hyrax, n:
Hyrax \Hy"rax\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? shrew mouse.] (Zool.)
Any animal of the genus Hyrax, of which about four species
are known. They constitute the order Hyracoidea. The best
known species are the daman (Hyrax Syriacus) of Palestine,
and the klipdas (Hyrax capensis) of South Africa. Other
species are Hyrax arboreus and Hyrax Sylvestris, the
former from Southern, and the latter from Western, Africa.
See Daman. Hyrcanian
n 1: any of several small ungulate mammals of Africa and Asia
with rodent-like incisors and feet with hooflike toes [syn:
hyrax, coney, cony, dassie, das]
podobné slovodefinícia
rock hyrax
rock hyrax, n:
Dendrohyrax arboreus
Boomdas \Boom"das\, n. [D. boom tree + das badger.] (Zool.)
A small African hyracoid mammal (Dendrohyrax arboreus)
resembling the daman.
[1913 Webster]
Hyrax \Hy"rax\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? shrew mouse.] (Zool.)
Any animal of the genus Hyrax, of which about four species
are known. They constitute the order Hyracoidea. The best
known species are the daman (Hyrax Syriacus) of Palestine,
and the klipdas (Hyrax capensis) of South Africa. Other
species are Hyrax arboreus and Hyrax Sylvestris, the
former from Southern, and the latter from Western, Africa.
See Daman. Hyrcanian
Hyrax arboreus
Hyrax \Hy"rax\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? shrew mouse.] (Zool.)
Any animal of the genus Hyrax, of which about four species
are known. They constitute the order Hyracoidea. The best
known species are the daman (Hyrax Syriacus) of Palestine,
and the klipdas (Hyrax capensis) of South Africa. Other
species are Hyrax arboreus and Hyrax Sylvestris, the
former from Southern, and the latter from Western, Africa.
See Daman. Hyrcanian
Hyrax Brucei
Daman \Da"man\ (d[aum]"m[.a]n), n. (Zool.)
A small herbivorous mammal of the genus Hyrax. The species
found in Palestine and Syria is Hyrax Syriacus; that of
Northern Africa is Hyrax Brucei; -- called also ashkoko,
dassy, and rock rabbit. See Cony, and Hyrax.
[1913 Webster]
Hyrax capensis
Hyrax \Hy"rax\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? shrew mouse.] (Zool.)
Any animal of the genus Hyrax, of which about four species
are known. They constitute the order Hyracoidea. The best
known species are the daman (Hyrax Syriacus) of Palestine,
and the klipdas (Hyrax capensis) of South Africa. Other
species are Hyrax arboreus and Hyrax Sylvestris, the
former from Southern, and the latter from Western, Africa.
See Daman. HyrcanianKlipdas \Klip"das\, Klipdachs \Klip"dachs`\, n. [D. klip cliff +
das badger, akin to G. dachs.] (Zool.)
A small mammal (Hyrax Capensis), found in South Africa. It
is of about the size of a rabbit, and closely resembles the
daman. Called also rock rabbit.
[1913 Webster]
Hyrax Capensis
Hyrax \Hy"rax\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? shrew mouse.] (Zool.)
Any animal of the genus Hyrax, of which about four species
are known. They constitute the order Hyracoidea. The best
known species are the daman (Hyrax Syriacus) of Palestine,
and the klipdas (Hyrax capensis) of South Africa. Other
species are Hyrax arboreus and Hyrax Sylvestris, the
former from Southern, and the latter from Western, Africa.
See Daman. HyrcanianKlipdas \Klip"das\, Klipdachs \Klip"dachs`\, n. [D. klip cliff +
das badger, akin to G. dachs.] (Zool.)
A small mammal (Hyrax Capensis), found in South Africa. It
is of about the size of a rabbit, and closely resembles the
daman. Called also rock rabbit.
[1913 Webster]
Hyrax Sylvestris
Hyrax \Hy"rax\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? shrew mouse.] (Zool.)
Any animal of the genus Hyrax, of which about four species
are known. They constitute the order Hyracoidea. The best
known species are the daman (Hyrax Syriacus) of Palestine,
and the klipdas (Hyrax capensis) of South Africa. Other
species are Hyrax arboreus and Hyrax Sylvestris, the
former from Southern, and the latter from Western, Africa.
See Daman. Hyrcanian
Hyrax Syriacus
Hyrax \Hy"rax\, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ? shrew mouse.] (Zool.)
Any animal of the genus Hyrax, of which about four species
are known. They constitute the order Hyracoidea. The best
known species are the daman (Hyrax Syriacus) of Palestine,
and the klipdas (Hyrax capensis) of South Africa. Other
species are Hyrax arboreus and Hyrax Sylvestris, the
former from Southern, and the latter from Western, Africa.
See Daman. HyrcanianCony \Co"ny\ (? or ?; 277), n. [OE. coning, conig, coni, OF.
connin, conin, connil, fr. L. cuniculus a rabbit, cony, prob.
an Hispanic word.] [Written also coney.]
1. (Zool.)
(a) A rabbit, esp., the European rabbit ({Lepus
(b) The chief hare.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The cony of Scripture is thought to be {Hyrax
Syriacus}, called also daman, and cherogril. See
[1913 Webster]

2. A simpleton. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

It is a most simple animal; whence are derived our
usual phrases of cony and cony catcher. --Diet's Dry
Dinner (1599).
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.)
(a) An important edible West Indian fish ({Epinephelus
apua}); the hind of Bermuda.
(b) A local name of the burbot. [Eng.]
[1913 Webster]Daman \Da"man\ (d[aum]"m[.a]n), n. (Zool.)
A small herbivorous mammal of the genus Hyrax. The species
found in Palestine and Syria is Hyrax Syriacus; that of
Northern Africa is Hyrax Brucei; -- called also ashkoko,
dassy, and rock rabbit. See Cony, and Hyrax.
[1913 Webster]
rock hyrax
rock hyrax
n 1: hyrax that lives in rocky areas [syn: rock hyrax, {rock
rabbit}, Procavia capensis]

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