ginger,elán n: Zdeněk Brož
ginger,energie n: Zdeněk Brož
ginger,povzbudit v: Zdeněk Brož
ginger,ryšavá barva Zdeněk Brož
ginger,ryšavý adj: Zdeněk Brož
ginger,zázvor n:
ginger,zrzavý adj: Zdeněk Brož
ginger,zrzek n: Zdeněk Brož
Ginger \Gin"ger\, n. [OE. ginger, gingever, gingivere, OF.
gengibre, gingimbre, F. gingembre, L. zingiber, zingiberi,
fr. Gr. ?; of Oriental origin; cf. Ar. & Pers. zenjeb[imac]l,
fr. Skr. [,c][.r][.n]gav["e]ra, prop., hornshaped; ???ga horn
+ v["e]ra body.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Zingiber, of the East and
West Indies. The species most known is {Zingiber
[1913 Webster]

2. The hot and spicy rootstock of Zingiber officinale,
which is much used in cookery and in medicine.
[1913 Webster]

Ginger ale
(a) a soft drink flavored with ginger and carbonated.
(a) See ginger beer, below.

Ginger beer or Ginger ale, a mild beer impregnated with

Ginger cordial, a liquor made from ginger, raisins, lemon
rind, and water, and sometimes whisky or brandy.

Ginger pop. See Ginger ale (above).

Ginger wine, wine impregnated with ginger.

Wild ginger (Bot.), an American herb (Asarum Canadense)
with two reniform leaves and a long, cordlike rootstock
which has a strong taste of ginger.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: (used especially of hair or fur) having a bright orange-
brown color; "a man with gingery hair and bright blue
eyes"; "a ginger kitten" [syn: ginger, gingery]
n 1: perennial plants having thick branching aromatic rhizomes
and leafy reedlike stems
2: dried ground gingerroot [syn: ginger, powdered ginger]
3: pungent rhizome of the common ginger plant; used fresh as a
seasoning especially in Asian cookery [syn: ginger,
4: liveliness and energy; "this tonic is guaranteed to give you
more pep" [syn: pep, peppiness, ginger]
v 1: add ginger to in order to add flavor; "ginger the soup"

A simple functional language from the {University of
Warwick} with parallel constructs.


See saga.
podobné slovodefinícia
common ginger
common ginger, n:
crystallized ginger
crystallized ginger, n:
ginger ale
ginger ale,zázvorové pivo Zdeněk Brož
ginger beer
ginger beer,zázvorové pivo Zdeněk Brož
ginger family
ginger family, n:
ginger nut
ginger nut, n:
ginger pop
ginger pop, n:
ginger snap
ginger snap, n:
ginger up
ginger up,oživit v: Zdeněk Brožginger up,povzbudit v: Zdeněk Brož
gingerbread,perník n:
gingerbread man
gingerbread man, n:
gingerly,opatrně adv: Zdeněk Brož
gingerol, n:
gingerroot, n:
gingersnap,zázvorový keks Zdeněk Brož
gingery,ryšavý adj: Zdeněk Brožgingery,zrzavý adj: Zdeněk Brož
powdered ginger
powdered ginger, n:
red ginger
red ginger, n:
shell ginger
shell ginger, n:
stem ginger
stem ginger, n:
wild ginger
wild ginger, n:
Ginger \Gin"ger\, n. [OE. ginger, gingever, gingivere, OF.
gengibre, gingimbre, F. gingembre, L. zingiber, zingiberi,
fr. Gr. ?; of Oriental origin; cf. Ar. & Pers. zenjeb[imac]l,
fr. Skr. [,c][.r][.n]gav["e]ra, prop., hornshaped; ???ga horn
+ v["e]ra body.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Zingiber, of the East and
West Indies. The species most known is {Zingiber
[1913 Webster]

2. The hot and spicy rootstock of Zingiber officinale,
which is much used in cookery and in medicine.
[1913 Webster]

Ginger ale
(a) a soft drink flavored with ginger and carbonated.
(a) See ginger beer, below.

Ginger beer or Ginger ale, a mild beer impregnated with

Ginger cordial, a liquor made from ginger, raisins, lemon
rind, and water, and sometimes whisky or brandy.

Ginger pop. See Ginger ale (above).

Ginger wine, wine impregnated with ginger.

Wild ginger (Bot.), an American herb (Asarum Canadense)
with two reniform leaves and a long, cordlike rootstock
which has a strong taste of ginger.
[1913 Webster]
Ginger ale
Ginger \Gin"ger\, n. [OE. ginger, gingever, gingivere, OF.
gengibre, gingimbre, F. gingembre, L. zingiber, zingiberi,
fr. Gr. ?; of Oriental origin; cf. Ar. & Pers. zenjeb[imac]l,
fr. Skr. [,c][.r][.n]gav["e]ra, prop., hornshaped; ???ga horn
+ v["e]ra body.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Zingiber, of the East and
West Indies. The species most known is {Zingiber
[1913 Webster]

2. The hot and spicy rootstock of Zingiber officinale,
which is much used in cookery and in medicine.
[1913 Webster]

Ginger ale
(a) a soft drink flavored with ginger and carbonated.
(a) See ginger beer, below.

Ginger beer or Ginger ale, a mild beer impregnated with

Ginger cordial, a liquor made from ginger, raisins, lemon
rind, and water, and sometimes whisky or brandy.

Ginger pop. See Ginger ale (above).

Ginger wine, wine impregnated with ginger.

Wild ginger (Bot.), an American herb (Asarum Canadense)
with two reniform leaves and a long, cordlike rootstock
which has a strong taste of ginger.
[1913 Webster]
Ginger beer
Ginger \Gin"ger\, n. [OE. ginger, gingever, gingivere, OF.
gengibre, gingimbre, F. gingembre, L. zingiber, zingiberi,
fr. Gr. ?; of Oriental origin; cf. Ar. & Pers. zenjeb[imac]l,
fr. Skr. [,c][.r][.n]gav["e]ra, prop., hornshaped; ???ga horn
+ v["e]ra body.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Zingiber, of the East and
West Indies. The species most known is {Zingiber
[1913 Webster]

2. The hot and spicy rootstock of Zingiber officinale,
which is much used in cookery and in medicine.
[1913 Webster]

Ginger ale
(a) a soft drink flavored with ginger and carbonated.
(a) See ginger beer, below.

Ginger beer or Ginger ale, a mild beer impregnated with

Ginger cordial, a liquor made from ginger, raisins, lemon
rind, and water, and sometimes whisky or brandy.

Ginger pop. See Ginger ale (above).

Ginger wine, wine impregnated with ginger.

Wild ginger (Bot.), an American herb (Asarum Canadense)
with two reniform leaves and a long, cordlike rootstock
which has a strong taste of ginger.
[1913 Webster]
Ginger cordial
Ginger \Gin"ger\, n. [OE. ginger, gingever, gingivere, OF.
gengibre, gingimbre, F. gingembre, L. zingiber, zingiberi,
fr. Gr. ?; of Oriental origin; cf. Ar. & Pers. zenjeb[imac]l,
fr. Skr. [,c][.r][.n]gav["e]ra, prop., hornshaped; ???ga horn
+ v["e]ra body.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Zingiber, of the East and
West Indies. The species most known is {Zingiber
[1913 Webster]

2. The hot and spicy rootstock of Zingiber officinale,
which is much used in cookery and in medicine.
[1913 Webster]

Ginger ale
(a) a soft drink flavored with ginger and carbonated.
(a) See ginger beer, below.

Ginger beer or Ginger ale, a mild beer impregnated with

Ginger cordial, a liquor made from ginger, raisins, lemon
rind, and water, and sometimes whisky or brandy.

Ginger pop. See Ginger ale (above).

Ginger wine, wine impregnated with ginger.

Wild ginger (Bot.), an American herb (Asarum Canadense)
with two reniform leaves and a long, cordlike rootstock
which has a strong taste of ginger.
[1913 Webster]
ginger grass oil
Barnyard grass, for hay. South. Panicum Grus-galli. Bent,
pasture and hay. Agrostis, several species. Bermuda grass,
pasture. South. Cynodon Dactylon. Black bent. Same as {Switch
grass} (below). Blue bent, hay. North and West. {Andropogon
provincialis}. Blue grass, pasture. Poa compressa. Blue joint,
hay. Northwest. Aqropyrum glaucum. Buffalo grass, grazing.
Rocky Mts., etc.
(a) Buchlo["e] dectyloides.
(b) Same as Grama grass (below). Bunch grass, grazing.
Far West. Eriocoma, Festuca, Stips, etc. Chess,
or Cheat, a weed. Bromus secalinus, etc. Couch
grass. Same as Quick grass (below). Crab grass,
(a) Hay, in South. A weed, in North. Panicum sanguinale.
(b) Pasture and hay. South. Eleusine Indica. Darnel
(a) Bearded, a noxious weed. Lolium temulentum.
(b) Common. Same as Rye grass (below). Drop seed, fair
for forage and hay. Muhlenbergia, several species.
English grass. Same as Redtop (below). Fowl meadow
(a) Pasture and hay. Poa serotina.
(b) Hay, on moist land. Gryceria nervata. Gama grass,
cut fodder. South. Tripsacum dactyloides. Grama
grass, grazing. West and Pacific slope. {Bouteloua
oligostachya}, etc. Great bunch grass, pasture and
hay. Far West. Festuca scabrella. Guinea grass, hay.
South. Panicum jumentorum. Herd's grass, in New
England Timothy, in Pennsylvania and South Redtop.
Indian grass. Same as Wood grass (below). Italian
rye grass, forage and hay. Lolium Italicum. Johnson
grass, grazing and hay. South and Southwest. {Sorghum
Halepense}. Kentucky blue grass, pasture. {Poa
pratensis}. Lyme grass, coarse hay. South. Elymus,
several species. Manna grass, pasture and hay.
Glyceria, several species. Meadow fescue, pasture
and hay. Festuca elatior. Meadow foxtail, pasture,
hay, lawn. North. Alopecurus pratensis. Meadow
grass, pasture, hay, lawn. Poa, several species.
Mesquite grass, or Muskit grass. Same as Grama grass
(above). Nimble Will, a kind of drop seed.
Muhlenbergia diffsa. Orchard grass, pasture and hay.
Dactylis glomerata. Porcupine grass, troublesome to
sheep. Northwest. Stipa spartea. Quaking grass,
ornamental. Briza media and maxima. Quitch, or
Quick, grass, etc., a weed. Agropyrum repens. Ray
grass. Same as Rye grass (below). Redtop, pasture
and hay. Agrostis vulgaris. Red-topped buffalo
grass, forage. Northwest. Poa tenuifolia. Reed
canary grass, of slight value. Phalaris arundinacea.
Reed meadow grass, hay. North. Glyceria aquatica.
Ribbon grass, a striped leaved form of {Reed canary
grass}. Rye grass, pasture, hay. Lolium perenne,
var. Seneca grass, fragrant basket work, etc. North.
Hierochloa borealis. Sesame grass. Same as {Gama
grass} (above). Sheep's fescue, sheep pasture, native
in Northern Europe and Asia. Festuca ovina. Small
reed grass, meadow pasture and hay. North. {Deyeuxia
Canadensis}. Spear grass, Same as Meadow grass
(above). Squirrel-tail grass, troublesome to animals.
Seacoast and Northwest. Hordeum jubatum. Switch
grass, hay, cut young. Panicum virgatum. Timothy,
cut young, the best of hay. North. Phleum pratense.
Velvet grass, hay on poor soil. South. {Holcus
lanatus}. Vernal grass, pasture, hay, lawn.
Anthoxanthum odoratum. Wire grass, valuable in
pastures. Poa compressa. Wood grass, Indian grass,
hay. Chrysopogon nutans.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Many plants are popularly called grasses which are not
true grasses botanically considered, such as black
grass, goose grass, star grass, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Black grass, a kind of small rush (Juncus Gerardi),
growing in salt marshes, used for making salt hay.

Grass of the Andes, an oat grass, the {Arrhenatherum
avenaceum} of Europe.

Grass of Parnassus, a plant of the genus Parnassia
growing in wet ground. The European species is {Parnassia
palustris}; in the United States there are several

Grass bass (Zool.), the calico bass.

Grass bird, the dunlin.

Grass cloth, a cloth woven from the tough fibers of the
grass-cloth plant.

Grass-cloth plant, a perennial herb of the Nettle family
(B[oe]hmeria nivea syn. Urtica nivea), which grows in
Sumatra, China, and Assam, whose inner bark has fine and
strong fibers suited for textile purposes.

Grass finch. (Zool.)
(a) A common American sparrow ({Po["o]c[ae]tes
gramineus}); -- called also vesper sparrow and
bay-winged bunting.
(b) Any Australian finch, of the genus Po["e]phila, of
which several species are known.

Grass lamb, a lamb suckled by a dam running on pasture land
and giving rich milk.

Grass land, land kept in grass and not tilled.

Grass moth (Zool.), one of many small moths of the genus
Crambus, found in grass.

Grass oil, a fragrant essential volatile oil, obtained in
India from grasses of the genus Andropogon, etc.; --
used in perfumery under the name of citronella, {ginger
grass oil}, lemon grass oil, essence of verbena etc.

Grass owl (Zool.), a South African owl (Strix Capensis).

Grass parrakeet (Zool.), any of several species of
Australian parrots, of the genus Euphemia; -- also
applied to the zebra parrakeet.

Grass plover (Zool.), the upland or field plover.

Grass poly (Bot.), a species of willowwort ({Lythrum
Hyssopifolia}). --Johnson.

Crass quit (Zool.), one of several tropical American
finches of the genus Euetheia. The males have most of
the head and chest black and often marked with yellow.

Grass snake. (Zool.)
(a) The common English, or ringed, snake ({Tropidonotus
(b) The common green snake of the Northern United States.
See Green snake, under Green.

Grass snipe (Zool.), the pectoral sandpiper ({Tringa
maculata}); -- called also jacksnipe in America.

Grass spider (Zool.), a common spider (Agelena n[ae]via),
which spins flat webs on grass, conspicuous when covered
with dew.

Grass sponge (Zool.), an inferior kind of commercial sponge
from Florida and the Bahamas.

Grass table. (Arch.) See Earth table, under Earth.

Grass vetch (Bot.), a vetch (Lathyrus Nissolia), with
narrow grasslike leaves.

Grass widow. [Cf. Prov. R. an unmarried mother, G.
strohwittwe a mock widow, Sw. gr[aum]senka a grass widow.]
(a) An unmarried woman who is a mother. [Obs.]
(b) A woman separated from her husband by abandonment or
prolonged absence; a woman living apart from her
husband. [Slang.]

Grass wrack (Bot.) eelgrass.

To bring to grass (Mining.), to raise, as ore, to the
surface of the ground.

To put to grass, To put out to grass, to put out to graze
a season, as cattle.
[1913 Webster]
Ginger pop
Ginger \Gin"ger\, n. [OE. ginger, gingever, gingivere, OF.
gengibre, gingimbre, F. gingembre, L. zingiber, zingiberi,
fr. Gr. ?; of Oriental origin; cf. Ar. & Pers. zenjeb[imac]l,
fr. Skr. [,c][.r][.n]gav["e]ra, prop., hornshaped; ???ga horn
+ v["e]ra body.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Zingiber, of the East and
West Indies. The species most known is {Zingiber
[1913 Webster]

2. The hot and spicy rootstock of Zingiber officinale,
which is much used in cookery and in medicine.
[1913 Webster]

Ginger ale
(a) a soft drink flavored with ginger and carbonated.
(a) See ginger beer, below.

Ginger beer or Ginger ale, a mild beer impregnated with

Ginger cordial, a liquor made from ginger, raisins, lemon
rind, and water, and sometimes whisky or brandy.

Ginger pop. See Ginger ale (above).

Ginger wine, wine impregnated with ginger.

Wild ginger (Bot.), an American herb (Asarum Canadense)
with two reniform leaves and a long, cordlike rootstock
which has a strong taste of ginger.
[1913 Webster]
Ginger wine
Ginger \Gin"ger\, n. [OE. ginger, gingever, gingivere, OF.
gengibre, gingimbre, F. gingembre, L. zingiber, zingiberi,
fr. Gr. ?; of Oriental origin; cf. Ar. & Pers. zenjeb[imac]l,
fr. Skr. [,c][.r][.n]gav["e]ra, prop., hornshaped; ???ga horn
+ v["e]ra body.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Zingiber, of the East and
West Indies. The species most known is {Zingiber
[1913 Webster]

2. The hot and spicy rootstock of Zingiber officinale,
which is much used in cookery and in medicine.
[1913 Webster]

Ginger ale
(a) a soft drink flavored with ginger and carbonated.
(a) See ginger beer, below.

Ginger beer or Ginger ale, a mild beer impregnated with

Ginger cordial, a liquor made from ginger, raisins, lemon
rind, and water, and sometimes whisky or brandy.

Ginger pop. See Ginger ale (above).

Ginger wine, wine impregnated with ginger.

Wild ginger (Bot.), an American herb (Asarum Canadense)
with two reniform leaves and a long, cordlike rootstock
which has a strong taste of ginger.
[1913 Webster]
Gingerbread \Gin"ger*bread`\, n.
A kind of plain sweet cake seasoned with ginger, and
sometimes made in fanciful shapes. "Gingerbread that was full
fine." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Gingerbread tree (Bot.), the doom palm; -- so called from
the resemblance of its fruit to gingerbread. See {Doom

Gingerbread work, ornamentation, in architecture or
decoration, of a fantastic, trivial, or tawdry character.
[1913 Webster]
Gingerbread plum
Plum \Plum\, n. [AS. pl[=u]me, fr. L. prunum; akin to Gr. ?, ?.
Cf. Prune a dried plum.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) The edible drupaceous fruit of the {Prunus
domestica}, and of several other species of Prunus;
also, the tree itself, usually called plum tree.
[1913 Webster]

The bullace, the damson, and the numerous varieties
of plum, of our gardens, although growing into
thornless trees, are believed to be varieties of the
blackthorn, produced by long cultivation. --G.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Two or three hundred varieties of plums derived from
the Prunus domestica are described; among them the
greengage, the Orleans, the purple gage, or
Reine Claude Violette, and the German prune, are
some of the best known.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Among the true plums are;

Beach plum, the Prunus maritima, and its crimson or
purple globular drupes,

Bullace plum. See Bullace.

Chickasaw plum, the American Prunus Chicasa, and its
round red drupes.

Orleans plum, a dark reddish purple plum of medium size,
much grown in England for sale in the markets.

Wild plum of America, Prunus Americana, with red or
yellow fruit, the original of the Iowa plum and several
other varieties.
[1913 Webster] Among plants called plum, but of other
genera than Prunus, are;

Australian plum, Cargillia arborea and {Cargillia
australis}, of the same family with the persimmon.

Blood plum, the West African H[ae]matostaphes Barteri.

Cocoa plum, the Spanish nectarine. See under Nectarine.

Date plum. See under Date.

Gingerbread plum, the West African {Parinarium

Gopher plum, the Ogeechee lime.

Gray plum, Guinea plum. See under Guinea.

Indian plum, several species of Flacourtia.
[1913 Webster]

2. A grape dried in the sun; a raisin.
[1913 Webster]

3. A handsome fortune or property; formerly, in cant
language, the sum of [pounds]100,000 sterling; also, the
person possessing it.
[1913 Webster]

4. Something likened to a plum in desirableness; a good or
choice thing of its kind, as among appointments,
positions, parts of a book, etc.; as, the mayor rewarded
his cronies with cushy plums, requiring little work for
handsome pay
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]

5. A color resembling that of a plum; a slightly grayish deep
purple, varying somewhat in its red or blue tint.

Plum bird, Plum budder (Zool.), the European bullfinch.

Plum gouger (Zool.), a weevil, or curculio ({Coccotorus
scutellaris}), which destroys plums. It makes round holes
in the pulp, for the reception of its eggs. The larva
bores into the stone and eats the kernel.

Plum weevil (Zool.), an American weevil which is very
destructive to plums, nectarines, cherries, and many other
stone fruits. It lays its eggs in crescent-shaped
incisions made with its jaws. The larva lives upon the
pulp around the stone. Called also turk, and {plum
curculio}. See Illust. under Curculio.
[1913 Webster]
Gingerbread tree
Gingerbread \Gin"ger*bread`\, n.
A kind of plain sweet cake seasoned with ginger, and
sometimes made in fanciful shapes. "Gingerbread that was full
fine." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Gingerbread tree (Bot.), the doom palm; -- so called from
the resemblance of its fruit to gingerbread. See {Doom

Gingerbread work, ornamentation, in architecture or
decoration, of a fantastic, trivial, or tawdry character.
[1913 Webster]
Gingerbread work
Gingerbread \Gin"ger*bread`\, n.
A kind of plain sweet cake seasoned with ginger, and
sometimes made in fanciful shapes. "Gingerbread that was full
fine." --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

Gingerbread tree (Bot.), the doom palm; -- so called from
the resemblance of its fruit to gingerbread. See {Doom

Gingerbread work, ornamentation, in architecture or
decoration, of a fantastic, trivial, or tawdry character.
[1913 Webster]
Gingerly \Gin"ger*ly\, adv. [Prov. E. ginger brittle, tender;
cf. dial. Sw. gingla, g[aum]ngla, to go gently, totter, akin
to E. gang.]
Cautiously; timidly; fastidiously; daintily.
[1913 Webster]

What is't that you took up so gingerly ? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Gingerness \Gin"ger*ness\, n.
Cautiousness; tenderness.
[1913 Webster]
gingerroot \gin"ger*root\ n.
The pungent rhizome of the common ginger plant; -- it is used
fresh as a seasoning, especially in Oriental cookery.

Syn: ginger.
[WordNet 1.5]
gingersnap \gingersnap\ n.
A crisp cookie flavored with ginger.
[WordNet 1.5]
gingery \gingery\ adj.
tasting of ginger; spicy; -- used of tastes.

Syn: hot, peppery, spicy.
[WordNet 1.5]
Jamaica ginger
Jamaica \Ja*mai"ca\, n.
One of the West Indian islands.
[1913 Webster]

Jamaica ginger, a variety of ginger, called also {white
ginger}, prepared in Jamaica from the best roots, which
are deprived of their epidermis and dried separately.

Jamaica pepper, allspice.

Jamaica rose (Bot.), a West Indian melastomaceous shrub
(Blakea trinervis), with showy pink flowers.
[1913 Webster]
Race ginger
Race \Race\ (r[=a]s), n. [OF. ra["i]z, L. radix, -icis. See
A root. "A race or two of ginger." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Race ginger, ginger in the root, or not pulverized.
[1913 Webster]
Sea ginger
Sea ginger \Sea" gin"ger\ (Zool.)
A hydroid coral of the genus Millepora, especially
Millepora alcicornis, of the West Indies and Florida. So
called because it stings the tongue like ginger. See Illust.
under Millepore.
[1913 Webster]
white ginger
Jamaica \Ja*mai"ca\, n.
One of the West Indian islands.
[1913 Webster]

Jamaica ginger, a variety of ginger, called also {white
ginger}, prepared in Jamaica from the best roots, which
are deprived of their epidermis and dried separately.

Jamaica pepper, allspice.

Jamaica rose (Bot.), a West Indian melastomaceous shrub
(Blakea trinervis), with showy pink flowers.
[1913 Webster]
Wild ginger
Ginger \Gin"ger\, n. [OE. ginger, gingever, gingivere, OF.
gengibre, gingimbre, F. gingembre, L. zingiber, zingiberi,
fr. Gr. ?; of Oriental origin; cf. Ar. & Pers. zenjeb[imac]l,
fr. Skr. [,c][.r][.n]gav["e]ra, prop., hornshaped; ???ga horn
+ v["e]ra body.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Bot.) A plant of the genus Zingiber, of the East and
West Indies. The species most known is {Zingiber
[1913 Webster]

2. The hot and spicy rootstock of Zingiber officinale,
which is much used in cookery and in medicine.
[1913 Webster]

Ginger ale
(a) a soft drink flavored with ginger and carbonated.
(a) See ginger beer, below.

Ginger beer or Ginger ale, a mild beer impregnated with

Ginger cordial, a liquor made from ginger, raisins, lemon
rind, and water, and sometimes whisky or brandy.

Ginger pop. See Ginger ale (above).

Ginger wine, wine impregnated with ginger.

Wild ginger (Bot.), an American herb (Asarum Canadense)
with two reniform leaves and a long, cordlike rootstock
which has a strong taste of ginger.
[1913 Webster]
canada ginger
Canada ginger
n 1: deciduous low-growing perennial of Canada and eastern and
central United States [syn: Canada ginger, {black
snakeroot}, Asarum canadense]
canton ginger
Canton ginger
n 1: tropical Asian plant widely cultivated for its pungent
root; source of gingerroot and powdered ginger [syn:
common ginger, Canton ginger, stem ginger, {Zingiber
common ginger
common ginger
n 1: tropical Asian plant widely cultivated for its pungent
root; source of gingerroot and powdered ginger [syn:
common ginger, Canton ginger, stem ginger, {Zingiber
crystallized ginger
crystallized ginger
n 1: strips of gingerroot cooked in sugar syrup and coated with
ginger ale
ginger ale
n 1: ginger-flavored carbonated drink [syn: ginger ale,
ginger pop]
ginger beer
ginger beer
n 1: carbonated slightly alcoholic drink flavored with fermented
ginger family
ginger family
n 1: a family of tropical monocotyledonous plants of order
Musales [syn: Zingiberaceae, family Zingiberaceae,
ginger family]
ginger nut
ginger nut
n 1: a crisp round cookie flavored with ginger [syn:
gingersnap, ginger snap, snap, ginger nut]
ginger pop
ginger pop
n 1: ginger-flavored carbonated drink [syn: ginger ale,
ginger pop]
ginger rogers
Ginger Rogers
n 1: United States dancer and film actress who partnered with
Fred Astaire (1911-1995) [syn: Rogers, Ginger Rogers,
Virginia McMath, Virginia Katherine McMath]
ginger snap
ginger snap
n 1: a crisp round cookie flavored with ginger [syn:
gingersnap, ginger snap, snap, ginger nut]
ginger up
ginger up
v 1: make more interesting or lively; "juice up a party"; "pep
up your paper" [syn: jazz up, juice up, pep up,
ginger up]
adj 1: smelling of ginger
n 1: cake flavored with ginger
gingerbread man
gingerbread man
n 1: gingerbread cut in the shape of a person
adv 1: in a gingerly manner; "gingerly I raised the edge of the
adj 1: with extreme care or delicacy; "they proceeded with
gingerly footwork over the jagged stones"; "the issue was
handled only in a gingerly way"- W.S.White
n 1: derived from ginger; source of the hotness of ginger
n 1: pungent rhizome of the common ginger plant; used fresh as a
seasoning especially in Asian cookery [syn: ginger,
n 1: a crisp round cookie flavored with ginger [syn:
gingersnap, ginger snap, snap, ginger nut]
adj 1: having a taste like that of ginger
2: (used especially of hair or fur) having a bright orange-brown
color; "a man with gingery hair and bright blue eyes"; "a
ginger kitten" [syn: ginger, gingery]
powdered ginger
powdered ginger
n 1: dried ground gingerroot [syn: ginger, powdered ginger]
red ginger
red ginger
n 1: an ornamental ginger native to Pacific islands [syn: {red
ginger}, Alpinia purpurata]
shell ginger
shell ginger
n 1: cultivated for its shining oblong leaves and arching
clusters of white flowers with pink shading and crinkled
yellow lips with variegated magenta stripes [syn:
shellflower, shall-flower, shell ginger, {Alpinia
Zerumbet}, Alpinia speciosa, Languas speciosa]
stem ginger
stem ginger
n 1: tropical Asian plant widely cultivated for its pungent
root; source of gingerroot and powdered ginger [syn:
common ginger, Canton ginger, stem ginger, {Zingiber
wild ginger
wild ginger
n 1: low-growing perennial herb with pungent gingery leaves and

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