gastric,žaludeční adj: Milan Svoboda
Gastric \Gas"tric\, a. [Gr. ?, ?, stomach: cf. F. gastrique.]
Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the stomach; as, the
gastric artery.
[1913 Webster]

Gastric digestion (Physiol.), the conversion of the
albuminous portion of food in the stomach into soluble and
diffusible products by the solvent action of gastric

Gastric fever (Med.), a fever attended with prominent
gastric symptoms; -- a name applied to certain forms of
typhoid fever; also, to catarrhal inflammation of the
stomach attended with fever.

Gastric juice (Physiol.), a thin, watery fluid, with an
acid reaction, secreted by a peculiar set of glands
contained in the mucous membrane of the stomach. It
consists mainly of dilute hydrochloric acid and the
ferment pepsin. It is the most important digestive fluid
in the body, but acts only on proteid foods.

Gastric remittent fever (Med.), a form of remittent fever
with pronounced stomach symptoms.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: relating to or involving the stomach; "gastric ulcer"
[syn: gastric, stomachic, stomachal]
podobné slovodefinícia
epigastric,epigastrický adj: Zdeněk Brož
epigastric artery
epigastric artery, n:
epigastric fossa
epigastric fossa, n:
epigastric vein
epigastric vein, n:
esophagogastric junction
esophagogastric junction, n:
gastric antacid
gastric antacid, n:
gastric artery
gastric artery, n:
gastric digestion
gastric digestion, n:
gastric juice
gastric juice,žaludeční šťáva Josef Kosek
gastric lavage
gastric lavage, n:
gastric mill
gastric mill, n:
gastric smear
gastric smear, n:
gastric ulcer
gastric ulcer, n:
gastric ulcers
gastric ulcers,žaludeční vředy n: pl. Jirka Daněk
gastric vein
gastric vein, n:
hypogastric artery
hypogastric artery, n:
hypogastric plexus
hypogastric plexus, n:
hypogastric vein
hypogastric vein, n:
inferior epigastric vein
inferior epigastric vein, n:
left gastric artery
left gastric artery, n:
left gastric vein
left gastric vein, n:
nasogastric feeding
nasogastric feeding, n:
oesophagogastric junction
oesophagogastric junction, n:
plexus hypogastricus
plexus hypogastricus, n:
pneumogastric, n:
pneumogastric nerve
pneumogastric nerve, n:
right gastric artery
right gastric artery, n:
right gastric vein
right gastric vein, n:
short gastric artery
short gastric artery, n:
superficial epigastric vein
superficial epigastric vein, n:
superior epigastric veins
superior epigastric veins, n:
thoracoepigastric vein
thoracoepigastric vein, n:
vena epigastrica inferior
vena epigastrica inferior, n:
vena epigastrica superficialis
vena epigastrica superficialis, n:
vena gastrica
vena gastrica, n:
vena gastrica sinistra
vena gastrica sinistra, n:
vena gastrica-dextra
vena gastrica-dextra, n:
vena thoracoepigastrica
vena thoracoepigastrica, n:
venae epigastricae superiores
venae epigastricae superiores, n:
epigastrický,epigastricadj: Zdeněk Brož
Agastric \A*gas"tric\ ([.a]*g[a^]s"tr[i^]k), a. [Gr. 'a priv. +
gasth'r stomach.] (Physiol.)
Having to stomach, or distinct digestive canal, as the
[1913 Webster]
Cacogastric \Cac`o*gas"tric\, a. [Gr. kako`s bad + ??????
Troubled with bad digestion. [R.] --Carlyle.
[1913 Webster]
Digastric \Di*gas"tric\, a. [Gr. di- = di`s- twice + ? belly:
cf. F. digastrique.] (Anat.)
(a) Having two bellies; biventral; -- applied to muscles
which are fleshy at each end and have a tendon in the
middle, and esp. to the muscle which pulls down the lower
(b) Pertaining to the digastric muscle of the lower jaw; as,
the digastric nerves.
[1913 Webster]
Entogastric \En`to*gas"tric\, a. [Ento- + Gr. ? the stomach.]
Pertaining to the interior of the stomach; -- applied to a
mode of budding from the interior of the gastric cavity, in
certain hydroids.
[1913 Webster]
Epigastric \Ep`i*gas"tric\, a. [Gr. ? over the belly; 'epi` upon
+ ? belly: cf. F. ['e]pigastrique.]
1. (Anat.) Pertaining to the epigastrium, or to the
epigastric region.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zo["o]l.) Over the stomach; -- applied to two of the
areas of the carapace of crabs.
[1913 Webster]

Epigastric region. (Anat.)
(a) The whole upper part of the abdomen.
(b) An arbitrary division of the abdomen above the
umbilical and between the two hypochondriac regions.
[1913 Webster]
Epigastric region
Epigastric \Ep`i*gas"tric\, a. [Gr. ? over the belly; 'epi` upon
+ ? belly: cf. F. ['e]pigastrique.]
1. (Anat.) Pertaining to the epigastrium, or to the
epigastric region.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zo["o]l.) Over the stomach; -- applied to two of the
areas of the carapace of crabs.
[1913 Webster]

Epigastric region. (Anat.)
(a) The whole upper part of the abdomen.
(b) An arbitrary division of the abdomen above the
umbilical and between the two hypochondriac regions.
[1913 Webster]
Gastric \Gas"tric\, a. [Gr. ?, ?, stomach: cf. F. gastrique.]
Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the stomach; as, the
gastric artery.
[1913 Webster]

Gastric digestion (Physiol.), the conversion of the
albuminous portion of food in the stomach into soluble and
diffusible products by the solvent action of gastric

Gastric fever (Med.), a fever attended with prominent
gastric symptoms; -- a name applied to certain forms of
typhoid fever; also, to catarrhal inflammation of the
stomach attended with fever.

Gastric juice (Physiol.), a thin, watery fluid, with an
acid reaction, secreted by a peculiar set of glands
contained in the mucous membrane of the stomach. It
consists mainly of dilute hydrochloric acid and the
ferment pepsin. It is the most important digestive fluid
in the body, but acts only on proteid foods.

Gastric remittent fever (Med.), a form of remittent fever
with pronounced stomach symptoms.
[1913 Webster]
Gastric digestion
Gastric \Gas"tric\, a. [Gr. ?, ?, stomach: cf. F. gastrique.]
Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the stomach; as, the
gastric artery.
[1913 Webster]

Gastric digestion (Physiol.), the conversion of the
albuminous portion of food in the stomach into soluble and
diffusible products by the solvent action of gastric

Gastric fever (Med.), a fever attended with prominent
gastric symptoms; -- a name applied to certain forms of
typhoid fever; also, to catarrhal inflammation of the
stomach attended with fever.

Gastric juice (Physiol.), a thin, watery fluid, with an
acid reaction, secreted by a peculiar set of glands
contained in the mucous membrane of the stomach. It
consists mainly of dilute hydrochloric acid and the
ferment pepsin. It is the most important digestive fluid
in the body, but acts only on proteid foods.

Gastric remittent fever (Med.), a form of remittent fever
with pronounced stomach symptoms.
[1913 Webster]
Gastric fever
Gastric \Gas"tric\, a. [Gr. ?, ?, stomach: cf. F. gastrique.]
Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the stomach; as, the
gastric artery.
[1913 Webster]

Gastric digestion (Physiol.), the conversion of the
albuminous portion of food in the stomach into soluble and
diffusible products by the solvent action of gastric

Gastric fever (Med.), a fever attended with prominent
gastric symptoms; -- a name applied to certain forms of
typhoid fever; also, to catarrhal inflammation of the
stomach attended with fever.

Gastric juice (Physiol.), a thin, watery fluid, with an
acid reaction, secreted by a peculiar set of glands
contained in the mucous membrane of the stomach. It
consists mainly of dilute hydrochloric acid and the
ferment pepsin. It is the most important digestive fluid
in the body, but acts only on proteid foods.

Gastric remittent fever (Med.), a form of remittent fever
with pronounced stomach symptoms.
[1913 Webster]
Gastric juice
Gastric \Gas"tric\, a. [Gr. ?, ?, stomach: cf. F. gastrique.]
Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the stomach; as, the
gastric artery.
[1913 Webster]

Gastric digestion (Physiol.), the conversion of the
albuminous portion of food in the stomach into soluble and
diffusible products by the solvent action of gastric

Gastric fever (Med.), a fever attended with prominent
gastric symptoms; -- a name applied to certain forms of
typhoid fever; also, to catarrhal inflammation of the
stomach attended with fever.

Gastric juice (Physiol.), a thin, watery fluid, with an
acid reaction, secreted by a peculiar set of glands
contained in the mucous membrane of the stomach. It
consists mainly of dilute hydrochloric acid and the
ferment pepsin. It is the most important digestive fluid
in the body, but acts only on proteid foods.

Gastric remittent fever (Med.), a form of remittent fever
with pronounced stomach symptoms.
[1913 Webster]
Gastric remittent fever
Gastric \Gas"tric\, a. [Gr. ?, ?, stomach: cf. F. gastrique.]
Of, pertaining to, or situated near, the stomach; as, the
gastric artery.
[1913 Webster]

Gastric digestion (Physiol.), the conversion of the
albuminous portion of food in the stomach into soluble and
diffusible products by the solvent action of gastric

Gastric fever (Med.), a fever attended with prominent
gastric symptoms; -- a name applied to certain forms of
typhoid fever; also, to catarrhal inflammation of the
stomach attended with fever.

Gastric juice (Physiol.), a thin, watery fluid, with an
acid reaction, secreted by a peculiar set of glands
contained in the mucous membrane of the stomach. It
consists mainly of dilute hydrochloric acid and the
ferment pepsin. It is the most important digestive fluid
in the body, but acts only on proteid foods.

Gastric remittent fever (Med.), a form of remittent fever
with pronounced stomach symptoms.
[1913 Webster]
Hepatogastric \Hep`a*to*gas"tric\, a. [Hepatic + gastric.]
See Gastrohepatic. Hepatogenic
Hypogastric \Hyp`o*gas"tric\, a. [Cf. F. hypogastrique. See
Hypogastrium.] (Anat.)
Of or pertaining to the hypogastrium or the hypogastric
[1913 Webster]

Hypogastric region.
(a) The lower part of the abdomen.
(b) An arbitrary division of the abdomen below the umbilical
and between the two iliac regions.
[1913 Webster]
Hypogastric region
Hypogastric \Hyp`o*gas"tric\, a. [Cf. F. hypogastrique. See
Hypogastrium.] (Anat.)
Of or pertaining to the hypogastrium or the hypogastric
[1913 Webster]

Hypogastric region.
(a) The lower part of the abdomen.
(b) An arbitrary division of the abdomen below the umbilical
and between the two iliac regions.
[1913 Webster]
Mesogastric \Mes`o*gas"tric\, a. [Meso- + gastric.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Anat.)
(a) Of or pertaining to the middle region of the abdomen,
or of the stomach.
(b) Of or pertaining to the mesogaster.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Of or pertaining to the middle gastric lobe of the
carapace of a crab.
[1913 Webster]
Metagastric \Met`a*gas"tric\, a. [Pref. meta- + gastric.]
Of or pertaining to the two posterior gastric lobes of the
carapace of crabs.
[1913 Webster]
Monogastric \Mon`o*gas"tric\, a. [Mono- + Gr. ? belly.]
Having but a single stomach.
[1913 Webster]
Perigastric \Per`i*gas"tric\, a. (Zool.)
Surrounding the stomach; -- applied to the body cavity of
Bryozoa and various other Invertebrata.
[1913 Webster]
Pneumogastric \Pneu`mo*gas"tric\, a. [Pneumo- + gastric.]
Of or pertaining to the lungs and the stomach. -- n. The
pneumogastric nerve.
[1913 Webster]

Pneumogastric nerve (Anat.), one of the tenth pair of
cranial nerves which are distributed to the pharynx,
esophagus, larynx, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, and
spleen, and, in fishes and many amphibia, to the branchial
apparatus and also to the sides of the body.
[1913 Webster]
Pneumogastric nerve
Pneumogastric \Pneu`mo*gas"tric\, a. [Pneumo- + gastric.]
Of or pertaining to the lungs and the stomach. -- n. The
pneumogastric nerve.
[1913 Webster]

Pneumogastric nerve (Anat.), one of the tenth pair of
cranial nerves which are distributed to the pharynx,
esophagus, larynx, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, and
spleen, and, in fishes and many amphibia, to the branchial
apparatus and also to the sides of the body.
[1913 Webster]
Polygastric \Pol`y*gas"tric\ (-tr[i^]k), a. [Poly- + gastric:
cf. F. polygastrique.]
1. (Anat.) Having several bellies; -- applied to muscles
which are made up of several bellies separated by short
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Pertaining to the Polygastrica. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]Polygastric \Pol`y*gas"tric\ (p[o^]l`[i^]*g[a^]s"tr[i^]k), n.
One of the Polygastrica.
[1913 Webster]
Polygastrica \Pol`y*gas"tri*ca\ (-tr[i^]*k[.a]), n. pl. [NL. So
called because they were supposed to have several stomachs,
or digestive cavities.] (Zool.)
The Infusoria. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster] Polygenesis
Stomatogastric \Stom`a*to*gas"tric\, a. [Gr. ?, ?, mouth + E.
Of or pertaining to the mouth and the stomach; as, the
stomatogastric ganglion of certain Mollusca.
[1913 Webster]
Trigastric \Tri*gas"tric\, a. [Pref. tri- + Gr. ? belly.]
Having three bellies; -- said of a muscle. --Dunglison.
[1913 Webster]
Urogastric \U`ro*gas"tric\, a. [2d uro- + gastric.] (Zool.)
Behind the stomach; -- said of two lobes of the carapace of
certain crustaceans.
[1913 Webster]
achylia gastrica
achylia gastrica
n 1: absence of gastric juices (partial or complete) [syn:
achylia, achylia gastrica]
arteria epigastrica
arteria epigastrica
n 1: one of three arteries supplying the anterior walls of the
abdomen [syn: epigastric artery, arteria epigastrica]
arteria gastrica
arteria gastrica
n 1: the arteries that supply the walls of the stomach [syn:
gastric artery, arteria gastrica]
arteria gastrica breves
arteria gastrica breves
n 1: several small arteries branching off of the splenic artery
and going to the greater curvature of the stomach [syn:
short gastric artery, arteria gastrica breves, {vasa
arteria gastrica sinistra
arteria gastrica sinistra
n 1: a branch of the celiac artery that supplies the lesser
curvature of the stomach and the abdominal part of the
esophagus [syn: left gastric artery, {arteria gastrica
ateria gastrica dextra
ateria gastrica dextra
n 1: a branch of the hepatic artery that supplies the pyloric
portion of the stomach on the lesser curvature [syn: {right
gastric artery}, ateria gastrica dextra]
adj 1: of or relating to the anterior walls of the abdomen;
"epigastric artery"
2: lying on or over the stomach
epigastric artery
epigastric artery
n 1: one of three arteries supplying the anterior walls of the
abdomen [syn: epigastric artery, arteria epigastrica]
epigastric fossa
epigastric fossa
n 1: a slight depression in the midline just below the sternum
(where a blow can affect the solar plexus) [syn: {pit of
the stomach}, epigastric fossa]
epigastric vein
epigastric vein
n 1: veins serving the anterior walls of the abdomen
esophagogastric junction
esophagogastric junction
n 1: the junction between the esophagus and the stomach
epithelium [syn: esophagogastric junction,
oesophagogastric junction]
gastric acid
gastric acid
n 1: digestive secretions of the stomach glands consisting
chiefly of hydrochloric acid and mucin and the enzymes
pepsin and rennin and lipase [syn: gastric juice,
gastric acid]
gastric antacid
gastric antacid
n 1: an agent that counteracts or neutralizes acidity
(especially in the stomach) [syn: antacid, {gastric
antacid}, alkalizer, alkaliser, antiacid]
gastric artery
gastric artery
n 1: the arteries that supply the walls of the stomach [syn:
gastric artery, arteria gastrica]
gastric digestion
gastric digestion
n 1: the process of breaking down proteins by the action of the
gastric juice in the stomach

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