FTW,for the win ve smyslu: jasný vítěz, to je to nejlepší Pino

An ambiguous acronym which might stand for any of "For
The Win" (the thing just referred to will help you succeed),
"Forever Two Wheels" (biker slang), WTF backwards, "Fuck The
World", "Fuck This War", "Fun To Watch" or something else.

podobné slovodefinícia
- ľavicový
- ľavičiar
- SWSoftware
- S/W
- SWSoftware
- S/W
compatible software
compatible software, n:
delftware,delfská keramika n: Zdeněk Brož
driftwood,plavené dřevo web
free software
free software,svobodný software [it.]
leftward,levicový adj: Zdeněk Brožleftward,směřující doleva n: Zdeněk Brož
leftwards,doleva n: Zdeněk Brož
libre software
libre software,svobodný software [it.] fict10n
Luftwaffe,Luftwaffe n: [voj.] německé vojenské letectvo Ritchie
shrink-wrapped software
shrink-wrapped software, n:
software,měkké zboží n: lunosoftware,software n:
software documentation
software documentation, n:
software engineer
software engineer, n:
software error
software error, n:
software package
software package, n:
software piracy
software piracy,počítačové pirátství n: Zdeněk Brož
software product
software product, n:
software system
software system, n:
softwood,jehličnan n: Zdeněk Brožsoftwood,měkké dřevo Zdeněk Brož
supervisory software
supervisory software, n:
systems software
systems software, n:
bezplatný software
bezplatný software,freeware Zdeněk Brož
Luftwaffe,Luftwaffen: [voj.] německé vojenské letectvo Ritchie
nadace svobodného softwaru
Nadace svobodného softwaru,FSF Free Software Foundation web
qmail (jméno software)
qmail (jméno software),qmailn: Adam Nohejl
skupinový software
skupinový software,groupware Zdeněk Brož
Software,S/W[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překladsoftware,softwaren: SoftWare,SW[zkr.]
software lifecycle support
Software Lifecycle Support,SLCS[zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
softwarová distribuce pocházející z univerzity v berkeley
softwarová distribuce pocházející z univerzity v Berkeley, CA,BSDn:
[zkr.] Berkeley Software Distribution jose
svobodný software
svobodný software,free software[it.] svobodný software,libre software[it.] fict10n
výukový software
výukový software,courseware Zdeněk Brož
Aftward \Aft"ward\, adv. (Naut.)
Toward the stern.
[1913 Webster] Aga
Delftware \Delft"ware`\, n.
(a) Pottery made at the city of Delft in Holland; hence:
(b) Earthenware made in imitation of the above; any glazed
earthenware made for table use, and the like.
[1913 Webster]
Driftway \Drift"way`\, n.
1. A common way, road, or path, for driving cattle. --Cowell.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mining) Same as Drift, 11.
[1913 Webster]
Driftweed \Drift"weed`\, n.
Seaweed drifted to the shore by the wind. --Darwin.
[1913 Webster]
Driftwind \Drift"wind`\, n.
A driving wind; a wind that drives snow, sand, etc., into
heaps. --Beau. & Fl.
[1913 Webster]
Driftwood \Drift"wood`\, n.
1. Wood drifted or floated by water.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: Whatever is drifting or floating as on water.
[1913 Webster]

The current of humanity, with its heavy proportion
of very useless driftwood. -- New Your
[1913 Webster]
Leftward \Left"ward\ (-w[~e]rd), adv.
Toward or on the left side.
[1913 Webster]

Rightward and leftward rise the rocks. --Southey.
[1913 Webster]
left-wing \left-wing\ a.
1. Of or pertaining to the political left or its ideology.

2. Believing in or supporting tenets of the political left.

Syn: leftist, left-of-center.
[WordNet 1.5]
left-winger \left-winger\ n.
1. a person who belongs to the political left.

Syn: socialist, collectivist, leftist.
[WordNet 1.5]
software engineering
Engineering \En`gi*neer"ing\, n.
Originally, the art of managing engines; in its modern and
extended sense, the art and science by which the properties
of matter are made useful to man, whether in structures,
machines, chemical substances, or living organisms; the
occupation and work of an engineer. In the modern sense, the
application of mathematics or systematic knowledge beyond the
routine skills of practise, for the design of any complex
system which performs useful functions, may be considered as
engineering, including such abstract tasks as designing
software (software engineering).
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: In a comprehensive sense, engineering includes
architecture as a mechanical art, in distinction from
architecture as a fine art. It was formerly divided
into military engineering, which is the art of
designing and constructing offensive and defensive
works, and civil engineering, in a broad sense, as
relating to other kinds of public works, machinery,

Civil engineering, in modern usage, is strictly the art of
planning, laying out, and constructing fixed public works,
such as railroads, highways, canals, aqueducts, water
works, bridges, lighthouses, docks, embankments,
breakwaters, dams, tunnels, etc.

Mechanical engineering relates to machinery, such as steam
engines, machine tools, mill work, etc.

Mining engineering deals with the excavation and working of
mines, and the extraction of metals from their ores, etc.
Engineering is further divided into steam engineering, gas
engineering, agricultural engineering, topographical
engineering, electrical engineering, etc.
[1913 Webster]
alpha software
alpha software
n 1: a first release of a software product that is usually
tested only by the developers
beta software
beta software
n 1: software that has not yet been released but has received an
alpha test and still has more bugs than a regular release;
"beta software is usually available only to particular
users who will test it"
compatible software
compatible software
n 1: application software programs that share common conventions
so they can be utilized together
2: software that can run on different computers without
computer software
computer software
n 1: (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules
and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of
a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory;
"the market for software is expected to expand" [syn:
software, software program, computer software,
software system, software package, package] [ant:
computer hardware, hardware]
n 1: wood that is floating or that has been washed ashore
german luftwaffe
German Luftwaffe
n 1: the German airforce [syn: Luftwaffe, German Luftwaffe]
n 1: the German airforce [syn: Luftwaffe, German Luftwaffe]
shrink-wrapped software
shrink-wrapped software
n 1: software on CD-ROMs that are boxed and shrink-wrapped and
sold in stores (implying a widely supported standard
n 1: (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules
and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of
a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory;
"the market for software is expected to expand" [syn:
software, software program, computer software,
software system, software package, package] [ant:
computer hardware, hardware]
software documentation
software documentation
n 1: program listings or technical manuals describing the
operation and use of programs [syn: {software
documentation}, documentation]
software engineer
software engineer
n 1: a person who designs and writes and tests computer programs
[syn: programmer, computer programmer, coder,
software engineer]
software error
software error
n 1: error resulting from bad code in some program involved in
producing the erroneous result [syn: software error,
programming error]
software package
software package
n 1: (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules
and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of
a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory;
"the market for software is expected to expand" [syn:
software, software program, computer software,
software system, software package, package] [ant:
computer hardware, hardware]
2: merchandise consisting of a computer program that is offered
for sale [syn: software package, software product]
software product
software product
n 1: merchandise consisting of a computer program that is
offered for sale [syn: software package, {software
software program
software program
n 1: (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules
and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of
a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory;
"the market for software is expected to expand" [syn:
software, software program, computer software,
software system, software package, package] [ant:
computer hardware, hardware]
software system
software system
n 1: (computer science) written programs or procedures or rules
and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of
a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory;
"the market for software is expected to expand" [syn:
software, software program, computer software,
software system, software package, package] [ant:
computer hardware, hardware]
n 1: wood that is easy to saw (from conifers such as pine or
fir) [syn: softwood, deal]
supervisory software
supervisory software
n 1: specialized programs that reside permanently in the
computer's main memory and control the processing of user's
systems software
systems software
n 1: a program (as an operating system or compiler or utility
program) that controls some aspect of the operation of a
computer [syn: system program, systems program,
systems software]
ada software repository
Ada Software Repository

A collection of Ada programs?


advanced software environment
Advanced Software Environment

(ASE) An object-oriented {application support
system} from Nixdorf.

antivirus software
antivirus software
antivirus program

Programs to detect and remove computer viruses. The
simplest kind scans executable files and boot blocks for a
list of known viruses. Others are constantly active,
attempting to detect the actions of general classes of
viruses. antivirus software should always include a regular
update service allowing it to keep up with the latest viruses
as they are released.

apache software foundation
Apache Software Foundation

(ASF) A consortium that manages the
development of the Apache web server, dozens of XML- and
Java-based projects (under the name Jakarta), the Ant
build tool, the Geronimo J2EE server, the SpamAssassin
anti-SPAM tool, and much more.

Apache Home (

application software
application program
application software
applications software

(Or "application", "app") A
complete, self-contained program that performs a specific
function directly for the user. This is in contrast to
system software such as the operating system kernel,
server processes, libraries which exists to support
application programs and utility programs.

Editors for various kinds of documents, spreadsheets, and
text formatters are common examples of applications. Network
applications include clients such as those for FTP,
electronic mail, telnet and WWW.

The term is used fairly loosely, for instance, some might say
that a client and server together form a distributed
application, others might argue that editors and compilers
were not applications but utility programs for building

One distinction between an application program and the
operating system is that applications always run in {user
mode} (or "non-privileged mode"), while operating systems and
related utilities may run in supervisor mode (or "privileged

The term may also be used to distinguish programs which
communicate via a graphical user interface from those which
are executed from the command line.

application software installation server
Application Software Installation Server

(ASIS) A service once offered by CERN's IT division
that included a repository containing CERN and HEP software
and tools in the form of compressed source and

As of 2014-11-13, the service appears to be dead.


applications software
application program
application software
applications software

(Or "application", "app") A
complete, self-contained program that performs a specific
function directly for the user. This is in contrast to
system software such as the operating system kernel,
server processes, libraries which exists to support
application programs and utility programs.

Editors for various kinds of documents, spreadsheets, and
text formatters are common examples of applications. Network
applications include clients such as those for FTP,
electronic mail, telnet and WWW.

The term is used fairly loosely, for instance, some might say
that a client and server together form a distributed
application, others might argue that editors and compilers
were not applications but utility programs for building

One distinction between an application program and the
operating system is that applications always run in {user
mode} (or "non-privileged mode"), while operating systems and
related utilities may run in supervisor mode (or "privileged

The term may also be used to distinguish programs which
communicate via a graphical user interface from those which
are executed from the command line.

asset source for software engineering technology
Asset Source for Software Engineering Technology

(ASSET) A programme to promote software reuse by
the US DoD.

See also ASSET Reuse Library.

backup software
backup software

Software for doing a backup, often
included as part of the operating system.

Backup software should provide ways to specify what files get
backed up and to where. It may include its own scheduling
function to automate the procedure or, preferably, work with
generic scheduling facilities. It may include facilities for
managing the backup media (e.g. maintaining an index of tapes)
and for restoring files from backups.

Examples are Unix's dump command and Windows's

basic language for implementation of system software
Basic Language for Implementation of System Software

(BLISS, or allegedly, "System Software
Implementation Language, Backwards") A language designed by
W.A. Wulf at CMU around 1969.

BLISS is an expression language. It is block-structured,
and typeless, with exception handling facilities,
coroutines, a macro system, and a highly {optimising
compiler}. It was one of the first non-assembly languages
for operating system implementation. It gained fame for its
lack of a goto and also lacks implicit dereferencing: all
symbols stand for addresses, not values.

Another characteristic (and possible explanation for the
backward acronym) was that BLISS fairly uniformly used
backward keywords for closing blocks, a famous example being
ELUDOM to close a MODULE. An exception was BEGIN...END though
you could use (...) instead.

DEC introduced the NOVALUE keyword in their dialects to allow
statements to not return a value.

Versions: CMU BLISS-10 for the PDP-10; CMU BLISS-11,

["BLISS: A Language for Systems Programming", CACM
14(12):780-790, Dec 1971].

[Did the B stand for "Better"?]


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