ieee 802
IEEE 802

The IEEE standards for {local area
networks}. The spanning tree algorithm is defined in {IEEE
802.1} (under consideration), Logical Link Control (LLC, the
upper portion of the data link layer) in IEEE 802.2,
Ethernet in IEEE 802.3, Token Bus in IEEE 802.4 and IBM
Token Ring in IEEE 802.5.

The equivalent ISO standard is IS 8802.

podobné slovodefinícia
ieee 802.1
IEEE 802.1

An IEEE working group concerned with
the IEEE 802 family of networking standards,
specifically bridging and network management.

The spanning tree protocol is standardised as 802.1D.

ieee 802.2
IEEE 802.2

(Networks) The IEEE standard defining Logical Link Control
(LLC, the upper portion of the data link layer) for {local
area networks}.

ieee 802.3
IEEE 802.3

The IEEE standard defining the hardware layer
and transport layer of (a varient of) Ethernet. The
maximum segment length is 500m and the maximum total length
is 2.5km. The maximum number of hosts is 1024.

The maximum packet size is 1518 bytes. If the upper layer
protocol submits a PDU less than 64 bytes, 802.3 will pad
the LLC Info field to achieve the minimum 64 bytes.

Although it is not technically correct, the terms "packet"
and frame are used interchangeably. The ISO/IEC 8802-3
ANSI/IEEE 802.3 Standards refer to MAC sub-layer
frames consisting of the Destination Address, Source
Address, Length, LLC Info., and FCS fields. The Preamble
and SFD are (usually) considered a header to the MAC
Frame. This header plus the MAC Frame constitute a "Packet".

ieee 802.3u
IEEE 802.3u

The IEEE committee working on
standards for Fast Ethernet.

ieee 802.3z
IEEE 802.3z

The IEEE committee working on
standards for Gigabit Ethernet.

ieee 802.4
IEEE 802.4

The IEEE Token Bus standard.

ieee 802.5
IEEE 802.5

The IEEE token ring standard. The most common type of
token ring.


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