helium,helium Hynek Hanke
helium,Hen: [chem.] Jan Hradil
helium,helium Hynek Hanke
Noble \No"ble\, a. [Compar. Nobler; superl. Noblest.] [F.
noble, fr. L. nobilis that can be or is known, well known,
famous, highborn, noble, fr. noscere to know. See know.]
1. Possessing eminence, elevation, dignity, etc.; above
whatever is low, mean, degrading, or dishonorable;
magnanimous; as, a noble nature or action; a noble heart.
[1913 Webster]

Statues, with winding ivy crowned, belong
To nobler poets for a nobler song. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

2. Grand; stately; magnificent; splendid; as, a noble
[1913 Webster]

3. Of exalted rank; of or pertaining to the nobility;
distinguished from the masses by birth, station, or title;
highborn; as, noble blood; a noble personage.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Noble is used in the formation of self-explaining
compounds; as, noble-born, noble-hearted, noble-minded.
[1913 Webster]

Noble gas (Chem.), a gaseous element belonging to group
VIII of the periodic table of elements, not combining with
other elements under normal reaction conditions;
specifically, helium, neon, argon, krypton,
xenon, or radon; also called inert gas.

Noble metals (Chem.), silver, gold, and platinum; -- so
called from their resistance to oxidation by air and to
dissolution by acids. Copper, mercury, aluminium,
palladium, rhodium, iridium, and osmium are sometimes
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Honorable; worthy; dignified; elevated; exalted;
superior; sublime; great; eminent; illustrious;
renowned; stately; splendid; magnificent; grand;
magnanimous; generous; liberal; free.
[1913 Webster]
Helium \He"li*um\ (h[=e]"l[i^]*[u^]m), n. [NL., fr. Gr. "h`lios
the sun.] (Chem.)
An inert, monoatomic, gaseous element occurring in the
atmosphere of the sun and stars, and in small quantities in
the earth's atmosphere, in several minerals and in certain
mineral waters. It is obtained from natural gas in industrial
quantities. Symbol, He; atomic number 2; at. wt., 4.0026
(C=12.011). Helium was first detected spectroscopically in
the sun by Lockyer in 1868; it was first prepared by Ramsay
in 1895. Helium has a density of 1.98 compared with hydrogen,
and is more difficult to liquefy than the latter. Chemically,
it is an inert noble gas, belonging to the argon group, and
cannot be made to form compounds. The helium nucleus is the
charged particle which constitutes alpha rays, and helium is
therefore formed as a decomposition product of certain
radioactive substances such as radium. The normal helium
nucleus has two protons and two neutrons, but an isotope with
only one neutron is also observed in atmospheric helium at an
abundance of 0.013 %. Liquid helium has a boiling point of
-268.9[deg] C at atmospheric pressure, and is used for
maintaining very low temperatures, both in laboratory
experimentation and in commercial applications to maintain
superconductivity in low-temperature superconducting devices.
Gaseous helium at normal temperatures is used for buoyancy in
blimps, dirigibles, and high-altitude balloons, and also for
amusement in party balloons.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
n 1: a very light colorless element that is one of the six inert
gasses; the most difficult gas to liquefy; occurs in
economically extractable amounts in certain natural gases
(as those found in Texas and Kansas) [syn: helium, He,
atomic number 2]
Symbol: He
Atomic number: 2
Atomic weight: 4.0026
Colourless, odourless gaseous nonmetallic element. Belongs to group 18
the periodic table. Lowest boiling point of all elements and can only be
solidified under pressure. Chemically inert, no known compounds.
Discovered in the solar spectrum in 1868 by Lockyer.
podobné slovodefinícia
endothelium,endotel Zdeněk Brož
epithelium,epitel n: Zdeněk Brožepithelium,výstelka n: Zdeněk Brož
helium group
helium group, n:
mesothelium, n:
neuroepithelium, n:
perithelium, n:
parhelium,parhelion Zdeněk Brožparhelium,sundog Zdeněk Brož
perihelium,perihelionn: luke
Campanula Trachelium
Throatwort \Throat"wort`\, n. (Bot.)
A plant (Campanula Trachelium) formerly considered a remedy
for sore throats because of its throat-shaped corolla.
[1913 Webster]
Columnar epithelium
Columnar \Co*lum"nar\, a. [L. columnaris, fr. columna.]
Formed in columns; having the form of a column or columns;
like the shaft of a column.
[1913 Webster]

Columnar epithelium (Anat.), epithelium in which the cells
are prismatic in form, and set upright on the surface they

Columnar structure (Geol.), a structure consisting of more
or less regular columns, usually six-sided, but sometimes
with eight or more sides. The columns are often fractured
transversely, with a cup joint, showing a concave surface
above. This structure is characteristic of certain igneous
rocks, as basalt, and is due to contraction in cooling.
[1913 Webster]
Companula Trachelium
Mariet \Mar"i*et\, n. [F. mariette, prop. dim. of Marie Mary.]
A kind of bellflower, Companula Trachelium, once called
Viola Mariana; but it is not a violet.
[1913 Webster]
Endothelium \En`do*the"li*um\, n.; pl. Endothelia. [NL., fr.
Gr. 'e`ndon within + ? nipple.] (Anat.)
The thin epithelium lining the blood vessels, lymphatics, and
serous cavities. See Epithelium.
[1913 Webster]
Epithelium \Ep`i*the"li*um\, n.; pl. E. Epitheliums, L.
Epithelia. [NL., fr. Gr. 'epi` upon + ? nipple.] (Anat.)
The superficial layer of cells lining the alimentary canal
and all its appendages, all glands and their ducts, blood
vessels and lymphatics, serous cavities, etc. It often
includes the epidermis (i. e., keratin-producing epithelial
cells), and it is sometimes restricted to the alimentary
canal, the glands and their appendages, -- the term
endothelium being applied to the lining membrane of the blood
vessels, lymphatics, and serous cavities.
[1913 Webster]
Epithelium \Ep`i*the"li*um\, n.; pl. E. Epitheliums, L.
Epithelia. [NL., fr. Gr. 'epi` upon + ? nipple.] (Anat.)
The superficial layer of cells lining the alimentary canal
and all its appendages, all glands and their ducts, blood
vessels and lymphatics, serous cavities, etc. It often
includes the epidermis (i. e., keratin-producing epithelial
cells), and it is sometimes restricted to the alimentary
canal, the glands and their appendages, -- the term
endothelium being applied to the lining membrane of the blood
vessels, lymphatics, and serous cavities.
[1913 Webster]
Noble \No"ble\, a. [Compar. Nobler; superl. Noblest.] [F.
noble, fr. L. nobilis that can be or is known, well known,
famous, highborn, noble, fr. noscere to know. See know.]
1. Possessing eminence, elevation, dignity, etc.; above
whatever is low, mean, degrading, or dishonorable;
magnanimous; as, a noble nature or action; a noble heart.
[1913 Webster]

Statues, with winding ivy crowned, belong
To nobler poets for a nobler song. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

2. Grand; stately; magnificent; splendid; as, a noble
[1913 Webster]

3. Of exalted rank; of or pertaining to the nobility;
distinguished from the masses by birth, station, or title;
highborn; as, noble blood; a noble personage.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Noble is used in the formation of self-explaining
compounds; as, noble-born, noble-hearted, noble-minded.
[1913 Webster]

Noble gas (Chem.), a gaseous element belonging to group
VIII of the periodic table of elements, not combining with
other elements under normal reaction conditions;
specifically, helium, neon, argon, krypton,
xenon, or radon; also called inert gas.

Noble metals (Chem.), silver, gold, and platinum; -- so
called from their resistance to oxidation by air and to
dissolution by acids. Copper, mercury, aluminium,
palladium, rhodium, iridium, and osmium are sometimes
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Honorable; worthy; dignified; elevated; exalted;
superior; sublime; great; eminent; illustrious;
renowned; stately; splendid; magnificent; grand;
magnanimous; generous; liberal; free.
[1913 Webster]Helium \He"li*um\ (h[=e]"l[i^]*[u^]m), n. [NL., fr. Gr. "h`lios
the sun.] (Chem.)
An inert, monoatomic, gaseous element occurring in the
atmosphere of the sun and stars, and in small quantities in
the earth's atmosphere, in several minerals and in certain
mineral waters. It is obtained from natural gas in industrial
quantities. Symbol, He; atomic number 2; at. wt., 4.0026
(C=12.011). Helium was first detected spectroscopically in
the sun by Lockyer in 1868; it was first prepared by Ramsay
in 1895. Helium has a density of 1.98 compared with hydrogen,
and is more difficult to liquefy than the latter. Chemically,
it is an inert noble gas, belonging to the argon group, and
cannot be made to form compounds. The helium nucleus is the
charged particle which constitutes alpha rays, and helium is
therefore formed as a decomposition product of certain
radioactive substances such as radium. The normal helium
nucleus has two protons and two neutrons, but an isotope with
only one neutron is also observed in atmospheric helium at an
abundance of 0.013 %. Liquid helium has a boiling point of
-268.9[deg] C at atmospheric pressure, and is used for
maintaining very low temperatures, both in laboratory
experimentation and in commercial applications to maintain
superconductivity in low-temperature superconducting devices.
Gaseous helium at normal temperatures is used for buoyancy in
blimps, dirigibles, and high-altitude balloons, and also for
amusement in party balloons.
[Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC]
Gorgerin \Gor`ge*rin"\, n. [F., fr. gorge neck.] (Arch.)
In some columns, that part of the capital between the
termination of the shaft and the annulet of the echinus, or
the space between two neck moldings; -- called also {neck of
the capital}, and hypotrachelium. See Illust. of Column.
[1913 Webster]Hypotrachelium \Hy`po*tra*che"li*um\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?; ? under
+ ? neck.] (Arch.)
Same as Gorgerin.
[1913 Webster]
Gorgerin \Gor`ge*rin"\, n. [F., fr. gorge neck.] (Arch.)
In some columns, that part of the capital between the
termination of the shaft and the annulet of the echinus, or
the space between two neck moldings; -- called also {neck of
the capital}, and hypotrachelium. See Illust. of Column.
[1913 Webster]Hypotrachelium \Hy`po*tra*che"li*um\, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?; ? under
+ ? neck.] (Arch.)
Same as Gorgerin.
[1913 Webster]
Mesothelium \Mes`o*the"li*um\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. me`sos middle +
E. epithelium.] (Biol.)
Epithelial mesoderm; a layer of cuboidal epithelium cells,
formed from a portion of the mesoderm during the
differetiation of the germ layers. It constitutes the
boundary of the c[oe]lum.
[1913 Webster]
Nephelium lappaceum
Rambutan \Ram*bu"tan\ (r[a^]m*b[=oo]"t[a^]n), n. [Malay
ramb[=u]tan, fr. rambut hair of the head.] (Bot.)
A Malayan fruit produced by the tree Nephelium lappaceum,
and closely related to the litchi nut. It is bright red, oval
in shape, covered with coarse hairs (whence the name), and
contains a pleasant acid pulp. Called also ramboostan.
[1913 Webster]
Nephelium Litchi
Litchi \Li"tchi`\ (l[=e]"ch[=e]`), n. (Bot.)
The fruit of a tree native to China (Nephelium Litchi). It
is nutlike, having a rough but tender shell, containing an
aromatic pulp, and a single large seed. In the dried fruit
which is exported the pulp somewhat resembles a raisin in
color and form. [Written also lichi, and lychee.]
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A genus of East Indian sapindaceous trees
consisting of a single species (Litchi Chinensis, syn.
Nephelium Litchi) which bears the litchi nut.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Nephelium Longan
Longan \Lon"gan\, n. (Bot.)
A pulpy fruit related to the litchi, and produced by an
evergreen East Indian longanberry (Nephelium Longan).
[1913 Webster]
Parhelium \Par*he"li*um\, n.
See Parhelion.
[1913 Webster]
Perihelion \Per`i*hel"ion\, Perihelium \Per`i*he"li*um\, n.; pl.
Perihelia. [NL., fr. Gr. peri` about, near + "h`lios the
sun.] (Astron.)
That point of the orbit of a planet or comet which is nearest
to the sun; -- opposed to aphelion.
[1913 Webster]
campanula trachelium
Campanula trachelium
n 1: European bellflower with blue-purple to lilac flowers
formerly used to treat sore throat [syn: throatwort,
nettle-leaved bellflower, Campanula trachelium]
n 1: an epithelium of mesoblastic origin; a thin layer of
flattened cells that lines the inside of some body cavities
n 1: membranous tissue covering internal organs and other
internal surfaces of the body [syn: epithelium,
epithelial tissue]
genus nephelium
genus Nephelium
n 1: a genus of dicotyledonous trees of the family Sapindaceae
that are native to Asia and Australia [syn: Nephelium,
genus Nephelium]
helium group
helium group
n 1: the series of inert gases
n 1: epithelium originating in the embryonic mesoderm; lines the
primordial body cavity
n 1: a genus of dicotyledonous trees of the family Sapindaceae
that are native to Asia and Australia [syn: Nephelium,
genus Nephelium]
nephelium lappaceum
Nephelium lappaceum
n 1: Malayan tree bearing spiny red fruit [syn: rambutan,
rambotan, rambutan tree, Nephelium lappaceum]
nephelium litchi
Nephelium litchi
n 1: Chinese tree cultivated especially in Philippines and India
for its edible fruit; sometimes placed in genus Nephelium
[syn: litchi, lichee, litchi tree, {Litchi
chinensis}, Nephelium litchi]
nephelium longana
Nephelium longana
n 1: tree of southeastern Asia to Australia grown primarily for
its sweet edible fruit resembling litchi nuts; sometimes
placed in genera Euphorbia or Nephelium [syn: longan,
lungen, longanberry, Dimocarpus longan, {Euphorbia
litchi}, Nephelium longana]
nephelium mutabile
Nephelium mutabile
n 1: East Indian fruit tree bearing fruit similar to but sweeter
than that of the rambutan [syn: pulasan, pulassan,
pulasan tree, Nephelium mutabile]
n 1: epithelium associated with special sense organs and
containing sensory nerve endings
n 1: tissue layer around small blood vessels

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