstick tree, purging cassia,
pudding pipe tree, canafistola.
[WordNet 1.5]
Cassia Fistula
Pudding \Pud"ding\, n. [Cf. F. boudin black pudding, sausage, L.
botulus, botellus, a sausage, G. & Sw. pudding pudding, Dan.
podding, pudding, LG. puddig thick, stumpy, W. poten, potten,
also E. pod, pout, v.]
1. A species of food of a soft or moderately hard
consistence, variously made, but often a compound of flour
or meal, with milk and eggs, etc.
[1913 Webster]

And solid pudding against empty praise. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

2. Anything resembling, or of the softness and consistency
of, pudding.
[1913 Webster]

3. An intestine; especially, an intestine stuffed with meat,
etc.; a sausage. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Any food or victuals.
[1913 Webster]

Eat your pudding, slave, and hold your tongue.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Naut.) Same as Puddening.
[1913 Webster]

Pudding grass (Bot.), the true pennyroyal ({Mentha
Pulegium}), formerly used to flavor stuffing for roast
meat. --Dr. Prior.

Pudding pie, a pudding with meat baked in it. --Taylor

Pudding pipe (Bot.), the long, cylindrical pod of the
leguminous tree Cassia Fistula. The seeds are separately
imbedded in a sweetish pulp. See Cassia.

Pudding sleeve, a full sleeve like that of the English
clerical gown. --Swift.

Pudding stone. (Min.) See Conglomerate, n., 2.

Pudding time.
(a) The time of dinner, pudding being formerly the dish
first eaten. [Obs.] --Johnson.
(b) The nick of time; critical time. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Mars, that still protects the stout,
In pudding time came to his aid. --Hudibras.
[1913 Webster] Pudding fishcanafistola \canafistola\, canafistula \canafistula\n.
a deciduous or semi-evergreen tree (Cassia fistula) having
scented sepia to yellow flowers in drooping racemes and pods
whose pulp is used medicinally; it grows in tropical Asia,
Central and South America, and Australia.

Syn: golden shower tree, drumstick tree, purging cassia,
pudding pipe tree, canafistola.
[WordNet 1.5]Cassia \Cas"sia\ (k[a^]sh"[.a]), n. [L. cassia and casia, Gr.
kassi`a and kasi`a; of Semitic origin; cf. Heb.
qets[imac][=a]h, fr. q[=a]tsa' to cut off, to peel off.]
1. (Bot.) A genus of leguminous plants (herbs, shrubs, or
trees) of many species, most of which have purgative
qualities. The leaves of several species furnish the senna
used in medicine.
[1913 Webster]

2. The bark of several species of Cinnamomum grown in
China, etc.; Chinese cinnamon. It is imported as cassia,
but commonly sold as cinnamon, from which it differs more
or less in strength and flavor, and the amount of outer
bark attached.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The medicinal "cassia" (Cassia pulp) is the laxative
pulp of the pods of a leguminous tree (Cassia fistula
or Pudding-pipe tree), native in the East Indies but
naturalized in various tropical countries.
[1913 Webster]

Cassia bark, the bark of Cinnamomum cassia, etc. The
coarser kinds are called Cassia lignea, and are often
used to adulterate true cinnamon.

Cassia buds, the dried flower buds of several species of
cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia, atc..).

Cassia oil, oil extracted from cassia bark and cassia buds;
-- called also oil of cinnamon.
[1913 Webster]
Cassia fistula
Pudding \Pud"ding\, n. [Cf. F. boudin black pudding, sausage, L.
botulus, botellus, a sausage, G. & Sw. pudding pudding, Dan.
podding, pudding, LG. puddig thick, stumpy, W. poten, potten,
also E. pod, pout, v.]
1. A species of food of a soft or moderately hard
consistence, variously made, but often a compound of flour
or meal, with milk and eggs, etc.
[1913 Webster]

And solid pudding against empty praise. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

2. Anything resembling, or of the softness and consistency
of, pudding.
[1913 Webster]

3. An intestine; especially, an intestine stuffed with meat,
etc.; a sausage. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Any food or victuals.
[1913 Webster]

Eat your pudding, slave, and hold your tongue.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Naut.) Same as Puddening.
[1913 Webster]

Pudding grass (Bot.), the true pennyroyal ({Mentha
Pulegium}), formerly used to flavor stuffing for roast
meat. --Dr. Prior.

Pudding pie, a pudding with meat baked in it. --Taylor

Pudding pipe (Bot.), the long, cylindrical pod of the
leguminous tree Cassia Fistula. The seeds are separately
imbedded in a sweetish pulp. See Cassia.

Pudding sleeve, a full sleeve like that of the English
clerical gown. --Swift.

Pudding stone. (Min.) See Conglomerate, n., 2.

Pudding time.
(a) The time of dinner, pudding being formerly the dish
first eaten. [Obs.] --Johnson.
(b) The nick of time; critical time. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Mars, that still protects the stout,
In pudding time came to his aid. --Hudibras.
[1913 Webster] Pudding fishcanafistola \canafistola\, canafistula \canafistula\n.
a deciduous or semi-evergreen tree (Cassia fistula) having
scented sepia to yellow flowers in drooping racemes and pods
whose pulp is used medicinally; it grows in tropical Asia,
Central and South America, and Australia.

Syn: golden shower tree, drumstick tree, purging cassia,
pudding pipe tree, canafistola.
[WordNet 1.5]Cassia \Cas"sia\ (k[a^]sh"[.a]), n. [L. cassia and casia, Gr.
kassi`a and kasi`a; of Semitic origin; cf. Heb.
qets[imac][=a]h, fr. q[=a]tsa' to cut off, to peel off.]
1. (Bot.) A genus of leguminous plants (herbs, shrubs, or
trees) of many species, most of which have purgative
qualities. The leaves of several species furnish the senna
used in medicine.
[1913 Webster]

2. The bark of several species of Cinnamomum grown in
China, etc.; Chinese cinnamon. It is imported as cassia,
but commonly sold as cinnamon, from which it differs more
or less in strength and flavor, and the amount of outer
bark attached.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The medicinal "cassia" (Cassia pulp) is the laxative
pulp of the pods of a leguminous tree (Cassia fistula
or Pudding-pipe tree), native in the East Indies but
naturalized in various tropical countries.
[1913 Webster]

Cassia bark, the bark of Cinnamomum cassia, etc. The
coarser kinds are called Cassia lignea, and are often
used to adulterate true cinnamon.

Cassia buds, the dried flower buds of several species of
cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia, atc..).

Cassia oil, oil extracted from cassia bark and cassia buds;
-- called also oil of cinnamon.
[1913 Webster]
Fistula \Fis"tu*la\ (?; 135), n.; pl. Fistul[ae]. [L.]
1. A reed; a pipe.
[1913 Webster]

2. A pipe for convejing water. [Obs.] --Knight.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Med.) A permanent abnormal opening into the soft parts
with a constant discharge; a deep, narrow, chronic
abscess; an abnormal opening between an internal cavity
and another cavity or the surface; as, a salivary fistula;
an anal fistula; a recto-vaginal fistula.
[1913 Webster]

Incomplete fistula (Med.), a fistula open at one end only.
[1913 Webster]
Fistula \Fis"tu*la\ (?; 135), n.; pl. Fistul[ae]. [L.]
1. A reed; a pipe.
[1913 Webster]

2. A pipe for convejing water. [Obs.] --Knight.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Med.) A permanent abnormal opening into the soft parts
with a constant discharge; a deep, narrow, chronic
abscess; an abnormal opening between an internal cavity
and another cavity or the surface; as, a salivary fistula;
an anal fistula; a recto-vaginal fistula.
[1913 Webster]

Incomplete fistula (Med.), a fistula open at one end only.
[1913 Webster]
Fistular \Fis"tu*lar\, a. [L. fistularis: cf. F. fistulaire.]
Hollow and cylindrical, like a pipe or reed. --Johnson.
[1913 Webster]
Fistularia \Fis`tu*la"ri*a\, n. [NL., fr. L. fistula pipe.]
A genus of fishes, having the head prolonged into a tube,
with the mouth at the extremity.
[1913 Webster]
Fistularioid \Fis`tu*la"ri*oid\, a. [Fistularia + -oid.] (Zool.)
Like or pertaining to the genus Fistularia.
[1913 Webster]
Fistulate \Fis"tu*late\ (?; 135), v. t. & i. [Cf. L. fistulatus
furnished with pipes.]
To make hollow or become hollow like a fistula, or pipe.
[Obs.] "A fistulated ulcer." --Fuller.
[1913 Webster]
Incomplete fistula
Fistula \Fis"tu*la\ (?; 135), n.; pl. Fistul[ae]. [L.]
1. A reed; a pipe.
[1913 Webster]

2. A pipe for convejing water. [Obs.] --Knight.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Med.) A permanent abnormal opening into the soft parts
with a constant discharge; a deep, narrow, chronic
abscess; an abnormal opening between an internal cavity
and another cavity or the surface; as, a salivary fistula;
an anal fistula; a recto-vaginal fistula.
[1913 Webster]

Incomplete fistula (Med.), a fistula open at one end only.
[1913 Webster]
Trifistulary \Tri*fis"tu*la*ry\, a. [Pref. tri- + fistula,
Having three pipes. --Sir T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: deciduous or semi-evergreen tree having scented sepia to
yellow flowers in drooping racemes and pods whose pulp is
used medicinally; tropical Asia and Central and South
America and Australia [syn: golden shower tree,
drumstick tree, purging cassia, pudding pipe tree,
canafistola, canafistula, Cassia fistula]
cassia fistula
Cassia fistula
n 1: deciduous or semi-evergreen tree having scented sepia to
yellow flowers in drooping racemes and pods whose pulp is
used medicinally; tropical Asia and Central and South
America and Australia [syn: golden shower tree,
drumstick tree, purging cassia, pudding pipe tree,
canafistola, canafistula, Cassia fistula]
family fistulariidae
family Fistulariidae
n 1: cornetfishes [syn: Fistulariidae, family Fistulariidae]
adj 1: hollow and tube-shaped like a reed [syn: fistular,
fistulate, fistulous]
n 1: type genus of the family Fistulariidae [syn: Fistularia,
genus Fistularia]
n 1: cornetfishes [syn: Fistulariidae, family Fistulariidae]
adj 1: hollow and tube-shaped like a reed [syn: fistular,
fistulate, fistulous]
genus fistularia
genus Fistularia
n 1: type genus of the family Fistulariidae [syn: Fistularia,
genus Fistularia]

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