inflorescence,květenství n: Zdeněk Brož
Inflorescence \In`flo*res"cence\, n. [L. inflorescens, p. pr. of
inflorescere to begin to blossom; pref. in- in + florescere
to begin to blossom: cf. F. inflorescence. See Florescent.]
1. A flowering; the putting forth and unfolding of blossoms.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.)
(a) The mode of flowering, or the general arrangement and
disposition of the flowers with reference to the axis,
and to each other.
(b) An axis on which all the buds are flower buds.
[1913 Webster]

Inflorescence affords an excellent
characteristic mark in distinguishing the
species of plants. --Milne.
[1913 Webster]

Centrifugal inflorescence, determinate inflorescence.

Centripetal inflorescence, indeterminate inflorescence. See
under Determinate, and Indeterminate.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: the time and process of budding and unfolding of blossoms
[syn: blossoming, flowering, florescence,
inflorescence, anthesis, efflorescence]
2: the flowering part of a plant or arrangement of flowers on a
podobné slovodefinícia
acropetal inflorescence
Indeterminate \In`de*ter"mi*nate\, a. [L. indeterminatus.]
Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not
precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. --Paley.
[1913 Webster]

Indeterminate analysis (Math.), that branch of analysis
which has for its object the solution of indeterminate

Indeterminate coefficients (Math.), coefficients
arbitrarily assumed for convenience of calculation, or to
facilitate some artifice of analysis. Their values are
subsequently determined.

Indeterminate equation (Math.), an equation in which the
unknown quantities admit of an infinite number of values,
or sets of values. A group of equations is indeterminate
when it contains more unknown quantities than there are

Indeterminate inflorescence (Bot.), a mode of inflorescence
in which the flowers all arise from axillary buds, the
terminal bud going on to grow and sometimes continuing the
stem indefinitely; -- called also {acropetal
inflorescence}, botryose inflorescence, {centripetal
inflorescence}, and indefinite inflorescence. --Gray.

Indeterminate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of an
infinite number of solutions, or one in which there are
fewer imposed conditions than there are unknown or
required results.

Indeterminate quantity (Math.), a quantity which has no
fixed value, but which may be varied in accordance with
any proposed condition.

Indeterminate series (Math.), a series whose terms proceed
by the powers of an indeterminate quantity, sometimes also
with indeterminate exponents, or indeterminate
coefficients. -- In`de*ter"mi*nate*ly adv. --
In`de*ter"mi*nate*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
botryose inflorescence
Indeterminate \In`de*ter"mi*nate\, a. [L. indeterminatus.]
Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not
precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. --Paley.
[1913 Webster]

Indeterminate analysis (Math.), that branch of analysis
which has for its object the solution of indeterminate

Indeterminate coefficients (Math.), coefficients
arbitrarily assumed for convenience of calculation, or to
facilitate some artifice of analysis. Their values are
subsequently determined.

Indeterminate equation (Math.), an equation in which the
unknown quantities admit of an infinite number of values,
or sets of values. A group of equations is indeterminate
when it contains more unknown quantities than there are

Indeterminate inflorescence (Bot.), a mode of inflorescence
in which the flowers all arise from axillary buds, the
terminal bud going on to grow and sometimes continuing the
stem indefinitely; -- called also {acropetal
inflorescence}, botryose inflorescence, {centripetal
inflorescence}, and indefinite inflorescence. --Gray.

Indeterminate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of an
infinite number of solutions, or one in which there are
fewer imposed conditions than there are unknown or
required results.

Indeterminate quantity (Math.), a quantity which has no
fixed value, but which may be varied in accordance with
any proposed condition.

Indeterminate series (Math.), a series whose terms proceed
by the powers of an indeterminate quantity, sometimes also
with indeterminate exponents, or indeterminate
coefficients. -- In`de*ter"mi*nate*ly adv. --
In`de*ter"mi*nate*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Centrifugal inflorescence
Inflorescence \In`flo*res"cence\, n. [L. inflorescens, p. pr. of
inflorescere to begin to blossom; pref. in- in + florescere
to begin to blossom: cf. F. inflorescence. See Florescent.]
1. A flowering; the putting forth and unfolding of blossoms.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.)
(a) The mode of flowering, or the general arrangement and
disposition of the flowers with reference to the axis,
and to each other.
(b) An axis on which all the buds are flower buds.
[1913 Webster]

Inflorescence affords an excellent
characteristic mark in distinguishing the
species of plants. --Milne.
[1913 Webster]

Centrifugal inflorescence, determinate inflorescence.

Centripetal inflorescence, indeterminate inflorescence. See
under Determinate, and Indeterminate.
[1913 Webster]Determinate \De*ter"mi*nate\, a. [L. determinatus, p. p. of
determinare. See Determine.]
1. Having defined limits; not uncertain or arbitrary; fixed;
established; definite.
[1913 Webster]

Quantity of words and a determinate number of feet.
[1913 Webster]

2. Conclusive; decisive; positive.
[1913 Webster]

The determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.
--Acts ii. 23.
[1913 Webster]

3. Determined or resolved upon. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

My determinate voyage. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Of determined purpose; resolute. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

More determinate to do than skillful how to do.
--Sir P.
[1913 Webster]

Determinate inflorescence (Bot.), that in which the
flowering commences with the terminal bud of a stem, which
puts a limit to its growth; -- also called {centrifugal

Determinate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of a
limited number of solutions.

Determinate quantities, Determinate equations (Math.),
those that are finite in the number of values or
solutions, that is, in which the conditions of the problem
or equation determine the number.
[1913 Webster]
centrifugal inflorescence
Inflorescence \In`flo*res"cence\, n. [L. inflorescens, p. pr. of
inflorescere to begin to blossom; pref. in- in + florescere
to begin to blossom: cf. F. inflorescence. See Florescent.]
1. A flowering; the putting forth and unfolding of blossoms.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.)
(a) The mode of flowering, or the general arrangement and
disposition of the flowers with reference to the axis,
and to each other.
(b) An axis on which all the buds are flower buds.
[1913 Webster]

Inflorescence affords an excellent
characteristic mark in distinguishing the
species of plants. --Milne.
[1913 Webster]

Centrifugal inflorescence, determinate inflorescence.

Centripetal inflorescence, indeterminate inflorescence. See
under Determinate, and Indeterminate.
[1913 Webster]Determinate \De*ter"mi*nate\, a. [L. determinatus, p. p. of
determinare. See Determine.]
1. Having defined limits; not uncertain or arbitrary; fixed;
established; definite.
[1913 Webster]

Quantity of words and a determinate number of feet.
[1913 Webster]

2. Conclusive; decisive; positive.
[1913 Webster]

The determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.
--Acts ii. 23.
[1913 Webster]

3. Determined or resolved upon. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

My determinate voyage. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Of determined purpose; resolute. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

More determinate to do than skillful how to do.
--Sir P.
[1913 Webster]

Determinate inflorescence (Bot.), that in which the
flowering commences with the terminal bud of a stem, which
puts a limit to its growth; -- also called {centrifugal

Determinate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of a
limited number of solutions.

Determinate quantities, Determinate equations (Math.),
those that are finite in the number of values or
solutions, that is, in which the conditions of the problem
or equation determine the number.
[1913 Webster]
centripetal inflorescence
Indeterminate \In`de*ter"mi*nate\, a. [L. indeterminatus.]
Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not
precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. --Paley.
[1913 Webster]

Indeterminate analysis (Math.), that branch of analysis
which has for its object the solution of indeterminate

Indeterminate coefficients (Math.), coefficients
arbitrarily assumed for convenience of calculation, or to
facilitate some artifice of analysis. Their values are
subsequently determined.

Indeterminate equation (Math.), an equation in which the
unknown quantities admit of an infinite number of values,
or sets of values. A group of equations is indeterminate
when it contains more unknown quantities than there are

Indeterminate inflorescence (Bot.), a mode of inflorescence
in which the flowers all arise from axillary buds, the
terminal bud going on to grow and sometimes continuing the
stem indefinitely; -- called also {acropetal
inflorescence}, botryose inflorescence, {centripetal
inflorescence}, and indefinite inflorescence. --Gray.

Indeterminate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of an
infinite number of solutions, or one in which there are
fewer imposed conditions than there are unknown or
required results.

Indeterminate quantity (Math.), a quantity which has no
fixed value, but which may be varied in accordance with
any proposed condition.

Indeterminate series (Math.), a series whose terms proceed
by the powers of an indeterminate quantity, sometimes also
with indeterminate exponents, or indeterminate
coefficients. -- In`de*ter"mi*nate*ly adv. --
In`de*ter"mi*nate*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]Inflorescence \In`flo*res"cence\, n. [L. inflorescens, p. pr. of
inflorescere to begin to blossom; pref. in- in + florescere
to begin to blossom: cf. F. inflorescence. See Florescent.]
1. A flowering; the putting forth and unfolding of blossoms.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.)
(a) The mode of flowering, or the general arrangement and
disposition of the flowers with reference to the axis,
and to each other.
(b) An axis on which all the buds are flower buds.
[1913 Webster]

Inflorescence affords an excellent
characteristic mark in distinguishing the
species of plants. --Milne.
[1913 Webster]

Centrifugal inflorescence, determinate inflorescence.

Centripetal inflorescence, indeterminate inflorescence. See
under Determinate, and Indeterminate.
[1913 Webster]
Centripetal inflorescence
Indeterminate \In`de*ter"mi*nate\, a. [L. indeterminatus.]
Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not
precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. --Paley.
[1913 Webster]

Indeterminate analysis (Math.), that branch of analysis
which has for its object the solution of indeterminate

Indeterminate coefficients (Math.), coefficients
arbitrarily assumed for convenience of calculation, or to
facilitate some artifice of analysis. Their values are
subsequently determined.

Indeterminate equation (Math.), an equation in which the
unknown quantities admit of an infinite number of values,
or sets of values. A group of equations is indeterminate
when it contains more unknown quantities than there are

Indeterminate inflorescence (Bot.), a mode of inflorescence
in which the flowers all arise from axillary buds, the
terminal bud going on to grow and sometimes continuing the
stem indefinitely; -- called also {acropetal
inflorescence}, botryose inflorescence, {centripetal
inflorescence}, and indefinite inflorescence. --Gray.

Indeterminate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of an
infinite number of solutions, or one in which there are
fewer imposed conditions than there are unknown or
required results.

Indeterminate quantity (Math.), a quantity which has no
fixed value, but which may be varied in accordance with
any proposed condition.

Indeterminate series (Math.), a series whose terms proceed
by the powers of an indeterminate quantity, sometimes also
with indeterminate exponents, or indeterminate
coefficients. -- In`de*ter"mi*nate*ly adv. --
In`de*ter"mi*nate*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]Inflorescence \In`flo*res"cence\, n. [L. inflorescens, p. pr. of
inflorescere to begin to blossom; pref. in- in + florescere
to begin to blossom: cf. F. inflorescence. See Florescent.]
1. A flowering; the putting forth and unfolding of blossoms.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.)
(a) The mode of flowering, or the general arrangement and
disposition of the flowers with reference to the axis,
and to each other.
(b) An axis on which all the buds are flower buds.
[1913 Webster]

Inflorescence affords an excellent
characteristic mark in distinguishing the
species of plants. --Milne.
[1913 Webster]

Centrifugal inflorescence, determinate inflorescence.

Centripetal inflorescence, indeterminate inflorescence. See
under Determinate, and Indeterminate.
[1913 Webster]
Definite inflorescence
Definite \Def"i*nite\, a. [L. definitis, p. p. of definire: cf.
F. d['e]fini. See Define.]
1. Having certain or distinct; determinate in extent or
greatness; limited; fixed; as, definite dimensions; a
definite measure; a definite period or interval.
[1913 Webster]

Elements combine in definite proportions. --Whewell.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having certain limits in signification; determinate;
certain; precise; fixed; exact; clear; as, a definite
word, term, or expression.
[1913 Webster]

3. Determined; resolved. [Obs.] --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Serving to define or restrict; limiting; determining; as,
the definite article.
[1913 Webster]

Definite article (Gram.), the article the, which is used to
designate a particular person or thing, or a particular
class of persons or things; -- also called a definitive.
See Definitive, n. -

Definite inflorescence. (Bot.) See {Determinate
inflorescence}, under Determinate.

Law of definite proportions (Chem.), the essential law of
chemical combination that every definite compound always
contains the same elements in the same proportions by
weight; and, if two or more elements form more than one
compound with each other, the relative proportions of each
are fixed. Compare Law of multiple proportions, under
[1913 Webster]
Determinate inflorescence
Determinate \De*ter"mi*nate\, a. [L. determinatus, p. p. of
determinare. See Determine.]
1. Having defined limits; not uncertain or arbitrary; fixed;
established; definite.
[1913 Webster]

Quantity of words and a determinate number of feet.
[1913 Webster]

2. Conclusive; decisive; positive.
[1913 Webster]

The determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.
--Acts ii. 23.
[1913 Webster]

3. Determined or resolved upon. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

My determinate voyage. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Of determined purpose; resolute. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

More determinate to do than skillful how to do.
--Sir P.
[1913 Webster]

Determinate inflorescence (Bot.), that in which the
flowering commences with the terminal bud of a stem, which
puts a limit to its growth; -- also called {centrifugal

Determinate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of a
limited number of solutions.

Determinate quantities, Determinate equations (Math.),
those that are finite in the number of values or
solutions, that is, in which the conditions of the problem
or equation determine the number.
[1913 Webster]
Indefinite inflorescence
Indefinite \In*def"i*nite\, a. [L. indefinitus. See In- not,
and Definite.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Not definite; not limited, defined, or specified; not
explicit; not determined or fixed upon; not precise;
uncertain; vague; confused; obscure; as, an indefinite
time, plan, etc.
[1913 Webster]

It were to be wished that . . . men would leave off
that indefinite way of vouching, "the chymists say
this," or "the chymists affirm that." --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]

The time of this last is left indefinite. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having no determined or certain limits; large and
unmeasured, though not infinite; unlimited; as, indefinite
space; the indefinite extension of a straight line.
[1913 Webster]

Though it is not infinite, it may be indefinite;
though it is not boundless in itself, it may be so
to human comprehension. --Spectator.
[1913 Webster]

3. Boundless; infinite. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Indefinite and omnipresent God,
Inhabiting eternity. --W. Thompson
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.) Too numerous or variable to make a particular
enumeration important; -- said of the parts of a flower,
and the like. Also, indeterminate.
[1913 Webster]

Indefinite article (Gram.), the word a or an, used with
nouns to denote any one of a common or general class.

Indefinite inflorescence. (Bot.) See {Indeterminate
inflorescence}, under Indeterminate.

Indefinite proposition (Logic), a statement whose subject
is a common term, with nothing to indicate distribution or
nondistribution; as, Man is mortal.

Indefinite term (Logic), a negative term; as, the not-good.

Syn: Inexplicit; vague; uncertain; unsettled; indeterminate;
loose; equivocal; inexact; approximate.
[1913 Webster]Indeterminate \In`de*ter"mi*nate\, a. [L. indeterminatus.]
Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not
precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. --Paley.
[1913 Webster]

Indeterminate analysis (Math.), that branch of analysis
which has for its object the solution of indeterminate

Indeterminate coefficients (Math.), coefficients
arbitrarily assumed for convenience of calculation, or to
facilitate some artifice of analysis. Their values are
subsequently determined.

Indeterminate equation (Math.), an equation in which the
unknown quantities admit of an infinite number of values,
or sets of values. A group of equations is indeterminate
when it contains more unknown quantities than there are

Indeterminate inflorescence (Bot.), a mode of inflorescence
in which the flowers all arise from axillary buds, the
terminal bud going on to grow and sometimes continuing the
stem indefinitely; -- called also {acropetal
inflorescence}, botryose inflorescence, {centripetal
inflorescence}, and indefinite inflorescence. --Gray.

Indeterminate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of an
infinite number of solutions, or one in which there are
fewer imposed conditions than there are unknown or
required results.

Indeterminate quantity (Math.), a quantity which has no
fixed value, but which may be varied in accordance with
any proposed condition.

Indeterminate series (Math.), a series whose terms proceed
by the powers of an indeterminate quantity, sometimes also
with indeterminate exponents, or indeterminate
coefficients. -- In`de*ter"mi*nate*ly adv. --
In`de*ter"mi*nate*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
indefinite inflorescence
Indefinite \In*def"i*nite\, a. [L. indefinitus. See In- not,
and Definite.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Not definite; not limited, defined, or specified; not
explicit; not determined or fixed upon; not precise;
uncertain; vague; confused; obscure; as, an indefinite
time, plan, etc.
[1913 Webster]

It were to be wished that . . . men would leave off
that indefinite way of vouching, "the chymists say
this," or "the chymists affirm that." --Boyle.
[1913 Webster]

The time of this last is left indefinite. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having no determined or certain limits; large and
unmeasured, though not infinite; unlimited; as, indefinite
space; the indefinite extension of a straight line.
[1913 Webster]

Though it is not infinite, it may be indefinite;
though it is not boundless in itself, it may be so
to human comprehension. --Spectator.
[1913 Webster]

3. Boundless; infinite. [R.]
[1913 Webster]

Indefinite and omnipresent God,
Inhabiting eternity. --W. Thompson
[1913 Webster]

4. (Bot.) Too numerous or variable to make a particular
enumeration important; -- said of the parts of a flower,
and the like. Also, indeterminate.
[1913 Webster]

Indefinite article (Gram.), the word a or an, used with
nouns to denote any one of a common or general class.

Indefinite inflorescence. (Bot.) See {Indeterminate
inflorescence}, under Indeterminate.

Indefinite proposition (Logic), a statement whose subject
is a common term, with nothing to indicate distribution or
nondistribution; as, Man is mortal.

Indefinite term (Logic), a negative term; as, the not-good.

Syn: Inexplicit; vague; uncertain; unsettled; indeterminate;
loose; equivocal; inexact; approximate.
[1913 Webster]Indeterminate \In`de*ter"mi*nate\, a. [L. indeterminatus.]
Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not
precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. --Paley.
[1913 Webster]

Indeterminate analysis (Math.), that branch of analysis
which has for its object the solution of indeterminate

Indeterminate coefficients (Math.), coefficients
arbitrarily assumed for convenience of calculation, or to
facilitate some artifice of analysis. Their values are
subsequently determined.

Indeterminate equation (Math.), an equation in which the
unknown quantities admit of an infinite number of values,
or sets of values. A group of equations is indeterminate
when it contains more unknown quantities than there are

Indeterminate inflorescence (Bot.), a mode of inflorescence
in which the flowers all arise from axillary buds, the
terminal bud going on to grow and sometimes continuing the
stem indefinitely; -- called also {acropetal
inflorescence}, botryose inflorescence, {centripetal
inflorescence}, and indefinite inflorescence. --Gray.

Indeterminate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of an
infinite number of solutions, or one in which there are
fewer imposed conditions than there are unknown or
required results.

Indeterminate quantity (Math.), a quantity which has no
fixed value, but which may be varied in accordance with
any proposed condition.

Indeterminate series (Math.), a series whose terms proceed
by the powers of an indeterminate quantity, sometimes also
with indeterminate exponents, or indeterminate
coefficients. -- In`de*ter"mi*nate*ly adv. --
In`de*ter"mi*nate*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Indeterminate inflorescence
Indeterminate \In`de*ter"mi*nate\, a. [L. indeterminatus.]
Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not
precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. --Paley.
[1913 Webster]

Indeterminate analysis (Math.), that branch of analysis
which has for its object the solution of indeterminate

Indeterminate coefficients (Math.), coefficients
arbitrarily assumed for convenience of calculation, or to
facilitate some artifice of analysis. Their values are
subsequently determined.

Indeterminate equation (Math.), an equation in which the
unknown quantities admit of an infinite number of values,
or sets of values. A group of equations is indeterminate
when it contains more unknown quantities than there are

Indeterminate inflorescence (Bot.), a mode of inflorescence
in which the flowers all arise from axillary buds, the
terminal bud going on to grow and sometimes continuing the
stem indefinitely; -- called also {acropetal
inflorescence}, botryose inflorescence, {centripetal
inflorescence}, and indefinite inflorescence. --Gray.

Indeterminate problem (Math.), a problem which admits of an
infinite number of solutions, or one in which there are
fewer imposed conditions than there are unknown or
required results.

Indeterminate quantity (Math.), a quantity which has no
fixed value, but which may be varied in accordance with
any proposed condition.

Indeterminate series (Math.), a series whose terms proceed
by the powers of an indeterminate quantity, sometimes also
with indeterminate exponents, or indeterminate
coefficients. -- In`de*ter"mi*nate*ly adv. --
In`de*ter"mi*nate*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Inflorescence \In`flo*res"cence\, n. [L. inflorescens, p. pr. of
inflorescere to begin to blossom; pref. in- in + florescere
to begin to blossom: cf. F. inflorescence. See Florescent.]
1. A flowering; the putting forth and unfolding of blossoms.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.)
(a) The mode of flowering, or the general arrangement and
disposition of the flowers with reference to the axis,
and to each other.
(b) An axis on which all the buds are flower buds.
[1913 Webster]

Inflorescence affords an excellent
characteristic mark in distinguishing the
species of plants. --Milne.
[1913 Webster]

Centrifugal inflorescence, determinate inflorescence.

Centripetal inflorescence, indeterminate inflorescence. See
under Determinate, and Indeterminate.
[1913 Webster]

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