slovo | definícia |
genotype (encz) | genotype,genotyp n: Zdeněk Brož |
genotype (gcide) | genotype \gen"o*type\ n. (Genetics)
A group of organisms sharing a specific genetic constitution.
[WordNet sense 1]
[WordNet 1.5]
2. (Genetics) The genetic constitution of an organism,
specifying the particular alleles at defined loci in the
genome; -- used with respect to one gene, a specific group
of genes, or the entire set of genes within the organism.
Contrasted with phenotype.
Syn: genetic constitution.
[WordNet 1.5 + PJC] genotypic |
genotype (wn) | genotype
n 1: a group of organisms sharing a specific genetic
2: the particular alleles at specified loci present in an
organism [syn: genotype, genetic constitution] |
| |
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