gout,dna n: Zdeněk Brož
Gout \Gout\ (gout), n. [F. goutte a drop, the gout, the disease
being considered as a defluxion, fr. L. gutta drop.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A drop; a clot or coagulation.
[1913 Webster]

On thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Med.) A constitutional disease, occurring by paroxysms.
It consists in an inflammation of the fibrous and
ligamentous parts of the joints, and almost always attacks
first the great toe, next the smaller joints, after which
it may attack the greater articulations. It is attended
with various sympathetic phenomena, particularly in the
digestive organs. It may also attack internal organs, as
the stomach, the intestines, etc. It is an inherited
disease of purine metaboism, which causes an increased
level of uric acid in the blood, and leads to deposition
of crystals of sodium urate in cartilage within joints and
in connective tissue. It can be alleviated by a diet low
in purines, and is treated by drugs which block formation
of uric acid. --Dunglison.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

3. A disease of cornstalks. See Corn fly, under Corn.
[1913 Webster]

Gout stones. See Chalkstone, n., 2.
[1913 Webster]
Gout \Go[^u]t\ (g[=oo]), n. [F., fr. L. gustus taste. See
Taste; relish.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by
defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of
the acid and its salts in the blood and joints [syn:
gout, gouty arthritis, urarthritis]
GOUT, n. A physician's name for the rheumatism of a rich patient.
GOUT, med. jur. contracts. An inflammation of the fibrous and ligamentous
parts of the joints.
2. In cases of insurance on lives, when there is warranty of health, it
seems that a man subject to the gout, is a life capable of being, insured,
if he has no sickness at the time to make it an unequal contract. 2 Park,
Ins. 583.

podobné slovodefinícia
- závislý
agouti,aguti n: [zool.] druh hlodavce Stanislav Horáček
dugout,zákop n: Zdeněk Brož
dugout canoe
dugout canoe, n:
gouty,postižený dnou Zdeněk Brož
gouty arthritis
gouty arthritis, n:
hangout,oblíbené místo pro setkání n: Pinohangout,putyka n: Zdeněk Brož
knockdown-dragout, adj:
logout,odhlášení od sítě Zdeněk Brož
ragout,ragů n: Michal Ambrož
rigout, n:
Solenodon \So*le"no*don\, n. [Gr. ???? a channel + ????, ???, a
tooth.] (Zool.)
Either one of two species of singular West Indian
insectivores, allied to the tenrec. One species ({Solendon
paradoxus}), native of St. Domingo, is called also agouta;
the other (Solendon Cubanus), found in Cuba, is called
[1913 Webster]Agouta \A*gou"ta\, n. [Native name.] (Zool.)
A small insectivorous mammal (Solenodon paradoxus), allied
to the moles, found only in Haiti.
[1913 Webster] Agouti
Solenodon \So*le"no*don\, n. [Gr. ???? a channel + ????, ???, a
tooth.] (Zool.)
Either one of two species of singular West Indian
insectivores, allied to the tenrec. One species ({Solendon
paradoxus}), native of St. Domingo, is called also agouta;
the other (Solendon Cubanus), found in Cuba, is called
[1913 Webster]Agouta \A*gou"ta\, n. [Native name.] (Zool.)
A small insectivorous mammal (Solenodon paradoxus), allied
to the moles, found only in Haiti.
[1913 Webster] Agouti
Agouti \A*gou"ti\, Agouty \A*gou"ty\ ([.a]*g[=oo]"t[i^]), n. [F.
agouti, acouti, Sp. aguti, fr. native name.] (Zool.)
1. A rodent of the genus Dasyprocta, about the size of a
rabbit, peculiar to South America and the West Indies. The
most common species is the Dasyprocta agouti.
[1913 Webster]

2. the color of the agouti[1], a grayish-brown of grizzled
texture; -- used especially to describe the color of the
fur of a strain of mice. Also used attributively.
Agouti paca
paca \pa"ca\ (Pg. p[aum]"k[.a]; E. p[=a]"k[.a]), n. [Pg., from
the native name.]
1. (Zool.) A large burrowing South American rodent ({Agouti
paca} syn. Cuniculus paca, formerly {C[oe]logenys
paca}), having blackish brown fur, with four parallel rows
of white spots along its sides; the spotted cavy. It is
closely allied to the agouti and the Guinea pig and is
highly esteemed as food.
[1913 Webster]
Agouti \A*gou"ti\, Agouty \A*gou"ty\ ([.a]*g[=oo]"t[i^]), n. [F.
agouti, acouti, Sp. aguti, fr. native name.] (Zool.)
1. A rodent of the genus Dasyprocta, about the size of a
rabbit, peculiar to South America and the West Indies. The
most common species is the Dasyprocta agouti.
[1913 Webster]

2. the color of the agouti[1], a grayish-brown of grizzled
texture; -- used especially to describe the color of the
fur of a strain of mice. Also used attributively.
Barringout \Bar`ring*out"\, n.
The act of closing the doors of a schoolroom against a
schoolmaster; -- a boyish mode of rebellion in schools.
[1913 Webster]
Burgoo \Bur"goo\, n. [Prov. E. burgood yeast, perh. fr. W. burym
yeast + cawl cabbage, gruel.]
A kind of oatmeal pudding, or thick gruel, used by seamen.
[Written also burgout.]
[1913 Webster]
Dasyprocta agouti
Agouti \A*gou"ti\, Agouty \A*gou"ty\ ([.a]*g[=oo]"t[i^]), n. [F.
agouti, acouti, Sp. aguti, fr. native name.] (Zool.)
1. A rodent of the genus Dasyprocta, about the size of a
rabbit, peculiar to South America and the West Indies. The
most common species is the Dasyprocta agouti.
[1913 Webster]

2. the color of the agouti[1], a grayish-brown of grizzled
texture; -- used especially to describe the color of the
fur of a strain of mice. Also used attributively.
Dugout \Dug"out`\ (d[u^]g"out), n.
1. A canoe or boat dug out from a large log. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

A man stepped from his slender dugout. -- G. W.
[1913 Webster]

2. A place dug out.
[1913 Webster]

3. A house made partly in a hillside or slighter elevation.
[Western U.S.] --Bartlett.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Baseball) a structure on the edge of the playing field in
foul territory, partly below ground and partly above
ground, open toward the playing field but roofed and with
the other three sides closed. It is typically long and
narrow, having benches where the players may sit when not
on the playing field; as, the foul ball was tipped into
the dugout.
Gout \Gout\ (gout), n. [F. goutte a drop, the gout, the disease
being considered as a defluxion, fr. L. gutta drop.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A drop; a clot or coagulation.
[1913 Webster]

On thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Med.) A constitutional disease, occurring by paroxysms.
It consists in an inflammation of the fibrous and
ligamentous parts of the joints, and almost always attacks
first the great toe, next the smaller joints, after which
it may attack the greater articulations. It is attended
with various sympathetic phenomena, particularly in the
digestive organs. It may also attack internal organs, as
the stomach, the intestines, etc. It is an inherited
disease of purine metaboism, which causes an increased
level of uric acid in the blood, and leads to deposition
of crystals of sodium urate in cartilage within joints and
in connective tissue. It can be alleviated by a diet low
in purines, and is treated by drugs which block formation
of uric acid. --Dunglison.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

3. A disease of cornstalks. See Corn fly, under Corn.
[1913 Webster]

Gout stones. See Chalkstone, n., 2.
[1913 Webster]Gout \Go[^u]t\ (g[=oo]), n. [F., fr. L. gustus taste. See
Taste; relish.
[1913 Webster]
Gout stones
Gout \Gout\ (gout), n. [F. goutte a drop, the gout, the disease
being considered as a defluxion, fr. L. gutta drop.]
[1913 Webster]
1. A drop; a clot or coagulation.
[1913 Webster]

On thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Med.) A constitutional disease, occurring by paroxysms.
It consists in an inflammation of the fibrous and
ligamentous parts of the joints, and almost always attacks
first the great toe, next the smaller joints, after which
it may attack the greater articulations. It is attended
with various sympathetic phenomena, particularly in the
digestive organs. It may also attack internal organs, as
the stomach, the intestines, etc. It is an inherited
disease of purine metaboism, which causes an increased
level of uric acid in the blood, and leads to deposition
of crystals of sodium urate in cartilage within joints and
in connective tissue. It can be alleviated by a diet low
in purines, and is treated by drugs which block formation
of uric acid. --Dunglison.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

3. A disease of cornstalks. See Corn fly, under Corn.
[1913 Webster]

Gout stones. See Chalkstone, n., 2.
[1913 Webster]
Goutily \Gout"i*ly\, adv.
In a gouty manner.
[1913 Webster]
Goutiness \Gout"i*ness\, n.
The state of being gouty; gout. Goutweed
Goutweed \Gout"weed`\, Goutwort \Gout"wort`\n. [So called from
having been formerly used in assuaging the pain of the gout.]
A coarse umbelliferous plant of Europe ({Aegopodium
Podagraria}); -- called also bishop's weed, ashweed, and
herb gerard.
[1913 Webster]
Goutweed \Gout"weed`\, Goutwort \Gout"wort`\n. [So called from
having been formerly used in assuaging the pain of the gout.]
A coarse umbelliferous plant of Europe ({Aegopodium
Podagraria}); -- called also bishop's weed, ashweed, and
herb gerard.
[1913 Webster]
Gouty \Gout"y\, a.
1. Diseased with, or subject to, the gout; as, a gouty
person; a gouty joint.
[1913 Webster]

2. Pertaining to the gout. "Gouty matter." --Blackmore.
[1913 Webster]

3. Swollen, as if from gout. --Derham.
[1913 Webster]

4. Boggy; as, gouty land. [Obs.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

Gouty bronchitis, bronchitis arising as a secondary disease
during the progress of gout.

Gouty concretions, calculi (urate of sodium) formed in the
joints, kidneys, etc., of sufferers from gout.

Gouty kidney, an affection occurring during the progress of
gout, the kidney shriveling and containing concretions of
urate of sodium.
[1913 Webster]
Gouty bronchitis
Gouty \Gout"y\, a.
1. Diseased with, or subject to, the gout; as, a gouty
person; a gouty joint.
[1913 Webster]

2. Pertaining to the gout. "Gouty matter." --Blackmore.
[1913 Webster]

3. Swollen, as if from gout. --Derham.
[1913 Webster]

4. Boggy; as, gouty land. [Obs.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

Gouty bronchitis, bronchitis arising as a secondary disease
during the progress of gout.

Gouty concretions, calculi (urate of sodium) formed in the
joints, kidneys, etc., of sufferers from gout.

Gouty kidney, an affection occurring during the progress of
gout, the kidney shriveling and containing concretions of
urate of sodium.
[1913 Webster]
Gouty concretions
Gouty \Gout"y\, a.
1. Diseased with, or subject to, the gout; as, a gouty
person; a gouty joint.
[1913 Webster]

2. Pertaining to the gout. "Gouty matter." --Blackmore.
[1913 Webster]

3. Swollen, as if from gout. --Derham.
[1913 Webster]

4. Boggy; as, gouty land. [Obs.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

Gouty bronchitis, bronchitis arising as a secondary disease
during the progress of gout.

Gouty concretions, calculi (urate of sodium) formed in the
joints, kidneys, etc., of sufferers from gout.

Gouty kidney, an affection occurring during the progress of
gout, the kidney shriveling and containing concretions of
urate of sodium.
[1913 Webster]
Gouty kidney
Gouty \Gout"y\, a.
1. Diseased with, or subject to, the gout; as, a gouty
person; a gouty joint.
[1913 Webster]

2. Pertaining to the gout. "Gouty matter." --Blackmore.
[1913 Webster]

3. Swollen, as if from gout. --Derham.
[1913 Webster]

4. Boggy; as, gouty land. [Obs.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

Gouty bronchitis, bronchitis arising as a secondary disease
during the progress of gout.

Gouty concretions, calculi (urate of sodium) formed in the
joints, kidneys, etc., of sufferers from gout.

Gouty kidney, an affection occurring during the progress of
gout, the kidney shriveling and containing concretions of
urate of sodium.
[1913 Webster]
Hautgout \Haut`go[^u]t"\ (h[=o]`g[=oo]"), n. [F.]
High relish or flavor; high seasoning.
[1913 Webster]
knock-down-and-drag-out \knock-down-and-drag-out\,
knockdown-dragout \knockdown-dragout\adj.
marked by extreme violence; -- of fights; also used
metaphorically of fierce contests; as, a
knock-down-and-drag-out fight; a knockdown-dragout
competition for the browser market.

Syn: ferocious, fierce, knockdown-dragout, tearing.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
knock-down-and-drag-out \knock-down-and-drag-out\,
knockdown-dragout \knockdown-dragout\adj.
marked by extreme violence; -- of fights; also used
metaphorically of fierce contests; as, a
knock-down-and-drag-out fight; a knockdown-dragout
competition for the browser market.

Syn: ferocious, fierce, knockdown-dragout, tearing.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
Orang-outang \O*rang"-ou*tang`\, Orang-utan \O*rang"-u*tan`\, n.
[Malayan [=o]rang [=u]tan, i. e., man of the woods; [=o]rang
man + [=u]tan a forest, wood, wild, savage.] (Zool.)
An arboreal anthropoid ape (Pongo pygmaeus, formerly {Simia
satyrus}), which inhabits Borneo and Sumatra. Often called
simply orang. It is now an endangered species. [Written
also orangutan, orangutang, orang-utan, ourang-utang,
and oran-utan.]
[1913 Webster +PJC]

Note: It is over four feet high, when full grown, and has
very long arms, which reach nearly or quite to the
ground when the body is erect. Its color is reddish
brown. In structure, it closely resembles man in many
[1913 Webster]
Ourang-outang \Ou*rang"-ou*tang`\, n. (Zool.)
See Orang-outang.
[1913 Webster]
Ragout \Ra*gout"\ (r[.a]*g[=oo]"), n. [F. rago[^u]t, fr.
rago[^u]ter to restore one's appetite, fr. L. pref. re- re- +
ad to + gustare to taste, gustus taste. See Gust relish.]
A dish made of pieces of meat, stewed, and highly seasoned;
as, a ragout of mutton.
[1913 Webster]
Stopping-out \Stop"ping-out`\, n.
A method adopted in etching, to keep the acid from those
parts which are already sufficiently corroded, by applying
varnish or other covering matter with a brush, but allowing
the acid to act on the other parts.
[1913 Webster]
topping-out course
Top out \Top out\ (Building)
To top off; to finish by putting on a cap of top (uppermost)
course (called a

top`ping-out" course).
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Wung-out \Wung"-out`\, a.
Having the sails set in the manner called wing-and-wing.
[Sailors' slang]
[1913 Webster]
n 1: agile long-legged rabbit-sized rodent of Central America
and South America and the West Indies; valued as food [syn:
agouti, Dasyprocta aguti]
n 1: either of two low shelters on either side of a baseball
diamond where the players and coaches sit during the game
2: a canoe made by hollowing out and shaping a large log [syn:
dugout canoe, dugout, pirogue]
3: a fortification of earth; mostly or entirely below ground
[syn: bunker, dugout]
dugout canoe
dugout canoe
n 1: a canoe made by hollowing out and shaping a large log [syn:
dugout canoe, dugout, pirogue]
adj 1: suffering from gout
gouty arthritis
gouty arthritis
n 1: a painful inflammation of the big toe and foot caused by
defects in uric acid metabolism resulting in deposits of
the acid and its salts in the blood and joints [syn:
gout, gouty arthritis, urarthritis]
n 1: a frequently visited place [syn: haunt, hangout,
resort, repair, stamping ground]
adj 1: extremely violent; "a knock-down-and-drag-out fight"
[syn: knockdown-dragout, knock-down-and-drag-out]
n 1: well-seasoned stew of meat and vegetables
n 1: a person's costume (especially if bizarre); "What a queer
GOUT, med. jur. contracts. An inflammation of the fibrous and ligamentous
parts of the joints.
2. In cases of insurance on lives, when there is warranty of health, it
seems that a man subject to the gout, is a life capable of being, insured,
if he has no sickness at the time to make it an unequal contract. 2 Park,
Ins. 583.

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