- vnútorný, dovnútra, vnútri, vo vnútri
inside,vnitřek n: Zdeněk Brož
inside,vnitřní adj: Zdeněk Brož
Inside \In"side`\, prep. or adv.
Within the sides of; in the interior; contained within; as,
inside a house, book, bottle, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Inside \In"side`\, a.
1. Being within; included or inclosed in anything; contained;
interior; internal; as, the inside passengers of a
stagecoach; inside decoration.
[1913 Webster]

Kissing with inside lip. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Adapted to the interior.
[1913 Webster]

Inside callipers (Mech.), callipers for measuring the
diameters of holes, etc.

Inside finish (Arch.), a general term for the final work in
any building necessary for its completion, but other than
unusual decoration; thus, in joiner work, the doors and
windows, inside shutters, door and window trimmings,
paneled jams, baseboards, and sometimes flooring and
stairs; in plaster work, the finishing coat, the cornices,
centerpieces, etc.,; in painting, all simple painting of
woodwork and plastering.

Inside track, the inner part of a race course; hence,
colloquially, advantage of place, facilities, contacts,
etc., in competition.
[1913 Webster]
Inside \In"side`\, n.
1. The part within; interior or internal portion; content.
[1913 Webster]

Looked he o' the inside of the paper? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. The inward parts; entrails; bowels; hence, that which
is within; private thoughts and feelings.
[1913 Webster]

Here's none but friends; we may speak
Our insides freely. --Massinger.
[1913 Webster]

3. An inside passenger of a coach or carriage, as
distinguished from one upon the outside. [Colloq. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

So down thy hill, romantic Ashbourne, glides
The Derby dilly, carrying three insides.
[1913 Webster]

Patent insides or Patent outsides, a name give to
newspaper sheets printed on one side with general and
miscellaneous matter, and furnished wholesale to offices
of small newspapers, where the blank pages are filled up
with recent and local news.
[1913 Webster]
adv 1: within a building; "in winter we play inside" [syn:
inside, indoors] [ant: alfresco, out of doors,
outdoors, outside]
2: on the inside; "inside, the car is a mess" [syn: inside,
within] [ant: outside]
3: with respect to private feelings; "inwardly, she was raging"
[syn: inwardly, inside] [ant: outwardly]
4: in reality; "she is very kind at heart" [syn: at heart, {at
bottom}, deep down, inside, in spite of appearance]
adj 1: relating to or being on the side closer to the center or
within a defined space; "he reached into his inside
jacket pocket"; "inside out"; "an inside pitch is between
home plate and the batter" [ant: outside]
2: being or applying to the inside of a building; "an inside
3: confined to an exclusive group; "privy to inner knowledge";
"inside information"; "privileged information" [syn:
inside, inner, privileged]
4: away from the outer edge; "an inner lahne"; "the inside lane"
n 1: the region that is inside of something [syn: inside,
interior] [ant: exterior, outside]
2: the inner or enclosed surface of something [syn: inside,
interior] [ant: exterior, outside]
podobné slovodefinícia
from the inside
from the inside
- zvnútra
- naruby
- úpätie hory
from the inside
from the inside,zevnitř Zdeněk Brož
inside caliper
inside caliper, n:
inside clinch
inside clinch, n:
inside information
inside information,důvěrné sdělení n: Zdeněk Brož
inside job
inside job, n:
inside joke
inside joke,
inside loop
inside loop, n:
inside out
inside out,naruby adj: Milan Svoboda
inside track
inside track, n:
inside-out,naruby Zdeněk Brož
insider,zasvěcenec n: web
insider dealing
insider dealing,
insider information
insider information, n:
insider loan
insider loan,
insider trading
insider trading,
insides,vnitřky n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
know inside out
know inside out,
mountainside,horský svah Zdeněk Brož
the inside story
the inside story,
the inside track
the inside track,
Inside \In"side`\, prep. or adv.
Within the sides of; in the interior; contained within; as,
inside a house, book, bottle, etc.
[1913 Webster]Inside \In"side`\, a.
1. Being within; included or inclosed in anything; contained;
interior; internal; as, the inside passengers of a
stagecoach; inside decoration.
[1913 Webster]

Kissing with inside lip. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Adapted to the interior.
[1913 Webster]

Inside callipers (Mech.), callipers for measuring the
diameters of holes, etc.

Inside finish (Arch.), a general term for the final work in
any building necessary for its completion, but other than
unusual decoration; thus, in joiner work, the doors and
windows, inside shutters, door and window trimmings,
paneled jams, baseboards, and sometimes flooring and
stairs; in plaster work, the finishing coat, the cornices,
centerpieces, etc.,; in painting, all simple painting of
woodwork and plastering.

Inside track, the inner part of a race course; hence,
colloquially, advantage of place, facilities, contacts,
etc., in competition.
[1913 Webster]Inside \In"side`\, n.
1. The part within; interior or internal portion; content.
[1913 Webster]

Looked he o' the inside of the paper? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. The inward parts; entrails; bowels; hence, that which
is within; private thoughts and feelings.
[1913 Webster]

Here's none but friends; we may speak
Our insides freely. --Massinger.
[1913 Webster]

3. An inside passenger of a coach or carriage, as
distinguished from one upon the outside. [Colloq. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

So down thy hill, romantic Ashbourne, glides
The Derby dilly, carrying three insides.
[1913 Webster]

Patent insides or Patent outsides, a name give to
newspaper sheets printed on one side with general and
miscellaneous matter, and furnished wholesale to offices
of small newspapers, where the blank pages are filled up
with recent and local news.
[1913 Webster]
Inside callipers
Inside \In"side`\, a.
1. Being within; included or inclosed in anything; contained;
interior; internal; as, the inside passengers of a
stagecoach; inside decoration.
[1913 Webster]

Kissing with inside lip. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Adapted to the interior.
[1913 Webster]

Inside callipers (Mech.), callipers for measuring the
diameters of holes, etc.

Inside finish (Arch.), a general term for the final work in
any building necessary for its completion, but other than
unusual decoration; thus, in joiner work, the doors and
windows, inside shutters, door and window trimmings,
paneled jams, baseboards, and sometimes flooring and
stairs; in plaster work, the finishing coat, the cornices,
centerpieces, etc.,; in painting, all simple painting of
woodwork and plastering.

Inside track, the inner part of a race course; hence,
colloquially, advantage of place, facilities, contacts,
etc., in competition.
[1913 Webster]
Inside finish
Inside \In"side`\, a.
1. Being within; included or inclosed in anything; contained;
interior; internal; as, the inside passengers of a
stagecoach; inside decoration.
[1913 Webster]

Kissing with inside lip. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Adapted to the interior.
[1913 Webster]

Inside callipers (Mech.), callipers for measuring the
diameters of holes, etc.

Inside finish (Arch.), a general term for the final work in
any building necessary for its completion, but other than
unusual decoration; thus, in joiner work, the doors and
windows, inside shutters, door and window trimmings,
paneled jams, baseboards, and sometimes flooring and
stairs; in plaster work, the finishing coat, the cornices,
centerpieces, etc.,; in painting, all simple painting of
woodwork and plastering.

Inside track, the inner part of a race course; hence,
colloquially, advantage of place, facilities, contacts,
etc., in competition.
[1913 Webster]
Inside lap
Lap \Lap\ (l[a^]p), n. [OE. lappe, AS. l[ae]ppa; akin to D. lap
patch, piece, G. lappen, OHG. lappa, Dan. lap, Sw. lapp.]
1. The loose part of a coat; the lower part of a garment that
plays loosely; a skirt; an apron. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

2. An edge; a border; a hem, as of cloth. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]

If he cuts off but a lap of truth's garment, his
heart smites him. --Fuller.
[1913 Webster]

3. The part of the clothing that lies on the knees or thighs
when one sits down; that part of the person thus covered;
figuratively, a place of rearing and fostering; as, to be
reared in the lap of luxury.
[1913 Webster]

Men expect that happiness should drop into their
laps. --Tillotson.
[1913 Webster]

4. That part of any substance or fixture which extends over,
or lies upon, or by the side of, a part of another; as,
the lap of a board; also, the measure of such extension
over or upon another thing.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The lap of shingles or slates in roofing is the
distance one course extends over the second course
below, the distance over the course immediately below
being called the cover.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Steam Engine) The amount by which a slide valve at its
half stroke overlaps a port in the seat, being equal to
the distance the valve must move from its mid stroke
position in order to begin to open the port. Used alone,
lap refers to outside lap. See Outside lap (below).
[1913 Webster]

6. The state or condition of being in part extended over or
by the side of something else; or the extent of the
overlapping; as, the second boat got a lap of half its
length on the leader.
[1913 Webster]

7. One circuit around a race track, esp. when the distance is
a small fraction of a mile; as, to run twenty laps; to win
by three laps. See Lap, to fold, 2.
[1913 Webster]

8. In card playing and other games, the points won in excess
of the number necessary to complete a game; -- so called
when they are counted in the score of the following game.
[1913 Webster]

9. (Cotton Manuf.) A sheet, layer, or bat, of cotton fiber
prepared for the carding machine.
[1913 Webster]

10. (Mach.) A piece of brass, lead, or other soft metal, used
to hold a cutting or polishing powder in cutting glass,
gems, and the like, or in polishing cutlery, etc. It is
usually in the form of wheel or disk, which revolves on a
vertical axis.
[1913 Webster]

Lap joint, a joint made by one layer, part, or piece,
overlapping another, as in the scarfing of timbers.

Lap weld, a lap joint made by welding together overlapping
edges or ends.

Inside lap (Steam Engine), lap of the valve with respect to
the exhaust port.

Outside lap, lap with respect to the admission, or steam,
[1913 Webster]
Inside track
Inside \In"side`\, a.
1. Being within; included or inclosed in anything; contained;
interior; internal; as, the inside passengers of a
stagecoach; inside decoration.
[1913 Webster]

Kissing with inside lip. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. Adapted to the interior.
[1913 Webster]

Inside callipers (Mech.), callipers for measuring the
diameters of holes, etc.

Inside finish (Arch.), a general term for the final work in
any building necessary for its completion, but other than
unusual decoration; thus, in joiner work, the doors and
windows, inside shutters, door and window trimmings,
paneled jams, baseboards, and sometimes flooring and
stairs; in plaster work, the finishing coat, the cornices,
centerpieces, etc.,; in painting, all simple painting of
woodwork and plastering.

Inside track, the inner part of a race course; hence,
colloquially, advantage of place, facilities, contacts,
etc., in competition.
[1913 Webster]
insider \insider\ n.
an officer of a corporation or others who have access to
private information about the corporation's operations,
especially information relating to profitability.

Note: An insider is forbidden by U. S. securities laws to
trade stock in publicly owned corporations based on the
private information. The definition of insider for the
purpose of securities law has changed in the late 29th
century to become more inclusive, whereas it initially
was applied only to officers of a corporation.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
inside-the-park home run
Home run \Home" run`\, n. (Baseball)
a complete circuit of the bases made by the batter without
being put out and without an error on the play; also, the hit
on which the batter makes such a circuit; a four-base hit.

Note: Most home runs are made when the batter hits a fair
ball out of the playing area on a fly, when the ball
cannot be played by the defending team; if a batter
circuits the bases while the ball is still inside the
playing field, it is an inside-the-park home run.
Patent insides
Inside \In"side`\, n.
1. The part within; interior or internal portion; content.
[1913 Webster]

Looked he o' the inside of the paper? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. pl. The inward parts; entrails; bowels; hence, that which
is within; private thoughts and feelings.
[1913 Webster]

Here's none but friends; we may speak
Our insides freely. --Massinger.
[1913 Webster]

3. An inside passenger of a coach or carriage, as
distinguished from one upon the outside. [Colloq. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

So down thy hill, romantic Ashbourne, glides
The Derby dilly, carrying three insides.
[1913 Webster]

Patent insides or Patent outsides, a name give to
newspaper sheets printed on one side with general and
miscellaneous matter, and furnished wholesale to offices
of small newspapers, where the blank pages are filled up
with recent and local news.
[1913 Webster]
Withinside \With*in"side`\, adv.
In the inner parts; inside. [Obs.] --Graves.
[1913 Webster]
inside caliper
inside caliper
n 1: caliper for measuring inside dimensions (the size of a
cavity or hole); points on its legs curve outward
inside clinch
inside clinch
n 1: a clinch with the end of the line inside the loop
inside information
inside information
n 1: true confidential information; "after the trial he gave us
the real details" [syn: details, inside information]
inside job
inside job
n 1: some transgression committed with the assistance of someone
trusted by the victim; "the police decided that the crime
was an inside job"
inside loop
inside loop
n 1: a loop consisting of a climb followed by inverted flight
followed by a dive that returns to horizontal flight
inside out
inside out
adv 1: with the inside facing outward; "she turned the shirt
inside out"
2: thoroughly; from every perspective; "she knows this town
inside out"
inside passage
Inside Passage
n 1: a naturally protected waterway from Seattle to Skagway in
southeastern Alaska [syn: Inland Passage, {Inside
inside track
inside track
n 1: a favorable position in a competition; "the boss's son had
the inside track for that job"
2: the inner side of a curved racecourse
adj 1: with the inside surface on the outside [syn: {wrong-side-
out(p)}, inside-out(p)]
n 1: an officer of a corporation or others who have access to
private information about the corporation's operations
insider information
insider information
n 1: important information about the plans or condition of a
corporation that has not been released to the public; use
for personal profit is illegal
insider trading
insider trading
n 1: buying or selling corporate stock by a corporate officer or
other insider on the basis of information that has not been
made public and is supposed to remain confidential
n 1: the side or slope of a mountain; "conifer forests cover the
eastern versant" [syn: mountainside, versant]

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