footed, adj:
Foot \Foot\ (f[oo^]t), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Footed; p. pr. &
vb. n. Footing.]
1. To tread to measure or music; to dance; to trip; to skip.
[1913 Webster]

2. To walk; -- opposed to ride or fly. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Footed \Foot"ed\, a.
1. Having a foot or feet; shaped in the foot; as, a footed
candlestick. "Footed like a goat." --Grew.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Footed is often used in composition in the sense of
having (such or so many) feet; as, fourfooted beasts.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having a foothold; established.
[1913 Webster]

Our king . . . is footed in this land already.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: having feet; "footed creatures"; "a footed sofa" [ant:
podobné slovodefinícia
- spoľahlivýsure-footed
- spoľahlivý
barefooted,bosý adj: Zdeněk Brožbarefooted,naboso Zdeněk Brož
caught flatfooted
caught flatfooted,zastihnout nepřipraveného Zdeněk Brož
clubfooted, adj:
comb-footed spider
comb-footed spider, n:
dusky-footed woodrat
dusky-footed woodrat, n:
flat-footed,mající ploché nohy Zdeněk Brožflat-footed,nemotorný adj: Zdeněk Brož
footedness, n:
four-footed,čtyřnohý adj: Zdeněk Brož
four-footed butterfly
four-footed butterfly, n:
heavy-footed,těžkopádný adj: Zdeněk Brož
leaf-footed bug
leaf-footed bug, n:
left-footed,nešikovný adj: Zdeněk Brož
red-footed falcon
red-footed falcon,poštolka rudonohá n: Radim Ševčík
soft-footed, adj:
splayfooted, adj:
sure-footed,pevný adj: Zdeněk Brožsure-footed,přesvědčený adj: Zdeněk Brožsure-footed,spolehlivý adj: Zdeněk Brožsure-footed,stabilní adj: Zdeněk Brož
surefooted,pevný adj: Zdeněk Brožsurefooted,přesvědčený adj: Zdeněk Brožsurefooted,spolehlivý adj: Zdeněk Brožsurefooted,stabilní adj: Zdeněk Brož
thick-footed morel
thick-footed morel, n:
two-footed, adj:
web-footed,mající plovací blány adj: Zdeněk Brož
white-footed mouse
white-footed mouse, n:
Barefooted \Bare"foot`ed\, a.
Having the feet bare.
[1913 Webster]
Barefooted Clerks of the Most Holy Cross
Passionist \Pas"sion*ist\, n. (R. C. Ch.)
A member of a religious order founded in Italy in 1737, and
introduced into the United States in 1852. The members of the
order unite the austerities of the Trappists with the
activity and zeal of the Jesuits and Lazarists. Called also
Barefooted Clerks of the Most Holy Cross.
[1913 Webster]
Black-footed ferret
Black-footed ferret \Black"-foot`ed fer"ret\, n.
a weasellike mammal (Mustela nigripes) inhabiting the
western North American prairie, having dark feet, a
dark-tipped tail, and a dark face on a yellowish-brown coat.
It is an endangered species.
[PJC] Blackfriar
blue-footed booby
Booby \Boo"by\ (b[=oo]"b[y^]), n.; pl. Boobies (-b[i^]z). [Sp.
bobo dunce, idiot; cf. L. balbus stammering, E. barbarous.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A dunce; a stupid fellow.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) A swimming bird (Sula fiber or Sula sula) related
to the common gannet, and found in the West Indies,
nesting on the bare rocks. It is so called on account
of its apparent stupidity -- unafraid of men, it
allows itself to be caught by a simple and undisguised
approach. The name is also sometimes applied to other
species of gannets; as, Sula piscator, the
red-footed booby; and Sula nebouxii, the
blue-footed booby.
(b) A species of penguin of the antarctic seas.
[1913 Webster]

Booby hatch
(a) (Naut.), a kind of wooden hood over a hatch, readily
(b), an insane asylum. [Colloq.]

Booby hut, a carriage body put upon sleigh runners. [Local,
U. S.] --Bartlett.

Booby hutch, a clumsy covered carriage or seat, used in the
eastern part of England. --Forby.

Booby prize, an award for the poorest performance in a
competition; hence, metaphorically, the recognition of a
strikingly inferior or incompetent performance.

Booby trap
(a), a schoolboy's practical joke, as a shower bath when a
door is opened.
(b), any concealed device causing surprise or injury when
a usually harmless object is touched; -- in military
operations, typically containing an explosive charge.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
brush-footed butterflies
Nymphales \Nym*pha"les\, prop. n. pl. [NL.] (Zool.)
Same as Nymphalidae, an extensive family of butterflies
including the nymphs, the satyrs, the monarchs, the
heliconias, and others; -- called also {brush-footed
[1913 Webster]Nymphalidae \Nymphalidae\ prop. n.
A natural family of large beautifully colored butterflies,
called also the brush-footed butterflies; formerly called

Syn: family Nymphalidae.
[WordNet 1.5]
Cleft-footed \Cleft"-foot`ed\, a.
Having a cloven foot.
[1913 Webster]
Cloven-footed \Clo"ven-foot`ed\, Cloven-hoofed
\Clo"ven-hoofed`\, a.
Having the foot or hoof divided into two parts, as the ox.
[1913 Webster]
Clubfooted \Club"foot`ed\, a.
Having a clubfoot.
[1913 Webster]
Fin-footed \Fin"-foot`ed\, a. (Zool.)
(a) Having palmate feet.
(b) Having lobate toes, as the coot and grebe.
[1913 Webster]
Flat-footed \Flat"-foot`ed\, a.
1. Having a flat foot, with little or no arch of the instep;
suffering from fallen arches. [WordNet sense 3]
[1913 Webster]

2. Firm-footed; determined. [Slang, U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

3. clumsy; amateurish; pedestrian; unimaginative; plodding;
as, flatfooted prose.

4. Without reservation; without evasion or compromise; firm;
as, a flat-footed refusal; a flatfooted denial. [WordNet
sense 4]

Syn: downright, forthright, foursquare, head-on,

5. With feet flat on the ground; not tiptoe. [WordNet sense
[WordNet 1.5]

6. Unprepared and unable to react quickly; as, the new
product caught their competitors flat-footed. [WordNet
sense 2]

Syn: unready.
[WordNet 1.5]

To catch (one) flatfooted to catch (a person) unprepared;
to catch (a person) by surprise.
Foot \Foot\ (f[oo^]t), v. i. [imp. & p. p. Footed; p. pr. &
vb. n. Footing.]
1. To tread to measure or music; to dance; to trip; to skip.
[1913 Webster]

2. To walk; -- opposed to ride or fly. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]Footed \Foot"ed\, a.
1. Having a foot or feet; shaped in the foot; as, a footed
candlestick. "Footed like a goat." --Grew.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Footed is often used in composition in the sense of
having (such or so many) feet; as, fourfooted beasts.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having a foothold; established.
[1913 Webster]

Our king . . . is footed in this land already.
[1913 Webster]
Fourfooted \Four"foot`ed\, a.
Having four feet; quadruped; as, fourfooted beasts.
[1913 Webster]
great-footed hawk
Peregrine \Per"e*grine\ (p[e^]r"[-e]*gr[i^]n; 277), a. [L.
peregrinus. See Pilgrim.]
Foreign; not native; extrinsic or from without; exotic.
[Spelt also pelegrine.] "Peregrine and preternatural heat."
[1913 Webster]

Peregrine falcon (Zool.), a courageous and swift falcon
(Falco peregrinus), remarkable for its wide distribution
over all the continents. The adult plumage is dark bluish
ash on the back, nearly black on the head and cheeks,
white beneath, barred with black below the throat. Called
also peregrine hawk, duck hawk, game hawk, and
great-footed hawk.
[1913 Webster]
Leaf-footed \Leaf"-foot`ed\, a. (Zool.)
Having leaflike expansions on the legs; -- said of certain
insects; as, the leaf-footed bug (Leptoglossus phyllopus).
[1913 Webster]
Light-foot \Light"-foot`\ (l[imac]t"f[oo^]t`), Light-footed
\Light"-foot`ed\, a.
Having a light, springy step; moving lightly and nimbly;
nimble in running or dancing; active; as, light-foot Iris.
Opposite of heavy-footed. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]
Lobe-footed \Lobe"-foot`ed\, a. (Zool.)
[1913 Webster]
Mouth-footed \Mouth"-foot`ed\, a. (Zool.)
Having the basal joints of the legs converted into jaws.
[1913 Webster]
Oar-footed \Oar"-foot`ed\ a.
Having feet adapted for swimming.
[1913 Webster]
Polt-foot \Polt"-foot`\, Polt-footed \Polt"-foot`ed\, a.
Having a distorted foot, or a clubfoot or clubfeet. --B.
[1913 Webster]
red-footed booby
Booby \Boo"by\ (b[=oo]"b[y^]), n.; pl. Boobies (-b[i^]z). [Sp.
bobo dunce, idiot; cf. L. balbus stammering, E. barbarous.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A dunce; a stupid fellow.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) A swimming bird (Sula fiber or Sula sula) related
to the common gannet, and found in the West Indies,
nesting on the bare rocks. It is so called on account
of its apparent stupidity -- unafraid of men, it
allows itself to be caught by a simple and undisguised
approach. The name is also sometimes applied to other
species of gannets; as, Sula piscator, the
red-footed booby; and Sula nebouxii, the
blue-footed booby.
(b) A species of penguin of the antarctic seas.
[1913 Webster]

Booby hatch
(a) (Naut.), a kind of wooden hood over a hatch, readily
(b), an insane asylum. [Colloq.]

Booby hut, a carriage body put upon sleigh runners. [Local,
U. S.] --Bartlett.

Booby hutch, a clumsy covered carriage or seat, used in the
eastern part of England. --Forby.

Booby prize, an award for the poorest performance in a
competition; hence, metaphorically, the recognition of a
strikingly inferior or incompetent performance.

Booby trap
(a), a schoolboy's practical joke, as a shower bath when a
door is opened.
(b), any concealed device causing surprise or injury when
a usually harmless object is touched; -- in military
operations, typically containing an explosive charge.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Rough-footed \Rough"-foot`ed\, a. (Zool.)
Feather-footed; as, a rough-footed dove. [R.] --Sherwood.
[1913 Webster]
single-footed pace
Single-foot \Sin"gle-foot`\, n.
An irregular gait of a horse; -- called also {single-footed
pace}. See Single, v. i.
[1913 Webster]

Single-foot is an irregular pace, rather rare,
distinguished by the posterior extremities moving in
the order of a fast walk, and the anterior extremities
in that of a slow trot. --Stillman
(The Horse in
[1913 Webster]
Splayfoot \Splay"foot`\, Splayfooted \Splay"foot`ed\ a.
Having a splayfoot or splayfeet.
[1913 Webster]
Sure-footed \Sure"-foot`ed\, a.
Not liable to stumble or fall; as, a sure-footed horse.
[1913 Webster]
Tickle-footed \Tic"kle-foot`ed\, a.
Uncertain; inconstant; slippery. [Obs. & R.] --Beau. & Fl.
[1913 Webster]
Tiger-footed \Ti"ger-foot`ed\, a.
Hastening to devour; furious.
[1913 Webster]
To catch one flatfooted
Flat-footed \Flat"-foot`ed\, a.
1. Having a flat foot, with little or no arch of the instep;
suffering from fallen arches. [WordNet sense 3]
[1913 Webster]

2. Firm-footed; determined. [Slang, U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

3. clumsy; amateurish; pedestrian; unimaginative; plodding;
as, flatfooted prose.

4. Without reservation; without evasion or compromise; firm;
as, a flat-footed refusal; a flatfooted denial. [WordNet
sense 4]

Syn: downright, forthright, foursquare, head-on,

5. With feet flat on the ground; not tiptoe. [WordNet sense
[WordNet 1.5]

6. Unprepared and unable to react quickly; as, the new
product caught their competitors flat-footed. [WordNet
sense 2]

Syn: unready.
[WordNet 1.5]

To catch (one) flatfooted to catch (a person) unprepared;
to catch (a person) by surprise.
Turtle-footed \Tur"tle-foot`ed\, a.
Slow-footed. [R.] "Turtle-footed Peace." --Ford.
[1913 Webster]
Unfooted \Unfooted\
See footed.
Web-footed \Web"-foot`ed\, a.
Having webbed feet; palmiped; as, a goose or a duck is a
web-footed fowl.
[1913 Webster]
white-footed mouse
Mouse \Mouse\ (mous), n.; pl. Mice (m[imac]s). [OE. mous, mus,
AS. m[=u]s, pl. m[=y]s; akin to D. muis, G. maus, OHG. &
Icel. m[=u]s, Dan. muus, Sw. mus, Russ. muishe, L. mus, Gr.
my^s, Skr. m[=u]sh mouse, mush to steal. [root]277. Cf.
Muscle, Musk.]
1. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small rodents
belonging to the genus Mus and various related genera of
the family Muridae. The common house mouse ({Mus
musculus}) is found in nearly all countries. The American
white-footed mouse, or deer mouse ({Peromyscus
leucopus}, formerly Hesperomys leucopus) sometimes lives
in houses. See Dormouse, Meadow mouse, under Meadow,
and Harvest mouse, under Harvest.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.)
(a) A knob made on a rope with spun yarn or parceling to
prevent a running eye from slipping.
(b) Same as 2d Mousing, 2.
[1913 Webster]

3. A familiar term of endearment. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. A dark-colored swelling caused by a blow. [Slang]
[1913 Webster]

5. A match used in firing guns or blasting.
[1913 Webster]

Field mouse, Flying mouse, etc. See under Field,
Flying, etc.

Mouse bird (Zool.), a coly.

Mouse deer (Zool.), a chevrotain, as the kanchil.

Mouse galago (Zool.), a very small West American galago
(Galago murinus). In color and size it resembles a
mouse. It has a bushy tail like that of a squirrel.

Mouse hawk. (Zool.)
(a) A hawk that devours mice.
(b) The hawk owl; -- called also mouse owl.

Mouse lemur (Zool.), any one of several species of very
small lemurs of the genus Chirogaleus, found in

Mouse piece (Cookery), the piece of beef cut from the part
next below the round or from the lower part of the latter;
-- called also mouse buttock.
[1913 Webster]
Wing-footed \Wing"-foot`ed\, a.
1. Having wings attached to the feet; as, wing-footed
Mercury; hence, swift; moving with rapidity; fleet.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) Having part or all of the feet adapted for flying.
(b) Having the anterior lobes of the foot so modified as
to form a pair of winglike swimming organs; -- said of
the pteropod mollusks.
[1913 Webster]
adv 1: without shoes on; "he chased her barefoot across the
meadow" [syn: barefooted, barefoot]
adj 1: without shoes; "the barefoot boy"; "shoeless Joe Jackson"
[syn: barefoot, barefooted, shoeless]
bird-footed dinosaur
bird-footed dinosaur
n 1: any of numerous carnivorous dinosaurs of the Triassic to
Cretaceous with short forelimbs that walked or ran on
strong hind legs [syn: theropod, theropod dinosaur,
bird-footed dinosaur]
black-footed albatross
black-footed albatross
n 1: a variety of albatross with black feet [syn: {black-footed
albatross}, gooney, gooney bird, goonie, goony,
Diomedea nigripes]
black-footed ferret
black-footed ferret
n 1: musteline mammal of prairie regions of United States;
nearly extinct [syn: black-footed ferret, ferret,
Mustela nigripes]
brush-footed butterfly
brush-footed butterfly
n 1: medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically
having brightly colored wings and much-reduced
nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast [syn:
nymphalid, nymphalid butterfly, {brush-footed
butterfly}, four-footed butterfly]
adj 1: of or relating to the cloven feet of ruminants or swine
[syn: cloven-hoofed, cloven-footed]
adj 1: having a deformed foot [syn: clubfooted, taliped]
comb-footed spider
comb-footed spider
n 1: spider having a comb-like row of bristles on each hind foot
[syn: comb-footed spider, theridiid]
dusky-footed wood rat
dusky-footed wood rat
n 1: a wood rat with dusky feet
dusky-footed woodrat
dusky-footed woodrat
n 1: host to Lyme disease tick (Ixodes pacificus) in northern
California [syn: dusky-footed woodrat, {Neotoma
adj 1: having rapidly moving feet [syn: swift-footed, {fast-
adj 1: with feet flat on the ground; not tiptoe
2: unprepared and unable to react quickly; "the new product
caught their competitors flat-footed"
3: having broad flat feet that usually turn outward; "a slow
flat-footed walk"
4: without reservation; "a flat-footed refusal"

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